#changegog with Muffin, Disappointing Turtle, Viserion and K433s The Megalodon

#changegog with Muffin, Disappointing Turtle, Viserion and K433s The Megalodon

iniciar corriente oh [__] de acuerdo es que se está transmitiendo por lo que debería tengo que llegar a mi youtube y vuelva a comprobar, pero debería ser sí tal vez tengo que hacer algo más bien hay que vayamos debemos dejar de tener en un momento puede usted chicos ven si está haciendo algo, me está diciendo que lo está, pero no sé, no puedo encontrarlo en mi canal de youtube, lo cual es muy extraño, aparentemente, ha estado en vivo durante un minuto y 55. No, tampoco lo sé. probablemente [__] de streaming a temblar Facebook dice que es ah bien, aquí estamos creo que es configurado como privado ¿cómo AHA pública bien sí hay que ir bien que en realidad está trabajando ahora lo que tenemos que necesito para obtener sus chicos caras bonitas hasta con suerte, eso se encuentra allí, estás bien, así que intentemos obtener el enlace para la transmisión en vivo y luego podemos tener una pequeña charla de chat, oh, la vida de un youtuber , ¿obtuviste el tuyo de trabajo muffin? ¿ Hiciste que tu transmisión funcione bien? Pueden copiarlos, chicos, pueden copiarlo y, um, como descargarlo y volver a publicarlo, sí, un poco de entretenimiento. nt, así sí me golpeó hasta que uno ya está ahí dentro para que cualquier persona que está viendo muchas gracias por venir sobre sí puedo hacer eso sí que era apenas Literalmente, he sólo hay que poner en la discordia no es el asesino de credo uh estoy realmente jugar fronterizas 3 en el momento bien Bueno, yo creo que todos hemos llegado juntos para dar a conocer a todo el mundo acerca de la situación boicot y lo que está sucediendo no sólo el boicot, pero sólo el movimiento de cambio en general y, uh, sí dan todo el mundo un poco ponte al día en caso de que haya información de que se han perdido todo ese tipo de cosas bueno, creo que los muffins sacarán algunos temas de un tazón y vamos a discutir los temas que no los he escrito, así que magdalenas son también nos va a decir lo que los temas son es que me acuerdo asimiento en déjame tratar de arreglarlo que no va bien aferrarse ¿Soy yo tengo mi que debe ser capaz de oír ustedes, así está bien eh chicos habla, por favor, que alguien esté bien, te estoy recogiendo por mi parte, oh, algo está pasando no le gusta en la pantalla, sí, verá la cosa obs. Oh, por [__] lo siento, sigo intentando escribir algo y sigue rebotando . Debería estar funcionando ahora. ¿El audio de su escritorio es el mismo? como hacer un zoom que es ahora se puede ver a sus pequeños bares a saltar cuando se habla, sí vamos a averiguar creo prueba prueba sí que es por lo general alrededor de un cinco por cinco segundos de retraso eso es raro, sí podemos oír meg ahora es que recogiendo ustedes en el real, no creo que lo que es porque es uh sea la captura de mi pantalla para que pueda ver lo que puedo ver ¿tiene sentido por lo que si vuelvo a éste que estás ahí pero hay que recoger a su audio, así De lo contrario, eso no es bueno . No sé si lo está captando en vivo . Debería alimentarse haciendo ejercicio. Oh, ustedes están muy callados. Puedo escucharlos, pero está muy callado, ¿cómo lo siento muchachos? Lo haremos. tan rápido como puedo , siempre hay problemas técnicos sangrientos para mí en una transmisión en vivo por alguna razón, puedo escucharme a través de todos ustedes r auriculares que son divertidísimos um [__] directamente a la configuración para que pueda ver si me escucho o me dirijo a usted. Yo también lo hice, así que vi un control deslizante. Parece que hay un control deslizante encima de los auriculares para que el audio del escritorio cuando regrese. en el otro canal o la otra pestaña en este caso oh, sí es usted persona increíble también nuestra corriente se llama credo azul del asesino sé que voy a cambiar en Editar bien vale la derecha que deberíamos debe usar todos ahora bien se quiero volver a pasar por esa introducción, lo siento chicos, gracias por ser pacientes, muffin, llévatelo bien, así que Creed nos pidió que fuéramos sus invitados porque ninguno de nosotros puede publicar una transmisión en vivo en nuestros canales, básicamente solo ella es capaz, probablemente también en la cocina, así que se habla de por qué nos encontramos aquí hoy tal vez esta pregunta era bueno ¿por qué están ustedes aquí así que sí tenemos que um consistentemente actualización de todo el mundo en lo que está pasando con el tipo de movimiento de cambio que hay una gran cantidad de comentarios en diferentes habitaciones porque se trata de propagación encima Tantos medios de comunicación diferentes en este momento, pero mucha gente se ha perdido fragmentos de información o no entiende muy bien qué es lo que estamos tratando de hacer. Creo que algo enorme es que la gente espera un cambio instantáneo porque es posible que no Entiendo cómo funcionan estas cosas en los entresijos, así que sí, es por eso que pensé que era importante y tenemos ocho temas que básicamente elegimos juntos, que son temas bien cubiertos en nuestra carta, carta de la comunidad, la carta se basó en tu Creo que hasta el día de hoy, unas 1700 personas respondieron a esa encuesta y estamos de acuerdo en muchas cosas, así que este es nuestro esfuerzo común y tenemos errores y fallas, tenemos actualizaciones más lentas, recompensas de improvisación, guardias, migraciones, reuniones con desarrolladores, comentarios retroalimentación y nuevas medidas y ayer propusieron como último tema que propuse uh comunicación en el juego y por eso es una mierda, si, si los principales problemas así que tenemos meg con nosotros como cargas, así um que ha estado haciendo y la carga s de trabajo um en segundo plano que quizás ustedes ni siquiera conozcan um podría no ser apreciado por los desarrolladores porque van a recibir una gran cantidad de datos a su alrededor, pero lo siento, voy a compartir este enlace en vip oh me también tienes a lara, tengo a constance, solo estás tratando de meterme en problemas, ¿no es así? sí, tenemos a foserian y un llavero con nosotros, con suerte, chicos, eh, mirad todas sus cosas y si no pasáis a sus canales y muffins también y les pido un sub, sí, soy la única persona que no está en youtube aquí, lo siento, pero sí, estás haciendo tanto, no sé si realmente puedes contarme, tengo como cuatro videos cuatro videos excelentes amo a las 156 personas que se han suscrito a mí, incluyéndome a mí, te amo amablemente, de acuerdo, así que creo que a uh muffin le gustará sacar temas de un tazón y luego vamos a discutirlos, vamos a intentarlo. no hablarnos demasiado, lo siento, si nos gusta un poquito, nos detendremos y ya sabes, dejaremos a una persona pariente. d de continuar, ¿quién quiere ir primero? Creo que deberíamos ir en orden de video, lo que significaría que tú vas primero, pero también si, yo o yo, voy a lanzar el nombre de Creed si alguno de los dos continúa. un alboroto puede uno de ustedes como el de righto [__] [__] cualquiera de ustedes mira la llamada del desarrollador Definitivamente les lancé un par de peroratas , es como si todos estuviéramos aquí porque nos apasiona el juego y ninguno de nosotros quiere ver morir y con la pasión que saben convertido en una gran cantidad de [__] rantes porque al final de todo el mundo tiene mucho que decir al respecto así que sí y un montón de y una gran cantidad de F-bombas i que hice realmente muy bien con la llamada de desarrollo no maldiciendo, pero esta transmisión definitivamente voy a decir [__] mucho tiempo, oh sí, bueno, es solo una charla natural aquí en el Reino Unido, así que no puedo evitarlo. Bueno, bueno, a Dalton le gusta decirme que él piensa en mí como una persona inocente que nunca maldice y nunca bebe y aquí estoy maldiciendo mi cara y bebiendo. ng una mimosa, así que salud. Estoy en los cafés viejos. Me temo que si alguno de ustedes, muchachos, tiene alguna pregunta , intentaremos responder tantas preguntas como podamos, obviamente, no tenemos las respuestas para todo. no somos las únicas personas involucradas en el tipo de lo que está sucediendo, solo somos las personas dispuestas a intentar y darte la mayor cantidad de información posible, así que sí, sí, y mucha de ella es um, quiero decir que hay tres tres personas en esta llamada son administradores en el chat, diré que puedo hablar mucho sobre los comentarios que he recibido de la gente, pero muchas de las opiniones que voy a decir hoy son como mis únicas opiniones sobre las cosas que deben cambiar no necesariamente lo que el grupo en su conjunto siente um, pero todos ustedes pueden siempre saber que mi bandeja de entrada siempre está abierta, así que si odian algo, solo les digo que me envíen un mensaje y me digan que soy un [__] bueno La idea de tener a cinco de nosotros aquí es porque todos tendremos opiniones diferentes, pero alguien que esté mirando estará de acuerdo con uno de nosotros y Si es que sabes que somos una comunidad, está bien no tener la misma opinión que otra persona, um, alguien estará allí representando tu opinión, incluso si puede que no sea el consenso general, así que creo que es realmente importante transmitir eso. correcto muffin tema uno elige uno número cinco dónde está la cámara número cinco oh dios está bien número cinco bueno el número cinco son migraciones genial hey no fue no fue organizado les prometo que empezarán con uno agradable y calentito está bien, soy la persona perfecta para hablar primero porque bueno, acabo de pasar por el proceso de migración yo mismo como solo uno de ustedes, creo que no lo estaré, no hemos ido a la migración, aún no nos ha llegado, así que migré de k16 a k12 con una cuenta y, eh, de una cuenta de 33 a 52 segundos, todo salió bien, la gente se quejaba del costo en general, era la principal preocupación y, después de las migraciones de prueba, es posible que veas el enlace de la película al respecto en la descripción a continuación y luego hice una segunda película sobre el migrati real ons y desafortunadamente sobre desafortunadamente durante uh segundas migraciones para el total de uno a cien uh, el costo fue el mismo, así que esto no ha cambiado a pesar de que, uh, todas las personas dicen que este sistema está básicamente probado porque para k-12 como un buen ejemplo tres o cuatro personas llegaron allí como número uno de rango, lo que significa que les costó dos mil dólares por persona migrar allí y uh sabes que sabemos lo que hicimos mal uh quiero decir lo que hicimos mal qué uh cuál fue el problema uh pero sabes que ya está hecho, así que solo podemos aprender para las migraciones futuras cómo disminuir este costo, pero aún así es una estafa y sé que muchas personas decidieron no ir a no migrar razzie k-42 saludos por razzie porque él por ejemplo dijo que el costo era escandaloso, así que esto es algo más que movimos. Hablamos de esto un poco durante nuestra llamada de desarrolladores y luca comenzó este tema porque parece que ustedes migrarán en tres o cuatro meses y miren lo que sucedió durante kbk para e jemplo ayer llegamos 52 y nosotros nos hemos conquistado en un 52, obviamente, así que estaba básicamente luchando contra mí mismo, pero lo que es eh lo que eh lo más horrible que se veía lo k 22 obtuve 22 uh obtuve impulsó mucho a un montón que eh i les colocan como el segundo reino más fuerte en este partido de migraciones y debido a que tienen siete estrellas obtuvieron un matcha muy fácil, así que mi sospecha es que este sistema de emparejamiento no ha cambiado en absoluto porque obtuvieron un matcha fácil porque tienen siete estrellas y k-12 ya era muy fuerte. Creo que 11 estrellas y obtuvimos 52 y ¿ cuál fue el tercer reino? algo ah 67. También un reino muy fuerte, así que no creo que haya cambiado un sistema de emparejamientos, aunque los desarrolladores sugirieron que tal vez tomarán en consideración cambiarlo después de las migraciones así que me gustaría estacionar aquí, tal vez ustedes tengan algo que dejar tal vez me apresure más tarde um sí, me refiero a la migración, he dicho una y otra vez que el precio era simplemente ridículo, um, antes de que la gente comenzara a migrar y ellos publiqué los precios um dije en uno de mis videos como por favor no gastes un centavo en eso y la razón es que todo lo que se necesita es una persona y acabas de justificar el razonamiento de gog ahora, obviamente, nadie tiene la culpa de eso eso es puramente para los desarrolladores de um gog porque para algunas personas realmente lo hicieron bastante atractivo. Conozco personas que habían logrado migrar por como seis dólares doce dólares y para esas personas tenían un trato realmente bueno, pero todos los demás están [__] fuera de suerte, debería haber sido un precio fijo en todos los ámbitos, sin importar el tamaño del castillo o el rango en el que estuvieras en la tabla de clasificación, cada reino debería haber tenido la misma cantidad de espacios disponibles independientemente de la actividad. no debería haber entrado en eso porque, como dije antes, todos los castillos de bots y todos los vendedores de recursos son esos castillos están activos esos bots inician sesión en esos castillos a diario, nosotros solo en 433 probablemente tengamos g ot 2000 de esas cuentas que son solo vendedores de recursos, recibimos al menos seis correos en nuestras bandejas de entrada al día; esas personas tienen un mínimo de 20 a 25 castillos cada uno, usted sabe que nunca terminará [__], así que para nosotros cuando la migración lo hace abrimos nos vamos a tener apenas ninguna ranuras debido a que estos vendedores de recursos castillos van a imponer a nuestras estadísticas de actividad eh que es tan simple como eso sí que es lo que he dicho mucho sobre él um eso es todo lo que realmente tengo que decir al respecto Creo que fue solo un gran um. Creo que fue un intento medio abandonado de generar [__] toneladas de ingresos y creo que incluso si solo 20 de las personas migran, aún han logrado ese objetivo, así que está bien, lo que Ojalá hubiera sucedido, ojalá se hubieran derrumbado bien, así que estoy retrocediendo, así que el costo de la migración es absurdo, uh, así que sentimos que tenemos algunos problemas con la migración, uno es el costo, uh, dos, es el momento de qué reinos están abiertos cuándo y luego tres son cuántas personas pueden mudarse a dónde, por lo que el costo es mayor para las grandes la gente, lo entiendo, um, si estás mudando una granja C16 no debería costar lo mismo que mudarse, eh, ¿qué podría ser un jugador número uno en ese reino? Y dicho esto, dos mil dólares es [__] escandaloso si estás en un reino con el que no te gusta no te llevas bien está completamente muerto eres la única persona con t13 de ese tipo, entiendo que quieres salir um o mudarte a un reino más popular y pedir dos mil dólares para que puedas seguir jugando un juego y ser feliz en él es ridículo así que costó um lo que desearía que hubieran hecho con las tragamonedas uh estaba más roto que llorando, así que sí, en lugar de dar un reino como un general como un reino solo 20 espacios por qué no les fue como que solo tres personas pueden estar entre los diez primeros como solo tres personas pueden moverse para estar entre los diez primeros , digamos que diez personas pueden moverse entre los cincuenta primeros y luego, si apenas vas a estar en la tabla de clasificación debería poder migrar por los pocos dólares que quieres migrar porque es absurdo que los jugadores promedio que quieran quedarse con su gran um que quieran quedarse con sus amigos la gente quiera traer sus granjas um todo eso como esas personas que no van a importar en el de todos modos, digo que no van a importar, ustedes, muchachos, son muy importantes para el plan de juego, mantener a la gente, dónde van a estar, por qué no migran, es simplemente absurdo para mí si no van a estar en los 100 mejores de ese reino, deberías poder ir allí con la fuerza si es ahí a donde quieres ir, sí, así que creo que realmente dejaron caer la