¡El desafío de hablar inglés de 30 días!

¡El desafío de hablar inglés de 30 días!

bienvenido al desafío de hablar inglés de 30 días 30 lecciones en 30 días en un video ¿estás listo para el desafío el día uno comienza en tres dos uno sabía nuevo parecía que nadie sabía nada sobre el asunto me complace que tengas un nuevo trabajo gemido Cuando creció , cayó al suelo con un gemido . Estaba asombrado por lo mucho que ella había crecido. Lanzó . Arrojó las llaves con despreocupación sobre la mesa . Necesitas una sierra potente para cortar el metal . todavía me duele el estómago después de la operación clima si esperamos buen clima el domingo él decidirá si vendrá o no correo masculino hay algún correo para mí esta mañana el trabajo agrícola se considera tradicionalmente como una ocupación masculina par de peras tomó un muerdo la pera no puedo encontrar un par de calcetines a juego todo el agujero pasé todo el día limpiando cavamos un agujero y plantamos el árbol plano plano el paquete estaba envuelto en papel marrón normal vas en tren o en avión frijol he estado yo le gustaría una ensalada de judías verdes ha estado trabajando duro todo el día precio justo cuánto cuesta el autobús no creo que su comentario haya sido justo sopló azul una repentina ráfaga de viento cerró la puerta cambié mi bufanda roja por la azul en voz alta permitido él hace que sea una regla leer en voz alta todos los días no se les debe permitir que se salgan con la suya madera madera qué te gustaría hacer para tu cumpleaños mi escritorio está hecho de madera reinado de la lluvia la lluvia ha cesado y el sol brilla durante cuyo reinado se construyó esa iglesia hora nuestra volveré dentro de una hora es un buen amigo que habla bien de nosotros a nuestras espaldas rojo leer el piso está cubierto con una alfombra roja leí la carta que me enviaste escribe bien escribe abajo exactamente lo que quieres no pensemos en cosas desagradables en este momento mar mira el mar estaba en calma y aún así tal vez debería ver a un médico espera peso por favor espérame hasta que vuelva deberías intentar perder algo de peso banda prohibida ella juega en un la banda de rock está prohibido fumar en el edificio vender ce Si vendemos herramientas de calidad al precio justo han encerrado a los presos en su celda venta de velas su ambición es navegar alrededor del mundo la zapatería tiene una oferta esta semana pobre vierte tengo problemas de vista vierte la salsa sobre la pasta ser abeja no parecía haber una sola persona en la habitación una abeja me picó en la mejilla borrador borrador hice un borrador de la carta una corriente repentina hizo que la puerta se cerrara alquilar más alto ¿cuánto costaría alquilar un coche por un quincena el precio es un poco más alto de lo que esperaba fuga de puerro el mesero trajo el primer plato una simple sopa de puerro y patata hay una fuga en el techo aquí escucha cómo llegaste aquí tan rápido escuchaste ese ruido extraño dulce suite quiero algo dulce para comer la suite nupcial estaba preparada para la recepción de los recién casados ​​montó en la carretera se montó en su bicicleta y fue rápidamente a la escuela no quieres ir por esta escena de la carretera visto el artista dibujó la escena de memoria tengo un sintiendo que lo he visto antes de alguna manera ere hizo sirvienta ella hizo mermelada de las manzanas tenemos una sirvienta para hacer las tareas del hogar flor de harina la máquina tritura el grano de trigo para hacer harina la planta tiene una hermosa flor roja brillante historia del piso vivo en el último piso del edificio la historia es muy me interesó ojo un movimiento repentino me llamó la atención fui a las tiendas a comprar queso ocho comí por favor corta el pastel en ocho pedazos me comí dos rebanadas de pan tostado desperdicio de cintura estos pantalones están un poco apretados alrededor de mi cintura no desperdicio ya no tengo tiempo compre por dónde puedo comprar cerveza lo conozco por su nombre fuente de la salsa los tomates le dan un sabor extra a la salsa la fuente del fuego es desconocida tipo buscado a los dos nos gusta el mismo tipo de música que buscamos por mucho tiempo pero encontramos sin respuesta poste encuesta el asta de la bandera no se mantendría erguida el resultado de la encuesta ahora ha sido declarado tiempo de tomillo agregar el tomillo fresco a la sopa el tiempo vuela cuando te estás divirtiendo curar talón la herida en tu mano sanará pronto mis zapatos se han desgastado en el talón robar acero te vi robar el dinero el puente sobre el río tiene una estructura de acero pieza de paz solo quiero un poco de paz y tranquilidad te ahorraré un pedazo de pastel ruta raíz me tropecé con la raíz de un árbol conozco una ruta más corta a la playa escuché manada escuché a alguien bajar las escaleras una manada de ganado se había desviado hacia el camino fuerte luchó el ejército tomó el fuerte él luchó contra tres hombres que lo atacaron rallar muy rallar un poco de jengibre fresco en una sartén un paso en falso será un gran diferencia cuento de la cola el perro meneó la cola con deleite cuál es tu cuento de hadas favorito alterar el altar ella está tratando de alterar el abrigo el novio dejó a la novia de pie en el altar ciervo querido la población de ciervos ha aumentado sustancialmente en los últimos años perdió todo lo que era querido para él encontrar multado no puedo encontrar mis llaves en ninguna parte el automovilista fue multado por exceso de velocidad allí los pájaros volaron a sus nidos había que hacer compras y empacar antes de irse de vacaciones mucho peso estoy en camino ahora cómo cuanto pesas aire heredero creo que necesito un poco de aire fresco siendo hijo unico el era el unico heredero coser asi que mi abuela me enseño a coser estoy tan cansada pelo liebre necesito lavarme el pelo el cazador apunto al pelo días aturdidos los niños están en la guardería tres días a la semana he estado completamente aturdido desde que escuché las noticias costura parece que su vestido se había roto a lo largo de la costura no pareces del todo tú hoy préstamo solitario en el silencio de la noche un solitario lobo aulló ella arregló un préstamo con el banco ídolo ocioso no pierdas tu tiempo el jugador de fútbol es el ídolo de muchos jóvenes advierte desgastado parece correcto advertirte del riesgo se debe usar ropa protectora panel contra el dolor la picadura de la araña puede causar dolor e hinchazón un panel de vidrio se rompió un carrete real sus zapatos son de cuero real o de plástico él puede desgranar una carta si el gerente pide un trono tirado el trono del rey estaba hecho de oro macizo esa silla vieja debe tirarse piso falla notó un piso en la nave' s diseño el piso se sentía irregular bajo sus pies nivel lágrima nos sentamos en el nivel superior en el estadio una lágrima rodó por su rostro debido al rocío tus dolores de cabeza se deben al estrés el rocío se evaporó cuando salió el sol gimoteo vino estoy harto y cansado de escuchándote lloriquear deberíamos tomar una botella de vino con nuestro almuerzo tu eres no olvides tus modales te equivocas y puedo demostrar que es el clima se supone que será agradable este fin de semana se supone que el clima ser agradable este fin de semana tener que tener voy a tomar otra taza de café voy a tomar otra taza de café que hacer que hacer les explicó qué hacer en caso de emergencia les explicó qué hacer en una emergencia para decir para decir abrió la boca para decir algo abrió la boca para decir algo para ir para ir dijo que quería ir a la ciudad dijo que quería ir a la ciudad para llegar a conseguir me tomó un año para reunir los materiales necesarios me tomó un año reunir los materiales necesarios para hacer docto rs espero que se recupere por completo los médicos esperan que se recupere por completo dos no dos no me gustaría saber la razón por la que llegaste tan tarde me gustaría saber la razón por la que llegaste tan tarde para pensar pensar que estaba empezando a pensar que nunca vendrías estaba empezando a pensar que nunca vendrías tomar tomar no olvides tomar tu paraguas cuando vayas no olvides tomar tu paraguas cuando vayas a c tratar de ver el problema desde una perspectiva diferente tratar de ver el problema desde una perspectiva diferente para venir para venir la gente solía venir a visitarlo todos los días la gente solía venir a visitarlo todos los días querer querer ambos parecen querer quieren las mismas cosas de la vida ambos parecen querer las mismas cosas de la vida mirar para mirar el pastel estaba decorado para que pareciera un auto el pastel estaba decorado para que pareciera un auto usar usar mi jefe no lo permite yo para usar el teléfono mi jefe no me permite usar el teléfono para encontrar para encontrar volví del trabajo para encontrar la casa vacía Regresé del trabajo y encontré la casa vacía para dar para dar se negó a dar una declaración a la policía se negó a dar una declaración a la policía para contar que contar mi padre me llamó para decirme las buenas noticias mi padre me llamó arriba para decirme la buena noticia al trabajo al trabajo logré trabajar dos horas sin interrupción logré trabajar dos horas sin interrupción llamar a llamar te iba a llamar pero perdí tu número te iba a llamar pero perdí tu número dos intenta probar me gustaría probarme ese abrigo de lana azul me gustaría probarme ese abrigo de lana azul pedir preguntar por último me gustaría preguntarte sobre tus planes para el futuro por último me gustaría pregunta por tus planes de futuro necesitar necesitar ella va a necesitar una operación en el tobillo ella va a necesitar una operación en el tobillo sentir sentir es normal sentirse cansada después de un viaje tan largo es normal sentirse cansada después de tanto tiempo viaje para convertirse en convertirse ciertamente nunca esperé convertirme en escritor i certai solo nunca esperé convertirme en escritor irme irme fue un descuido de mi parte dejar la puerta abierta fue un descuido de mi parte dejar la puerta abierta para poner para poner necesito poner un poco de aire en mis llantas necesito un poco de aire en mis neumáticos, dos principales significan que la toma de control de la empresa significará más pérdidas de empleos la toma de control de la empresa significará más pérdidas de empleos para mantener para mantener tratar de mantener un equilibrio entre el trabajo y la relajación tratar de mantener un equilibrio entre trabajo y relajación para dejar para dejar me hice a un lado para dejarlo pasar me hice a un lado para dejarlo pasar empezar a empezar es hora de comenzar la reunión ahora es hora de comenzar la reunión ahora parecer parecer ningún político quiere parecer blando con el crimen ningún político quiere parecer blando con el crimen dos ayuda para ayudar nuestro objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes a tomar decisiones profesionales más informadas nuestro objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes a tomar decisiones profesionales más informadas hablar por hablar no quiero hablar más de eso yo no quiero hablar más de eso para girar para girar empujé el botón para encender la radio presioné el botón para encender la radio para empezar a empezar idealmente nos gustaría empezar por el principio idealmente nos gustaría empezar por el principio para mostrar para mostrar las cifras de ventas siguen mostrando signos de mejora las cifras de ventas siguen mostrando signos de mejora hasta aquí hasta aquí me complace escuchar sus noticias me complace escuchar sus noticias jugar a jugar me retó a jugar otro partido de tenis me retó a jugar otro partido de tenis dos corren dos corren dile a tus hijos que no crucen la calle corriendo dile a tus hijos que no crucen la calle corriendo que se muevan que se muevan el policía les dijo a las multitudes que se movieran el policía les dijo a las multitudes que se movieran para gustar estoy seguro con el tiempo te gustará estoy seguro de que te gustará con el tiempo para vivir para vivir la mayoría de los edificios no son aptos para vivir en ellos la mayoría de los edificios no son aptos para vivir para creer para creer ¿verdad? realmente esperas que te crea ¿realmente esperas que te crea hacerme creer que sujetar sujetar esa no es la forma correcta de sujetar un par de tijeras esa no es la forma correcta de sujetar un par de tijeras traer traer no olvides traer tus libros contigo no olvides traer tus libros contigo sucedieran odiaría que le pasara cualquier cosa odiaría que le pasara cualquier cosa para escribir a la derecha tuvimos que escribir una lista de 10 trabajos que nos gustaría hacer tuvimos que escribir una lista de 10 trabajos que nos gustaría hacer para brindar estamos aquí para brindar un servicio al público estamos aquí para brindar un servicio al público para sentarse para sentarse solo quiero sentarme y relajarme solo quiero sentarme y relajarme dos de pie dos de pie la multitud tuvo que pararse detrás de las barreras la multitud tuvo que pararse detrás de las barreras para perder para perder tuve la mala suerte de perder mis anteojos tuve la mala suerte de perder mis anteojos pagar para pagar lo harás tienes que pagarles no tienes opción tendrás que pagarles no tienes opción para encontrarte para encontrarte cargaron por las escaleras t o conocer a su abuela bajaron corriendo las escaleras para encontrarse con su abuela para incluir para incluir el viaje se ha extendido para incluir algunos otros eventos el viaje se ha extendido para incluir algunos otros eventos para continuar continuar ella quería continuar trabajando después de ella estaba casada quería seguir trabajando después de casarse dos conjuntos dos conjuntos olvidé configurar la alarma antirrobo olvidé configurar la alarma antirrobo para aprender a aprender sé lo suficientemente humilde para aprender de tus errores sé lo suficientemente humilde para aprender de tus errores dos cambio tras cambio tuvo que cambiar su estilo de vida y hábitos alimenticios tuvo que cambiar su estilo de vida y hábitos alimenticios para liderar para liderar creo que hemos elegido a la persona adecuada para liderar la expedición creo que hemos elegido a la persona adecuada para liderar la expedición para entender para entender he estado luchando para entender este artículo toda la tarde he estado luchando para entender este artículo toda la tarde para ver para ver mi padre me llevó a ver fútbol todos los sábados mi padre me llevó a ver fútbol todos los sábados dos siguen dos siguen contrató a un detective privado para seguir a su esposo contrató a un detective privado para seguir a su esposo jugando arriba para crear para crear el gobierno planea crear más trabajos para los jóvenes el gobierno planea crear más trabajos para los jóvenes dos hablan por hablar le hemos dicho a nuestra hija que no hable con extraños le hemos dicho a nuestra hija que no lo haga hablar con extraños leer leer es muy difícil leer lo que escribes es muy difícil leer lo que escribes para permitir permitir tenemos que permitir la posibilidad de que no terminemos a tiempo tenemos que permitir la posibilidad de que no podamos terminar a tiempo para agregar para agregar no tengo nada que agregar a mi estado de cuenta anterior no tengo nada que agregar a mi estado de cuenta anterior para gastar para gastar quiere pasar más tiempo con su familia quiere pasar d más tiempo con su familia para crecer para crecer a todas las plantas les gusta crecer hacia la luz del sol a todas las plantas les gusta crecer hacia la luz del sol para abrir para abrir me gustaría abrir una ventana a menos que alguien tenga alguna objeción me gustaría abra una ventana a menos que alguien tenga alguna objeción para caminar para caminar perdió el autobús y tuvo que caminar a casa perdió el autobús y tuvo que caminar a casa para ganar para ganar espera ganar la medalla de oro espera ganar la medalla de oro para ofrecer para ofrecer nuestro objetivo es ofrecer un buen valor y un servicio a todos nuestros clientes nuestro objetivo es ofrecer un buen valor y un servicio a todos nuestros clientes nombre, pero mi mente se quedó completamente en blanco amar amar amar la forma de amar cualquier cosa es darme cuenta de que podría perderse la forma de amar cualquier cosa es darme cuenta de que podría perderse considerar considerar necesito considerar las ventajas y las desventajas necesito considerar las ventajas y las desventajas aparentar aparecer el auto pareció surgir de la nada el auto pareció surgir de la nada comprar comprar usó sus ahorros para comprar una bicicleta usó sus ahorros para comprar una bicicleta dos espera dos espera tuvimos que esperar afuera en el corredor hasta que nuestros nombres fueran llamados tuvimos que esperar afuera en el corredor hasta que nuestros nombres fueran llamados para servir para servir el trabajo de un político es servir a toda la comunidad el trabajo de un político es servir a toda la comunidad morir para morir todos estamos condenados a morir al final todos estamos condenados a morir al final enviar a enviar los padres están obligados por ley a enviar a sus hijos a la escuela los padres están obligados por ley a enviar a sus hijos a la escuela esperar esperar no es razonable esperar que trabaje los siete días de la semana no es razonable esperar que trabaje los siete días de la semana para construir para construir la ciudad planea construir una nueva biblioteca la ciudad planea construir una nueva biblioteca para quedarse para quedarse lo principal es para mantener la calma la m Lo único es mantener la calma dos llenos dos llenos la lluvia siguió cayendo toda la tarde la lluvia siguió cayendo toda la tarde dos corte a corte necesitas una sierra potente para cortar metal necesitas una sierra potente para cortar metal alcanzar las dos partes no pudieron llegar a un acuerdo las dos partes no pudieron llegar a un acuerdo matar dos matar compré un spray para matar las malas hierbas compré un spray para matar las malas hierbas quedan dos para quedarse el médico le ordenó permanecer en la cama durante unos días el médico le ordenó permanecer en cama durante unos días para sugerir sugerir se nos pidió que sugiriéramos ideas para mejorar la eficiencia se nos pidió que sugiriéramos ideas para mejorar la eficiencia recaudar recaudar necesitamos recaudar más dinero el próximo año necesitamos recaudar más dinero el próximo año para pasar para pasar cantamos canciones para pasar el tiempo cantamos canciones para pasar el tiempo vender vender todavía están tratando de vender su casa todavía están tratando de vender su casa no es ni mal que los hoteles soliciten la confirmación de un huésped por correo electrónico es normal que los hoteles soliciten la confirmación de un huésped por correo electrónico para informar para informar quiero informar la pérdida de un paquete quiero informar la pérdida de un paquete para decidir decidir fue difícil decidir entre los dos candidatos fue difícil decidir entre los dos candidatos dos tiran dos tiran los bomberos lograron sacar a algunos sobrevivientes de los escombros los bomberos lograron sacar a algunos sobrevivientes de los escombros vivo enérgico vivo enérgico creo que en mi opinión yo pensar en mi opinión obtener obtener obtener obtener una y otra vez repetidamente una y otra vez repetidamente tratar gestionar gestionar gestionar de una vez inmediatamente de inmediato preguntar preguntar preguntar preguntar hablar de discutir hablar de discutir señalar señalar indicar indicar indicar dejar permitir dejar permitir entrar contacto con contacto ponerse en contacto con contacto verificar verificar verificar verificar ayudar ayudar ayudar ayudar mucho de numerosos muchos de numerosos todo todo todo enti re trabajo ocupación trabajo ocupación incorrecto incorrecto incorrecto incorrecto al principio inicialmente al principio inicialmente ver observar ver observar necesidad requerir necesidad requerir reparar reparar reparar reparar vacío vacante vacío vacante rápido rápido rápido rápido elegir seleccionar elegir seleccionar decir informar informar barato barato barato barato escalar ascender escalar ascender recoger recoger recoger recoger imaginar imaginar imaginar imaginar jefe empleador jefe empleador mirar examinar mirar examinar parecer aparecer parecer aparecer querer deseo querer deseo pero sin embargo pero sin embargo rendirse abandonar renunciar abandonar pensar en considerar pensar en considerar rico rico rico rico feliz complacido feliz complacido lo suficientemente suficiente suficiente suficiente maquillar inventar inventar inventar al final finalmente al final finalmente niños niños niños niños construir construir construir construir de todos modos sin embargo de todos modos sin embargo comenzar comenzar comenzar comenzar detener detener tomar detener tal vez tal vez tal vez tal vez redondo circular redondo circular infantil infantil inmaduro inmaduro aplazar aplazar aplazar aplazar cansado agotado cansado agotado seguir adelante proceder seguir adelante parecerse parecerse parecerse parecerse apuesto atractivo apuesto atractivo continuar continuar continuar continuar cerca cerca toda su familia vive cerca toda su familia vive cerca en otro lugar en otra parte, la respuesta al problema debe buscarse en otra parte la respuesta al problema debe buscarse en otra parte debajo debajo había mucho espacio de almacenamiento debajo había mucho espacio de almacenamiento debajo aproximadamente unas hojas flotaban en el lago inmóvil algunas hojas flotaban en el lago quieto en algún lugar en algún lugar tengo la sensación de que lo he visto antes en algún lugar tengo la sensación de que lo he visto antes en algún lugar ahí ahí no lo puse ahí no lo puse ahí de lado de lado giramos la mesa de lado para poder meterla en la habitación giramos la mesa de lado para poder meterla en la habitación en cualquier lugar en cualquier lugar he perdido mis llaves i c no las encuentro por ningún lado he perdido mis llaves no las puedo encontrar por ningún lado miró hacia abajo para ver si había alguien miró hacia abajo para ver si había alguien una vez que se abrió la puerta todos llegó corriendo una vez que se abrió la puerta todos vinieron corriendo hacia arriba hacia arriba un tramo de escalones conducía hacia arriba hasta la puerta principal un tramo de escalones conducía hacia arriba hasta la puerta principal cerca cerca estoy bastante seguro de que el banco está en algún lugar cerca estoy bastante seguro de que el banco está en algún lugar cercano estaba cansado de caminar pero siguió andando estaba cansado de caminar pero siguió andando afuera afuera hace suficiente calor para comer al aire libre esta noche hace suficiente calor para comer al aire libre esta noche adentro adentro entremos adentro y comamos algo entremos adentro y comamos algo lejos estaba enojada con su novio y se alejó estaba enojada con su novio y se alejó escaleras abajo me tropecé tropecé con el gato y me caí escaleras arriba tropecé con el gato y me caí escaleras arriba arriba arriba él subió y se puso ropa limpia subió arriba y se puso ropa limpia arriba arriba coloque la harina en un tazón con leche arriba coloque la harina en un tazón con leche arriba abajo abajo saltó desde la ventana a la piscina abajo saltó desde la ventana a la piscina abajo fuera fuera los dos perros seguían ladrando fuera los dos perros seguían ladrando fuera dentro dentro no aplastes esta caja hay flores dentro no aplasta esta caja hay flores dentro detrás detrás por favor no me dejes atrás por favor no me dejes atrás adelante adelante camina recto hasta llegar al río camina recto hasta llegar al río muy lejos la casa no estaba muy lejos lejos la casa no estaba demasiado lejos entra entra y siéntete como en casa entra y siéntete como en casa seguimos cabalgamos durante varias horas más cabalgamos durante varias horas más más encima se dio la vuelta y se volvió a dormir se dio la vuelta y se volvió a dormir debajo debajo acampamos bajo las estrellas acampamos bajo las estrellas en todas partes en todas partes he