Cómo hacer requesón alemán - Con zumo de limón o con cuajo

Cómo hacer requesón alemán - Con zumo de limón o con cuajo

Hola Hola, bienvenido al canal de Nico Stanitzok. Hoy hacemos quark de dos formas diferentes. Una vez usando jugo de limón y la otra quark con la ayuda de cuajo. Primero te voy a mostrar como funciona y luego haremos la prueba de sabor definitiva, porque ni siquiera sé a qué sabe todavía. Entonces, comencemos, y lo primero que haremos es un quark con la ayuda de jugo de limón. Yo uso leche entera para ello. Normalmente, el quark se elabora con leche desnatada con 0,1% de grasa, pero no funciona con este método de usar jugo de limón, simplemente se convertirá en una sustancia acuosa anodina. En cualquier caso tenemos que calentar la leche entre 28 y 30 ° C. Y mientras tanto exprimiremos el jugo de limón. Cuando la leche esté lo suficientemente tibia, agregamos 3 cucharadas de jugo de limón. Y tapamos la olla y la dejamos toda la noche en un lugar lo más cálido posible. En la parte superior del refrigerador siempre es bastante bueno, porque el aire que sale por la parte trasera del frigorífico siempre está bastante caliente. A la mañana siguiente, como puede ver, la leche se ha espesado y lo voy a verter por un colador que forré con un trapo y luego lo dejaremos escurrir durante unas 6 a 8 horas. Luego podemos poner el quark en algún tipo de recipiente. Voy a poner el quark en un vaso, because it needs to be in the refrigeratorfor another 4 to 5 hours at least to cool down thoroughlyso it'll become nice and firm. Next let's makeour quark with rennet. And for that we use,as I said before, skim milk because generally quark is alwaysmade from skim milk. And the fat level is only determined afterwards,simply by adding cream. So if you want especially creamy quark, then you just add cream at the end until the quark is as creamyas you would like it to be. With that said. The principle is the same. We have to warm up the milk firstto 28 to 30 degrees, I always like to check itwith a thermometer to be sure. Next, we're mixing in 50 g of yogurt, which also helps to thicken the milkbecause of the lactic acid bacteria, because the pasteurized milk doesn'thave a lot of lactic acid bacteria anymore. And, of course, that also providesfor a nice tart aroma, because the lab I'm using here now,the lab tablet, I just need a little piece of that,I mix it with 2 or 3 tablespoons of warm water, the rennet thickens the milk,but it does not sour the milk. So that means, in principle we wouldget a non-sour quark. That's why we usea little additional yoghurt like I said, just to havelactic acid bacteria in the milk, which make the whole thingjust a little bit sour, yeah. Well, I got myselfa little distracted here, I had stopped at the lab. So I'm dissolving justa teeny, tiny bit of the lab, because normally one tabletis used for 20 litres of milk. So just a teeny, tiny piece is enough. And then we stir the rennet into the milk, cover it with a cloth and let itferment overnight into quark. The next morning, as you can see, the milk is really nice and thick.So this looks like a really firm quark. And we're draining that as well. And for that I'm puttingmy bowl on an oven rack so it doesn't fall into my bowl. And then we'll skim the quark off the topand like I said, we're draining it now. It takes about 6 to 8 hours. Of course, you can help it along if you likeand wrap it in the cloth and squeeze it. I let gravity take effectand let the quark drain by itself. It doesn't need my help. How long you drain the quark just depends on how firm you want your quark or ratherhow dry you want your quark to be. If you don't want the quark to be this dry, then it will do to let it drainfor just 4 hours of course. So, I've drained my quark andI'm going to pour it into jars as well. And they'll also go inthe refrigerator for 5 to 6 hours in order for the quark to cool down thoroughlyor even overnight, of course. And we have a lot of whey too,which can still be used. For example, you can use it to bake bread. I have a nice recipe for thatlinked here in the box below. If you like you can drink it,if you like you can drink the whey of course. Nice and cool, nice and sour, very refreshing. But I like to bake a bread with it, yes. Yeah, and then,once the quark is cooled thoroughly... And - it's really simple, isn't it? So let's see how it all turned out. I mean, I know already what the quarkmade with lad tastes like, because that's what I do regularly here in Thailand. I just can't get any quark,so I'm depending on making it myself. But of course it's much simpler using lemon juice but like I said, I don't even know what it tastes like yet. This is the absolute premiere here, so to speak. And - well, it looks like low-fat quark and it's also really firm and dry. Well, of course, that depends onhow long you drain it but I'm just gonna try it now. Mm, mm. Mmm. So it's really creamy on the finish, so to speak, but, well, and that's not a bad thing, you just have this, this lemon aromarespectively as mentioned, you have to use whole milk. I already tried itwith skim milk or with low-fat milk and it came out somenondescript watery substance. And this one I made with lemonand since I ran out of lemon, I just picked a lime from the treeand made the whole thing with lime. Works too. So now it has a slight lime flavor.It's pretty tasty. Well, for now I have enough rennet tablets,they'll last me for years to come, even if they've long since expired but I love to eat quark,I just have to try it. Is there quark on my face?Never mind, it's normal. Mm. Yes. It's much more sour, sure,there was yogurt involved. So the lactic acid bacteria did their job and soured the quark nicely but,well, the lemon aroma is missing. So I can honestly sayI can't decide which one is tastier. Basically, both are easy to make. I would say just try it out it's a great experiment especially with childrento show them how it works. And I have to eat some quark right now, My mouth is really watering right now. Been talking long enough anyway, so. With that said, I'll say good-bye for now,thank you very much for watching. If you liked the videoor if the video helped you or if you liked the video and it helped you,be so kind as to leave me 2/5/10 thumbs up. And if you have not yet subscribedto my channel Nico Stanitzok be so kind as to subscribe to the cannel ofNico Stanitzok it really helps me a lot. And other than that, I just say:Let's make some quark.

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