pelota en eso, como yo, podría haber sido, podría haberlo hecho. he sido escalonado mucho mejor uh para beneficiar a todos los jugadores de nivel que querían que querían ir um, así que costó el movimiento y el tiempo, así que dijimos esto en la llamada de desarrollo um luca había dicho algo parecido a como los reinos más antiguos tienden a ser más poderosos y, como algunos de los reinos más jóvenes, no tenían tanto tiempo no tienen las partes de la aeronave no tienen esto no tienen eso como si debieran haber trabajado al revés dentro de trabajar hacia adelante um y les había sugerido que intentaran hacer dos agrupaciones al mismo tiempo um De cualquier manera, creo que una o dos o tres de esas cosas deben suceder, es absolutamente con que no cambien el sistema de emparejamiento, es una locura que vayan a hacer que los reinos esperen cuatro meses de todos estos nuevos y locos reinos bestia sin eh sin dándoles la misma oportunidad que tenemos, seguiremos obteniendo el sistema de purga, sí, sí, todavía vamos a avanzar por adelantado, sí, y claramente no están cambiando el sistema de emparejamiento, así que cualquiera que esté ahora en un reino más muerto que perdieron todos sus grandes, cuánto tiempo ahora, ahora tienen que esperar como el reino 33 que acaba de perder a tanta gente que tienen que esperar cuántos meses para que su ronda regrese antes de que puedan intentar recuperar algo de eso. tracción y tienen enfrentar a todas las estrellas que tienen durante medio año, eso no va a hacer que la gente juegue como si simplemente dejaran caer la pelota por todos lados con migraciones donde eso me preocupa, alguien preguntó cuánto cuánto cuesta, eh, en el chat, por lo que el costo es de un dólar a dos mil dólares por jugar en primer lugar y tuve una charla con Duke hoy, eh, y él preguntó por el costo también, uh, si no estás en la mezcla todavía, así que aparentemente no tenemos migraciones uh tú sí, yo también necesito esa uh, no puedes, solo puedes estimar tu costo, así que si sientes que eres el número uno, tu costo probablemente será de 2000 si lo eres en el top 10 pero uh no uh sabes que no te gusta el más fuerte probablemente pagas de 50 a 200 uh dólares y si eres totalmente un castillo de granja pagarás como uno o diez dólares así que esto para responder la pregunta yo también uh pegué el enlace a mi película al respecto y tengo algunos comentarios, pero realmente deseo Escuché a los chicos finalmente, sí, solo estaba esperando mi turno, buen chico, así que para mí, uh, en el reino 524 y no sé si la gente ha estado siguiendo el reino 524, pero solíamos ser muy, muy fuertes y oscuros y la viuda renunció, lo cual comenzó. un efecto dominó y más personas han estado renunciando y renunciando y renunciando y las migraciones están a cuatro meses de distancia, nos emparejamos con personas que quieren conquistarnos y durante los primeros kbks estuvo bien, ustedes saben que ustedes son nuestros amigos. Lo dejaré ir, pero este más reciente, luca, que es un amigo nuestro, nos emparejó y dijo que lo siento, chicos, les dimos un pase, pero mis muchachos quieren pelear, así que tomaron su triple corona, lo cual es genial, pero ahora más personas se están yendo. Estoy listo para irme también estoy a punto de dejar este juego porque estoy jugando ahora en un reino completamente muerto no tengo opciones tengo que esperar cuatro meses de perder todo todo el tiempo jugando en un muerto reino um o sabes tratando de no sé en este po int está completamente muerto, así que solo desearía que empujaran la línea de tiempo hacia arriba y eso, tal vez ni siquiera en orden necesariamente, pero sabes que si hay siete grupos, haz el grupo uno y el grupo siete y luego el grupo dos y el cuatro o lo divides de alguna manera para que no se trata de reinos más antiguos, reinos más antiguos, menos reinos más antiguos, hasta el más nuevo, así que los reinos más nuevos se están arruinando por completo, así que desearía que cambiaran algo allí y espero que hagan algo rápidamente, um, porque acaban de crear un un montón de reinos poderosos de monstruos que dominarán durante el próximo mes hasta el próximo conjunto de migraciones y eso es mi granito de arena, sí, creo que en última instancia hay dos razones por las que la gente sigue jugando, son los elementos sociales. y las relaciones que construimos, pero también tiene que ver con ser competitivo y ser capaz de competir, obviamente tienes como, um, odio llamarlos agricultores, pero tienes cuentas que no necesariamente participan en eventos y generalmente son las personas que están felices de dar un paso atrás un poco, pero para el resto de nosotros queremos estar allí peleando, divirtiéndonos y disfrutando del juego, pero si no puedes pasar el primer obstáculo porque las personas a las que te enfrentas son tan [__] fuertes que te quita la confianza y te rindes mucho más rápido de lo que harías si fuera más parejo y más en una quilla um creo que vamos a empezar a ver muchos más problemas con esto porque, como dices, tan pronto como el esplendor se va, ¿cuál es la persona que realmente mantiene unido al grupo como si en general hay mucha admiración por esa persona dentro del reino, um, generalmente tienen mucho respeto, así que todo se centra en esa persona y, en general, cuando se va como dijiste, está bien, tiene un gran efecto en cadena y, um, incluso en 4-3 -3 en este momento hemos sido muy fuertes como, um, hemos tenido mucho de actividad en comparación con la mayoría de los reinos más antiguos, hemos logrado mantener un nivel bastante alto de actividad. No me di cuenta de cuánto hasta que comencé a jugar en otros reinos y me di cuenta de la [__] suerte que tuve era básicamente estar todavía en un reino tan activo como realmente um, pero luego teníamos mares inexplorados y desde entonces nuestros jugadores han estado cayendo como moscas y la mayor parte se debe a las insignias de la marquesina porque tenemos como un puñado de gastadores bastante grandes. sabemos que no, no estamos hablando como um chicas y una especie de nivel, pero sabes que gastan mucho [__] dinero meg siendo una de ellas y, cuando la gente empieza a irse, está teniendo un efecto dominó Me doy cuenta de que estoy iniciando sesión como mi alianza, en particular, tenemos personas de todo el mundo, de modo que siempre hay alguien en línea, de modo que si un nuevo jugador se une a nuestro reino y se une a nuestra alianza, siempre están ocupados. nunca vamos a ser sólo se sentó en silencio con su propia camiseta Pensamientos, pero estos momentos de silencio vienen con mucha más frecuencia ahora, ya que estamos perdiendo más jugadores, por lo que ha tenido un efecto realmente perjudicial y creo que la razón por la cual no es porque se ve uncharted, sino que fue la bomba de la fusión. y cómo porque la gente esperaba que fuera en una dirección y creo que tan pronto como la gente se enteró de que eso no estaba sucediendo y no tenía nada que ver con mares inexplorados , comenzaron a perder la fe y para nosotros eso fue un punto muy muy fundamental por lo que sólo uh que acaba de decir la fusión en lugar de Mike oh si, si bien pensamos que iba a ser una gran idea no pensamos que iba a ser y fue una [__] decepción enorme así que eso es otra Lo que yo, um, solo quería, solo quería decir, realmente espero que, um, que pasen por este proceso, sigan su ejemplo con koa un poco, um, realmente espero que hagan eso, que hagan migraciones para que las personas que quieran alejarse de los matones o realmente odiar su equipo, uh, algo de ese tipo de cosas puede suceder para que la gente pueda llegar a donde quieren estar y luego espero que sigan su ejemplo después de eso para ayudar a recoger a los reinos muertos con otras cosas y moverse a una uh a una situación de fusión tengo muchas dudas sobre las fusiones Sé que mucha gente dice muchas cosas sobre las fusiones y cómo acabó con muchas cosas en Koa um, pero lo haría si fuera su plan espero que eso sea algo que anunciaron más temprano que tarde um creo que la gente necesita saber si si las migraciones van a ser el final, todo será todo y solo van a hacer x cantidad de rondas de migraciones una y otra vez o si tienen la intención de pasar de la migración a la fusión uh para que las personas que no podían permitirse mudarse o no se mudaron um terminen encontrando un nuevo hogar de todos modos um en un reino diferente en un reino diferente mi mayor preocupación como mi mayor preocupación personal con una fusión en lugar de una migración es que yo Pone a todos en un nuevo servidor, eh, en cuyo caso creo que todos los reinos más antiguos y todos en esta llamada tendrán que lidiar con el cambio de las tiendas de la mía similar y todo ese tipo de cosas porque donde ¿Lo ponemos en un nuevo servidor en función de lo que dan a los nuevos reinos que no es lo mismo que nuestro antiguo reino? ¿Qué es para cualquiera que no esté al tanto de esto? Sí, yo soy las ofertas que se ofrecen a los nuevos reinos no son las ofertas que se ofrecen a los reinos antiguos a veces en reinos nuevos puedes tener dos castillos esto me ha pasado dos castillos en un nuevo reino mismo reino uno está gastando uno no es porque estás construyendo una granja y estás construyendo una principal esos dos castillos obtienen diferentes opciones de trato sí, sí, estaba luchando cuando estaba haciendo una película de aceleración de entrenamiento de aceleración sí, no tengo ese paquete del que estás hablando, sí, así que hay ofertas diferentes para diferentes castillos. en los niveles de gasto um y piensan que D on't previo aviso, así que piensan que no nos damos cuenta esta [__], pero la mayoría de nosotros tiene más de una cuenta y la mayoría de nosotros y la mayoría de nosotros hablar con la gente en nuestro reino oye realmente necesito necesito ayuda ayuda hacer esto y alguien que es igual que también acaba de comprar este paquete y usted es como que ese paquete no existe para mí lo que estás hablando um por lo que me refiero a lo que sucede dentro dentro de su propio reino, pero también ocurre en diferente como las tiendas de la mina, uh, estoy seguro de que muffin y creed pueden decir más sobre cuáles son diferentes, pero sé, uh, como vip, tenemos vip que podemos comprar en reinos más antiguos a través de diferentes cosas que los nuevos reinos no pueden, um, la reducción, sí. proteger um no Gardex XP señor es algo que podemos recoger en un diario que muchos de los reinos más nuevos no puede y los estallidos de dirigibles como chicos así ii tener una retroalimentación de los monstruos que los chicos no hablan Mega así meg es como el la voz de la gente es el único que no aloja un canal de youtube, eh, así que él es el la voz de la gente, pero también uno de los administradores en la sala haciendo un montón de trabajo para este tipo de movimiento de cambio, así que sí, solo quiero mencionar dos cosas, uh, originalmente antes de que comenzaran las migraciones, habíamos calculado que el rango uno iba a ser 840 e incluso entonces la gente pensó que todavía era demasiado dinero y luego se enteraron una vez que comenzó la migración terminó siendo de dos mil dólares porque el desglose de los boletos que pensamos que iban a ser uno a uno terminó siendo mucho más, sí, pero aún así no impidió que la gente lo hiciera, así que quiero decir, ellos pusieron el dinero allí, la gente lo compró ahora si hacemos fusiones después del hecho, eso es solo una bofetada en la cara a los derrochadores que los y las personas que gasta el dinero de masticar mi descanso, porque ahora sólo vamos a permitir que el resto de las personas que se fusionan a un diferentes fusiones Unido concedió que en realidad no llega a escoger y elegir lo que vas a reino fusionarse con para que haya todavía un poco de ustedes saben de un lado a otro con eso, uh, el otro problema que tengo sería que no sabemos la base de lo que técnicamente se considera un reino activo, sí, así que yo y el servidor de muffins cambiamos de sala , sabes que había ciertos reinos en los que no tenemos idea de quién está allí y solo estaban invitando a 10 personas, entonces, ¿cuál es la base sobre quién obtiene 10 quién obtiene 20 quién obtiene 50 quién obtiene 100 porque si no sabemos, entonces cómo calculamos a dónde ir con él o cómo lo cambiamos así que mis dos cosas he terminado gracias gracias max dice uh si estuviéramos enfocados en gog como uh en, por ejemplo, cirugía, seremos cirujanos, seguro que lo intentaremos como todos. nosotros aquí realmente estamos aquí porque intentamos mejorar las experiencias de otras personas, las experiencias de juego como los videos están ahí para ayudar a la gente porque um, como los jugadores veteranos y la gente ha estado jugando el juego más de dos años, lo sabrá, pero hemos tenido algunos [__ ] actualizaciones absolutamente locas a lo largo de los años, obviamente guardias bei ng el que realmente arrojó a todos a la oscuridad y tanto ha cambiado y llegó a un punto en el que realmente las armas de la gloria dejaron de ser informativas, dejó de decirte cómo hacer las cosas, así que todos tuvimos que darnos cuenta de que [__] y una vez tuvimos que averiguado que necesitábamos todo el mundo para entenderlo, así que este fue el mejor tipo de salida para él y sí eso es todo Muffin lo que es uh tema número dos querida yo creo eh esto o tweet o que quiera charla vamos a dejar que llavero tiene un poco de todo el mundo charla va a obtener el número de enfermos de ocho ocho es la comunicación en el juego y por qué el uh que todos se sienta en línea así chat del juego en la comunicación de juego, así que supongo que ustedes son similares a mí donde la gente Mira tus videos y quieren agregarte como amigo en el juego Quieren tener chats en el juego Tengo tantos amigos en el juego y me siento mal cuando me envían un mensaje porque no tengo idea de que solo hay algunas veces de vez en cuando un rato veo una notificación um pero a veces yo ver la notificación, no me muestra quién me envió un mensaje, sí, y luego tienes que ir hacia abajo en la lista para tratar de encontrar quién es cuando tienes cientos de contactos como si no pudieras hacerlo, eso es imposible, es simplemente poco realista, así que Intenta decirle a la gente y dales una salida diferente que pueden enviarme un mensaje en discordia o pueden enviarme un mensaje en línea en algún lugar fuera del juego porque es solo un sistema defectuoso. Simplemente no tengo idea y una solución simple para eso podrías ser tú. Sé que puede ser demasiado código para que intenten escribir un sistema de chat válido y adaptarlo al juego, pero si permites que las personas envíen mensajes a sus amigos en otros reinos utilizando el sistema de correo del juego, entonces realmente podría ver esos mensajes porque tienen su propia ventana se muestran cuando los he mirado o no los he mirado um y creo que sería una solución más fácil porque ya tienes la comunicación cruzada con la lista de amigos, ¿por qué no permitir que tus amigos envíen mensajes? -Correo del juego y luego podemos ac tualmente tener una conversación sobre algún tiempo eh, pero yo creo que de eso es todo en el que uno para mí de todos modos eh lo que es lo que ustedes hacen de la nueva traducción uh que han puesto en uh que ralentiza el el chat uh que ralentiza el chat sí y se acumula y no es tan fácil para mí, así que sí, lo rechacé , sí, no es útil para mí, eso es todo y ahora juego en K-52, donde hay muchos rusos, así que es más difícil de lo que solía ser, sí, no Sí, te traiciona en las antiguas traducciones al ruso, nunca son lo que se supone que son el ruso definitivamente no se traduce bien en el juego como el ruso 100 , me gusta, simplemente no se computa. Muchas veces me refiero a que hemos visto eso con notificaciones aleatorias y cosas que han salido en las que, uh, uh, los rusos rusos hablarán sobre teletransportarse y parecerá como ir a volar aquí o cuando estén hablando. como un cierto nivel de castillo y parece una vaca como, oye, que esa vaca allí y estás como si no estuviera ordeñando