buscado mis llaves en todas partes he buscado mis llaves en todas partes aquí aquí han vivido aquí la mayor parte de sus vidas han vivido aquí la mayor parte de sus vidas en el extranjero en el extranjero solemos ir al extranjero durante dos semanas en junio solemos ir al extranjero durante dos semanas en junio comprar comprar un coche pasó al otro lado de la carretera pasó un coche por el otro lado de la carretera cuesta abajo cuesta abajo corrió cuesta abajo corrió cuesta abajo cuesta arriba sigue la carretera cuesta arriba sigue la carretera cuesta arriba adelante adelante ella encendió el motor y el auto avanzó ella encendió el motor y el coche avanzó a casa casa a qué hora llegó a casa anoche a qué hora llegó a casa anoche el criminal se escapó el criminal se escapó acentuar acentuar significado rominent el director utiliza la música para acentuar la tensión dramática creciente el director utiliza la música para acentuar la tensión dramática creciente de ahí el significado denso de un lugar o fuente mencionado anteriormente de un lugar o fuente mencionado anteriormente el agua se acumula en un estanque cerca de la puerta desde allí gotea por el camino el agua se acumula en un estanque cerca de la puerta desde allí se escurre por el camino frenético frenético que significa rápido y enérgico de una manera bastante salvaje y descontrolada rápida y enérgica de una manera bastante salvaje y descontrolada corre de un trabajo a otro de forma frenética ritmo ella corre de un trabajo a otro a un ritmo frenético imperturbable imperturbable significado tener o mostrar calma en una crisis tener o mostrar calma en una crisis fuerza o convicción sin inspiración o sin inspiración carente de vitalidad fuerza o convicción sin inspiración ed o poco inspirador no se ofrecieron excusas por una actuación mediocre el sábado no se ofrecieron excusas por una actuación mediocre el sábado tangible significado tangible perceptible al tacto perceptible al tacto necesitamos evidencia tangible si vamos a emprender acciones legales necesitamos evidencia tangible si vamos a emprender acciones legales riguroso estricto significa una persona que insiste en cierta cualidad o tipo de comportamiento una persona que insiste en cierta cualidad o tipo de comportamiento era un fanático de la perfección y todo tenía que ser exactamente correcto él era un fanático de la perfección y todo tenía que estar exactamente bien pendiente pendiente significado esperando decisión o acuerdo esperando decisión o acuerdo este asunto debe esperar pendiente su regreso de londres este asunto debe esperar pendiente su regreso de londres enamorado enamorado significado fuertemente enamorado fuertemente enamorado él es completamente enamorado de su nueva novia está completamente enamorado de su nueva novia frivol ous frívola significado de una persona despreocupada y superficial de una persona despreocupada y superficial ella tiene una naturaleza frívola y no se toma nada en serio ella tiene una naturaleza frívola y no se toma nada en serio edible edible significado apto o apto para ser comido apto o apta para comer solo las hojas de la planta son comestibles solo las hojas de la planta son comestibles incomible incomible significa no apta o apta para comer no apta o apta para comer la carne estaba tan quemada que no era comestible la carne estaba tan quemada que fue una reacción negativa no comestible reacción que significa una fuerte reacción negativa de un gran número de personas, especialmente a un desarrollo social o político una fuerte reacción negativa de un gran número de personas, especialmente a un desarrollo social o político por el cual el gobierno enfrenta una reacción airada de los votantes el nuevo impuesto el gobierno se enfrenta a una furiosa reacción de los votantes por el nuevo impuesto aclimatar aclimatar significa acostumbrarse a un nuevo clima o nuevo las condiciones se ajustan se acostumbran a un nuevo clima o a las nuevas condiciones se ajustan me resultó difícil aclimatarse a trabajar los fines de semana me resultó difícil aclimatarse a trabajar los fines de semana duradero duradero significado capaz de soportar la presión del desgaste o daños resistente capaz de soportar el desgaste presión o daño resistente almacenar alimentos en recipientes duraderos con tapas almacenar alimentos en recipientes duraderos con tapas mueca mueca significa una expresión fea y retorcida en el rostro de una persona que normalmente expresa disgusto dolor o diversión irónica una expresión fea y retorcida en el rostro de una persona que normalmente expresa disgusto dolor o diversión irónica hizo una mueca de disgusto y salió de la habitación hizo una mueca de disgusto y salió de la habitación irracional irracional significado no lógico ni razonable no lógico ni razonable sus padres estaban preocupados por su comportamiento cada vez más irracional sus padres estaban preocupados por su comportamiento cada vez más irracional comportamiento languidecer languidecer significado de una persona animal o planta perder o carecer de vitalidad debilitarse de una persona animal o planta perder o carecer de vitalidad debilitarse los niños pronto comenzaron a languidecer en el calor los niños pronto comenzaron a languidecer en el calor perverso significado perverso mostrando un deseo deliberado y obstinado de comportarse de una manera que es irrazonable o inaceptable mostrar un deseo deliberado y obstinado de comportarse de una manera que es irrazonable o inaceptable obtiene una satisfacción perversa de avergonzar a la gente obtiene una satisfacción perversa de avergonzar a la gente resultado resultado significado la forma en que una cosa resulta una consecuencia la forma en que una cosa resulta una consecuencia el resultado de su discusión aún se desconoce el resultado de su discusión aún se desconoce ágil rápido y ligero en movimiento o acción ágil rápido y ligero en movimiento o acción ágil necesita dedos ágiles para ese trabajo necesita dedos ágiles para eso trabajo metedura de pata metedura de pata significa un error estúpido o por descuido un error estúpido o por descuido cometí un pequeño error al equivocarme en su nombre cometí un pequeño error al equivocarme en su nombre dordle dodo que significa perder el tiempo ser lento perder el tiempo ser lento el maestro les dijo a los estudiantes que no desperdiciaran su tiempo el maestro les dijo a los estudiantes que no desperdiciaran su tiempo errático errático que significa ni uniforme ni regular en patrón o movimiento impredecible ni uniforme ni regular en patrón o movimiento impredecible le resultó difícil lidiar con su comportamiento errático le resultó difícil lidiar con su comportamiento errático mística mística que significa una cualidad de misterio glamour o poder asociado con alguien o algo una cualidad de misterio glamour o poder asociado con alguien o algo hay una gran mística en torno a la vida de una estrella de cine hay una gran mística en torno a la vida de una estrella de cine elegante elegante significado del pelo piel o piel suave y brillante de cabello pelaje o piel suave y brillante el gato ronroneó mientras james acariciaba su elegante pelaje el gato ronroneaba mientras james acariciaba su elegante pelaje jovial jovial mea ning alegre y amigable alegre y amigable a juzgar por su manera jovial debe haber disfrutado su comida a juzgar por su manera jovial debe haber disfrutado su comida viable significado viable capaz de trabajar con éxito factible capaz de trabajar con éxito factible la invención requiere más trabajo de desarrollo para hacer es viable la invención requiere más trabajo de desarrollo para que sea viable umbridge umbridge significado ofensa o molestia ofensa o molestia se ofende contra cualquiera que lo critique se ofende contra cualquiera que lo critique difunto difunto significado que ya no existe o funciona ya no existe o funciona el plan para construir un aeropuerto parece haber desaparecido por completo ahora el plan para construir un aeropuerto parece haber desaparecido por completo ahora indulgente indulgente significado de un castigo o persona con autoridad más misericordioso o tolerante de lo esperado de un castigo o persona con autoridad más misericordioso o tolerante de lo esperado como primer infractor recibió una sentencia indulgente como primer delincuente recibió una sentencia indulgente parentesco parentesco significado similar en tipo relacionado similar en tipo relacionado inmediatamente nos dimos cuenta de que éramos almas gemelas inmediatamente nos dimos cuenta de que éramos almas gemelas irreparable irreparable significado de una lesión o pérdida imposible para rectificar o reparar una lesión o pérdida imposible de rectificar o reparar su vista puede haber sufrido un daño irreparable su vista puede haber sufrido un daño irreparable enlace enlace significa cooperar en un asunto de interés mutuo cooperar en un asunto de interés mutuo nuestra oficina central se pondrá en contacto con los proveedores para garantizar la entrega nuestra oficina central se pondrá en contacto con los proveedores para garantizar la entrega gusto gusto significa disfrute y entusiasmo al hacer algo disfrute y entusiasmo al hacer algo la orquesta tocó con una combinación ganadora de gusto y precisión la orquesta tocó con una combinación ganadora de gusto y precisión derroche derroche m significado un acto de gastar dinero libre o extravagantemente un acto de gastar dinero libre o extravagantemente se dio un derroche cuando recibió su primer salario se dio un derroche cuando recibió su primer salario crédulo crédulo significado fácil de persuadir para creer algo crédulo fácilmente persuadido a creer algo crédulo soy tan crédulo le habría creído soy tan crédulo le habría creído contaminar contaminar significado hacer algo impuro por exposición o adición de una sustancia venenosa o contaminante hacer algo impuro por exposición o adición de una sustancia venenosa o contaminante elimine ese desecho nuclear adecuadamente o contaminará el agua elimine ese desecho nuclear apropiadamente o contaminará el agua bisecar bisecar significa dividir en dos partes dividir en dos partes el nuevo camino dividirá en dos el ciudad el nuevo camino dividirá en dos la ciudad lagubriosa lagubriosa significado luciendo o sonando triste y lúgubre luciendo o sonando g triste y lúgubre por qué te ves tan lúgubre por qué te ves tan lúgubre arriba abajo arriba abajo por vender comprar vender exterior interior exterior interior fuerte débil fuerte débil áspero suave áspero suave simple complicado simple complicado ancho estrecho ancho estrecho temprano tarde temprano tarde feo hermoso feo hermoso rico pobre rico pobre lejos cerca lejos cerca ordenado desordenado ordenado desordenado ruidoso tranquilo ruidoso tranquilo alto corto alto corto mojado seco mojado seco dentro fuera dentro fuera sucio limpiar sucio limpiar joven viejo joven viejo grueso delgado grueso delgado aceptar rechazar aceptar rechazar luz oscuridad luz oscuridad abierto cerrado abierto subtítulos cerrados no disponible delgado despierto dormido despierto dormido feliz triste feliz triste suave duro suave duro caliente frío caliente frío antes después antes después dulce agrio dulce agrio apretado suelto apretado suelto alto bajo alto bajo lento rápido lento rápido viejo nuevo viejo nuevo nunca siempre nunca siempre profundo superficial profundo superficial aburrido interesante aburrido interesante derecho izquierdo derecho izquierdo aficionado profesional aficionado profesional pregunta responder cuestionar responder artificial natural artificial natural contundente afilado contundente afilado descuidado cuidadoso descuidado cuidadoso destrucción construcción destrucción construcción crepúsculos alba crepúsculo alba salida entrada salida entrada frente retaguardia frente retaguardia huésped huésped huésped inocente culpable inocente culpable saludable enfermo saludable enfermo vertical horizontal vertical horizontal hambriento sediento hambriento sediento esposa marido esposa marido junior senior junior senior líquido sólido líquido sólido mayor menor mayor menor máximo mínimo máximo mínimo noche mañana noche mañana extraño normal extraño normal privado público privado profesor estudiante profesor estudiante urbano rural urbano rural seguro peligroso seguro peligroso verdadero falso verdadero falso todo parte todo parte mejor peor mejor peor sí no sí no comenzar fin comenzar fin ocultar revelar empleador empleado empleador empleado fresco rancio fresco rancio propietario inquilino propietario inquilino derretir congelar derretir congelar negativo positivo negativo positivo optimista pesimista optimista ic pesimista pasar fallar pasar fallar descortés educado descortés educado posible imposible posible imposible satisfecho insatisfecho satisfecho insatisfecho vacante ocupado vacante ocupado invisible visible invisible visible relevante irrelevante relevante irrelevante falso real falso real común raro común raro singular plural singular temporal permanente temporal permanente paciente impaciente paciente impaciente sobre bajo sobre bajo encendido apagado encendido apagado leal desleal leal desleal odio amor odio amor legal ilegal legal ilegal alegría pena alegría pena injusticia justicia justicia héroe cobarde héroe cobarde amigo enemigo amigo enemigo afortunado desafortunado afortunado desafortunado fregadero flotador fregadero flotar recordar olvidar recordar olvidar encontrar perder encontrar perder hecho ficción hecho ficción borracho sobrio borracho sobrio demanda suministro demanda suministro copia original copia original comodidad incomodidad comodidad incomodidad exhalar inhalar exhalar inhalar pedir prestado prestar prestar prestar total parcial total parcial sumar restar sumar restar nada todo nada todo gentil violento gentil violento vivo muerto vivo muerto comienzo terminar comienzo terminar defender ataque defender ataque llamativas tenue brillante tenue complemento insulto complemento insulto permitir prohibir permitir prohibir incluir excluir incluir excluir fruncir el ceño sonreír fruncir el ceño sonreír aguacate aguacate arroz arroz mejillones mejillones calabaza calabaza salmón salmón ajo ajo pretzel pretzel brócoli brócoli panqueque panqueque helado helado pasta pasta patatas fritas patatas fritas algas algas gofres gofres mantequilla mantequilla tallarines tallarines tomate muffin de tomate muffin pollo frito pollo frito hamburguesa tortillas de hamburguesa tortitas de pan azúcar pan de azúcar pan harina aceite de oliva aceite de oliva palomitas palomitas de maíz tocino tocino costillas costillas pepino pepino champiñón champiñón yogur yogur zanahoria zanahoria perrito caliente perrito caliente cebolla cebolla limón limón lima lima piña piña langosta langosta menta menta uvas uvas repollo repollo chocolate chocolate mango mango coles de bruselas coles de bruselas rosquilla coco c taco de coco taco berenjena baguette de berenjena salsa de tomate kétchup mayonesa mayonesa manzana manzana anchoas anchoas aceitunas aceitunas fresa huevo de fresa huevo garbanzos garbanzos pepinillo jengibre jengibre frijoles rojos frijoles rojos arándanos naranja naranja plátano plátano carne picada carne picada pera calabacín salchicha de calabacín salchicha espinacas espinacas melocotón melocotón colinabo nabo chirivía sandía sandía raíz de remolacha raíz de remolacha espárragos espárragos judías verdes judías verdes kiwi kiwi cúrcuma cúrcuma pistachos pistachos citronela citronela nueces nueces piñones piñones chiles chiles granada granada semillas de girasol semillas rábano rábano maracuyá fruta almejas almejas malvavisco malvavisco papaya papaya atún atún salami salami apio apio sinónimo sinónimo pollo pollo bacalao bacalao galleta galleta cereza cereza pimiento pimienta patata patata imparcial imparcial significado sin prejuicios a favor o en contra de algo imparcial no mostramos prejuicios a favor o en contra de algo imparcial nuestro objetivo es brindar un servicio que sea equilibrado e imparcial nuestro objetivo sea brindar un servicio que sea equilibrado e imparcial frugal frugal significa ahorrativo o económico en cuanto a dinero o alimentos ahorrador o económico en cuanto a dinero o alimentos emprendedores deben ser particularmente frugales y creativos los empresarios deben ser particularmente frugales y creativos vecindad significa el área cerca o alrededor de un lugar en particular el área cerca o alrededor de un lugar en particular se encontró el auto robado en las cercanías de la estación se encontró el auto robado en la vecindad de la estación suave suave significa encantador confiado y elegante típicamente usado de un hombre encantador confiado y elegante típicamente usado de un hombre el gerente era suave y sofisticado el gerente era suave y sofisticado enredar enredar significa involucrar a alguien profundamente en una discusión conflicto o situación difícil involucrar a alguien profundamente en una discusión conflicto o dificultad última situación era reacio a enredarme en sus problemas era reacio a enredarme en sus problemas luminoso luminoso significado emitiendo luz brillante o brillante emitiendo luz brillante o brillante mi reloj tiene una esfera luminosa para que pueda verlo en la oscuridad mi el reloj tiene una esfera luminosa para que pueda verlo en la oscuridad comportamiento comportamiento significa comportamiento externo o comportamiento comportamiento externo o comportamiento no había nada en su comportamiento que sugiriera que estaba ansioso no había nada en su comportamiento que sugiriera que estaba ansioso reservado modesto y tímido típicamente usado para una mujer reservada modesta y tímida típicamente usado para una mujer en ese momento una joven recatada entró en la habitación en ese momento una joven recatada entró en la habitación bullicioso bullicioso significado ruidoso enérgico y alegre ruidoso enérgico y alegre fue un desafío mantener 10 bullicioso niños entretenidos todo el día fue un desafío mantener a 10 niños bulliciosos entretenidos todo el día incoherente incoherente significado de l hablado o escrito lenguaje expresado de manera incomprensible o confusa poco claro del lenguaje hablado o escrito expresado de manera incomprensible o confusa poco claro la charla que dio fue incoherente y mal preparada la charla que dio fue incoherente y mal preparada fiasco fiasco significa un completo fracaso especialmente un ridículo o humillar a uno un completo fracaso especialmente a uno ridículo o humillante la reunión fue un fiasco de principio a fin la reunión fue un fiasco de principio a fin vindicar vindicar significado despejar a alguien de culpa o sospecha despejar a alguien de culpa o sospecha cómo puede usted vindicar su comportamiento al maestro cómo puedes reivindicar tu comportamiento al maestro audaz audaz significado mostrar disposición a tomar riesgos sorprendentemente audaces mostrar disposición a tomar riesgos sorprendentemente audaces tu plan de ir al extranjero es una decisión audaz tu plan de ir al extranjero es una decisión audaz críptico significado críptico misterioso u oscuro en significado mysteriou s u oscuro en significado recibí un mensaje críptico a través de la publicación recibí un mensaje críptico a través de la publicación meticuloso significado meticuloso mostrando una gran atención a los detalles muy cuidadoso y preciso mostrando una gran atención a los detalles muy cuidadoso y preciso mi padre era meticuloso con su apariencia mi padre era meticuloso con su apariencia incisivo incisivo significado de una persona o proceso mental inteligentemente analítico y pensamiento claro de una persona o proceso mental inteligentemente analítico y pensamiento claro y de manera realista de una manera que se base en consideraciones prácticas en lugar de teóricas tratar las cosas de manera sensata y realista de una manera que se base en consideraciones prácticas en lugar de teóricas el primer paso es aprender los deberes básicos del rol de una manera pragmática el primer paso es aprender el bas deberes ic del papel de una manera pragmática reticente reticente significa no revelar los pensamientos o sentimientos de uno fácilmente no revelar los pensamientos o sentimientos de uno fácilmente la mayoría de los estudiantes se mostraron reticentes a responder preguntas la mayoría de los estudiantes se mostraron reticentes a responder preguntas panache panash significado extravagante confianza de estilo o manera extravagante confianza en estilo o manera tocaron y cantaron con gran estilo tocaron y cantaron con gran estilo espurio espurio significado no genuino falso o falso no genuino falso o falso demolió los argumentos espurios de la oposición demolió los argumentos espurios de la oposición parodia parodia es decir, una representación falsamente absurda o distorsionada de algo una representación falsamente absurda o distorsionada de algo no permitirle hablar en su propia defensa era una parodia de justicia no permitirle hablar en su propia defensa era una parodia de justicia descarado descarado significado de mal comportamiento hecho abiertamente y sin vergüenza de mal comportamiento hecho abiertamente y sin vergüenza a veces la arrogancia de los que están en el poder es bastante flagrante a veces la arrogancia de los que están en el poder es bastante flagrante pedante significado de pedante excesivamente preocupado por detalles menores o reglas sobre escrupulosos excesivamente preocupado por detalles menores o reglas sobre escrupulosos algunas personas pueden ser muy pedantes con respecto a la puntuación algunas personas pueden ser muy pedantes con respecto a la puntuación abstruso significado abstruso difícil de entender oscuro difícil de entender oscuro las matemáticas son una mezcla de teoría abstrusa y cálculos detallados las matemáticas son una mezcla de teoría abstrusa y cálculos detallados abundante significado abundante abundante en suministro o cantidad abundante en suministro o cantidad asistió a sus conferencias y tomó abundantes notas asistió a sus conferencias y tomó abundantes notas erradicar erradicar significado destruir completamente poner fin destruir completamente poner fin al objetivo es erradicar la enfermedad para siempre objetivo es erradicar la enfermedad para buena disputa disputa significado discutir sobre asuntos insignificantes y triviales discutir sobre asuntos insignificantes y triviales los dos hermanos siempre discuten sobre a quién le toca lavar los platos los dos hermanos siempre discuten sobre a quién le toca lavar los platos malhumorado malhumorado significado tener o mostrar una disposición irritable tener o mostrar una disposición irritable ella me miró con una expresión de mal humor en su rostro me miró con una expresión de mal humor en su rostro estupefacto estupefacto que significa muy sorprendido o asombrado muy sorprendido o asombrado estaba estupefacto cuando le dijimos él lo barato que era se quedó estupefacto cuando le dijimos lo barato que era problema lo convirtió en una gran crisis abunda abunda significado especialmente de algo indeseable de ocurrencia común generalizado especialmente de algo indeseable de ocurrencia común generalizado la oficina estaba llena de rumores la oficina estaba llena de rumores aprovechar un velo significado ayuda o beneficio ayuda o beneficio sus palabras de aliento fueron en vano sus palabras de aliento fueron en vano fastidioso fastidioso significado muy atento y preocupado por la precisión y los detalles muy atento y preocupado por la precisión y los detalles fue meticuloso en su preparación para el gran día fue meticuloso en su preparación para el gran día inhóspito inhóspito significado de un entorno duro y difícil para vivir de un ambiente duro y difícil para vivir caminó a través de algunos de los terrenos más inhóspitos del mundo caminó a través de algunos de los terrenos más inhóspitos del mundo aborrecer aborrecer significado sentir intenso disgusto o disgusto por sentir intenso disgusto o disgusto por