algo, están hablando de un castillo, pero sí, me refiero a que las traducciones son nuestras [__] tengo mucho que decir sobre la comunicación en el juego que pasé meses antes el movimiento de cambio surgió uh gritando al servicio al cliente cada vez que teníamos una actualización de actualización literalmente cada vez que les enviaba un mensaje y comenzaba un boleto una y otra y otra vez y comenzaba nuevos boletos además de los boletos actuales um sobre el hecho de que con cada actualización no cambiaron la pestaña de la habitación, um, la pestaña de mi habitación congela mi juego de manera significativa, no puedo estar en más de seis uh seis chats entre reinos cruzados en más de seis salas en general a la vez, ya sea en mi propio reino o um or across kingdom and i go to open that tab and my entire screen is just frozen on end over and over again for at least 45 50 a minute worth of time um and we all know that community is one of the biggest things that comes with this game um and what keeps us all engaged and the fact that they haven't fixed our being able to talk to each other in game is absurd to me i mean i said that on the dev call you guys use your vip service outside of game because you can't figure it out yourself like that's that that that that might show you where your issues are the fact that we can't share like screenshots in game and we have to take it outside of game to do that is is uh super disheartening and like you guys can't track how much we're actually on game or spending um talking about what we're talking about um and figuring all of that out like you you don't have access to any of that because you don't put any coding into any of this and yes the the mailing like i 100 percent cosign keychain on being able to mail other other kingdoms um if like gift envelopes actually gave anything substantial anymore i would understand why they're like but you don't want we can't send those things enter kingdom um but like like what the [ __ ] like if i send keychain one aristocratic band throug h them that's [ __ ] i [ __ ] hate them like they're they're utter [ __ ] like and i feel like that's like one of the only reasons that they don't let us mail inter kingdom but um there is no like contact at context in itself also the fact that when you go to search a contact you can't put in their kingdom number to like narrow down narrow down the search yeah like if i'm looking for someone in kingdom 700 and it's like the joker i'm never finding you like can you can you add a weird star to your name or something so i can add you because that's the only way you're coming up generic name number 2000 yeah no it's brought in we have a guy in our kingdom just called joe like i don't know if you've ever tried to find just joe but yeah it's not happening so the fact that the fact that the contacts doesn't let us uh doesn't let us search by kingdom number is annoying uh the fact that we don't get notifications for when we're offline is terrible um at the fact that we can't mail under kingdom is terrible the fact that our room chats you can't like most people can't join more than six five or six chat six chats before i'm on five and that's that's more than it again yeah more than it can handle it's that like all of that just it like [ __ ] but so much to say ii hate it because because we're such a strong community um and it's one thing that they should be focusing on to keep us engaged with each other more often um it literally would would produce more income for them because the more that we're online and the more that we're engaged the more we're the more clickbait we're gonna fall for um so the fact that they don't put any any effort into fixing that drives me up a wall that's all i have to say okay ii have a three questions uh okay asked by the people uh i have some something to say about that but first these looks like pump from the office got pam's eyes that's very important issue i had to bring it up yeah uh razzie and rookie want uh want me to say than their name s o hello brazilian rookie hello and and mega who are you are you big where meg is my right hand man in 433 but more importantly he is one of the admins in the change gog rooms and he has been doing some awesome work behind the back of the scenes um if you guys don't know who he is now you certainly will do by the end of the boycott i was gonna say i'm not the popular one you know talking about the chat rooms and whatnot ii don't even get messages well they might they might just know you as what is it faux fiddie i can't even say oh yeah uh dirty these yeah he is one of our big fellas in 433 yeah no no no no i'm not big at all he's modest and humble uh so i just don't pick on meg um so i know and i told sky i was going to bring this up skye since the 7.5 updates had a lot of issues with uh just the regular chats with kingdom and alliance chat that she's still having issues with so i just wanted to uh raise some awareness on that one it seems to be uh not just her but a few people have se en it on discord that there's an ongoing issue with just within the regular alliance and kingdom chats uh unfortunately i don't know how to fix that but yeah i just thought i would raise awareness on that one uh again i'm not the popular one so you know it's very popular in-game chat rooms uh i think i'm in maybe three of them and i don't think we'll fix that so good on that i get yelled at all the time people message me in game i never see it because i just talk online and i'll go back and forth from game to line and that's it but if the chats were better yes it's definitely clickbait will give you more opportunity to stay in game which ideally that's what they want you to be because they figure the longer that you stay in game the more opportunity you will buy something that you need so that is not telling gog gog that future gog gog yes we have to uh have to show appreciation for fizz's t-shirt i also do team goal this is not an invitation for gog to make chatting something that you have to pay for yeah this has to be yeah oh my god yeah don't don't be [ __ ] monetizing our chat i just want to make it very clear this is something that is a very basic necessity into anything online that the chat needs to be functional free and free functional and free maybe going out to a third party for them that actually uh would do something like that in game might be easier for them and probably cheaper for them instead of dealing with all the people complaining well i just want to mention the profit they could make by sticking a bit of advertising in there as well you know like most social media websites do business you know they they don't seem to know much about that i only have um two things to save really one uh the only major issue that i have is my chats keep disappearing like entirely there's there's nothing written in the rooms even though i know there is uh especially my r4 room um and our sort of like kingdom kbk room i can write something in there and it will be go ne within 10 minutes it's completely pointless um the only other thing that i want to say is i think the reason why we can't share screenshots and stuff is a safeguarding issue um i don't know about you ladies but i don't fancy the dick pics up in my inbox so i'm i'm quite i am quite happy to not be allowed to receive screenshots and maybe that's something they can put on an optional thing as well don't [ __ ] charge us for it i'm not paying to see dick pics so ii think that's why that isn't a function because obviously even though guns of glory is very money-based you need a credit card and um it's gambling involved they still still do have children on there so i think that's ultimately the reason why that function's not there but it doesn't mean that it isn't something that they can't look at incorporating in the future that's also not saying that children wouldn't also be sending those kinds of pictures well yes let's not go down that road i don't know what you guys are talking abou t i don't know i don't get any inappropriate pictures at all yeah don't worry about it from the office that's okay it's the messages because because the pictures are not are non-existent it's the messages okay so i have a couple things noted about in-game communication maybe you agree or not so the simple fix of the issue would be for example increase room capacity to 500 or to a thousand uh the ability to take over ownership because that was the issue in the past yeah many rooms uh the ability to share reports and to share event screens like for example we have this dark lands and we have this screen when it ends i think these two issues would uh take over this screenshot issue you say that that would be enough for many chats about the game if we were able to share these two and it would be nice if we in fact noticed all the messages and uh regarding inter-kingdom communication we could just have another tab in our messages for uh different kingdom like we have message settings report s it will be also inter kingdom and that would be very simple resolution yeah that would be good because it would essentially be almost on a separate server so it shouldn't interfere with uh whatever's going on in your kingdom mail so um when when these videos are downloaded or or afterwards uh you guys should add the different versions of chinese subtitles for the closed captions so that if they do decide to go back in and view this that they could at least see a translated version because we're giving them everything they need to fix their game for free yeah yeah we are doing that anyways yeah i've been doing it for like over a year now this is actually my second christmas youtubing now so i'm like oh my god it goes quite quickly but yeah we're constantly doing it and they should pay attention to us because we're not just giving our opinion like it's the general uh consensus opinion of of everybody really and again it's free it is free yeah yeah yeah absolutely you can so please i wi ll i will give them all of the business advice for free if they fix the game seriously these uh some guys want to send you pictures uh online to make coffee you never really know i'm just for you know i'm good i mean wait these people are gonna find out how i like i'm a new yorker you don't want to know how i respond to advertising advertised pics i think i'm gonna make you feel bad what i missed something what what happened with me oh no there's there's there's gentlemen asking uh uh offering to send viz some uh oh photos inappropriate inappropriate pictures they can send it to you as well oh that's what it was yeah no yeah you can all keep those thank you though it's really really nice offer even though it's christmas i'm sorry i'm off camera because i'm smoking and i'm not allowed to do that so i can drink though oh well that's good because i've definitely been drinking on camera so to sum up the uh communication topic i think our lovely friend cd has the best knowledge about what's going on where because he is in every room so this is weird that someone who helps us fix line runs is like a moderator or admin for all guns of gory community instead of the game which is uh like really something weird and it should be really changed though but i'm glad that someone is able to do that and make something from it at least obviously yeah i love cds as well yeah so shout out thank you for uh helping us through through all of the all of the line communications and all of the things that we do um because the game isn't capable of handling all right uh are we good next topic yeah who's out wants to take it no uh i'm a vote mega what we've got we've got a topic for you to kick off all right okay so maybe around number four was uh excuse me bars guards and gamble i quit um oh jesus where do you start with this one guards and gambling uh i still would like them to see ice you they added the s guard automatically with the 30 pulls what it's called but i would rather see that in the master recruit um so if there's any way that they are willing to change that to the master recruit granted you know there's only so many dark canyons i need but yeah at least that way master recruit is something that we do daily so it makes sense that if even for a free player if you're doing one free pull at a time after 30 after 30 days hey you get a free yes guard i mean that would be lovely it would be i don't know why they put it into the one that you need to spend 30 dollars to pull five people i mean that literally makes zero sense yeah but i'm not here to try and make sense of what they do i'm trying here to get them to be a little more lenient with stuff uh as far as the gambling aspect not just guards but i still have not gotten a trident from pulling elixirs from bottles i am fortunate enough that i am a spender so getting the trident from the different areas uh that of course you pay for uh i've been able to upgrade it there i've probably i haven't done an account i ac tually took a video of doing 200 elixir polls and i believe i got uh five pieces of equipment throughout the whole 200 pieces so uh going back somebody said earlier about algorithms it's definitely set against um and i'm not even gonna say spenders i believe it's now set against the more active the player is i believe that the more active you are the least in your favor these algorithms run as opposed to your farms because we all know that you pull the trident three different times on your farm with 10 elixirs or you get the the brand new guard from free polls because you know i still say it's to their whole algorithm system is to an incite the the farm into spending money because it's you know there's no money coming from this castle let's give them everything and make them want to spend money to keep on getting better stuff as the main castle that you're spending money anyways let's draw out how much money we can get out of this person before we still never give them what they need s o there's definitely some kind of horrible horrible uh equation against people that are active because they're forcing you into becoming more active or spending more money just to try and get these things that if i've pulled what i can't think of the actual percentage i know they give the percentages as far as the pulls but if i pull 2 000 times on guards or elixirs i've still yet to get anything i've actually needed yeah yeah their percentages are [ __ ] yeah the percentages are utter utter utter utter [ __ ] you're like you're guaranteeing me something and it's like all right thanks for the inez brags that's why i said they need to switch that from again i can't think of what it's actually called where it's oh that's the star thing i don't know what it's called either because i've literally never done it the minute i saw it yes i knew what was going on i was like nah i'm no just no so they made the 30 pulls you got your free s guard what they need to do is switch that to the master r ecruit that that would be my first thing to change and then as far as fixing the other stuff just keep the same algorithm for everybody because it's obvious that everybody's different even with the packs that was brought up you get a pack i don't have that pack how the hell do you get that pack i don't know but everybody it's all about consistency and instead of basically everybody gets their own algorithm just yeah it's the same for everybody it doesn't matter free spenders i don't know but that's that's my two cents keychain i really want to hear what you have to say about this i'm gonna step away for a minute and so i used to i used to make videos about guard pulls and i would pull a bunch of guards and i would do it over days and i would piece it all together and i would break down the rates um and a lot of the time the rates landed on what they should but the rates are too low yeah the other piece of that that's extremely frustrating is i still don't have donna