me encanta tener levantarme tan temprano en la mañana detesto tener que levantarme tan temprano en la mañana matiz matiz significado una sutil diferencia o matiz de significado expresión o sonido una sutil diferencia o matiz de significado expresión o sonido era consciente de todos los matices de su voz era consciente de todos los matices de su voz aprensivo aprensivo significado que se hace sentir enfermo o enfermo con facilidad asqueada fácilmente se siente enferma o asqueada ella es muy aprensiva y no puede soportar ver sangre ella es realmente chillona y no puede soportar ver sangre estragos estragos significado destrucción generalizada destrucción generalizada el nuevo impuesto podría causar estragos entre las empresas más pequeñas el nuevo el impuesto podría causar estragos entre las empresas más pequeñas torcido torcido significa con un lado más bajo o más pequeño que el otro con un lado más bajo o más pequeño que el otro la carga torcida en el camión parecía peligrosa la carga torcida en el camión parecía peligrosa premonición premonición que significa un sentimiento fuerte que algo va a pasar especialmente algo desagradable una fuerte sensación de que algo va a pasar especialmente ly algo desagradable tuvo el presentimiento de que no volvería a verla tuvo el presentimiento de que no volvería a verla tortuoso significado tortuoso lleno de vueltas y vueltas lleno de vueltas y vueltas tomó una ruta tortuosa por las calles secundarias tomó una ruta tortuosa a través de las calles secundarias relajarse relajarse significa relajarse después de un período de trabajo o tensión relajarse después de un período de trabajo o tensión un vaso de cerveza antes de la cena lo ayudó a relajarse un vaso de cerveza antes de la cena lo ayudó a relajarse especialmente por enfermedad intoxicación dormir o un golpe aturdimiento débil o inestable especialmente por enfermedad intoxicación dormir o un golpe las pastillas para dormir la dejaron muy aturdida las pastillas para dormir la dejaron muy aturdida exagerar exagerar significado representar algo como si fuera más grande mejor o peor de lo que realmente es es representar algo como más grande, mejor o peor de lo que realmente es , no exageres, no fue tan caro, no exageres ggerate no era tan caro garabato garabato que significa garabatear o dibujar sin rumbo garabatear o dibujar sin rumbo siempre garabateo mientras hablo por teléfono siempre garabato mientras hablo por teléfono condolencia significado de condolencia una expresión de simpatía especialmente en el ocasión de la muerte de un pariente o amigo cercano de una persona una expresión de condolencia especialmente con motivo de la muerte de un pariente o amigo cercano de una persona por favor acepte mi más sentido pésame por favor acepte mi más sentido pésame atraso atraso significa una acumulación de trabajo incompleto o asuntos que necesitan para tratar una acumulación de trabajo incompleto o asuntos que necesitan ser tratados nos enfrentamos a una acumulación de pedidos que no podemos gestionar nos enfrentamos a una acumulación de pedidos que no podemos gestionar una mezcla variada una mezcla variada la población es una mezcla de diferentes culturas la población es una mezcla de diferentes culturas limbo limbo que significa un período incierto de espera de una decisión o re solución un estado o condición intermedia un período incierto de espera de una decisión o resolución un estado o condición intermedia estoy en el limbo ahora hasta que sepa si tengo el trabajo estoy en el limbo ahora hasta que sepa si lo tengo el trabajo redimir redimir significa ganar o recuperar la posesión de algo a cambio de un pago ganar o recuperar la posesión de algo a cambio de un pago puede canjear el cupón en cualquier tienda puede canjear el cupón en cualquier tienda por lo tanto reprobó sus exámenes y por lo tanto fue incapaz de comenzar sus estudios en la universidad reprobó sus exámenes y, en consecuencia, no pudo comenzar sus estudios en la universidad , por lo tanto, su automóvil era más grande y, por lo tanto, más cómodo, su automóvil era más grande y, por lo tanto, más cómodo , como resultado, el vuelo se retrasó como resultado como resultado de una fuerte niebla , el vuelo se retrasó como resultado de una fuerte niebla , ya que no he tenido noticias suyas desde enero pasado, no he tenido noticias suyas desde enero pasado. ario porque todos los vuelos se han cancelado por mal tiempo todos los vuelos se han cancelado por mal tiempo debido a que el evento se ha pospuesto indefinidamente por falta de interés el evento se ha pospuesto indefinidamente por falta de interés como se puede mira , como puedes ver, se ve hermosa, pero como puedes ver, la casa necesita algo de trabajo, se ve hermosa, pero como puedes ver, la casa necesita algo de trabajo, posteriormente, posteriormente, el libro se tradujo posteriormente a 15 idiomas, el libro fue posteriormente traducido a 15 idiomas , por lo tanto , debe usar una chaqueta para no resfriarse debe usar una chaqueta para no resfriarse , por lo tanto, me caí de la bicicleta ayer, de ahí los moretones que me caí de la bicicleta ayer. de ahí los moretones por lo que se convirtió en ciudadano obteniendo así el derecho a votar se convirtió en ciudadano obteniendo así el derecho a votar en consecuencia en consecuencia se le pidió que abandonara la ciudad y en consecuencia él fue , se le pidió que abandonara la ciudad y, en consecuencia, se fue así, nadie se presentó a los aeróbicos acuáticos, por lo que se canceló la clase, nadie se presentó a los aeróbicos acuáticos, por lo que se canceló la clase, por eso es por lo que nos detuvimos para llenar el coche por eso llegamos tarde nos detuvimos para llenar el coche por eso llegamos tarde por esta razón por esta razón me avergüenzo de mí mismo y por esta razón espero que me perdonen me avergüenzo de mí mismo y por esta razón, espero que me perdones, de lo contrario , apaga el gas cuando la leche hierva, de lo contrario, se derramará por todas partes, apaga el gas cuando la leche hierva, de lo contrario, se derramará por todas partes proviene de su interés por las flores proviene de su infancia en el país su interés por las flores proviene de su infancia en el campo provoca provoca miedo provoca un estado de alerta elevado miedo provoca un estado de alerta elevado provoca provoca estacionar cerca de la escuela provoca graves congestión de tráfico el estacionamiento cerca de la escuela causa una grave congestión de tráfico para que necesitamos más comentarios del consumidor para mejorar nuestros productos necesitamos más comentarios del consumidor para mejorar nuestros productos debido a que retrasamos nuestra salida debido al mal tiempo retrasamos nuestra salida debido al mal tiempo proviene de nuestra información proviene de una fuente confiable nuestra información proviene de una fuente confiable cargador de teléfono cargador de teléfono cepillo de dientes cepillo de dientes secador de pelo secador de pelo interruptor de luz interruptor de luz zip zip inodoro inodoro llave llave tetera tetera toalla toalla cinturón cinturón placa placa pasta dentífrica pasta dentífrica tijeras tijeras frigorífico nevera reloj reloj ordenador portátil teléfono móvil teléfono móvil manija de la puerta manija de la puerta dinero dinero enchufe enchufe calcetines calcetines cuchillo cuchillo tenedor tenedor cuchara cuchara zapatos zapatos cachorro taza bolígrafo auriculares auriculares televisión televisión teclado teclado memoria usb memoria usb escaleras escaleras vidrio sofá de vidrio sofá escritorio escritorio jabón jabón navajas navajas chaqueta chaqueta peine peine gafas de sol gafas de sol cojín cojín bombilla bombilla pan radiador radiador lápiz labial lápiz labial reloj reloj camiseta camisetas ducha ducha ventilador ventilador botella de agua botella de agua mesa grifo de mesa grifo cama cama pareja de jeans par de jeans espejo espejo diario diario enjuague bucal cubo de basura cubo de basura hilo dental hilo dental desodorante desodorante esponja esponja tabla de planchar tabla de planchar almohada almohada control remoto control remoto limpiador aspiradora guardarropa guardarropa vitaminas vitaminas manta manta bloc de notas bloc de notas gel para el cabello gel para el cabello cortaúñas cortauñas jugo de naranja jugo de naranja sartén sartén termómetro termómetro lámpara lámpara botón botón desinfectante de manos desinfectante de manos bolsa de plástico bolsa de plástico guantes de goma disco duro disco duro cepillo cepillo paraguas paraguas bicicleta bicicleta lavadora lavadora taburete taburete microondas microondas tostadora tostadora cortinas cortinas primeros auxilios botiquín botiquín tetera tetera pantuflas pantuflas plancha plancha esmalte de uñas esmalte de uñas imperdible imperdible antorcha antorcha cesta cesta cartera cartera cartera bolso fregona fregona bañera bañera en lo que a mí respecta en lo que a mí respecta ella puede volver a casa cuando a ella le gusta , creo que debería recibir un reembolso , diría que diría que todo le costaría alrededor de 100 libras, pero eso es solo una estimación aproximada , no tengo dudas de que no tengo dudas de que usted tendrá éxito en mi opinión en mi opinión los mejores vinos son los de francia lo que quiero decir es lo que quiero decir es que no soy un detective y no resuelvo crímenes en mi mente en mi mente el problema sigue sin resolver hablando por mí mismo hablando por mí mismo no siento la más mínima inclinación a interferir tiendo a pensar que tiendo a pensar que ella tiene razón en mi experiencia en mi experiencia la gente generalmente te devuelve la sonrisa si les sonríes he visto he visto la película dos veces sugeriría que sugeriría que preguntas en el mostrador de información me parece que no tienes mucha opción si no me equivoco si no me equivoco ese es el hombre que vimos en el autobús si me preguntas si me preguntas está pasando algo un poco extraño, sinceramente creo que honestamente creo que deberías intentar buscar un nuevo trabajo mi punto de vista es que mi punto de vista es que deberías pensar en tus acciones antes de hacerlo personalmente creo que personalmente creo que el el programa va a ser un gran éxito bueno, si me preguntas bien, si me preguntas estás cometiendo un gran error tal como yo lo veo es como yo lo veo es que necesitas controlar tus emociones hasta donde yo sé por lo que sé, llegarán el sábado, creo que creo que trabajar desde casa podría ser una mejor solución desde mi punto de vista desde mi punto de vista, la fiesta fue un éxito total, soy de la opinión de que soy de la opinión de que él tiene razón y ella está equivocada para ser honesto creo que para ser honesto creo que el esquema es completamente impracticable yo parece obvio parece obvio cuando lo piensas siento que siento que me he beneficiado mucho de su sabiduría en mi opinión en mi opinión fue una pérdida de tiempo estoy de acuerdo con estoy de acuerdo con cada palabra que acabas de decir yo Estoy seguro de que estoy seguro de que todo el mundo lo extrañará mucho por lo que entiendo por lo que entiendo él estará usando la cocina todo el día estoy convencido de que estoy convencido de que ella dijo que iba a la mercado a la una en punto supongo que supongo que podría suceder pero no es muy probable nos encontraremos en la estación de tren mi perspectiva desde mi perspectiva es mejor llegar tarde que no llegar estoy seguro que estoy seguro de que si solicitas ese trabajo lo obtendrás personalmente hablando personalmente hablando estoy en a favor del esquema escuché que escuché que está viviendo con su novia espero que no te moleste que diga que hop No te importa que lo diga, pero tu cabello está todo desordenado en la parte de atrás . ¿Cómo sabes eso? ¿Cómo sabes eso? ¿Cómo crees que te fue ? ¿Cómo crees que te fue? vas al gimnasio cómo puedes ver eso desde aquí cómo puedes ver eso desde aquí cuánto dinero te debo cuánto dinero te debo cómo podemos hacer que esto funcione cómo podemos hacer que esto funcione cuánto tiempo te debo me queda cuanto tiempo me queda por que nunca dijiste nada por que nunca dijiste nada que tan rapido puedes ser que tan rapido puedes ser como puedo ayudarte como puedo ayudarte como conseguiste tu trabajo consigue tu trabajo cómo van las cosas cómo van las cosas cómo puedo confiar en ti cómo puedo confiar en ti qué tal ahora qué tal ahora cómo supiste eso hace calor afuera cómo es que qué tan profundo es qué tan profundo es cuánto chocolate comiste cuánto chocolate comiste cuántos años tienes cuántos años ¿Eres tú? ¿Cuánto debo pagarles ? ¿ Cuánto debo pagarles ? ¿Qué tan fuerte es ? ¿ Qué tan fuerte es ? crees que fue como crees que fue como es que no has empezado como es que no has empezado como podemos hacer un cambio como podemos hacer un cambio como te sientes como te sientes ¿ Cómo llegarás allí? ¿Cómo llegarás? ¿Cuánto frío hace afuera ? ¿Cómo llegaste aquí ? ¿ Cómo llegaste aquí ? cuánto duró el viaje cuánto duró el viaje cuántas veces me llamaste cuántas veces me llamaste qué tan rápida es tu conexión a internet qué tan rápida es tu conexión a internet cuánto costó tu auto cuánto costó tu auto cuánto tiempo ¿La conoces? ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que la conoces ? ¿Cómo resuelvo este problema ? ¿Cómo lo hago? Resuelvo este problema ¿Cómo lo enciendo ? ¿Cómo lo enciendo? ¿Cómo me encontraste? ¿Cómo me encontraste? ¿Qué tan fácil es? ¿Qué tan fácil es ? ¿Qué tan rápido puedes llegar ? cómo lo lograste cómo podemos encontrar la respuesta cómo podemos encontrar la respuesta cómo supiste cómo hacer eso cómo supiste cómo hacer eso cómo es posible cómo es posible cómo perdiste tu billetera cómo pierdes tu billetera cómo es que nunca he oído eso antes cómo es que nunca he oído eso antes cuánto helado comiste ayer cuánto helado comiste ayer cómo fue tu reunión cómo fue tu ir a la reunión cómo crees que fueron las cosas cómo crees que fueron las cosas cómo harás que funcione cómo harás que funcione cómo te sientes hoy cómo te sientes hoy cuánta leche te gustaría en tu té cuánta leche te gustaría como en tu té con qué frecuencia ves a tu madre con qué frecuencia ves a tu madre cuánto es cuánto es náuseas náuseas significa la sensación de que vas a vomitar la sensación de que vas a vomitar muchas mujeres experimentan náuseas durante el embarazo muchas mujeres experimentan náuseas durante el embarazo hinchazón hinchazón significa una parte del cuerpo que se ha vuelto más grande porque de una enfermedad o lesión una parte de su cuerpo que se ha vuelto más grande debido a una enfermedad o lesión coloque su pie en agua helada para reducir la hinchazón coloque su pie en agua helada para reducir la hinchazón sangrado nasal sangrado significa una ocasión en que sale sangre de la nariz de una persona una ocasión en la que sale sangre de la nariz de una persona me sangró la nariz después de recibir un golpe en la cara me sangró la nariz después de recibir un golpe en la cara moretón moretón que significa una lesión o marca donde la piel no se ha roto pero es más oscura de color a menudo como resultado de haber sido golpeado por algo una lesión o marca donde la piel no se ha roto pero es de color más oscuro a menudo como resultado de ser golpeado por algo que tiene un feo moretón en la espinilla tiene un feo moretón en la espinilla esguince esguince significa causar una lesión en una articulación con un movimiento repentino causar una lesión en una articulación con un movimiento repentino ¿cómo te torceste el tobillo? ¿cómo te torceste el tobillo? acidez estomacal en el tobillo acidez estomacal que significa una dolorosa sensación de ardor en la parte inferior del pecho causada por el estómago que no digiere los alimentos correctamente me gustaría ver al médico acerca de mi acidez estomacal exhausto agotado significa extremadamente cansado extremadamente cansado debo dormir un poco estoy agotado debo dormir un poco estoy agotado úlcera úlcera significa una llaga en la piel o dentro del cuerpo que no sanará sin treatment a saw on the skin or inside the body that will not heal without treatment she had an ulcer in her mouth she had an ulcer in her mouth insomnia insomnia meaning the condition of being unable to sleep over a period of time the condition of being unable to sleep over a period of time he suffered from insomnia and was taking sleeping pills each night he suffered from insomnia and was taking sleeping pills each night sneeze sneeze meaning when you sneeze air and often small drops of liquid suddenly come out of your nose and mouth in a way you cannot control when you sneeze air and often small drops of liquid suddenly come out of your nose and mouth in a way you cannot control the dust was making him sneeze the dust was making him sneeze allergy allergy meaning a condition that causes illness when someone eats certain foods touches or breathes in certain substances a condition that causes illness when someone eats certain foods touches or breathes in certain substances i have an allergy to animal hair i have an allergy to animal hair cramp cramp meaning a sudden painful tightening in a muscle often after a lot of exercise that limits movement a sudden painful tightening in a muscle often after a lot of exercise that limits movement one of the swimmers got cramp and had to drop out of the race one of the swimmers got cramp and had to drop out of the race bleeding bleeding meaning the process of losing blood from the body the process of losing blood from the body he was bleeding from a gash on his head he was bleeding from a gash on his head choking choking meaning you stop breathing because something is blocking your throat you stop breathing because something is blocking your throat he was choking on a piece of toast he was choking on a piece of toast phobia phobia meaning an extreme fear or dislike of a particular thing or situation and extreme fear or dislike of a particular thing or situation dislike of snakes or spiders is a common phobia dislike of snakes or spiders is a common phobia unconscious unconscious meaning in the state of not being awake and not aware of things around you especially as the result of a head injury in the state of not being awake and not aware of thi ngs around you especially as the result of a head injury they found him lying unconscious on the floor they found him lying unconscious on the floor headache headache meaning a pain you feel inside your head a pain you feel inside your head i woke up with a slight headache i woke up with a slight headache infection infection meaning a condition in which bacteria or viruses that cause disease have entered the body a condition in which bacteria or viruses that cause disease have entered the body i'm taking antibiotics for a throat infection i'm taking antibiotics for a throat infection contagious contagious meaning a contagious disease can be caught by touching someone who has the disease or a piece of infected clothing a contagious disease can be caught by touching someone who has the disease or a piece of infected clothing people with contagious diseases should be isolated people with contagious diseases should be isolated sunburn sunburn meaning a condition in which your skin is sore and red because you have spent too long in the strong heat of the sun a condition in which your skin is sore and red because you have spent too long in the strong heat of the sun this will help to soothe your sunburn this will help to soothe your sunburn dizzy dizzy meaning feeling as if everything is turning around and that you are not able to balance and may fall over feeling as if everything is turning around and that you are not able to balance and may fall over she went to the doctor complaining of dizzy spells she went to the doctor complaining of dizzy spells toothache toothache meaning pain caused by something being wrong with one of your teeth pain caused by something being wrong with one of your teeth i had terrible toothache all last night i had terrible toothache all last night itching itching meaning the fact of having or producing an uncomfortable feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with your nails the fact of having or producing an uncomfortable feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with your nails are your mosquito bites still itching are your mosquito bites still itching rash rash meaning a lot of small red spots on the skin a lot of small red spots on the skin she had a nasty rash on her arm she had a nasty rash on her arm earache earache meaning a pain in the inside part of your ear a pain in the inside part of your ear the patient is complaining of severe earache the patient is complaining of severe earache cold sore a painful red swelling especially on the lips or nose that is caused by a virus a painful red swelling especially on the lips or nose that is caused by a virus how long have you had a cold sore for how long have you had a cold sore for diabetes diabetes meaning a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood my doctor wants me to get tested for diabetes my doctor wants me to get tested for diabetes indigesti on indigestion meaning pain that you get in your stomach when you have eaten food that is difficult to digest pain that you get in your stomach when you have eaten food that is difficult to digest spicy food always gives me indigestion spicy food always gives me indigestion asthma asthma meaning a medical condition that makes breathing difficult by causing the air passages to become narrow or blocked a medical condition that makes breathing difficult by causing the air passages to become narrow or blocked i think he's having an asthma attack i think he's having an asthma attack dehydration dehydration meaning a drop below normal levels of water in the body a drop below normal levels of water in the body an elderly patient was admitted to the hospital because of dehydration an elderly patient was admitted to the hospital because of dehydration acne acne meaning a skin disease common in young people in which small red spots appear on the face and neck a skin disease common in young peopl e in which small red spots appear on the face and neck acne is very common among teenagers acne is very common among teenagers arthritis arthritis meaning a serious condition in which a person's joints become painful swollen and stiff a serious condition in which a person's joints become painful swollen and stiff scientists are developing new drugs to treat arthritis scientists are developing new drugs to treat arthritis vomiting vomiting meaning the act of emptying the contents of the stomach through the mouth the act of emptying the contents of the stomach through the mouth if she starts vomiting contact the doctor immediately if she starts vomiting contact the doctor immediately bunyan bunyan meaning a painful swelling on the first joint of the big toe a painful swelling on the first joint of the big toe i've got a bunion on my big toe i've got a bunion on my big toe constipation constipation meaning a condition which makes someone unable to empty their bowels as often as they shoul d a condition which makes someone unable to empty their bowels as often as they should if you are suffering from constipation you may need to see a doctor if you are suffering from constipation you may need to see a doctor cough cough meaning to force air out of your lungs through your throat with a short loud sound to force air out of your lungs through your throat with a short loud sound the smoke made me cough the smoke made me cough diarrhea diarrhea meaning an illness in which the body's solid waste is more liquid than usual and comes out of the body more often an illness in which the body's solid waste is more liquid than usual and comes out of the body more often diarrhea can make you feel weak as well as putting you off your food diarrhea can make you feel weak as well as putting you off your food migraine migraine meaning