i've spent probably ten thousand recruitment banners or more but i still don't have her same and in my inventory of duplicate guards i have 27 full duplicate guards that i can do absolutely nothing with yeah but when i'm facing somebody and they have bella and donna i can't do anything to combat that because i don't have the second piece of of the new overpowered guards like the the strength level the difference that they put on these two new guards huge is absolutely insane that you know in musketeer sport is a perfect example i lost one the other day and i was like why did i lose this when i went in there and they had like 5000 less stats in me across the board and i could not find a way to beat them i went through my entire hour time out of attacking like sweat seven times trying different things and then i went back at it again later i like you you get 5 000 less stats and because you have a one star bella and donna you can beat me um extremely extremely infuriating and frustrating um one of the thin gs i think that that they are starting to kind of get a hold of is that we want stores rather than pre-prescribed loot because the pre-prescribed loot and items don't benefit everybody the stores allow us to choose and i think they need to implement something like this permanently for the guards and not just s tier but all tears and they can find a way to do that so that a green guard is worth one point and a blue guard is worth two and a purple guard's worth three you know whatever the breakdown is yeah and even if it's expensive that that allows me to use the other badges i don't even know what this is i think i have two million of the other badges from from killing threats and stuff because what am i going to use them for like crazy they're only for skill points that i already have enough of for a new guard yeah so i think that they need to do something to allow us to trade in these duplicate guard fragments and actually get some value out of them to to bring back some value into re cruitment and under the under the old gar system we did have that you could trade in you could trade in your duplicates for xp or whatever it was at the time i mean we're going back quite a long time i can't remember exactly what it was on the top of my head it actually went towards your stars as well so you were still benefiting from the [ __ ] cards that you that you don't really do anything with admittedly you did have to have uh the same colors so like you couldn't put blues and greens on a on a gold it would have to be a gold on a gold but um it worked really really well and i know that back then like a year and a half ago or whatever it was um i didn't spend anything at all i do spend little bits and bobs now but it's purely for the videos and stuff but most of my guards were leveled up to five star from the extra frags not from my guard pools um so like i might just get one actual gold guard pool um and then not get anything for ages but then i'll get the same one again but i wo uld put it towards something else because that would be maxed and and you would literally max one max the next max the next and that option was amazing it worked really really well for everybody um don't really know why they got rid of that because they still could have done that within the new system that they'd set out and i know it's changed a couple of times even since then as well um but i think that that is when it functioned at its best and people were the most pleased with that particular part of the game i think um i think the developers um see us as unintelligent or having memories yeah um they they constantly do things like this where they do a switcheroo and and put a shiny new you know bow on something and wrap it up and say hey this is new but it's really just rebranded and it's worse um the example there's a couple but the guards they they took a system that was great and we liked removed it by going to full guards without fragments and now they come back to fragments wi thout giving us back the best part of the fragment feature yeah um kvk store another example that when it came out i first saw it and i was like i like this store it's great but when i look at the old mouth yeah looking at the old screenshots yeah well me and paper matthew had a bit of a public disagreement about the shop i don't mind it i know a lot of people aren't going to like me saying that i know that you need more points but i also as an r5 and like a bit of a leader have a lot of experience of people just leaving troops and buildings and stuff and i think that this gives added incentive for people to actually play the event hit that point score and get those extra four badges i know it's not great i don't think it was the best way to go about it i know that it's going to upset a lot of people and i understand why it's going to upset them but for me personally ii don't mind it i like the store concept um we've talked about in general how how like that store and giving us options for what we want to buy for what we need is definitely a more beneficial way to going about a reward scale um so i'm all for that um but people have done the math and what you can buy versus what you used to get uh just hand it to you on the same on the same tiers of points um is is difficult and i will also say um in a rebuttal to you're like some people just dump just dump troops um there are also people who literally can't leave the pet like your mega holder who is in the palace who can't go out for points and is sitting there defending um you know until until you go hit another building or whatever those people uh don't go out for solo points a lot of mega leaders don't go out for solo points because they're sitting there making sure that that your own kingdom is secure um you know they're they're holding what they need to hold um and hoping hoping for for [ __ ] to work out and hoping that they can go launch a mega at some point at something um those people also like don't have t he same opportunity for points um and it really sucks that those people are now screwed with points and from what i've seen of feedback um an average of like 40 percent less uh less rewards be just because we like giving us an option doesn't mean you get to give us 40 less [ __ ] like that is pretty that's shitty that's really that's really shitty um the same amount of rewards for like 20 percent less because we get to check we get to pick and choose what we want like cut certain things down by 20 because you're offering other things that weren't there before maybe maybe but like ever people who need marquee badges are going after that in in that store you know like i don't care how many xyz you're offering and stupid [ __ ] like that's what people are going for um so to to take away um to take away that much of a percentage from players for the biggest event just because you give us an option is again utter [ __ ] and not fixing your reward scale like it's fiction it's fixing the opti on of the reward scale but it's not fixing it's not fixing the um it's not fixing the cycle of it which is it's almost like an illusion isn't it it's like ah and everybody's like yeah it's so good but then when you actually look behind the curtain it's it's not so great we are a little off the topic because we all have a separate uh question about rewards yeah sorry uh okay so if i broke maybe i uh here's my sense i have uh i am a small to middle spender i spent somehow a couple hundred dollars monthly and i have done on three and balance that's really four that's really good yeah i know and i know it shouldn't be like this uh may i just say maybe i killing fort and i'm very easily general three or this next one i don't remember but you know that shouldn't be like this it does compensate my my stats somehow but i would really like everyone to have an option to have donna and bella on three four or five stars that would be lovely so this is my first remark second i would really like to see this previous system when we were building our guards and it was very simple and it's very doable because we had it alchemy or something and you had like 20 fragments to build the card and then you had 40 to build it on second star 80 and 160 and 320 to build like 250 or 6 stars so it would be still very expensive to build the guards on our old system if we were able to pull those fragments from from the drawings and if there was as many cards as in this star system this uh paid system sun badges or whatever it is if we had such ball like three or four cards per five we would be able to do it have more chances to actually have these cards and now no it's you know it's useless and i also agree that we should have uh we should be able to buy for example i don't know one card per a week yeah we want the most i agree everything of everything i said this to you muffin the fact that ii still don't have guests guest gaston max yeah the fact that i can't buy a gas dog like the fact that i can't buy gaston cards drives me up he's old give me the option i want him next you had a possibility to to buy one card weekly that would do the job right even for fifty dollars or i don't know ii would like to see them incorporate that into uh the main 50 event so that with your tickets you can buy a guard they would make three guards available for you to buy you would be able to buy two cards of each not frags cards they would be expensive in tickets because obviously god can't give them away for free so you know you're gonna expect to pay more but depending if they essentially did it that they had one old gold guard at say like a hundred tickets one relatively new-ish one say like aramis and that around that sort of uh ballpark for say 200 tickets and then one of the really really new ones on there it's something [ __ ] stupid like 800 tickets or whatever because you've got to think this needs to be uh in relative of freshness but also it needs to reflect everything else so the amo unt that we're playing for equipment and and whatnot so yes i know that seems absurd but really that would be the way to to even the playing field and essentially what you could do with that is if they did decide to change it where you uh could use your old guards towards you your new ones like what we used to have people would start building up a lot quicker and i think that to make six guards six guard cards available to everybody once a month is not a huge ask a while ago that was actually something that they did uh like with arabah and lucy and yeah actually i think we did have it like once and then it just vanished again like maybe around the anniversary or something uh but but i remember specifically that they had guaranteed the event to purchase uh the older guards were in the you know the free one but the more newer and i want to say specifically was prince and lucian i think you might be right yeah you could get those guy fragments in the event i mean we're probably talking tw o years ago but well i want to see that come back because ii think like from a business point of view so from guns of glory's point of view they would still make revenue from that and from a player point of view it would give us the option on what we want to invest in but it would also um help non-spenders be able to build up because really what it would come down to is if if you're a non-spender playing main event you're going to have minimal upgrades which means minimal tickets but you would still be able to buy the first or second tier whereas you know the last tier would be more available towards people that are buying um tickets and whatnot and paying towards upgrades and stuff i have two remarks to do at the moment so first so guys whoever watches it we don't want this game to be free to play no please please understand that yeah we we know this is a business so we don't want these changes so we could play pay less we just have more fairness or whatever and whatever we discuss to day and we don't say give us the [ __ ] for free we don't want the [ __ ] for free it's about closing the gap um a year ago as a non-spender i was roughly three months behind a spender in stats so i was still able to compete but just sitting on the borderline now in retrospect i'm probably nine months behind and i'm spending small amounts in a year that gap has just winded and widened wide and wider and with every update every increase in materials and the less stuff that's available the wider and wider that gap's going to get spenders will leave because they won't have support during kvk and raid and all of those sort of events you need a team you i know there are some people that will just go out there and just [ __ ] people up on their own but you should be in a team you need a team and part of that is catering for everybody so my second remark is that bigs monsters any monster may actually hold on i said probably monsters would agree that they want these changes because they need u s as a support me as a small splendor and maybe all of you except of mega are rather small to middle spenders so they want this change this is very important we want this for them as well yes and the third remark is uh i'd like to refer what blood first said during our interview a couple months back that he as a monster he is willing to pay no matter money they offer for for guard for stars for frogs whatever he just wants to know that it's some kind of a certainty that he actually gets this card this bella or whatever you don't have i don't have uh joanna or lara this uh shitty cavalry card which i don't need john i think i don't have joanne still but i don't care because this is shitty car but if i didn't have bella or donna that would make me angry really so this was my reasons i think something else like just kind of a final kind of like thing to say about this is when they first started introducing these secondary gold guard cards i say secondary because obviously the boosts on th em were so big compared to the other ones um the stat change was big but not drastically so but the cards were basically useless until they were at three or four stars so people were still forced into using the other guards with these new ones you can have them at one star and they are massively more effective than the ones underneath them at four or five stars so somewhere there it's not quite right uh so the count in chat um said it would be good to be able to send spares to alliance members yes um so i think like that that is i like co-signing something that would be awesome also uh being able to to send extra [ __ ] to our lower no spenders um to just like to give away to give away our extras i think is great we used to be able to send guard frags i don't know if we still can but they were definitely just purple guards like it wasn't anything higher than that i'd have to have a look at it again um to see if they've changed that if they haven't then there's an area for that to alrea dy be worked on so might be able to wanker that one during the call with the developers i flat out told them that they need to bring back alchemy um it's absurd that they brought back one one aspect of fragments and didn't bring back the trading aspect uh ii if you haven't watched that video watch it if you want me to rant at you some more about the things that i ranted at them at i'm happy to find my inbox any videos mentioned in here we'll link them all down in the description as soon as it's over we'll get keys video in there muffins as well so i like ii flat out i flat out said that to them i it is it is absolutely crazy to me that we don't have a trade system uh the drop rates uh the thing particularly about drop rates that that makes me the most angry is that it used to which you know everyone's talking about building guards you used to build guards um all of that worked on an algorithm that was based on what we currently own so part of the coding worked on what you had in your b ag or in