severe continuous pain in the head often with vomiting and difficulty in seeing severe continuous pain in the head often with vomiting and difficulty in seei ng i won't be coming this evening i've got a migraine i won't be coming this evening i've got a migraine sore throat sore throat meaning a condition in which your throat is red and feels painful especially when you swallow a condition in which your throat is red and feels painful especially when you swallow gargling with salt water may help your sore throat gargling with salt water may help your sore throat what what meaning a small hard lump that grows on the skin often on the face and hands a small hard lump that grows on the skin often on the face and hands i have a large wart on the side of my face i have a large wart on the side of my face injury injury meaning physical harm or damage to someone's body caused by an accident or an attack physical harm or damage to someone's body caused by an accident or an attack a knee injury forced her to withdraw from the competition a knee injury forced her to withdraw from the competition ache ache meaning a continuous pain that is unpleasant but not very strong a continuous pain that is unpleasant but not very strong my arms ache from carrying this bag my arms ache from carrying this bag obese obese meaning extremely fat in a way that is dangerous for health extremely fat in a way that is dangerous for health obese patients are advised to change their diet obese patients are advised to change their diet flu flu meaning a common infectious illness that causes fever and headache a common infectious illness that causes fever and headache he was suffering from the flu and had lost his voice he was suffering from the flu and had lost his voice fever fever meaning a medical condition in which the body temperature is higher than usual and the heart beats very fast a medical condition in which the body temperature is higher than usual and the heart beats very fast if you have a fever you should drink plenty of fluids if you have a fever you should drink plenty of fluids panic attack panic attack meaning a sudden period of severe a nxiety in which your heart beats fast you have trouble breathing and you feel as if something very bad is going to happen a sudden period of severe anxiety in which your heart beats fast you have trouble breathing and you feel as if something very bad is going to happen i get a little bit nervous and sometimes i have a panic attack i get a little bit nervous and sometimes i have a panic attack cancer cancer meaning a serious disease that is caused when cells in the body grow in a way that is uncontrolled and not normal killing normal cells and often causing death a serious disease that is caused when cells in the body grow in a way that is uncontrolled and not normal killing normal cells and often causing death the doctors cured her of stomach cancer the doctors cured her of stomach cancer heart attack heart attack meaning a serious medical condition in which the heart does not get enough blood causing great pain and often leading to death a serious medical condition in which the heart does not get enough blood causing great pain and often leading to death he's in hospital recovering from a heart attack he's in hospital recovering from a heart attack stressed stressed meaning worried and nervous worried and nervous ai always eat when i'm feeling stressed i always eat when i'm feeling stressed malaria malaria meaning a disease that you can get from the bite of a particular type of mosquito a disease that you can get from the bite of a particular type of mosquito he contracted malaria while he was traveling he contracted malaria while he was traveling do you have any plans for the weekend do you have any plans for the weekend are you having a good time are you having a good time what is the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery what is the first thing you do if you won the lottery you look like you've got your hands full you look like you've got your hands full if you had wings where would be the first place you would fly to if you had wings where would be the f irst place you would fly to have you been waiting long have you been waiting long it looks like we are going to be here a while it looks like we are going to be here a while what makes you smile what makes you smile if you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things would they be if you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things what would they be i didn't think it would be quite so busy today did you i didn't think it would be quite so busy today did you are you doing anything fun after work are you doing anything fun after work hi it's great to see you again how are you doing hi it's great to see you again how are you doing how does a good day start for you how does a good day start for you are you a long way from home are you a long way from home are you looking forward to the weekend are you looking forward to the weekend i love your dress may i ask where you got it from i love your dress may i ask where you got it from are you a morning or an evening person are you a morning or an evening person if you could have a superpower which one would it be if you could have a superpower which one would it be chocolate is my guilty pleasure do you have one chocolate is my guilty pleasure do you have one have you worked here long have you worked here long hey what's up are you not enjoying it hey what's up are you not enjoying it am i right in thinking that we've met before am i right in thinking that we've met before do you know of a good restaurant nearby do you know of a good restaurant nearby how are things how are things how has your day been so far how has your day been so far the bus must be running late today the bus must be running late today if there was 25 hours in a day what would you do with that extra hour if there was 25 hours in a day what would you do with that extra hour i'm new here i wondered if you could help me i'm new here i wondered if you could help me what is the weirdest thing you've ever eate n what is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten can i help you can i help you is it always this busy is it always this busy did you hear about the incident on the high street did you hear about the incident on the high street have i missed anything exciting have i missed anything exciting what brings you here what brings you here is this your first time here is this your first time here have you traveled far have you traveled far it's a great party do you know the hosts it's a great party do you know the hosts so you found us okay how long did it take you so you found us okay how long did it take you do you need a seat do you need a seat it's a beautiful day it's a beautiful day i love the coffee here have you tried it before i love the coffee here have you tried it before what do you think about the new teacher what do you think about the new teacher the food looks fantastic is there anything you would especially recommend the food looks fantastic is there anything you would especially recommend it's so nice to meet you at last it's so nice to meet you at last i really like your hair the cut really suits you i really like your hair the cut really suits you did you catch the news today did you catch the news today what do you like to do the most when you're not working what do you like to do the most when you're not working i'll have to remember not to come here on mondays i'll have to remember not to come here on mondays the flowers are really beautiful at this time of year aren't they the flowers are really beautiful at this time of year aren't they are you enjoying yourself are you enjoying yourself what do you like to watch on youtube what do you like to watch on youtube what would be your dream vacation what would be your dream vacation who is your role model who is your role model can you recommend any good tv programs to watch can you recommend any good tv programs to watch what is your favorite app on your mobile phone what is your favorite app on your mobile phone choose choose why did you choose to live in london why did you choose to live in london chose chose i chose a book from the bookcase i chose a book from the bookcase chosen chosen a site has been chosen for the new school a site has been chosen for the new school do do can i do more in my role can i do more in my role did did what did you get for your birthday what did you get for your birthday dun dun what have i done to you what have i done to you draw draw can you draw the curtains apart can you draw the curtains apart drew drew the concert drew a large audience the concert drew a large audience drawn drawn they sat in the dark with the curtains drawn they sat in the dark with the curtains drawn drink drink can i have something to drink can i have something to drink drank drank we drank a whole bottle each we drank a whole bottle each drunk drunk i shouldn't have drunk this much i shouldn't have drunk this much drive drive shall we drive or go by train shall we drive or go by train drove drove he drove away in a car he drove away in a car driven driven i've never driven a car before i've never driven a car before eat eat i would like to eat a hamburger i would like to eat a hamburger eight eight i ate two slices of toast i ate two slices of toast eaten eaton i haven't eaten since breakfast i haven't eaten since breakfast fall fall a light rain began to fall a light rain began to fall fell fell we rescued the boy who fell into the river we rescued the boy who fell into the river fallen fallen the building had fallen into disrepair the building had fallen into disrepair fly fly birds fly in the air birds fly in the air flew flew a swarm of bees flew into the garden a swarm of bees flew into the garden flown flown the bird has flown away the bird has flown away forbid forbid i forbid you to go swimming i forbid you to go swimming forbade forbade she forbade her children sweets she forbade her children sweets forbidden forbidden it is forbidden to smoke at sch ool it is forbidden to smoke at school freeze freeze can you freeze this cake can you freeze this cake froze froze the severe cold froze the pond the severe cold froze the pond frozen frozen they skated over the frozen lake they skated over the frozen lake give give it is better to give than to receive it is better to give than to receive gave gave she gave them extra helpings of ice cream she gave them extra helpings of ice cream given given the children were given an intelligence test the children were given an intelligence test go go maybe we should go home maybe we should go home went went we went on a day trip to the seaside we went on a day trip to the seaside gone gone she's gone to italy on a special assignment she's gone to italy on a special assignment grow grow flowers grow along the side of the wall flowers grow along the side of the wall grew grew the flames grew larger as the fire spread the flames grew larger as the fire spread grown grown the vegetables are grown under glass the vegetables are grown under glass hide hide he could not hide his embarrassment he could not hide his embarrassment hid hid he hid the bicycle in the hedge he hid the bicycle in the hedge hidden hidden the sun was hidden by the clouds the sun was hidden by the clouds no no i know they don't like me i know they don't like me new new i knew nothing of his business dealings i knew nothing of his business dealings known known a person is known by the company he keeps a person is known by the company he keeps ride ride do you like to ride horseback do you like to ride horseback road road they rode along narrow country lanes they rode along narrow country lanes ridden she had never ridden a horse before she had never ridden a horse before ring ring tell her i'll ring back in a few minutes tell her i'll ring back in a few minutes rang rang she rang up about an hour ago she rang up about an hour ago wrong wrong i've just wrung him but there was no answer i've just wrung him but there was no answer rise rise house prices are expected to rise sharply house prices are expected to rise sharply rose rose the sun rose at seven o'clock the sun rose at seven o'clock risen risen the temperature has risen 5 degrees the temperature has risen 5 degrees c c i'll see you later i'll see you later saw saw i saw him turn into the library i saw him turn into the library scene scene have you seen any good movies lately have you seen any good movies lately shake shake shake the bottle before taking the medicine shake the bottle before taking the medicine shook shook she shook the bag and some coins fell out she shook the bag and some coins fell out shaken shaken he was too shaken up to drive he was too shaken up to drive sing sing will you sing us a song will you sing us a song she sang whilst she worked she sang whilst she worked sung sung i have always sung in choirs i have always sung in choirs speak speak he continued to speak in a calm voice he continued to speak in a calm voice spoke spoke we spoke briefly on the phone we spoke briefly on the phone spoken spoken i haven't spoken to her yet i haven't spoken to her yet spring spring with an easy spring the cat reached the branch with an easy spring the cat reached the branch sprang sprang i sprang out of bed i sprang out of bed sprung sprung the pipe has sprung a leak the pipe has sprung a leak steel it is against the law to steal it is against the law to steal stole stole do you know who stole it do you know who stole it stolen stolen the stolen document was soon restored to the owner the stolen document was soon restored to the owner swear swear i swear i won't tell anyone your secret i swear i won't tell anyone your secret swore swore she swore that she'd never seen him she swore that she'd never seen him sworn sworn i could have sworn i had my keys i could have sworn i had my keys swim swim she can swim two lengths of the pool she can swim two lengths of the pool swam swam the dog swam across the river the dog swam across the river if i had swung my best time i would have won if i had swung my best time i would have won take take i can't take care of myself i can't take care of myself took took he took his shoes and socks off he took his shoes and socks off taken taken she was taken to hospital she was taken to hospital tear tear this fabric has a tear in it this fabric has a tear in it toe toe a nail tore a hole in her skirt a nail tore a hole in her skirt torn torn his clothes were torn and bloody his clothes were torn and bloody throw throw throw your dirty clothes in the washing machine throw your dirty clothes in the washing machine through through my friend threw the ball back over the fence my friend threw the ball back over the fence thrown thrown that old chair should be thrown away that old chair should be thrown away wake wake i wake up at seven every morning i wake up at seven every morning woke woke i woke up and got out of bed i woke up and got out of bed woken woken she ha d just woken from a deep sleep she had just woken from a deep sleep where where she likes to wear woolen socks in winter she likes to wear woolen socks in winter war war she wore a green dress she wore a green dress worn worn i've only worn this jumper twice i've only worn this jumper twice right right the child is learning to write the child is learning to write wrote wrote he wrote something on a small piece of paper he wrote something on a small piece of paper written written have you written up that report yet have you written up that report yet second hand car second hand car would you be interested in buying a second-hand car would you be interested in buying a second-hand car oncoming car oncoming car he flashed his headlights at the oncoming car he flashed his headlights at the oncoming car parked car parked car a parked car was obstructing the motorway a parked car was obstructing the motorway luxury car luxury car this luxury car offers comfort quietness and speed this luxury car offers comfort quietness and speed police car police car the police car was going so fast it must have been chasing someone the police car was going so fast it must have been chasing someone fast car fast car it's a fast car so it shouldn't take too long it's a fast car so it shouldn't take too long used car used car make sure you buy your used car from an authorized dealer make sure you buy your used car from an authorized dealer new car new car i have decided to invest in a new car i have decided to invest in a new car hire car hire car our hire car broke down after only an hour our hire car broke down after only an hour car parts car parts he works for a company that manufactures car parts he works for a company that manufactures car parts car wash car wash excuse all this mess i should really go to a car wash excuse all this mess i should really go to a car wash car insurance car insurance car insurance premiums have increased this year car insurance premiums have increased th is year car dealership car dealership car dealership has a large inventory of used cars the car dealership has a large inventory of used cars go for a drive go for a drive i thought we might go for a drive on sunday i thought we might go for a drive on sunday long drive long drive it was a long drive and the children started to get tired it was a long drive and the children started to get tired pleasant drive pleasant drive it's a pleasant drive to the coast it's a pleasant drive to the coast drive fast drive fast you shouldn't drive fast when your car is towing a caravan you shouldn't drive fast when your car is towing a caravan drive carefully drive carefully drive carefully the roads are very icy drive carefully the roads are very icy drive safely drive safely you need a clear head to be able to drive safely you need a clear head to be able to drive safely drive slowly drive slowly you have to drive slowly on these crooked country roads you have to drive slowly on these crooked coun try roads drink and drive drink and drive it is against the law to drink and drive it is against the law to drink and drive driving lesson driving lesson paul will be having his first driving lesson this thursday paul will be having his first driving lesson this thursday driving instructor driving instructor i managed to find a very good driving instructor i managed to find a very good driving instructor driving test driving test i passed my driving test at the first attempt i passed my driving test at the first attempt careless driving careless driving he was charged with careless driving and failing to report an accident he was charged with careless driving and failing to report an accident reckless driving reckless driving the police charged the driver with reckless driving the police charged the driver with reckless driving driving conditions driving conditions snow and ice are making driving conditions very dangerous snow and ice are making driving conditions very dangerous drivin g experience driving experience we are looking for drivers with at least two years of driving experience we are looking for drivers with at least two years of driving experience driving license driving license my driving license will expire at the end of the year my driving licence will expire at the end of the year dangerous driving dangerous driving she was arrested for dangerous driving she was arrested for dangerous driving elderly driver elderly driver an elderly driver was involved in an accident just outside the bank an elderly driver was involved in an accident just outside the bank delivery driver delivery driver he works as a delivery driver at the weekends he works as a delivery driver at the weekends experienced driver experienced driver i'm looking for an experienced driver with a clean driving license i'm looking for an experienced driver with a clean driving license inexperienced driver inexperienced driver if you are young and an inexperienced driver it is worth having good insurance if you are young and an inexperienced driver it is worth having good insurance uninsured driver uninsured driver the man gave permission to an uninsured driver to use his vehicle the man gave permission to an uninsured driver to use his vehicle drunk driver drunk driver my husband was nearly killed because of a drunk driver my husband was nearly killed because of a drunk driver terrible driver terrible driver you are a terrible driver you shouldn't be allowed to drive on the roads you are a terrible driver you shouldn't be allowed to drive on the roads taxi driver taxi driver i told the taxi driver to keep the change i told the taxi driver to keep the change student driver student driver at the time of the accident a student driver was behind the wheel of the car at the time of the accident a student driver was behind the wheel of the car traffic jam traffic jam sorry were late we got stuck in a traffic jam sorry we're late we got stuck in a traffic jam on coming traffic oncoming traffic he was dazzled by the lights of oncoming traffic he was dazzled by the lights of oncoming traffic busy traffic busy traffic i was caught up in the busy traffic again this evening i was caught up in the busy traffic again this evening slow moving traffic slow moving traffic he was stuck in a line of slow moving traffic he was stuck in a line of slow moving traffic fast moving traffic fast moving traffic be careful when changing lanes in fast moving traffic be careful when changing lanes in fast moving traffic rush hour traffic rush hour traffic they must have got caught in rush hour traffic they must have got caught in rush hour traffic stuck in traffic stuck in traffic they were stuck in traffic and missed their flight they were stuck in traffic and missed their flight beat the traffic beat the traffic let's try to beat the traffic by leaving early in the morning let's try to beat the traffic by leaving early in the morning traffic congestion traffic congestion parkin g near the school causes severe traffic congestion parking near the school causes severe traffic congestion traffic warden traffic warden a traffic warden asked him to move his car a traffic warden asked him to move his car queue of traffic queue of traffic there was a queue of traffic waiting to turn right there was a queue of traffic waiting to turn right face up to face up to meaning confront and deal with or accept a difficult or unpleasant task fact or situation confront and deal with or accept a difficult or unpleasant task fact or situation you have to face up to your responsibilities you have to face up to your responsibilities own up own up meaning to admit that you have done something bad or embarrassing to admit that you have done something bad or embarrassing he still wouldn't own up to the fact that he'd lied he still wouldn't own up to the fact that he lied look down on look down on meaning to think that you are better or more important than someone else or to think that something is not good enough for you to think that you are better or more important than someone else or to think that something is not good enough for you never look down on people less superior than you never look down on people less superior than you sink in sink in meaning if an unpleasant or surprising fact or idea sinks in you gradually start to believe it understand it or realize the effect it will have on you if an unpleasant or surprising fact or idea sinks in you gradually start to believe it understand it or realize the effect it will have on you it took a long time for the bad news to sink in it took a long time for the bad news to sink in let down let down meaning to disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do to disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do she had been let down badly in the past she had been let down badly in the past pick on pick on meaning to criticize punish or be unkind to the sa me person often and unfairly to criticize punish or be unkind to the same person often and unfairly they always pick on him when anything goes wrong they always pick on him when anything goes wrong take after take after meaning to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character he is going to take after his brother and join the army he is going to take after his brother and join the army feel up to feel up to meaning to have the energy to do something to have the energy to do something i don't really feel up to seeing anyone today i don't really feel up to seeing anyone today give up give up meaning to stop trying to do something before you have finished usually because it is too difficult to stop trying to do something before you have finished usually because it is too difficult i can't answer that puzzle i give up i can't answer that puzzle i give up stand for stand for meaning if you w ill not stand for something you will not accept a situation or a particular type of behavior if you will not stand for something you will not accept a situation or a particular type of behavior i will not stand for behavior of that kind in my house i will not stand for behavior of that kind in my house clam up clam up meaning to become silent suddenly usually because you are embarrassed or nervous or do not want to talk about a particular subject to become silent suddenly usually because you are embarrassed or nervous or do not want to talk about a particular subject don't clam up just when the story is getting interesting don't climb up just when the story is getting interesting in fit in meaning to feel that you belong to a particular group and are accepted by that group to feel that you belong to a particular group and are accepted by that group i wasn't sure if she would fit in with my friends i wasn't sure if she would fit in with my friends put up with put up with meaning to acce pt or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience or someone who behaves unpleasantly to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience or someone who behaves unpleasantly it isn't easy to put up with people who are impolite it isn't easy to put up with people who are impolite fool around fool around meaning to behave in a silly way especially in a way that might have dangerous results to behave in a silly way especially in a way that might have dangerous results you shouldn't fool around with dangerous chemicals you shouldn't fall around with dangerous chemicals get down to get down to meaning to start to direct your efforts and attention towards something to start to direct your efforts and attention towards something okay let's get down to business okay let's get down to business count on count on meaning to be confident that you can depend on someone to be confident that you can depend on someone i can always count on you to cheer me up i can always count on you to cheer me up look up to look up to meaning to admire and respect someone to admire and respect someone tell me about a person who you admire and look up to tell me about a person who you admire and look up to give in give in meaning to finally agree to what someone wants after refusing for a period of time to finally agree to what someone wants after refusing for a period of time she shouldn't always give in to his demands she shouldn't always give in to his demands figure out figure out meaning to understand or solve something to understand or solve something i can't figure out what he was hinting at i can't figure out what he was hinting at catch on catch on meaning to understand especially after a long time to understand especially after a long time wait a minute i'm beginning to catch on wait a minute i'm beginning to catch on cheer up cheer up meaning if someone cheers up or something cheers someone up they start to feel happier if someone cheers up or something ch eers someone up they start to feel happier try and cheer up a bit life isn't that bad try and cheer up a bit life isn't that bad fall about fall about meaning to laugh without being able to stop to laugh without being able to stop just the sight of him is enough to make you fall about laughing just the sight of him is enough to make you fall about laughing grow up grow up meaning to behave like an adult use to criticize someone who you think is being silly or unreasonable to behave like an adult used to criticize someone who you think is being silly or unreasonable everyone should just grow up and treat each other with respect everyone should just grow up and treat each other with respect think over think over meaning to consider an idea or plan carefully before making a decision to consider an idea or plan carefully before making a decision i suggest you think over your position very carefully i suggest you think over your position very carefully iron out iron out meaning to remove pr oblems or find solutions to remove problems or find solutions don't worry we'll iron out the problems don't worry we'll iron out the problems fall out fall out meaning to argue with someone and stop being friendly with them to argue with someone and stop being friendly with them most married people fall out over money most married people fall out over money along get along meaning if two or more people get along they like each other and are friendly to each other if two or more people get along they like each other and are friendly to each other i don't really get along with my sister's husband i don't really get along with my sister's husband get away with get away with meaning to do something successfully although it is not the best way of doing it to do something successfully although it is not the best way of doing it if you cheat in the exam you'll never get away with it if you cheat in the exam you'll never get away with it let on let on meaning to tell other people about somethi ng that you know especially when it is a secret to tell other people about something that you know especially when it is a secret she never let on that anything was wrong she never let on that anything was wrong look after look after meaning to take care of or be in charge of something to take care of or be in charge of something they employed him to look after the baby they employed him to look after the baby blow up blow up meaning to suddenly become very angry to suddenly become very angry it doesn't take much for my father to blow up it doesn't take much for my father to blow up put a cross put across meaning to express your ideas and opinions clearly so that people understand them easily to express your ideas and opinions clearly so that people understand them easily he was trying to put across a serious point was trying to put across a serious point work out work out meaning to exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body to exercise in order to improve th e strength or appearance of your body i try and work out at the local gym once a week i try and work out at the local gym once a week try out try out meaning to compete for a position on the team or a part in the play to compete for a position on the team or a part in the play she is going to try out for the basketball team she is going to try out for the basketball team increase decrease our main aim is to increase sales in europe the government wants to decrease population growth soften harden the butter will soften if you leave it out the clay needs to harden before it can be painted ignite extinguish the gun powder sometimes fails to ignite it took about 50 minutes to extinguish the fire shout whisper we had to shout above the noise of the traffic you don't have to whisper no one can hear us loosen tighten you'll need a spanner to loosen that bolt turn the screw to the right to tighten it reward punish it is important to reward good behavior my parents used to punish me by not lett ing me watch tv immigrate emigrate they plan to immigrate to china next year they decided to emigrate to france encourage discourage the government wants to encourage people to vote i have tried to discourage him from biting his nails remember forget you need to remember to close the front door don't forget to put the car in the garage forbid permit i forbid anyone to touch that clock we do not permit smoking in the office retreat advance the soldiers were forced to retreat he continued to advance towards the car accept decline she refused to accept that there was a problem my initial reaction was to decline the offer appear disappear you must try not to appear vulnerable she managed to disappear during the festivities defend attack we need to defend against military aggression the army planned to attack the enemy in the morning show hide i'll show you how to load the software she manufactured a false story to hide the facts include exclude the law was amended to include people of all ages the school had no right to exclude the student from the examination freeze melt the children wanted the lake to freeze over so they could play on it finally the ice was beginning to melt give take he refused to give a statement to the police don't forget to take your umbrella when you go add subtract i have nothing to add to my earlier statement you will need to subtract that amount from each category close open the decision to close the factory has provoked fury turn the door knob to open the door demolish build we are going to demolish the old building a local developer is planning to build a supermarket ascend descend the path started to ascend more steeply the plane began to descend repair damage the money will be used to repair faulty equipment be careful not to damage other people's property enter exit we tried to enter the house but some men warned us off you need to exit using the door at the back of the property send receive i told her to send the letter by airmail i was very touched to receive your kind letter import export i need to import data from the database into my word processor we export all kinds of industrial products grow shrink all plants like to grow up towards the sunlight this material has a tendency to shrink when washed arrive depart i'm waiting for james to arrive the bus was due to depart at any moment unite divide the two parties have been trying to unite since the new year we agreed to divide the money equally between everyone marry divorce he asked me to marry him and i accepted she is going to divorce him on the grounds of adultery by sell i want to buy a present for my mother and father we should be able to sell the house at a profit admit deny she was very reluctant to admit the truth my instinctive reaction was to deny everything inhale exhale it is dangerous to inhale the fumes produced by these chemicals take a deep breath in then exhale into the mouthpiece stay leave old people prefer to stay in their own homes i haven't g ot to leave till three in the afternoon come go people have appealed for witnesses to come forward i need to go to the bathroom spend save i can't afford to spend any more money this week he managed to save enough money to buy a small house break mend i didn't mean to break the plate it was an accident they took a long time to mend the roof ask reply i would like to ask you about your future plans i was unsure how to reply to his question agree disagree it was unwise of you to agree to that she seemed to disagree with his decision begin end ladies and gentlemen the show is about to begin they decided to end their relationship approve disapprove we had to wait for the council to approve our plans to extend the house i strongly disapprove of any form of gambling float sink i wasn't sure if the raft would float their motorboat struck a rock and began to sink lose win i was unfortunate enough to lose my keys she overcame injury to win the olympic gold medal change remain i need to change i nto some dry clothes it took all his willpower to remain calm combine separate it's hard to combine family life with a career the police wanted to separate them into smaller groups simplify complicate he tried to simplify the story for the younger audience i do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary flourish whether organized crime continued to flourish alongside the mainstream economy industries unable to modernize have been left to wither lengthen shorten can you lengthen these trousers for me i've asked him to shorten my grey trousers push pull you'll have to push harder if you want it to move it is naughty of you to pull your baby sister's hair fall rise the rain continued to fall all afternoon house prices are expected to rise sharply considerate inconsiderate she is always polite and considerate towards her employees it was very inconsiderate of you to keep us waiting fragile robust be careful not to drop it it's very fragile i need to buy a tall and robust stool for the kitchen careful careless be careful not to overload the washing machine it was careless of me to leave the door open bored interested some children get bored very quickly i've always been interested in music intentional accidental let me assure you that it was not intentional our meeting in new york was totally accidental selfish selfless her selfish behavior completely spoiled the evening she will be remembered for her selfless devotion to the cause willing unwilling she's always willing to help out they are unwilling to invest any more money in the project avoidable unavoidable running out of petrol is annoying and easily avoidable the manager said the job losses were unavoidable nervous calm it's perfectly normal to be nervous before a performance she's so calm nothing seems to phase her pessimistic optimistic the mood of the meeting was distinctly pessimistic i'm very optimistic about our chances of success fashionable unfashionable it's becoming fashionable to have long ha ir again they live in an unfashionable part of london convenient inconvenient you'll find these meals quick and convenient to prepare it must have been inconvenient for everyone simple difficult there's no simple solution to this problem he was finding it increasingly difficult to make decisions popular unpopular she's the editor of a popular woman's magazine it was a painful and unpopular decision blunt sharp she was cutting the bread with a blunt knife trim off the excess pastry using a sharp knife available unavailable tickets are available from the box office funding for the new school is unavailable flexible rigid many mothers prefer flexible working hours he is rigid about points of procedure sensitive insensitive she is very sensitive to other people's feelings it bothers me that he can be so insensitive loose tight she is wearing a long and loose dress these trousers are a bit tight around my waist constant inconstant he was in constant physical pain work was equally inconstant and low paid clean dirty the apartment was spotlessly clean he left a tray of dirty cups in the sink capable incapable the engineer is capable of handling the problem she seemed incapable of forming any relationships full empty the rubbish bin is full of rubbish she put down her empty cup on the table helpful unhelpful you may find it helpful to read this before making any decisions the shop assistant was rude and unhelpful compassionate heartless my father was a deeply compassionate man i couldn't believe they were so heartless logical illogical i'm sure there is a logical explanation for all this the current rules are illogical and unnecessary thick thin his coat was covered with thick brown mud cut the vegetables into thin strips acceptable unacceptable such behavior is not acceptable in this school i found her attitude totally unacceptable deep shallow he dug a deep hole in the garden serve the noodles in a shallow bowl conspicuous inconspicuous the noticed must be displayed in a conspicuous place i'll try to be as inconspicuous as possible able unable you should be able to evaluate your own work they were unable to gain admittance to the whole honest dishonest are you being completely honest about your feelings beware of dishonest traders in the tourist areas dark light there was a dark smudge on his forehead all the bedrooms are light and airy cheap expensive i got a cheap flight at the last minute she was wearing an expensive new outfit pleasant unpleasant he was a pleasant man but didn't talk much i found her manner extremely unpleasant bad good a bad diet can cause health problems we ate at a good restaurant last night satisfied unsatisfied are you satisfied with your new car the unsatisfied workers are rioting in the streets hot cold it was hot inside the classroom i woke up in the night feeling cold common uncommon these two species share a common set of characteristics side effects from the drug are uncommon curly straight both my parents have curly bro wn hair he made sure his tie was straight short tall she wore a red dress and had short brown hair he is tall broad and muscular tidy messy they sat in her neat and tidy kitchen the children got really messy playing in the woods complete incomplete here is the complete list of courses offered by the university the decision was based on incomplete information big small they stood under a big tree the bedroom was small and quiet toxic non-toxic these factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere the wall was decorated with non-toxic paint bitter sweet the medicine had a slightly bitter taste i would like a cup of hot sweet tea expensive inexpensive she was wearing an expensive new outfit the furniture is inexpensive but well made young old the young boy enjoys playing football the old man had a nap in the afternoon vertical horizontal the illustration shows a vertical line draw a horizontal line across the bottom of the page wet dry a small green snake slithered across the wet road i need to change into some dry clothes nice nasty that's not a nice thing to say the news gave me a nasty shock sufficient insufficient we can only prosecute if there is sufficient evidence there was insufficient evidence to convict him noisy quiet the streets were noisy and full of activity live in a very quiet street wrong right unfortunately that was the wrong answer well done that was the right answer open closed he climbed through the open window the office is closed at the weekend dangerous safe you shouldn't fool around with dangerous chemicals the plane made a safe landing obedient disobedient as a child she was obedient and truthful i was very disobedient towards my father beautiful ugly she was a very beautiful woman the child is frightened by the ugly man friendly unfriendly she smiled again in a friendly manner the driver's manner was very unfriendly patient impatient she's very patient with young children he gave another impatient glance at his watch happy sad james c ame in looking happy and excited he wept when he heard the sad news useful useless the guide is crammed full of useful information a car is useless without petrol rational irrational it's impossible to have a rational conversation with him his parents were worried by his increasingly irrational behavior rough smooth the rough road made the car vibrate whip the ingredients into a smooth paste accurate inaccurate the brochure tries to give a fair and accurate description of each hotel figures quoted in the article are wildly inaccurate active inactive he was active in organizing student meetings some animals are inactive during the daytime tired energetic i'm feeling tired after that long walk i'm feeling quite energetic today polite impolite she has always been very polite in her dealings with me it is impolite to point at people efficient inefficient dolphins are incredibly graceful and efficient swimmers existing methods of production are expensive and inefficient cowardly brave he wa s a weak and cowardly man he was commended for his brave actions lucky unlucky you're very lucky to be alive after that accident this has been an unlucky year for me ambitious unambitious only ambitious students get the best marks he was a reliable and unambitious officer who did as he was told wild tame the woods are inhabited by many wild animals the bird became so tame that it was hard to release it back into the wild strong weak he overcame a strong temptation to run away the dance left her feeling breathless and weak practical impractical he is a practical man and doesn't like small talk he rejected my suggestion as impractical consistent inconsistent his action is always consistent with his words her academic performance has been inconsistent visible invisible the smoke from the fire was visible from the road he wished that he could make himself invisible decisive indecisive she has played a decisive role in the peace negotiations he came across as a weak and indecisive leader re spectful disrespectful he was always respectful of my independence they shouldn't treat their mother in this disrespectful way uttered uttered meaning make a sound with one's voice make a sound with one's voice my name was uttered by someone near me my name was uttered by someone near me exclaimed exclaimed meaning cry out suddenly in surprise strong emotion or pain cry out suddenly in surprise strong emotion or pain she exclaimed in delight when she saw the presence she exclaimed in delight when she saw the presence admitted admitted meaning confess to be true or to be the case confess to be true or to be the case he admitted that he'd made an error he admitted that he'd made an error answered answered meaning say or write something as a reaction to someone or something say or write something as a reaction to someone or something of course i don't mind she answered mildly of course i don't mind she answered mildly responded responded meaning say something in reply say something in rep ly he responded politely to her questions he responded politely to her questions replied replied meaning say something in response to something someone has said say something in response to something someone has said he never replied to any of my letters he never replied to any of my letters shouted shouted meaning of a person utter a loud cry typically as an expression of a strong emotion of a person utter a loud cry typically as an expression of a strong emotion i shouted at him in sheer frustration i shouted at him in sheer frustration mentioned mentioned meaning refer to something briefly and without going into detail refer to something briefly and without going into detail nobody mentioned anything to me about it nobody mentioned anything to me about it mumbled mumbled meaning say something indistinctly and quietly making it difficult for others to hear say something indistinctly and quietly making it difficult for others to hear he bumped into someone and mumbled an apology he bu mped into someone and mumbled an apology whispered whispered meaning speak very softly using one's breath rather than one's throat especially for the sake of secrecy speak very softly using one's breath rather than one's throat especially for the sake of secrecy she leaned forward and whispered something in my ear she leaned forward and whispered something in my ear murmured murmured meaning say something in a low or indistinct voice say something in a low or indistinct voice he turned and murmured something to the professor he turned and murmured something to the professor yelled yelled meaning shout in a loud sharp way shout in a loud sharp way he yelled at the other driver he yelled at the other driver denied denied meaning state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of the company has denied the allegations the company has denied the allegations begged begged meaning ask someone earnestly or humbly for something a sk someone earnestly or humbly for something give me one more chance he begged give me one