your in your guard set at the moment um and it didn't drop you as many duplicates because you already had that that guard maxed um and when they changed the new guard system they took that part of the algorithm out and again now they're trying to take a few steps back and and go back to what they used to do but they're not implementing the things that used to work in conjunction with those part of the aspects like don't give me guard frags if you're not going to account for what i have in my bag what i need but i don't need um and like one of the biggest gambling aspect aggravations of people is the fact that it doesn't take into account what we own already um so it's but ii mean i said it to them i'll say it to all of you it's the it's really like of drop rates the one thing that they can code that for some re like i'm not gonna say for some reason because they're money yeah they're just not doing it they're just not they're just not coding in any part of the algorithm to wha t we own already they used to do it they can do it them sitting there saying we'll consider it we need to try to figure out how to do this no no [ __ ] you had this worked out two years ago it was coded two years ago you can very well pull that chunk of coding and [ __ ] put it in the [ __ ] and implement it back in it's not as hard as you're pretending it is uh so just do it just do it yeah i agreed definitely so yeah one of one of my biggest one of my biggest uh disappointments with the call with the developers was that like that in general them trying to tell me that they like needed neat like they're granted there are so many things that they need time for uh to implement to figure out to do different uh tests with whatever there are also other things that you used to [ __ ] have very active in the game that you can literally just go oh here's the coding for this let me tweak this for a week put four people on it and then put it right into the next update it's not it's not as compl icated as as they try to make it sound to us which is infuriating because most of us aren't as dumb as they like to think we are next topic is that is that what muffins or anyone has something to add though okay okay so that one number one oh oh i really wish you had something to to connect it to devil developers meeting but it's fixing bugs and bleachers ah here we go so perfect lead from the last one still has so many things to say about bugs and glitches jesus christ okay so uh a few people might get angry at me for this statement but this is how i'm gonna start it anyway um they didn't fix everyone but it does seem like this last update really did they really did put a lot of work into dark land so yeah they they they're trying um that's that's the first thing i can say we we really as a community across all platforms really bitched about darklands enough uh that they're working on it i think it's going to take more than one update to really figure out all of the glitches across th e board with it to get it to um really translate over to most of the public instead of just a bigger majority um but bugs and glitches there are still so many issues that we have um and uh one of my favorite terms when it comes to bugs and glitches is quality of life right so um one of the the easiest asks asks should be quality of life upgrades and that has to do with bugs and glitches um in the letter to the com to the dev to the developers it was listed as like this shouldn't even have to be on the list this is just something that you guys should be working on consistently there are different bugs and glitches that the uh we talked about um inner game communication the glitches that happen with that uh different different uh skills that don't that don't show up uh we talked about chats that don't show up well every time they implement one thing or another they just create more bugs for themselves a lot of what i've seen of community response has been that they're just writing over c urrent code instead of just fixing and recoding different things they're just adding layers and layers layers on top of what they already have instead of going back to basics and changing what needs to be changed for these for these different uh features they're trying to give us and it's just creating different breakdowns in the older in the older coding that the newer developers that just had this job didn't work on two years ago when it was written in the first place um so it is to me bugs and glitches is one of the one of the biggest things that they should be looking at in every update and like i got a survey this morning about language and i wish it was about bugs and glitches like i would much rather you ask me what bugs i'm facing every day rather than like if you use the same terminology twice on different things like i don't care what phrasing you use i care that you make our quality of life better just better for when we for when we game all of the events are every single ev ent is still riddled with glitches across the board and like as a community we totally understand how much time it's going to take to fix some of those things or that it's a connectivity issue but like i said in the letter when multiple people over multiple continents are having the same issue at the same time it's not their connection it's you um it drives me nuts when people like when everyone starts complaining customer service at the same time and their zendesk does the whole um you know restart your restart your device clear your cache uninstall the game i'm like [ __ ] if i uninstall this game i'm not reinstalling it so you might want to give me another option skip button that's all it takes skip tutorial i literally i have literally messaged back customer service more more times than i would like to admit um when i've been complaining about a bugger glitch and they've given me some ridiculous response and i've responded back to them like if you pick another micro to send me inst ead of responding to be like a human i'm going to blast something to everyone i know and then i'm actually going to uninstall and not install not re-install so can you please speak to me like a human yeah i had like so in the first test server um that they did i can't remember which one it was for now it it wasn't uncharted seas i must yeah something like that so i couldn't actually get into the castle and when i did it had all the little black boxes and i knew what the problem was but i needed their permission for me to uninstall it because potentially they could have needed to send me another code i was telling them what the problem was and exactly what i needed to do to fix it but they were more concerned about sending me 20 [ __ ] mails about [ __ ] that was nothing to do with actually fixing the problem and it got to a point where i'm talking to like my seventh mod and i and i just opened the conversation with i've done this this this this and this this is the problem i need this to fix it and i need you to do this and then i finally got the response like okay we need to go back to devs make sure that it's okay to send you out another code as soon as they did it was fine i got in it worked absolutely amazing but it took me three days to get on to that [ __ ] server and i tell you what i was so mad because i knew that it was just a corrupt file on install all i had to do was just [ __ ] delete it that was it and then reinstall on a secure connection so that that i was very mad about that i was i was furious this didn't want to go to the kitchen for refills anymore why not bring it back with you i know all this talking dries your mouth out yeah yeah that's what it is so basically the developer's response for everything we we brought about the glitches were was we're working on it right uh they wanted to they said that they want to focus on dark ones which i think they did i did not i have i didn't have a single glitch i don't know about you guys yeah me neither i had the perfect dark lands i had yesterday so and from what i saw on chats it's either much much better or completely worse that there were people who started to have problems and never had before so i don't know what was their issue maybe some example but generally speaking all people in my alliance said that it worked nicely well it seems it seems that they fixed a lot of the chat issues with dark lands which i think is is part of the the major the major uh bugs that happen in darklands is getting kicked from chat so ii always have dark languages um and a lot of it is um sometimes it's me switching back from my regular network to my wi-fi um but almost every time i would get hit in the building and then once once my mega was hit if i went to open the chat i would get kicked out of darkness anything i couldn't speaker anymore i couldn't do anything anymore the second i went to open up any chat i was completely kicked out yeah um so they did fix that for me uh this this round i didn't have issues um for for the chat but the the disappearing buildings and the rally labs um that we've also experienced across the board with dark lands definitely didn't get better for a lot of people um disappearing buildings was something that i saw a screenshots of in a lot of rooms um so i think that they took a big chunk of the connectivity issues and the chat issues and i think that they worked on that uh but i think they still have a lot of ways to go with the other issues of dark lands um creed you had said something about the test server um and this is something that's been said over the the uh change gog chats uh by a couple of people it's been it's been feedback that i've i've heard a lot so i'm gonna i'm gonna touch on it real quick um with bugs and glitches a lot of the community just like wishes that gog ins before they put out any new change in system or any new uh crazy crazy changes to whatever uh uh events we're playing that they just did like a quick test server of it uh like uac they clearly after our call they clearly tried to do something they told us on the call that they were they told us they were trying to um expand the territory in which you could teleport yeah like they like announced that like hey this is how we're gonna fix that this is what we're doing that's not necessarily and then they did it anyway and then it like so it went live the next uac and we saw all of these glitches no one was teleported to the closest spot anymore no one would like we just had a thousand new issues and they could have fixed that they could have simply fixed that by going we're trying to tweak teleporting and and the and like glitches in uac do you want to do a test server and just give us like a four hour test of uac yeah and most players are like oh my god i get to be on a test server where yeah people love it people love it like just just pick random [ __ ] castles and just throw them into a test for four hours and let that like mods let the mods do it like let let people let like invite random people to the test server let them do it and just see where your glitches are yeah and see what's gonna happen game wide before you just [ __ ] all of our event up yeah i mean like with the test servers and stuff when you're playing them you expect there to be glitches but when you know what the fix is and somebody isn't listening to you and you're past between pillar to post that's when the frustrations begin or at least for me anyway like i knew i knew it wasn't going to be great like i didn't expect it to be amazing it's a beta test for [ __ ] sake but yeah i think when you're verbalizing somebody it's not working because of this and they're going have you cleared your cash have you uninstalled and you're like i'm literally if you were in front of me right now i would [ __ ] headbutt you like genuinely you're just like i [ __ ] can't listen to this [ __ ] anymore i'm telling you what the problem is listen to me about uncharted 6 and test se rver is it only my impression that they fixed zero issues they didn't they didn't fix zero they didn't fix zero there were a lot of the iii will stand up for gog in this moment there were a few things that that happened that they really did uh they really did a lot of the so people in general i know it happened in live game but not nearly as much as it would have it was as it happened in the test server um the map was extremely glitchy it was that that got that got a lot better but like the lag overall for like buildings opening at the same time we complained about that um i know they fixed it for a lot of people but uh there were a lot of alliances in the test server that had research issues so they were finishing research and then it wasn't reading that they finished research and then they had to do it all over again um my my my kbk alliance which is where we played our uncharted cs i experienced that in k3 on the test server and then experienced it all over again in kdk4554 and i bi tched and moaned a hell of a lot that it was a bug that they didn't fix that they should have yeah and again like the bridges dropping and everyone getting kicked out and whatever like uh devil's keep wasn't as bad as it was on the test server like devil's keep opened on the test server and like everybody's game crashed oh it was bad it was really fresh the first round of devils keep on the test server was bad they definitely so they definitely did take take a few things here and there and fix it but there were there were massive overall glitches that ii don't know they they uh they either completely ignored or was just like this was just them i think most of of what they did fix around uncharted wasn't the glitches it was the general feedback so one of the major things seven weeks come on that we couldn't place the four on the other side near the center which obviously in the test server we could so essentially because a kingdom i'm not pointing names but because they lost because the y were cut off and got really upset about it that's the information that was taken from that and that's what they decided to fix [ __ ] everybody else in the process so ii personally ii think yes there were glitches and stuff that were fixed ever so slightly but i think most of what they tweaked was actually just the appeasing of people to not be moaned at so one of the things that this kind of brings into um job experience and things like that is normal progression of servers and bug fixes um doesn't seem like it's being followed in guns of glory so normally there's a development server and a test server and user acceptance server you know different progress progressive steps where you fix bugs along the way and you re-test and if you haven't fixed the critical bugs you don't get to go to production yeah you you aren't allowed to proceed and i don't think they have anybody stopping them from proceeding like oh you have five extremely high bugs or vulnerabilities you have to get those fixed per before you can go to production they're like but productions in three days yeah you put you push it you you push it back a week you don't go forward anyways like and i think that's a big piece of it um specifically with uncharted c's i i had 11 bugs that i focused on extremely detailed information it was like a full page of exactly the replication conditions um what it you know what it did how it broke the game what needed to be fixed not a single one of those got fixed before they went live because they were focused on other things but they they need to if they're gonna do a test server they need to take the information and actually fix the bugs yeah before going live uh so i think that's a big piece of their problem with with bugs and glitches in general is that they have this set schedule for pushing updates and and pushing things out to us and they don't ever they don't ever deviate from it it's it's very on schedule like i could tell you what the new things are going to be on what days for the next six months