more chance he begged announced announced meaning make a formal public statement about a fact occurrence or intention make a formal public statement about a fact occurrence or intention yesterday she announced that she is quitting her job yesterday she announced that she is quitting her job stated stated meaning clearly expressed or identified specified clearly expressed or identified specified he stated his own views quite openly he stated his own views quite openly confessed confessed meaning admit that one has committed a crime or done something wrong admit that one has committed a crime or done something wrong he confessed that he had stolen the money he confessed that he had stolen the money gasped gasped meaning say something while catching one's breath say something while catching one's breath he gasped out when he read the letter he gasped out when he read the letter chuckled chuckled mea ning laugh quietly or inwardly laugh quietly or inwardly he chuckled at the funny story he chuckled at the funny story remarked remarked meaning say something as a comment mention say something as a comment mention i remarked that i would go shopping that afternoon i remarked that i would go shopping that afternoon explained explained meaning make an idea or situation clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts make an idea or situation clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts i explained that an ambulance would be coming soon i explained that an ambulance would be coming soon reminded reminded meaning cause someone to remember someone or something cause someone to remember someone or something i reminded myself to watch them closely i reminded myself to watch them closely told told meaning communicate information to someone in spoken or written words communicate information to someone in spoken or written words our t eacher told us a joke today our teacher told us a joke today boasted boasted meaning talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements possessions or abilities talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements possessions or abilities he boasted about the big fish he had caught he boasted about the big fish he had caught complained complained meaning express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something he complained bitterly about his exam grades he complained bitterly about his exam grades moaned moaned meaning complain or grumble typically about something trivial complain or grumble typically about something trivial a lot of people moaned about the parking problems a lot of people moaned about the parking problems joked joked meaning make jokes talk humorously or flippantly make jokes talk humorously or flippantly we joked about the amount of luggage we had to carry we joked about the a mount of luggage we had to carry pleaded pleaded meaning make an emotional appeal make an emotional appeal the lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home the lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home side side meaning emit a long deep audible breath expressing sadness relief tiredness or similar emit a long deep audible breath expressing sadness relief tiredness or similar she sighed with relief that it was all over she sighed with relief that it was all over can opener can opener binoculars binoculars microphone microphone pepper mill pepper mill mobile phone mobile phone corkscrew corkscrew garlic press garlic press guitar guitar selfie stick selfie stick dog lead dog lead magnifying glass magnifying glass basketball basketball shoe horn shoe horn greater greater umbrella umbrella tennis racket tennis racket garden shears garden shears lighter lighter handbag handbag axe axe shopping basket shopping basket skipping rope skipping rope ladle ladle pen pen hip flask hip fla sk balloon balloon dumbbell dumbbell spatula spatula ice cream ice cream torch torch chopsticks chopsticks hammer hammer cup cup knife knife fork fork spoon spoon brush toothbrush hedge trimmer hedge trimmer key key comb comb champagne flute champagne flute tongs tongs brush brush spade spade remote control remote control whisk whisk vacuum cleaner vacuum cleaner pliers pliers mouse mouse lipstick lipstick colander colander drill drill walking stick walking stick of wine glass of wine tape measure tape measure kettle kettle frying pan frying pan hair straighteners hair straighteners salt mill salt mill grass trimmer grass trimmer cleaver cleaver pool cue pool cue playing cards playing cards screwdriver screwdriver sponge sponge smoking pipe smoking pipe slice of pizza slice of pizza baseball bat baseball bat chainsaw chainsaw peeler peeler wok wok gift gift soap soap bow and arrow bow and arrow cocktail shaker cocktail shaker blow torch blow torch pencil sharpener pencil sharpener toil et paper toilet paper cricket bat cricket bat paint brush paint brush water bottle water bottle scissors scissors saw saw mortar and pestle mortar and pestle pint of beer pint of beer chess set chess set hand pump hand pump digital camera digital camera citrus reamer citrus reemer highlighter pen highlighter pen hair dryer hair dryer stress ball stress ball watering can watering can towel towel suitcase suitcase padlock padlock spray bottle spray bottle calculator calculator perceive perceive meaning interpret or regard someone or something in a particular way interpret or regard someone or something in a particular way i perceive him as a particularly appropriate role model i perceive him as a particularly appropriate role model emerge emerge meaning become apparent or prominent become apparent or prominent the facts behind the scandal are sure to emerge eventually the facts behind the scandal are sure to emerge eventually intervene intervene meaning take part in something so as to pr event or alter a result or course of events take part in something so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events she was reluctant to intervene in what was essentially a private dispute she was reluctant to intervene in what was essentially a private dispute proceed proceed meaning come before something in time come before something in time he gestured for her to proceed him through the door he gestured for her to precede him through the door justify justify meaning show or prove to be right or reasonable show or prove to be right or reasonable he found it very difficult to justify his decision he found it very difficult to justify his decision obtain obtain meaning get acquire or secure something get acquire or secure something i haven't been able to obtain that book i haven't been able to obtain that book generate generate meaning produce or create produce or create the wind turbines are used to generate electricity the wind turbines are used to generate electricity react re act meaning act in response to something respond in a particular way act in response to something respond in a particular way the police must be able to react swiftly in an emergency the police must be able to react swiftly in an emergency locate locate meaning discover the exact place or position of discover the exact place or position of we tried to locate the source of the sound we tried to locate the source of the sound involve involve meaning have or include something as a necessary or integral part or result have or include something as a necessary or integral part or result the test will involve answering questions about a photograph the test will involve answering questions about a photograph select select meaning carefully choose as being the best or most suitable carefully choose as being the best or most suitable always select the right tool for the job always select the right tool for the job allocate allocate meaning distribute resources or duties for a particular purpose distribute resources or duties for a particular purpose local authorities have to learn to allocate resources efficiently local authorities have to learn to allocate resources efficiently focus focus meaning pay particular attention to pay particular attention to he felt he needed to focus more on his career he felt he needed to focus more on his career imply imply meaning indicate the truth or existence of something by suggestion rather than explicit reference indicate the truth or existence of something by suggestion rather than explicit reference how dare she imply that i was lying how dare she imply that i was lying link link meaning make form or suggest a connection with or between make form or suggest a connection with or between they planned to build a highway to link the two towns they planned to build a highway to link the two towns survive survive meaning continue to live or exist especially in spite of danger or hardship continue to live or exist especially in spite of dange r or hardship it astonished her that he was able to survive it astonished her that he was able to survive remove remove meaning take something away or off from the position occupied take something away or off from the position occupied first remove any grease or dirt from the surface first remove any grease or dirt from the surface effect affect meaning have an effect on make a difference to have an effect on make a difference to never allow personal problems to affect your performance never allow personal problems to affect your performance detect detect meaning discover or identify the presence or existence of discover or identify the presence or existence of i can detect signs of improvement in your thinking i can detect signs of improvement in your thinking impose impose meaning force and unwelcome decision or ruling on someone force an unwelcome decision or ruling on someone don't impose yourself on people who don't want you don't impose yourself on people who don't want you modif y modify meaning make partial or minor changes to something make partial or minor changes to something you may need to modify your plans a little you may need to modify your plans a little pursue pursue meaning follow or chase someone or something follow or chase someone or something she plans to pursue a career in politics she plans to pursue a career in politics approach approach meaning come near or nearer to someone or something in distance or time come near or nearer to someone or something in distance or time they had to approach the castle through thick swamps they had to approach the castle through thick swamps retain retain meaning continue to have something keep possession of continue to have something keep possession of he struggled to retain control of the situation he struggled to retain control of the situation deviate deviate meaning depart from an established course depart from an established course we had to deviate significantly from our usual root we had to deviate s ignificantly from our usual root specify specify meaning identify clearly and definitely identify clearly and definitely remember to specify your size when ordering clothes remember to specify your size when ordering clothes create meaning bring something into existence bring something into existence the government plans to create more jobs for young people the government plans to create more jobs for young people seek seek meaning attempt to find something attempt to find something if it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice if it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice transfer transfer meaning move from one place to another move from one place to another he intends to transfer some money to another bank account he intends to transfer some money to another bank account communicate communicate meaning share or exchange information news or ideas share or exchange information news or ideas dolphins use sound to communicate with each other dolphins use sound to communicate with each other interact interact meaning communicate or be involved directly communicate or be involved directly the lawyer advised the criminal to interact with the police the lawyer advised the criminal to interact with the police rely rely meaning depend on with full trust or confidence depend on with full trust or confidence i rely on you for good advice i rely on you for good advice assume assume meaning suppose to be the case without proof suppose to be the case without proof it is a mistake to assume that your children will agree with you it is a mistake to assume that your children will agree with you guide guide meaning show or indicate the way to someone show or indicate the way to someone he flashed a torch to guide me he flashed a torch to guide me aid aid meaning help or support someone or something in the achievement of something help or support someone or something in the achievement of something some people take up yoga to aid relaxation some people tak e up yoga to aid relaxation convert convert meaning change the form character or function of something change the form character or function of something could we convert the small bedroom into a second bathroom could we convert the small bedroom into a second bathroom diminish diminish meaning make or become less make or become less we should try to diminish the cost of production we should try to diminish the cost of production occur occur meaning happen take place happen take place i don't want such a thing to occur again i don't want such a thing to occur again achieve achieve meaning successfully bring about or reach a desired objective or result by effort skill or courage successfully bring about or reach a desired objective or result by effort skill or courage the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe that it is possible the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe that it is possible decline decline meaning politely refuse an invitation or offer politely refu se an invitation or offer my initial reaction was to decline the offer my initial reaction was to decline the offer enforce enforce meaning compel observance of or compliance with a law rule or obligation compel observance of or compliance with a law rule or obligation the police are there to enforce the law the police are there to enforce the law require require meaning need for a particular purpose need for a particular purpose do you require any information from me do you require any information from me respond respond meaning say something in reply say something in reply the bank has yet to respond to our letter the bank has yet to respond to our letter comprehend comprehend meaning grasp mentally understand grasp mentally understand she failed to comprehend the seriousness of the situation she failed to comprehend the seriousness of the situation maintain maintain meaning cause or enable a condition or situation to continue cause or enable a condition or situation to continue we a im to maintain high standards of customer care we aim to maintain high standards of customer care assess assess meaning evaluate or estimate the nature ability or quality of evaluate or estimate the nature ability or quality of we need to assess the impact on climate change we need to assess the impact on climate change attain attain meaning succeed in achieving something that one has worked for succeed in achieving something that one has worked for here is your opportunity to attain a goal here is your opportunity to attain a goal refine refine meaning make minor changes so as to improve or clarify a theory or method make minor changes so as to improve or clarify a theory or method you must refine your manners you must refine your manners assist assist meaning help someone typically by doing a share of the work help someone typically by doing a share of the work the family decided to assist me with my chores the family decided to assist me with my chores expand expand meaning become o r make larger or more extensive become or make larger or more extensive there are no plans to expand the local airport there are no plans to expand the local airport i come stay here until i come back when can i come over i've come i've come to a decision i've come to keep you company you come i'll wait till you come back will you come to my party he comes he comes to see us once a week he comes from a wealthy family she comes i wonder where she comes from she comes home from work at six o'clock we come we come from similar backgrounds we'll cross that bridge when we come to it they come let me know when they come when will they come to a decision it comes sees the opportunity when it comes up when it comes to job interviews first impressions are important i came i came back because of the rain i came home late and my mother was angry you came i'm glad you came you came back very late last night he came he came first in the race we were all laughing when he came in she came she came in with a tray of drinks she came into the room and shut the door we came we came specially to see you we came to a sharp bend in the road they came they came running to meet me they came running down the stairs i'm coming i think i'm coming down with the flu i don't care if he likes it or not i'm coming you coming what time are you coming home are you coming with us tonight he is coming he is coming to stay with her don't worry he is coming she is coming she is coming round the corner she is coming to the restaurant at eight o'clock they are coming they are coming tomorrow they are coming to the concert as my guests were coming i wish you were coming with me i had no idea that you were coming come first come first as far as i'm concerned the children come first as far as i'm concerned the children come first come close come close no other female player has come close to her level no other female player has come close to her level come two terms come two terms counseling helped her come to terms with her grief counseling helped her come to terms with her grief come to light come to light new evidence has recently come to light new evidence has recently come to light come early come early he requested that they should come early he requested that they should come early come to mind come to mind three possible explanations come to mind three possible explanations come to mind come last come last they didn't come last in their league they didn't come last in their league come on time come on time the buses don't come on time the buses don't come on time come prepared come prepared next time we should come prepared for longer harder days next time we should come prepared for longer harder days come to a decision come to a decision we must come to a decision about what to do next by tomorrow we must come to a decision about what to do next by tomorrow come to an agreement come to an agreement i am hopeful that we can come to an agreement i am hopeful that we can come to an agreement come apart come apart if you sit on that chair it will come apart if you sit on that chair it will come apart come to an end come to an end everyone wishes the war would come to an end soon everyone wishes the war would come to an end soon come across come across meaning of a person appear or sound in a specified way give a specified impression of a person appear or sound in a specified way give a specified impression i've never come across anyone quite like her before i've never come across anyone quite like her before come along come along meaning arrive arrive you go now and i'll come along later you go now and i'll come along later come back come back meaning return return please wait for me till i come back please wait for me till i come back come off come off meaning if something such as dirt or paint comes off something it is removed by washing or rubbing if something such as dirt or paint comes off something it is removed by washing or rubbing if you keep rubbing the paint will come off if you keep rubbing the paint will come off come out come out meaning of a fact emerge become known of a fact emerge become known i am confident that everything will come out in time i am confident that everything will come out in time come over come over meaning to come to a place move from one place to another or move towards someone to come to a place move from one place to another or move towards someone why don't you come over for lunch on friday why don't you come over for lunch on friday come through come through meaning to be still alive working or making progress after a difficult or dangerous experience to be still alive working or making progress after a difficult or dangerous experience it's been a very upsetting time but we've come through it together it's been a very upsetting time but we've come through it together come up come up meaning of an issue situation or problem occur or present itself especially unexpectedly of an issue situation or problem occur or present itself especially unexpectedly a position has come up in the accounts department a position has come up in the accounts department come down come down meaning of a building or other structure collapse or be demolished of a building or other structure collapse or be demolished we were lucky the bridge didn't come down we were lucky the bridge didn't come down come round come round meaning visit someone's house visit someone's house i'll come round tomorrow evening i'll come round tomorrow evening flying high flying high meaning to feel very happy to feel very happy they were flying high after the birth of their first baby they were flying high after the birth of their first baby down in the dumps down in the dumps meaning to feel unhappy or without hope to feel unhappy or without hope she's a bit down in the dumps because she's got to take her exams again she's a bit down in the dumps because she's got to take her exams again hit the ceiling hit the ceiling meaning to get very angry or upset to get very angry or upset my father hit the ceiling when i damaged the car my father hit the ceiling when i damaged the car at sixes and sevens at sixes and sevens meaning to be in a state of total confusion or disarray to be in a state of total confusion or disarray i'm really at sixes and sevens overtaking this new job i'm really at sixes and sevens overtaking this new job lost the plot lost the plot meaning to be so confused that you are no longer able to act normally or understand what is happening to be so confused that you are no longer able to act normally or understand what is happening we think they have lost the plot we think they have lost the plot crocodile tears crocodile tears meaning when you pretend to be sad when you pretend to be sad the woman cried crocodile tears at the news the woman cried crocodile tears at the news fall two pieces fall to pieces meaning to become very emotional about something to become very emotional about something ever y time it rains i fall to pieces every time it rains i fall to pieces a fish out of water a fish out of water meaning to feel awkward or uncomfortable because you are in an unfamiliar or unusual situation to feel awkward or uncomfortable because you are in an unfamiliar or unusual situation i felt like a fish out of water in my new school i felt like a fish out of water in my new school in seventh heaven in seventh heaven meaning to be in a state of complete happiness to be in a state of complete happiness now that he's been promoted he's in seventh heaven now that he's been promoted he's in seventh heaven butterflies in my stomach butterflies in my stomach meaning to have or get a nervous feeling generally before you are going to do something to have or get a nervous feeling generally before you are going to do something i had butterflies in my stomach as i went to get my exam results i had butterflies in my stomach as i went to get my exam results full of the joys of spring full of t he joys of spring meaning to be very happy to be very happy john has been full of the joys of spring since he passed his driving test john has been full of the joys of spring since he passed his driving test none the wiser none the wiser meaning to feel confused as you don't understand something even though it has been explained to feel confused as you don't understand something even though it has been explained i've read the instructions twice and i'm still non the wiser i've read the instructions twice and i'm still none the wiser like a dog with two tails like a dog with two tails meaning to be extremely happy delighted or excited about something to be extremely happy delighted or excited about something mary's been like a dog with two tails ever since she heard the news mary's been like a dog with two tails ever since she heard the news kick myself kick myself meaning to feel regretful as you wish you had done something or said something differently to feel regretful as you wish yo u had done something or said something differently i could kick myself for confiding in him i could kick myself for confiding in him on pins and needles on pins and needles meaning to be anxious and in suspense usually waiting to know some important information to be anxious and in suspense usually waiting to know some important information it seems like you're on pins and needles today anything troubling you it seems like you're on pins and needles today anything troubling you tickled pink tickled pink meaning to be extremely pleased about something to be extremely pleased about something we were tickled pink to see our friends on television we were tickled pink to see our friends on television out of your mind out of your mind meaning to become crazy or confused to become crazy or confused what are you doing are you out of your mind what are you doing are you out of your mind flawed flawed meaning to be surprised or overwhelmed to be surprised or overwhelmed he was completely flawed by two of the questions in the exam he was completely flawed by two of the questions in the exam at the end of my tether at the end of my tether meaning to feel upset because you are no longer able to deal with or sort out a difficult situation to feel upset because you are no longer able to deal with or sort out a difficult situation i'm at the end of my tether i shall go mad if this goes on i'm at the end of my tether i shall go mad if this goes on pumped up pumped up meaning to be very excited about something to be very excited about something i was just so pumped up about what was going to happen i was just so pumped up about what was going to happen grief stricken grief stricken meaning to feel extremely sad to feel extremely sad there was no way of consoling her grief-stricken family there was no way of consoling her grief-stricken family bite my head off bite my head off meaning when you feel so angry about something that you display your anger by speaking to someone in an angry manner when you feel so angry about something that you display your anger by speaking to someone in an angry manner i only asked if i could help there's no need to bite my head off i only asked if i could help there's no need to bite my head off skating on thin ice skating on thin ice meaning when you feel anxious about something that is dangerous or risky when you feel anxious about something that is dangerous or risky he's skating on thin ice by lying to the police he's skating on thin ice by lying to the police made my blood run cold made my blood run cold meaning a sight situation or sound that makes you feel frightened worried horror or dread a sight situation or sound that makes you feel frightened worried horror or dread i heard a tapping on the window which made my blood run cold i heard a tapping on the window which made my blood run cold on cloud nine on cloud nine meaning to be in a state of happiness due to an accomplishment or an event to be in a state of happiness due to an accomplishment or an event he was on cloud nine after winning the marathon he was on cloud nine after winning the marathon puzzle over puzzle over meaning to be confused about something that you need to think carefully about it for a long time in order to understand it to be confused about something that you need to think carefully about it for a long time in order to understand it i puzzle over the meaning of life i puzzle over the meaning of life on top of the world on top of the world meaning to be extremely happy to be extremely happy she was feeling on top of the world she was feeling on top of the world lump in my throat lump in my throat meaning to be so sad about something you can't put your feelings into words to be so sad about something you can't put your feelings into words i stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back the tears i stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back the tears frown upon frown upon meaning to disapprove of someth ing to disapprove of something i frown upon smoking in public restaurants i frown upon smoking in public restaurants rally round rally round meaning to unite in order to support a fellow group member to unite in order to support a fellow group member if we rally round we can overcome our present troubles if we rally round we can overcome our present troubles latch onto latch onto meaning to obtain acquire or get and keep hold of something to obtain acquire or get and keep hold of something it took him a while to latch onto their style of humor it took him a while to latch onto their style of humor scrape by scrape by meaning to only afford the essentials to barely sustain oneself to only afford the essentials to barely sustain oneself i can just scrape by on what my parents give me i can just scrape by on what my parents give me go astray go astray meaning to become lost or mislaid to become lost or mislaid we locked up our valuables so they would not go astray we locked up our valuabl es so they would not go astray cast adrift cast adrift meaning to place a person in a ship's boat or raft and leave them to place a person in a ship's boat or raft and leave them if you are ever cast adrift at sea never drink seawater if you are ever cast adrift at sea never drink seawater squeeze under squeeze under meaning to get past an obstruction by going underneath although with difficulty to get past an obstruction by going underneath although with difficulty they managed to squeeze under the fence and get into the festival they managed to squeeze under the fence and get into the festival look beyond look beyond meaning to see potential beyond obvious flaws to consider something more than something else to see potential beyond obvious flaws to consider something more than something else being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect it means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect it means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections come between come between meaning to affect negatively or cause discord between someone and another person to affect negatively or cause discord between someone and another person don't let a little thing like that come between you two don't let a little thing like that come between you two knuckle down knuckle down meaning to get to work to focus on a task to get to work to focus on a task if he doesn't knuckle down soon he'll never get through those exams if he doesn't knuckle down soon he'll never get through those exams storm out storm out meaning to leave or depart angrily to leave or depart angrily why did the man storm out of the manager's office why did the man storm out of the manager's office string together string together meaning to put together in a series or sequence to put together in a series or sequence he managed to string together a few words of thanks he managed to string together a few words of thanks hail from hail from meaning to be a native of to come from to originate from to have as one's birthplace or residence to be a native of to come from to originate from to have as one's birthplace or residence the representatives hail from all parts of the country the representatives hail from all parts of the country pan out pan out meaning to proceed according to plan to result or end up to proceed according to plan to result or end up we'll have to see how things pan out we'll have to see how things pan out fuss over fuss over meaning to be overly attentive to someone or something to be overly attentive to someone or something they love to fuss over their grandchildren they love to fuss over their grandchildren rely on rely on meaning to be dependent upon to be dependent upon you can safely rely on her judgment you can safely rely on her judgment clam up clam up meaning to become silent to stop talking to shut up to become silent to stop talking to shut up don't clam up just when the story is getting interesting do n't clam up just when the story is getting interesting mull over mull over meaning to think deeply about something to ponder deliberate or ruminate to think deeply about something to ponder deliberate or ruminate the manager needs time to mull over our proposals the manager needs time to mull over our proposals take after take after meaning to resemble a parent or ancestor in appearance or habit to resemble a parent or ancestor in appearance or habit do you take after your mother or father do you take after your mother or father push past push past meaning to rudely force one's way in front of another to rudely force one's way in front of another he caught hold of her arm as she tried to push past him he caught hold of her arm as she tried to push past him bump into bump into meaning to meet by chance to meet by chance wherever i go i always seem to bump into him wherever i go i always seem to bump into him straighten up straighten up meaning to deal with put in order to deal with put in order i managed to straighten up the house before my parents got home i managed to straighten up the house before my parents got home skim through skim through meaning to read something hurriedly without being attached to details to read something hurriedly without being attached to details it's important for you to skim through the text it's important for you to skim through the text pile up pile up meaning to collect or accumulate as a backlog to collect or accumulate as a backlog problems are beginning to pile up problems are beginning to pile up forge ahead forge ahead meaning to move quickly or to make good progress with especially a plan to move forward quickly or to make good progress with especially a plan our export sales have continued to forge ahead this year our export sales have continued to forge ahead this year splash out splash out meaning to spend a lot of money on something desired but not necessary to spend a lot of money on something desired but not necessary we' re going to splash out and buy a new car we're going to splash out and buy a new car kick back kick back meaning to relax two relax kick off your shoes and kick back for a while kick off your shoes and kick back for a while believe in believe in meaning to have confidence in the ability or power of to have confidence in the ability or power of believe in yourself when no one else does believe in yourself when no one else does improve on improve on meaning to fix make better or increase the quality of something in comparison to previous attempts to contribute to an ongoing effort to improve something to fix make better or increase the quality of something in comparison to previous attempts to contribute to an ongoing effort to improve something the company will be going all out to improve on last year's sales the company will be going all out to improve on last year's sales narrow down narrow down meaning to make more specific to make more specific there are easy ways to narrow down you r choice there are easy ways to narrow down your choice drag out drag out meaning to extend or lengthen excessively to extend or lengthen excessively the company was willing to drag out the proceedings for years the company was willing to drag out the proceedings for years dwell on dwell on meaning to continue to think or talk about to continue to think or talk about let's not dwell on your past mistakes let's not dwell on your past mistakes dispose of dispose of meaning to get rid of to get rid of she tried to dispose of the evidence she tried to dispose of the evidence nod off nod off meaning to fall asleep especially unintentionally to fall asleep especially unintentionally i was about to nod off when she knocked on the door i was about to nod off when she knocked on the door topple over topple over meaning to fall over to fall from an upright or standing position to a horizontal or prone position to fall over to fall from an upright or standing position to a horizontal or prone pos ition that plant is going to topple over if you don't put it in a bigger pot that plant is going to topple over if you don't put it in a bigger pot hold off hold off meaning to delay commencing an action until some specified time or event has passed to delay commencing an action until some specified time or event has passed could you hold off your decision until next week could you hold off your decision until next week rip off rip off meaning to steal cheat or swindle especially to charge an exorbitant or unfair rate to steal cheat or swindle especially to charge an exorbitant or unfair rate that's a rip-off you shouldn't have spent so much that's a rip-off you shouldn't have spent so much wolf down wolf down meaning to consume food quickly or greedily without regard for table manners to consume food quickly or greedily without regard for table manners don't wolf down an entire chocolate cake you will get indigestion don't wolf down an entire chocolate cake you will get indigestion be ar with bear with meaning to be patient with to be patient with bear with me for a minute and you'll see what i mean bear with me for a minute and you'll see what i mean bounce back bounce back meaning to recover from a negative without seemingly any damage to recover from a negative without seemingly any damage he is young enough to bounce back from this disappointment he is young enough to bounce back from this disappointment fizzle out fizzle out meaning to lose excitement to become less exciting to lose excitement to become less exciting her parents are hoping that the relationship will fizzle out her parents are hoping that the relationship will fizzle out buckle up buckle up meaning to fasten one's seat belt or safety belt to fasten one's seat belt or safety belt please buckle up now we're about to land please buckle up now we're about to land tag along tag along meaning to accompany join or follow to go with to accompany join or follow to go with do you mind if i tag along with you tonight do you mind if i tag along with you tonight vouch for vouch for meaning to affirm the truth or reliability of to affirm the truth or reliability of i can vouch for the fact that he is a good worker i can vouch for the fact that he is a good worker lie low lie low meaning to conceal oneself to remain hidden to conceal oneself to remain hidden he sensibly decided to lie low for a while he sensibly decided to lie low for a while set aside set aside meaning to separate and reserve something for a specific purpose to separate and reserve something for a specific purpose she tries to set aside some money every month she tries to set aside some money every month get even get even meaning to get revenge to get revenge i'll get even with him one day i'll get even with him one day start over start over meaning to begin again to return to the beginning to begin again to return to the beginning she'd like to forget her past and start over she'd like to forget her past and start over do without do without meaning to manage despite the lack of to manage despite the lack of i don't know what i do without you i don't know what i do without you stumble across stumble across meaning to discover or find something by accident to discover or find something by accident if you stumble across the book keep it for me if you stumble across the book keep it for me keep quiet keep quiet please keep quiet i'm trying to get some work done please keep quiet i'm trying to get some work done be quiet be quiet the teacher told us to be quiet the teacher told us to be quiet quiet down quiet down the father asked the children to quiet down because the baby was sleeping the father asked the children to quiet down because the baby was sleeping peace and quiet peace and quiet all i want is a bit of peace and quiet all i want is a bit of peace and quiet seem quiet seem quiet things seem quiet in the office right now things seem quiet in the office right now pretty quiet pretty quiet sunday nig hts are usually pretty quiet sunday nights are usually pretty quiet quiet life quiet life he lives a quiet life he lives a quiet life quiet afternoon quiet afternoon i was looking forward to a nice quiet afternoon i was looking forward to a nice quiet afternoon quiet evening quiet evening i'm just going to have a quiet evening at home i'm just going to have a quiet evening at home quiet place quiet place i need a quiet place to compose my thoughts i need a quiet place to compose my thoughts fast as possible fast as possible he must complete the mission and leave as fast as possible he must complete the mission and leave as fast as possible fast pace fast pace the traffic is now moving at a fast pace the traffic is now moving at a fast pace fast food fast food she works as a chef at a fast food restaurant she works as a chef at a fast food restaurant fast car fast car it's a really fast car if a little expensive it's a really fast car if a little expensive fast asleep fast asleep the ca t was lying fast asleep by the fire the cat was lying fast asleep by the fire fast forward fast forward fast forward six months and nothing has changed fast forward six months and nothing has changed fast track fast track she is on the fast track to promotion she is on the fast track to promotion guide price guide price the guide price has been lowered because it must sell at the auction the guide price has been lowered because it must sell at the auction price tag price tag i can't find a price tag on it anywhere i can't find a price tag on it anywhere high price high price the high price is scaring away possible buyers the high price is scaring away possible buyers low price low price the low price is one of its main selling points the low price is one of its main selling points special price special price the car is on offer at a special price the car is on offer at a special price good price good price i managed to get a good price for my old car i managed to get a good price for m y old car total price total price the total price includes postage the total price includes postage right price right price we sell quality tools at the right price we sell quality tools at the right price double the price double the price electrical goods are almost double the price they were a few years ago electrical goods are almost double the price they were a few years ago fixed price fixed price we agreed a fixed price with the organizer we agreed a fixed price with the organizer fair price fair price we always quote our customers a fair price we always quote our customers a fair price reduced price reduced price he offered the painting to me at a reduced price he offered the painting to me at a reduced price lose your mind lose your mind i really thought i would lose my mind i really thought i would lose my mind lose my keys lose my keys somehow i managed to lose my keys somehow i managed to lose my keys lose weight lose weight many of us have tried to lose weight and failed mi serably many of us have tried to lose weight and failed miserably lose your job lose your job if you lose your job you'll only have yourself to blame if you lose your job you'll only have yourself to blame lose you lose you hold my hand i don't want to lose you hold my hand i don't want to lose you lose control lose control i was afraid i'd lose control of the car i was afraid i'd lose control of the car lose your temper lose your temper i hate it when you lose your temper like that i hate it when you lose your temper like that lose money lose money i always lose money when i gamble i always lose money when i gamble diligently diligently meaning in a way that shows care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties in a way that shows care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties they worked diligently on the task they had been given they worked diligently on the task they have been given clumsily clumsily meaning in an awkward and careless way in an awkward and careless way there was a splash and something fell clumsily into the water there was a splash and something fell clumsily into the water seemingly seemingly meaning so as to give the impression of having a certain quality apparently so as to give the impression of having a certain quality apparently they were seemingly unaware of the decision they were seemingly unaware of the decision besides besides meaning in addition as well in addition as well i think she has many good qualities besides being very beautiful i think she has many good qualities besides being very beautiful abruptly abruptly meaning suddenly and unexpectedly suddenly and unexpectedly she left the room abruptly without explanation she left the room abruptly without explanation knowingly knowingly meaning in full awareness or consciousness deliberately in full awareness or consciousness deliberately i've never knowingly offended him i've never knowingly offended him technically technically meaning according to the facts or exact meaning of something strictly according to the facts or exact meaning of something strictly what you have done is technically illegal what you have done is technically illegal anxiously anxiously meaning in a manner resulting from or revealing anxiety in a manner resulting from or revealing anxiety he's anxiously awaiting his test results he's anxiously awaiting his test results elsewhere elsewhere meaning in at or to some other place or other places in at or to some other place or other places can you find anything like this elsewhere can you find anything like this elsewhere hastily hastily meaning with excessive speed or urgency hurriedly with excessive speed or urgency hurriedly he hastily gathered all his belongings together he hastily gathered all his belongings together intently intently meaning with earnest and eager attention with earnest and eager attention i listened intently to what she had to say i listened intently to what she had to say foolishly foolishly meaning in an unwise manner stupidly in an unwise manner stupidly she foolishly agreed to go with them she foolishly agreed to go with them suspiciously suspiciously meaning with a cautious distrust or suspicion of someone or something with a cautious distrust or suspicion of someone or something the police were on the lookout for anyone behaving suspiciously the police were on the lookout for anyone behaving suspiciously indeed indeed meaning used to emphasize a statement or response confirming something already suggested used to emphasize a statement or response confirming something already suggested he later admitted that the payments had indeed been made he later admitted that the payments had indeed been made promptly promptly meaning with little or no delay immediately with little or no delay immediately paying bills promptly is good financial practice paying bills promptly is good financial practice majestically majestically meaning with impressive beauty or scale with impressive beauty or scale the sun rose majestically over the calm sea the sun rose majestically over the calm sea eagerly eagerly meaning used to emphasize a strong desire to do or have something used to emphasize a strong desire to do or have