yeah you know that was like on like on the dev call when i turned to them and i said if i know you're coming out with coat of arms in two months you for damn sure know you're coming out with coat of arms in two months yep so i don't know if that's something that they will ever change is you know they'd have to add an entire new process to their business yeah that they might not care about so from a business perspective at the end of the day they've decided to set up a business in the gaming community as a whole gamers in general are quite critical and at the end of the day these things are supposed to be built up of art it's supposed to be enjoyable to play it's the same as watching a movie you are not gonna sit through a [ __ ] film you will just turn it off and i think that the developers need to remember that people will respond to their game in the exact same way if they're not getting from it what they want what they are expecting what's ini tially packaged and sold to you uh then they will leave and and they will quit and unfortunately because of the way that this particular game is structured they will take half of the community with them yeah my big my biggest issue with that um is like like word of mouth in general uh ii can't say anyone on this call who has recently gone to someone and been like oh yeah you know that game that i play you should come join me no anyone anywhere anyone in my life that knows that i play this game i'm like yeah you know that game i play don't ever do it but here's what's going on and that's that's their response from most of their community base is that like word of mouth could like spread and join and is such a amazing free business tactic to get new to get new people involved in your product yeah um and instead of having us excited and spreading word of mouth to to entice people in our lives by our excitement for the game we will talk about being excited about the game but we preface it to all of these people with like don't ever do this don't download it stay the [ __ ] away if you ever hear of anyone offering this game just just don't do it it is a money pit it is stressful they're terrible they don't give a [ __ ] about you i don't know why i'm so addicted like that is that is the community's response to people who do not play the game yeah and that is a major issue that they could be fixing that they refuse to i don't understand why they like why they don't understand keeping us happy brings them more money yeah they they don't seem to understand that at all um so because we're on like the whole uh glitches and books uh i want meg to say a little bit about like what he's been been working on because i think ultimately it will be quite important a little bit down the road um but it just kind of shows the depths that everybody's going into kind of behind the scenes that people might not realize what's going on because it's not necessarily important right now but it will be uh well and of course i offered for you to join me in trying to uh get the information and you kind of went a little overboard details of every single update from the creation of gog and the idea was as far as going through everything and going through every single area that the game offers and somebody brought it up earlier such as like astrologer and uh the hero store i saw that recently that they were going to make updates on uh the alliance store and uh i can't remember what the other one was but uh shout out to uh shadow on the main server discord that actually made me um made me aware of some of the new stuff that was popping up as far as what i dislike optimizations their response to a lot of these things is that things will be optimized in the future i don't know what that means nobody they don't know what that [ __ ] means nobody knows what that means it's a cop out yeah it's a cop out yeah and somebody said i mean it's just changing the overall interface of the store itself and not doing any kind of updates to the actual things that's being not you know optimizing something um i was going to mention uh something else and it slipped my mind i can't think of what i was going to bring up from before but uh some of the other things that we've been working on is literally pinpointing certain areas that have not been updated in years uh like i said astrologer the bank the gero store where you can still buy the equipment upgrade items that haven't existed in years yeah yeah gog that's gonna be a running thing this entire live feed i guess uh and of course i don't have any of the information in front of me so uh i'm very forgetful and i can't think of some of the other things but me creed muffin uh cynthia sweet pea also shout out to cynthia she made a spreadsheet uh regarding regarding every daily uh free item and how it will basically how many days it would take before you would be able to even create one of the newest pieces um i helped you out with the equipment one for the sea dragon and it was as far as the amount of crimson gold that you get which is only from the gold event which runs every other week uh you would be able to create your first sea dragon equipment in uh 152 weeks so there's oh i remember so my whole thing with the the bugs and the glitches and for us angiog is it's a complete cultural change the the lack of consistent updating throughout the game as a whole i mean you can throw items and updates and whatnot but you can't isolate it in just one area at a time it has to be fluent across the entire game and that's what they lack in yes they only focus on one area and then for instance like what we've been doing with trying to find when the last update was for you know the the bank bank yeah yeah has been broken since it started yeah the the i found a youtube video from 2019 saying that if you do the one day um you have to do the one day to get the bigger percentage right yeah yeah five gold every day to do the one d ay if you do the 30 day you get like half of it and it's supposed to be even more because it literally says a 50 interest increase but it's just taken like the 50 of the 1500 you're putting in and then just giving you half back instead of it increasing daily to make it ii think i did the math before but it should have been something like 30 000 gold if you're willing to wait the 30-day mark as opposed to the 5 000 or 4 000 that you actually get so it's actually more beneficial doing the daily one getting 105 each day and you're getting the thirty thousand three thousand three thousand i'm sorry three thousand i haven't had enough coffee today i know it's the morning for you bless you thank you so much it's not morning anymore he has no excuses it's lunch time now yeah yeah man needs feeding that's what it is because we're in the same time zone doesn't mean it's not morning for me still yeah we had like a 24-hour kvk so uh i'm just i'm just glad everything's too waited until a lot of wo rk before i could do anything uh you were great we did good oh well we got that second kingdom so i had a phone call actually so i don't know where are we but are we ready with no i've just got one more i've just got one more little thing that i want to add on to that um just following on from what joe was saying so really the idea of going back through the updates over the last four years um is that we can keep an eye on the progression because obviously gog tells us one thing a lot of the time and does another so we can actually go back and look at an update that they did six months ago and compared to what they're doing now uh this is going to be a good way for everybody to keep track of those patches of store upgrades and all of this sort of thing hey nice one keychain i'm a little bit jealous so yeah this is just gonna enable us to be able to keep on top of them essentially if we can but i chose seven which is we need a little drumroll that's that's good uh your review your view f eedback uh developer developer call feedback okay so really this is youtube ladies oh yeah that's maybe good yeah youtube ladies can uh catch us all up on on what's been going on well generally speaking a vase is writing some sort of a feedback or whatever you work on i think you will say your bit here about that uh what's my feedback the whole conversation with developers was we're working on it i'm glad that we extracted the promise that the next update will be single which was surprisingly true we hope that they will keep the promise that all other updates will be single which i personally don't believe in yet i have to say to believe that yeah they are able to divide the cards or whatever they come in the iman that will add to the game will be separate from the new stat items so this is uh that part of the feedback uh we we were losing a couple of times a couple of times we were losing track and we were wondering uh for example about uac transportation issue which was pointed out t hat we sacrificed the whole two minutes talking about it so yeah and we shouldn't have because this was uh basically this was the call about the letter and the letter was about the polls so the issues we talked about today except of maybe uh communication issues we already talked about so uh we tried to ask the most important questions we weren't able to ask all of them you saw the list in my movie link in the description below that we tried to cover them all but of course we weren't able and we they were nice enough to talk with us for an hour and 20 and i think they were giving us an hour even less so it was nice that they talked with us longer yeah my opinion was that this guy who talked in chinese uh he was a little bit off uh i mean he was uh yeah guys give me a break we're working on it like come on i had this vibe yeah so maybe maybe uh i'll do uh that i'll oh god i'm missing the words maybe i'll give you the voice and i'll come back to my later because i have to gather my thoug hts that's all right yeah so from from an outside viewing perspective i watched the whole thing and i kind of got that same impression that uh the translator the guy in the middle i felt like he was full of crap that was the that was the developer manager so that it ii very much understand understand that uh that feeling from them that was the the guy who is speaking chinese was 100 the the developer manager who like can't say much and is just like sure we're gonna work on it and then the guy who spoke english was i think more from their hr department um who was trying to relate the things in a better way us for sure but the one who like only spoke chinese or like mostly spoke chinese was definitely just we're doing this this what do you mean we're gonna optimize that soon okay so uh it is nothing i'm sorry continue oh sorry sorry no that's i mean just depending on whether it was him or not or or when he was translating back to things it seemed like they didn't quite either they didn't understand fully what was being asked um or they thought yeah we can do that and this this first update seemed like their their first attempt at trying to make things better and i think um as far as the they made a big deal in the update notes about you can get more gemstone essence here here's two spots where you can get all this new gemstone essence and it's not even enough it's enough for if one month you max both of these events you can craft one new gem well there's 18 gems guys like they don't understand the inflation piece that was trying to get across that yeah we like when i started this game when i first started making youtube videos i loved this game i was spending 50 a month i could stay competitive you know i knew i was never going to be at the top but i with smart spending and doing the right things i was able to to be part of the the group and be in the top helping people guiding people yeah somewhere along the way my spending has gone tenfold and i can't be anywhere ne ar where i was because of how fast the inflation has gone and sorry that differs a little bit away from the call but i think that passing messages back and forth to them the guy's like you know sure yeah we'll work on that but they don't truly understand how bad it is from our from our perspective so i think that's a reason why we need to just keep on top of them keep nagging them keep making them aware of situations keep them in the loop with the community and also keep the community in loop with them at some point everybody needs to get on the same page so that their business can keep running but also so the community is happy did you ask the question uh before we started to record which would be good now do you remember the question god do i so that was like an hour and a half ago now do you remember what it was uh it was uh will will we will we do we have any follow-up meeting or something oh yeah yeah so is there anything sort of like in the pipeline for uh for a follow-up like ha ve they mentioned to you um how soon they're gonna give you some more feedback so i think i think that might be on me a little bit uh so i'm working on i'm working on feedback uh from the community as a whole to feedback to them post um post the call post this post whatever um i've asked people and like discord and or the line chat to at me please do so it is very much a lot of time out of my life to try to scroll through all of the things that you guys are talking about in every chat all of the time so please please when you have actual feedback um and things that you need to say please at me so that i see it much appreciated yeah oh and same for meg and muffin as well who are all admins and yeah yeah we need we need like definitely meg he loves getting mail be a mega yeah yeah yeah none of us and that actually do you know what that's interesting you say that because i'm going to [ __ ] put that out there now because i had a snarky comment about how i make profit off of this [ __ ] an d i just want to put it out there now that none of us are doing this to make profit none of us work for gog and none of us are doing this for ourselves we are doing this for you we put hours and hours and hours and hours into videos into learning how to do stuff so that we can uh teach you guys and pass all this information on so please don't ever think that the only reason we're doing this is because we're somehow in line with with gog because trust me it's not a corporation i wish to be paid for this yeah that would be delightful so yeah admitting admitting in the chat i i have most definitely thrown it out there a couple of times and i'll throw it out there more i don't get paid for this i don't i don't get paid for this i'm doing i'm doing it because i am yeah mega gets one crimson gold or something i get i get zero i get zero anything uh for trying for trying uh to make all this work so through feedback and stuff please just at me or pm me or anything so that i can make sure that all of it is heard and and uh gathered properly but in the feedback that i plan to send um i planned on having that done this weekend i had a lot of personal stuff that that made that not happen so uh sorry about that but uh within the next week i plan on sending them on on sending them a whole slew of overall feedback uh from the community uh post our meeting where i plan on asking for another meeting and asking for them to respond with more more of a time frame um in which they think any of that can any of these things can or will be accomplished keychain are you putting your hand up to speak oh funny we're not at school anymore i do that too it's this just button don't worry go for it buddy i thought about something and i and i don't want to forget it because i find that it might be important is um can we or do you think that we could from this meeting or or through the line find somebody who speaks chinese uh yeah we have we have guys yes we have a couple um so i don't like obvious ly everyone won't be aware of this but when um viz finished the