something they're eagerly awaiting the big day they're eagerly awaiting the big day frantically frantically meaning in a distraught way owing to fear anxiety or other emotion in a distraught way owing to fear anxiety or other emotion she tore open the envelope and frantically read the letter she tore open the envelope and frantically read the letter cautiously cautiously meaning in a way that deliberately avoids potential problems or dangers in a way that deliberately avoids potential problems or dangers she walked cautiously up the drive towards the door she walked cautiously up the drive towards the door boldly boldly meaning in a confident and courageous way showing a willingness to take risks in a confident and courageous way showing a willingness to take risks he had bo ldly taken it in his right hand he had boldly taken it in his right hand basically basically meaning used to indicate that a statement summarizes the most important aspects or gives a roughly accurate account of a more complex situation used to indicate that a statement summarizes the most important aspects or gives a roughly accurate account of a more complex situation all cheeses are made in basically the same way all cheeses are made in basically the same way furthermore furthermore meaning in addition besides used to introduce a fresh consideration in an argument in addition besides used to introduce a fresh consideration in an argument i don't want to go there furthermore i have no time to do so i don't want to go there furthermore i have no time to do so therefore therefore meaning for that reason consequently for that reason consequently their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable literally literally meaning in a litera l manner or sense exactly in a literal manner or exactly there are literally hundreds of prizes to win there are literally hundreds of prizes to win mysteriously mysteriously meaning in a way that is difficult or impossible to understand explain or identify in a way that is difficult or impossible to understand explain or identify a couple of messages had mysteriously disappeared a couple of messages had mysteriously disappeared blindly blindly meaning without being able to see unseeingly without being able to see unseeingly he stumbled blindly through the dark building he stumbled blindly through the dark building inadequately inadequately meaning in a way that lacks the quality or quantity required unsatisfactorily in a way that lacks the quality or quantity required unsatisfactorily our scientific research is inadequately funded our scientific research is inadequately funded irritably irritably meaning in a way that shows that you become annoyed very easily in a way that shows that you become annoyed very easily he lost his temper and snapped irritably at the children he lost his temper and snapped inevitably at the children recklessly recklessly meaning without regard to the danger or the consequences of one's actions rashly without regard to the danger or the consequences of one's actions rashly he was arrested for driving recklessly he was arrested for driving recklessly utterly utterly meaning completely and without qualification absolutely completely and without qualification absolutely he felt utterly daunted by the prospect of moving to another country he felt utterly daunted by the prospect of moving to another country practically practically meaning virtually almost virtually almost she practically accused me of starting the fire she practically accused me of starting the fire entirely entirely meaning completely often used for emphasis completely often used for emphasis my line of work is entirely unrelated to politics my line of work is entirely unrela ted to politics enormously enormously meaning to a very great degree or extent considerably to a very great degree or extent considerably the price of property has risen enormously the price of property has risen enormously thoroughly thoroughly meaning very much greatly very much greatly chew your food up thoroughly before you swallow it chew your food up thoroughly before you swallow it rightfully rightfully meaning in accordance with a legitimate right or claim to property position or status in accordance with a legitimate right or claim to property position or status the furniture rightfully belongs to you the furniture rightfully belongs to you inquisitively inquisitively meaning in a way that shows that you want to discover as much as you can about something or want to know something in a way that shows that you want to discover as much as you can about something or want to know something the mouse looked around the room inquisitively the mouse looked around the room inquisitivel y repeatedly repeatedly meaning over and over again constantly over and over again constantly they repeatedly questioned his leadership abilities they repeatedly questioned his leadership abilities unexpectedly unexpectedly meaning in a way that was not expected or regarded as likely in a way that was not expected or regarded as likely the champion was unexpectedly knocked out in the first round the champion was unexpectedly knocked out in the first round deliberately deliberately meaning consciously and intentionally on purpose consciously and intentionally on purpose he deliberately ignored my question and changed the subject he deliberately ignored my question and changed the subject frequently frequently meaning regularly or habitually often regularly or habitually often he frequently donates large sums of money to charity he frequently donates large sums of money to charity loosely loosely meaning in a way that does not fit tightly or closely a way that does not fit tightly or clo sely she fastened the belt loosely around her waist she fastened the belt loosely around her waist reluctantly reluctantly meaning in an unwilling and hesitant way in an unwilling and hesitant way we have reluctantly decided to close the factory we have reluctantly decided to close the factory consequence meaning as a result as a result my car broke down and consequently i was late my car broke down and consequently i was late wrongly wrongly meaning in a way that is incorrect or mistaken in a way that is incorrect or mistaken her condition was wrongly diagnosed by the doctor her condition was wrongly diagnosed by the doctor nonetheless nonetheless meaning in spite of that nevertheless in spite of that nevertheless his face is serious but nonetheless very friendly his face is serious but nonetheless very friendly otherwise otherwise meaning in circumstances different from those present or considered or else in circumstances different from those present or considered or else walk slowly on the ice otherwise you'll fall walk slowly on the ice otherwise you'll fall constantly constantly meaning continuously over a period of time always continuously over a period of time always i think of you constantly i think of you constantly previously previously meaning at a previous or earlier time before at a previous or earlier time before this information was previously unavailable to the public this information was previously unavailable to the public presumably presumably meaning used to convey that what is asserted is very likely though not known for certain used to convey that what is asserted is very likely though not known for certain they can presumably afford to buy a bigger apartment they can presumably afford to buy a bigger apartment apparently apparently meaning as far as one knows or can see as far as one knows or can see apparently the company is losing a lot of money apparently the company is losing a lot of money ultimately ultimately meaning finally in the end finally in the end a poor diet will ultimately lead to illness a poor diet will ultimately lead to illness regrettably regrettably meaning unfortunately used to express apology for or sadness at something unfortunately used to express apology for or sadness at something there is regrettably little evidence to support this argument briefly briefly meaning for a short time for a short time we briefly discussed about buying a second car we briefly discussed about buying a second car curiously curiously meaning in a way that shows that you are interested in learning about people or things around you in a way that shows that you are interested in learning about people or things around you a group of reporters looked at her curiously a group of reporters looked at her curiously undoubtedly undoubtedly meaning without doubt certainly without doubt certainly he was undoubtedly the best candidate for the job he was undoubtedly the best candidate for the job luckily luckily meaning it is fortuna te that it is fortunate that luckily i had some money with me luckily i had some money with me swiftly swiftly meaning at high speed quickly at high speed quickly the police must be able to react swiftly in an emergency the police must be able to react swiftly in an emergency carelessly carelessly meaning in a casual or reckless way inattentively in a casual or reckless way inattentively she threw her coat carelessly onto the chair she threw her coat carelessly onto the chair unfairly unfairly meaning in a manner that is not in accordance with the principles of equality and justice in a manner that is not in accordance with the principles of equality and justice workers who have been unfairly dismissed may claim compensation workers who have been unfairly dismissed may claim compensation elegantly elegantly meaning in a graceful and stylish manner in a graceful and stylish manner he leaned elegantly against the door he leaned elegantly against the door it might be a good idea to speak to someone it might be a good idea to speak to someone i would take an umbrella with you it looks like it will rain i would take an umbrella with you it looks like it will rain you should at least give it a go you should at least give it a go you must follow the instructions you must follow the instructions if i was you i would wear a coat today as it's cold outside if i was you i would wear a coat today as it's cold outside please reconsider your actions please reconsider your actions i think you should go to bed i think you should go to bed think before you speak think before you speak it would be best to ask someone what to do next it would be best to ask someone what to do next watch out for the cyclists on the road watch out for the cyclists on the road take your time writing the email take your time writing the email why don't you give them a call why don't you give them a call maybe you should go for a walk maybe you should go for a walk i think you should go and speak to a doct or i think you should go and speak to a doctor you could always give them a ring you could always give them a ring wash your hands before touching food wash your hands before touching food i think your only option is to speak to someone about it i think your only option is to speak to someone about it if i were you i would stop smoking if i were you i would stop smoking have you thought about going to the gym have you thought about going to the gym you should apply for that job you should apply for that job you shouldn't stay out so late you shouldn't stay out so late my advice is to listen to your mother my advice is to listen to your mother be careful when walking across the road be careful when walking across the road you ought to study if you want to pass the exam you ought to study if you want to pass the exam you should arrive at six o'clock you should arrive at six o'clock you might want to consider taking your time you might want to consider taking your time i strongly recommen d you go to the hospital i strongly recommend you go to the hospital be confident when talking to your boss be confident when talking to your boss don't be late for your interview don't be late for your interview go straight ahead and then turn left go straight ahead and then turn left you should have a glass of water you should have a glass of water close the door behind you close the door behind you i think you should buy the red shirt instead of the blue one i think you should buy the red shirt instead of the blue one you should probably write it down first you should probably write it down first you must listen intently and take notes you must listen intently and take notes don't forget to clean up after yourself don't forget to clean up after yourself you should speak a little louder no one can hear you you should speak a little louder no one can hear you i think it's time you bought a new car i think it's time you bought a new car you should rent an apartment first instead of buy ing one you should rent an apartment first instead of buying one take one step at a time take one step at a time air air i went outside for some fresh air i went outside for some fresh air sale sale his ambition is to sail around the world his ambition is to sail around the world again again we have to work overtime again we have to work overtime again main main be careful crossing the main road be careful crossing the main road train train shall we drive or go by train shall we drive or go by train pain pain i have a pain in my neck i have a pain in my neck mail mail i open the mail in the morning i open the mail in the morning wait wait i have to wait for the bus every morning i have to wait for the bus every morning paid paid i get paid at the end of the week i get paid at the end of the week daisy daisy i found a daisy in the garden i found a daisy in the garden paint paint i am going to paint the kitchen this afternoon i am going to paint the kitchen this afternoon rain rain i lef t my bicycle out in the rain i left my bicycle out in the rain snail snail the snail went back into its shell the snail went back into its shell chain she had a gold chain around her neck she had a gold chain around her neck drain drain pull the plug and let the water drain away pull the plug and let the water drain away stain stain the coffee left a stain on his shirt the coffee left a stain on his shirt brain brain he's an excellent brain surgeon he's an excellent brain surgeon grain grain the little bird is eating a grain of rice the little bird is eating a grain of rice afraid afraid i'm afraid i'm busy tonight i'm afraid i'm busy tonight contain contain what does that box contain what does that box contain explain explain can you explain what this means can you explain what this means complain complain you should call customer services and complain you should call customer services and complain faith faith take a leap of faith and trust them take a leap of faith and trust them dai ly daily make exercise a part of your daily routine make exercise a part of your daily routine rainbow rainbow the rainbow forms an ark in the sky the rainbow forms an ark in the sky tail tail the little dog's tail wagged in delight the little dog's tail wagged in delight straight straight they ran straight across the road they ran straight across the road trail trail he left a trail of muddy footprints behind him he left a trail of muddy footprints behind him retail retail we are looking for more retail outlets for our products we are looking for more retail outlets for our products jail jail he was led away to jail in handcuffs he was led away to jail in handcuffs fail fail you will fail unless you work hard you will fail unless you work hard frail frail his frail hands could hardly hold a cup his frail hands could hardly hold a cup nail nail he hammered the nail in the wood he hammered the nail in the wood raid raid james went into the kitchen to raid the fridge james went into the kitchen to raid the fridge faint faint he felt faint for lack of food he felt faint for lack of food abseil abseil you have to learn how to abseil when you want to do technical climbing you have to learn how to abseil when you want to do technical climbing feisty feisty he was a strong and feisty old man he was a strong and feisty old man receipt receipt the receipt is your proof of purchase the receipt is your proof of purchase foreign foreign can you speak any foreign languages can you speak any foreign languages ceiling ceiling i noticed a crack in the ceiling i noticed a crack in the ceiling being being new scientific discoveries are being made every day new scientific discoveries are being made every day wait wait bananas are usually sold by weight bananas are usually sold by weight leisure leisure what do you do in your leisure time what do you do in your leisure time vein vein the nurse was having trouble finding a vein in his arm the nurse was having trouble finding a vein in h is arm weird weird a really weird thing happened last night a really weird thing happened last night protein protein beans are a very good source of protein beans are a very good source of protein forfeit forfeit they want the game by forfeit they won the game by forfeit c's sees sees the opportunity when it comes up sees the opportunity when it comes up eight eight i work eight hours a day i work eight hours a day rain rain he made many enemies during his brief reign he made many enemies during his brief reign receive receive did you receive any letters today did you receive any letters today either either you can park on either side of the street you can park on either side of the street neighbor neighbor she fell into conversation with her neighbor she fell into conversation with her neighbor deceive deceive his friendly manner did not deceive us for long his friendly manner did not deceive us for long beige beige the walls have been painted in beige the walls have been painted in b eige surveillance surveillance the suspects are under police surveillance the suspects are under police surveillance seeing seeing thank you so much for seeing me thank you so much for seeing me reindeer reindeer a few reindeer were grazing in the fields a few reindeer were grazing in the fields veil veil the bride wore a veil with a wreath of silk flowers the bride wore a veil with a wreath of silk flowers perceive perceive voters perceive him as a decisive international leader voters perceive him as a decisive international leader heist heist i like watching heist movies i like watching heist movies join join i had to join a queue for the toilets i had to join a queue for the toilets choice choice the town provides a wide choice of entertainment the town provides a wide choice of entertainment coin coin the coin rolled under the table the coin rolled under the table joint joint they were joint owners of the house they were joint owners of the house point point the next crossing point is a long way downstream the next crossing point is a long way downstream oil oil the bath oil comes in various fragrances the bath oil comes in various fragrances soil soil add fertilizer to enrich the soil add fertilizer to enrich the soil toilet toilet do you need the toilet do you need the toilet voice voice her voice has a pleasant tone her voice has a pleasant tone avoid avoid the doctor advised tom to avoid strenuous exercise the doctor advised tom to avoid strenuous exercise moist moist water the plants regularly to keep the soil moist water the plants regularly to keep the soil moist noise noise the noise was beginning to irritate me intensely the noise was beginning to irritate me intensely boil boil stir the sauce gently until it begins to boil stir the sauce gently until it begins to boil spoil spoil i don't want to spoil things for everyone else i don't want to spoil things for everyone else a point a point we must appoint a day to meet again we must appoint a day to meet again turmoil turmoil the country was in turmoil during the strike the country was in turmoil during the strike rejoin rejoin i thanked him and hurried back to the hotel to rejoin the others i thanked him and hurried back to the hotel to rejoin the others spoiled spoiled our camping trip was spoiled by bad weather our camping trip was spoiled by bad weather poison her blood was found to contain poison her blood was found to contain poison foil foil i wrapped the sandwiches in kitchen foil i wrapped the sandwiches in kitchen foil void void the contract was declared void the contract was declared void hoist hoist the crew hurried to hoist the flag the crew hurried to hoist the flag asteroid asteroid there is an asteroid on a collision course with the earth there is an asteroid on a collision course with the earth groin groin he pulled a muscle in his groin he pulled a muscle in his groin exploit exploit we must exploit every opportunity to learn new things we must exploit every opportun ity to learn new things juice juice the juice contains no added sugar the juice contains no added sugar fruit fruit try to eat plenty of fresh fruit try to eat plenty of fresh fruit fluid fluid did the cleaning fluid work did the cleaning fluid work suit suit you look very smart in your new suit you look very smart in your new suit cruise cruise i've always wanted to go on a cruise i've always wanted to go on a cruise recruit recruit they need to recruit the best possible candidates they need to recruit the best possible candidates suitcase suitcase i haven't packed my suitcase yet i haven't packed my suitcase yet swimsuit swimsuit she changed into her swimsuit she changed into her swimsuit bruise bruise how did you bruise your arm how did you bruise your arm guilty guilty the jury found him not guilty the jury found him not guilty quiet quiet we live in a very quiet street we live in a very quiet street built built the house is being built at the moment the house is being built at the moment quick quick i'll just take a quick shower i'll just take a quick shower guide guide we hired a guide to take us up into the mountains we hired a guide to take us up into the mountains i wake up at six o'clock in the morning i wake up at six o'clock in the morning i press the snooze button twice before i turn my alarm off i press the snooze button twice before i turn my alarm off i take a shower i take a shower i brush my teeth i brush my teeth i iron my clothes i iron my clothes i get dressed i get dressed i make the bed i make the bed i drink a cup of coffee i drink a cup of coffee i have my breakfast at around eight o'clock i have my breakfast at around eight o'clock i leave the house i leave the house i take the dog for a walk i take the dog for a walk i take the train to work i take the train to work i read the news i read the news i check my emails i check my emails i answer my emails i answer my emails i have a snack around 10 o'clock i have a snack around 10 o'clock i ch arge my phone i charge my phone i go to the toilet i go to the toilet i plan the day ahead i plan the day ahead i go to the gym i go to the gym i eat lunch i eat lunch i comb my hair i comb my hair i watch television i watch television i wash my face i wash my face i play computer games i play computer games i go to the bank i go to the bank i feed my cat i feed my cat i go for a walk i go for a walk i talk to my friends i talk to my friends i go for a drive i go for a drive i go online shopping i go online shopping i go on facebook i go on facebook i study in the evening i study in the evening i do the dishes i do the dishes i check the weather i check the weather i meet up with friends i meet up with friends i play the guitar i play the guitar i take my medication i take my medication i read a book before bed i read a book before bed i listen to music i listen to music i buy groceries i buy groceries i eat my dinner i eat my dinner i lock the doors i lock the doors i take a break i t ake a break i think about the future i think about the future i sweep the floor i sweep the floor i clean the house i clean the house i fold my laundry i fold my laundry i put my alarm on i put my alarm on i fall asleep i fall asleep

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