letter and it was sent off to devs and everything well before that even everything all of the letter was translated into like every single language and in order to do that we had to find players from guns of glory to dedicate their hard ass earned time to have these transcripts and to have the letter translated into every language so obviously within that we needed a chinese speaker so we have got a couple i also i also did um ii in in team edit i had recruited a few different people um a few of the people that i that i recruited for the edit team are people who speak chinese to make sure that when it was translated to them that there were no uh what i called like trigger phrases like that i wasn't insulting their culture yeah um accidentally um through our well my abrasive american culture that i wasn't offending them somehow or that any words weren't getting completely misconstrued because it didn't like an english word might not be a chinese word uh so that was something that we took into consideration when writing like team edit definitely took into consideration when writing it and putting it together in the first place i was wondering too as far as like the actual if there's a follow-up meeting like seeing if that person is comfortable showing up because you edited out parts where they were talking and discussing in chinese but we could have had our own translator yeah yeah i was thinking about putting the whole meeting somewhere yeah i was i was also like muffin and i were talking about how uh how she like she had she had recorded she had done her whole edit um and i have the the longer version too she had said like if you want to put the whole long version out and i just haven't done it like i'm not gonna lie i just haven't done it you know what if for an example you you phrase a crash a question to the guy and he turns to back to the board to the developers and he says repeats it a different wa y or something like that the greedy americans uh want us to change this and and they say yeah like tell them we're working on it and they're all being sarcastic but we have no idea there was one a very heated concentration ii don't remember in which point but there was one so they were basically arguing arguing with each other about something yes when i asked them if they if they pay for psychology oh that one could be it but i'm not sure but yes and the second was uh our very long talk and he was uh basically said saying three words and that chilling needs to set one and then this guy was translating like a couple of sentences from his two awards so yeah yeah i would really like to uh someone the chinese to to hear it and uh what keychain says yeah yeah so if you if you speak chinese and you want to hear the whole the whole feedback someone at me again please okay so i have a couple couple extra remarks i i know that when you were you guys were talking i'm really happy that they agree d to talk to us this is something we could simply dream about three years ago yeah uh during actual the actual boycotts because now we're not boycotting we just have a movement change uh yeah change go good change or [ __ ] change or geoge change whatever you prefer you have to realize that uh that this isn't the only call the only meeting it's happening in the community other players also have such calls so they do interview players about this stuff whether it's writing or in the zoom or whatever for example harley had one so these meetings are across the community uh you guys remember that this is a good change movement we try to figure out how to communicate with with the developers thanks shadow for for showing up on our chat on our movie yeah thanks shadow so uh we got we uh we want you to to join our discord our line group whatever is suitable for you guys so so please do so uh we have uh like thousand people combined in all those platforms even more so you would be just informed what's going on and uh be patient because these changes don't go for overnight we don't do stuff every day it's a lot of work behind the scenes like mega mentioned the whole process about the rewards it's very time consuming i'm in this group but i'm not very productive because thanks that work at the moment but there are many initiatives like this there's a lot of admin work so please be patient guys sometimes there's a couple of days when we do like nothing i don't want to say nothing but you know you see it feels like it's not productive it is productive we just need time to to process some stuff and uh to back to our meeting uh me and this a little bit played by accident the good cop and bad cop situation here and it wasn't intentional but i really like that she pushed the stuff to them and i was like okay guys can we talk can you move on to next topic okay okay sometimes it was obvious that they won't say anything or so it was basically pointless so yeah that's it i just want to say uh also uh sorry muffin i did forget to mention you on the um the the thing i've been working on with uh also to as well duke is a part of it and you did do a lot because you took what i didn't put on our list and added to it uh so yeah everybody helps everybody does what um they can when they can so it's any of the help that you give and everyone else gives to me i it's not very pretty i will uh share some of the things that i have been doing uh in the the line in the discord group so more people can help get involved on as part of as i said before the cultural change not just for us but for gog itself um but yeah i'm sorry to cut you off i just wanted to throw that in there no i i've basically done this with this talk we have three more so whoever wants uh whoever wants i just need to fix me with my power cord um count if you were here i would 100 percent make you a mimosa but you're not so i'm not trying to be rude i just uh he's just you're just not here to drink with me i got coffee you want some coffee you're too far away yeah um yeah yeah i mean good cop good cop bad cop definitely uh definitely was fun i guess on the call um i mean i've said this before i'll say it again i have plenty of i have plenty of [ __ ] to say to god um with how much they're [ __ ] up there their opportunity for business um with with a lot of things um but it was it was definitely fun to to go at them a little bit i wish that they i um i actually had posted in the change room recently um asking for help finding uh one of the one of the uh what does she do i forgot what her actual title is um but i was looking for one of the fun plugs um i was asking for i was asking for one of the one of the fun plus um uh people uh who like handle entertainment and like our end of stuff and they're actually out of the san francisco office uh so i was trying to figure out how to get in touch with them their email that kind of stuff um so that i can um help aid with feedback trying to reach out to the right parties um in my home language um to to be able to to get some of that situated for us um and i'm try like i will try my hardest to get any follow-up meetings done through san francisco i think it's san francisco's where their offices um to also have someone from the san francisco office on any future calls so that i feel like they are hearing us um through the dev call i will also say uh i mean she's off like completely muted and whatever right now but shout out shout out to muffin um ii just want everyone to be aware of the fact that she woke her ass up at three o'clock in the morning to get on that dev call with everyone to make sure that that um everyone's voices where it was was heard and that she could help uh push all of the all of the correct topics and when we were when we finally got uh like 36 hours prior to it actually launching and then officially acknowledging the fact that we are going to be on the call um they were like how does this time work for you and muf fin was like that's 3am for me fine yeah yeah whatever little round little round of applause for muffin so anyone who has anything to say about like how she acted what she said i just want you to think about how you would have acted or spoken at three o'clock in the morning your time and then and before you try to judge anything that happened oh so there was a talk about me when i had to go for my cable cord no no i was just saying that you woke up at three o'clock in the morning for that call okay [ __ ] my computer is dying i need to go get my yeah exactly what i was doing like yeah sorry these like these calls do tend to go on a bit and obviously once the lives finished i'll uh put some markers in for people can just skip to the sections that they want um and we'll get everybody's links down in there as well so have we got one other topic is it that we've got we have three more oh right okay well let's get our butts moving then shall we who wants to want to take which one oh well ke ychain everybody loves hearing your lovely voice so let's learn yeah keychain take a topic yeah for sure which one middle one number three number three is um improve rewards basically we talked about it a lot we've kind of covered this one already um yeah we've talked a lot about rewards yeah throughout the call we've talked a lot about rewards um and to summarize or come back to it um through different pieces but you know examples would be with the most recent update the crafting a basic level gemstone is 1.7 billion gemstones doing an upgrade i think somebody told me it was 4.3 to go from basic to physical basic precious or basic flawless i don't remember what the order is oh i never remember i'm sorry so out of all of the upgrades um as a free-to-play player you would basically not even be able to craft the basic gems before the next set of gems comes out um six months from now and that's a huge piece of what is unreasonable about the current rate and i think i think personally a re asonable um and and maybe i'm too ambitious maybe i'm a little greedy towards the players side but by the time a new gem is released in six months a free-to-play player should be able to get to at least rare across the board yeah not epic and legendary but rare two steps down from the current max before something new comes out i think that they should be gauging on that and i think that's reasonable i don't know if i'm too ambitious um or or maybe i'm looking for too much but 18 gems to get to rare with the new system is something like you know 1.4 trillion you know like how how when you're getting 500 million from a new world do you ever expect to get anywhere near that amount of of gemstone essence yeah you're not going to be able to do it i think i don't know if it was my last video or the one before last but i talked a lot about like the percentage increase on materials and stuff and i just kind of went over a couple of the basic things because i just wanted to make people aware of why we're kind of doing this because it's all well and good having these upgrades now but what are they going to be like in a year's time how much materials are we going to need then because at the moment most things are on about a 2 000 increase on materials and that's kind of across the board i mean it does vary a little bit and people can go back and watch that last video if they missed it but it is it's ludicrous and the amount that it's going to keep going up even the big spenders are not going to be able to keep up with it it's not just drowning out the free players and the and the low and mid-spenders it will also really start to impact the the big spenders and it's not good these this is the community as a whole it's everybody needs to be catered for yeah even even looking at that and recently adding up the pack values and looking at how much does it cost for a single upgrade from from basic to the next level and it was almost 200 for a single upgrade and we're like you want m e to spend thirty six hundred dollars to upgrade these gems to the next tier it's actually disgraceful yeah it is disgraceful but i don't want to use the word praying but they're taking advantage of people and it's not acceptable yeah um it's a good word it it is and you know iii made a comment the other day um where people are asking you know why why is everybody still doing this why are people still spending and it may be a little extreme but it was you know gog is is you know the the game and and they're dealers and gog is the drug that we're all hooked on some people are massive yes it is it is an addiction is whether you're addicted to gambling whether you're addicted to spending money whether you're addicted to gaming or just socializing in general most people have played for this length of time because they have an amount of addiction to the game for me i love coming on and just chatting to everybody like i have a massive social life outside of gog and i quite like because i'm a massive gamer well i say massive gamer like i am a big console gamer and stuff when i'm not playing gog i'm on the console like i'm never not really playing a game uh unless i'm working i'm always doing something um but for me the thing that i lack on console is being able to uh talk to community because girl gamers grills whatever the [ __ ] we get a lot of [ __ ] over console so we just will mostly not [ __ ] talk you know like i do every now and again i've got a couple of like clans that i'll play with and that's fine but as a rule like girl gamers are still like oh it's a girl so this is a community where we actually can be yeah mega seriously like it's a [ __ ] another world also i just have to there is a youtube video out there and it is literally called oh my god a girl and it is a girl gamer she's absolutely [ __ ] amazing she plays got um cod and stuff like that and it's like her experience of being a girl gamer and the [ __ ] that said her and i tell you what the video is [ __ ] hilarious so like find that out give it a watch because it just shows you a little bit of the [ __ ] that we deal with on a daily basis i can laugh at it because i genuinely do think it's funny but we get kind of shunned from those sort of communities so to be able to come into gog be anonymous most of all i know we're choosing not to be but it's a choice isn't it a lot of uh women will play as men so not to get harassed but also be a part of the community and actually it's the same the other way as well you get a lot of guys pretending to be women we all know that that's [ __ ] rife in the game so you've got to be careful when you're setting up internet dates guys but i played where if you pretend to be a girl people give you free stuff like they just want to give you free stuff all the time i've never had any free [ __ ] as a kid i was just gonna say where where are these people i want my free stuff i don't need to pretend i am very much a female and definitely don't get free st uff well that's the glory right you'd have to actually purchase it but then like in a typical mmo you're allowed to trade things you're allowed to give gold and and items and gear and things like that it's like you know hey i just started and you know and you know people asl you're like oh uh you know i'm a girl and i live here and they're like here come join my party we'll get you some free gear yeah that's true actually that is true yeah i can't remember what game it was it was uh it might have been like after dark or something like that uh it was a zombie game and the community were very much like that like um i remember the first time i come on headset and started sort of like playing online with other people and they were just chucking guns at me and armor and stuff and i'm like do you think i can't go get this [ __ ] myself like i'm actually offended and it's always [ __ ] pink guns i don't just guess it's always pink i don't [ __ ] off just just a heads up because this is from t he spreadsheet that cynthia made up as far as gemstone essence with the newly updated new world rewards uh to max your rewards you can get 510 million gemstone essence from new world um you can get 224.4 million from guard treasure hunts i can't even think of what that is up the top 110 000 from the mining league oh god treasure hunt is uh the one where you send your money yeah and they come back with you get essence and the powder it's it's done it's done in your in your equipment building yeah yeah yeah it's the one that you can send all now i like these shortcut buttons by the way though it's a good move but as far as the thing that hasn't been updated in a while is the 110 000 daily from the mining loot store yeah oh what a surprise oh my god they don't they don't they didn't update what we are supposed to be collecting on a daily basis yep costco maybe maybe you haven't checked this maybe they do that made me so angry so okay so muffin can attest i don't think anyone got actual vi deo but muffin can attest to the faces that i made during our call when they tried to tell me things like maybe you didn't notice because we didn't announce it that we updated this like we don't play it for 12 hours a day yeah that's another thing i don't like is the little patches in between updates that nobody knows about but i don't buy the patches i don't want don't sit there and try to tell me that we haven't noticed what you've done usually usually we know the first day really right the community is so awesome that we have to take it from the community and we usually know everything on a day one but from the community not from the messages inside the game we should have yeah what it literally is what set me off on a rant to them about how is sort of [ __ ] like you do you not understand that we spend several hours outside of game on a daily basis talking to each other about all of these things because you don't tell us and and we want to make sure that the rest of the community k nows that you just [ __ ] us in a whole other way like oh hey by the way candy cation we're [ __ ] now so you might want to do this that in the third like i ca i ca i can't them telling me that we just haven't noticed made me roll my eyes i think harder at them than i have at an unsolicited picture any time nope she's good number three or number four there's still champagne in the bottle oh there you go there's a few left in there i can't remember what the [ __ ] i was gonna say right what's our next uh key did you get everything out that you wanted to say buddy yes sorry i interrupted you and you're in the middle of yours and then we went way into into the rabbit hole why not why not this is the life of gog isn't it falling down [ __ ] rabbit holes so i just i just want to include that the the things that we've been doing working on the side is exactly for these reasons yes it's the um like i said the umbrella for every time that they update something and expect us to pay more they ha ve to do their job and update every single area that is included with that so the simple fact that in order to basically even create one of these new gemstone pieces uh you have to wait almost an entire month between getting all the rewards from new worlds and the the god treasure hunt yeah and the 110 000 from the daily store and the mining the mining because the thing is as well it's like they're not just asking people to invest money they're asking people to invest time yeah ii don't know which is more insulting but it's the the breakdown of the spreadsheet that i have is quite literally for every piece of material yeah um how long it will take for you to even create one of these and by the time you can even create one of these you're already three months behind because the next set is already out and about and it's just ridiculous so that that goes with the the rewards um being updated if they're going to do an update and they want to keep throwing us new items they have to do thei r job and make the updates so we don't have to spend twenty thousand dollars to make max 18 uh 18 r11 gems ie if they bring out a new gemstone they also need to increase the materials in stores well this is this is what i said in the call about a habit forming product and um and the reward scale being a fourth of that uh infinity cycle so basically if you if you don't have a close enough reward scale to in sight more spending for the next level you completely [ __ ] yourself out of continuing a cycle of people staying addicted um and the our our reward scales are so like everywhere across the board they're just so [ __ ] that we can't uh no one no one can keep up it's it's been part of the reason that uh the stat gap is so big and all of it is so interconnected that like when an update happens to be updated for those and everything just needs to everything needs to coincide with the next yeah so that when the next comes out we're all in the same place so they they ha they have to one o f the biggest things personally this is this is my personal opinion not as an admin not as anyone just as this one of my personal things that i would really love to accomplish out of the change movement is to get the uh to get a new set of guards as its own month yeah just like what no no more guards no no more guys i want i want new guards to be their own month in in the update cycle i don't want them to be in addition if you're coming out with new guards they should be their own focus for that month they are quite the spend they are quite like you have made guards as important as curiosities airship parts um more equipment even yeah yeah even more so yeah the fact oh my cat is hanging out in the background now yeah at some point if you don't have the counter guards to whoever you're fighting you're [ __ ] so they're even more important than anything really because you can have uh not as good stats as long as you've you've got the the guards there it's not even just about the the stat s in themselves but what the guards do with the skills and stuff so one of the things that i like really want to happen out of the change movement is that when they decide to come out with a new pairing they make that the update for the month i don't want a new guard pairing in with new equipment you can release suck my left nut for that um i ca i can i guess face um left right center i don't i don't care pick one pick one and suck on it hard um it's it's absolutely like the the fact that the newest guards came out that that both gambling aspects came out at the same time was probably one of the most infuriating things to people yeah that's why we have the most recent months yeah like how dare you make me gamble on guards and gamble on equipment at the same time yeah yeah uh yeah so i like that that is one thing in particular that i that i really want to see with updates and slow downs and rewards is is that they they make that new guard section actually its own section and its own foc us for us because it's not secondary anymore so stop treating it like a secondary spend it isn't when they mucked around with airship that's when guards pretty much became the most important aspect of the game i think and yeah we remember what happened with blood frost afterwards yeah it's disgusting yeah yeah it's to the point where he quit for however long it was but that's just how ridiculous the gambling aspect is i completely understand why he was so um angry about what he was and like and he was he was livid he was livid he quit he tried not to quit he tried to come back and like not for nothing he's still he's still not in a place like where he wants to continue anymore but keychain uh said earlier in this video that he is like not trying to do this anymore i'm sure all of us every single one on this call anyone who's in in the comment section has had has had these random thought processes like none of us want to keep doing this for an absurd amount of money yeah when it isn't f un or competitive anymore and it's not fun because of the bugs and glitches and it's not competitive because the reward scale and the uh stack difference is so big that we can't even enjoy in between them when the glitches don't [ __ ] up [ __ ] up our game the stat differences do so like we can't but it's it's just it's not the game that used to be yeah in general like once you get the taste for quitting in your mouth it's really hard to rinse out and it's really hard to get yourself back in well yeah and also i think when people start to make the social steps in real life and pull away from the game even just a little bit it actually gives them the encouragement that they need to come away from it all together like once you start actually uh living again because obviously balance is a [ __ ] really hard thing to to find with this game i think a lot of people at that point are just like done this is breaking the cycle yes yeah yeah it is um just to come back to materials and stores i do think that one thing that they do really need to focus on and that would benefit everybody is if they added more levels in on the expedition because this way obviously to get through expedition you have to have a certain amount of whatever it is of that day say uh let's just use research as an example so you have to have i know it's terrible so you have to have so so much research and um also i think that comes down to glory banners as well doesn't it the research one's heavily gloro glory banner setted but obviously the further you get through the more you open up the more that is available to you in the shop that would keep the balance between low castles and high castles because low castle still wouldn't have that available to them until they became a high castle if that makes sense so if they put more of these materials into the store so essentially they would put more levels into expedition you'd have to have more of the stuff to make that available to you but then that would i n turn put more stuff in the store that would be available to other people which would put the balance back in on being able to gain the materials yeah this was what i said like an hour ago or something that uh we don't want stuff for free expedition is a hard work yeah yes we have to work yeah we have to accomplish some goal to to have these rewards so that is reasonable actually we don't want just empty clicks hello hi hi matthew so this is very good remark but yeah basically to increase these rewards i counted 37 places where i wanted to see but the rewards based on mega uh mega spreadsheet we're working on at the moment so somebody brought up a really good point and and i forgot to mention this earlier but uh i don't play both games but some other people do play both games matthew being one of them oh yeah koa as well yeah and also eminem but uh the stats in guns of glory have passed koa yeah so um koa report i do you guys remember what our old reports used to look like yes um so t hat is that's the reports that um koa still work off of uh now more or less um they still have very similar uh setup in stats like what we used to have so instead of the airship they've got the the dragon and stuff but the way that their uh reports and the stats are figured out was very much how uh guns of glory used to be two years ago i think actually as of about 12 months ago um the two games should not be compared anymore they've gone in completely different direction and yes i understand that guns of glory has surpassed uh kings of avalon but i believe the reason for that is is that guns of glory community uh put a lot more pressure on the company than the koa community there's more change things are being changed a lot more rapidly because we are quite hard to please um but but uh in rebuttal to that i feel like uh what a state of survival is that what the other game is called state of survival um they get they get way more than we do like we are the middle child um in comparison they got the joker well as aside aside from things like that like they get they get a lot more face time with with the developer team than we do they get a lot more um attention in in their in their bugs and glitches on a frequent level than we do um but i'm not really sure why better to say we're not the middle child where the red-headed stepchild yes what isn't um isn't the difference between the games is that koa and guns of glory are both fun plus but state of survival is actually done by king's group the parent company and it's not published by fun plus so there it is now oh it is it is now i only know this because obviously because of all of this has come about uh i was digging around on their actual uh web page and it is on there now um it's on the king's group as well so i don't know if it's in a recent affiliation uh if it's an ongoing affiliation or if it's temporary i can't uh shed any light on that but it is now affiliated with their games okay so who wants to do this stuf f uh go on i'll i'll uh i'll do one nice well we got allies the right please these these ones i'll go for the one on the right muffin uh this yeah okay this is it maybe about the meeting oh well if it is then that'll be you guys uh so it's a meeting with dev's comment which we basically covered with the feedback so we may skip it and you may let's go to the other one and the last one is number two which is number two slow down updates oh god um yeah okay so obviously uh we've mentioned a couple of times i went back through the entire back catalogue of guns of glory updates right back to day one to the most recent update um you're all gonna [ __ ] hate me for this the updates are not any more frequent they they have been the same roughly the same time between them since the very beginning so when i did go through everything i wrote down all the dates what number the update was and exactly what that update consisted of and if any of you guys want that list like just message me i'm happy to forward it on to people um so yes the the updates traditionally are once a month uh generally every once a month a new item will be released whether that's equipment gems guard weapons whatever it may be uh it has been consistent across the board where i think they need to improve on updates is not so much slowing down the releases although i do believe that needs to happen um but i think that they need to start updating in a way of concentration just concentrating on actually fixing the broken stuff rather than introducing uh new things i think anything that hasn't been updated in a year probably doesn't serve a purpose anymore and can probably just do of getting rid of um or altered and uh incorporated into something else uh in a different manner yeah that's it really on on that on that sort of topic i'm afraid okay um i'll jump in on this one because i'm i'm passionate about this one so one of the things that i've noticed and and i agree that the the major update cycle has always been the same it's always been the 28-day cycle the difference in the last six month cycle was that the mid-cycle patches used to be just more just optimization update things like that whereas now the mid-cycle update the 14-day cycle they've been adding major features or major new spends so it's essentially cut in half the the major spending pieces of updates so even if they're just sneaking things in like um you know a new pay-to-win guard they put that in the mid-cycle or you know the university they they're originally putting that in the mid-cycle but then they kind of canceled it and waited two weeks but you know they're they've just continued to add things that need their own update so if they've taken the last six months with all of the new things they added that actually belongs in a year yeah so things like the university and the mermaid and the the guard skills uh or not guard skills but uh troop skills yeah yeah um all of those things needed their own and it should have act ually been spread out over almost a year and in between is when they need to focus on the mid-cycle updates if they can't do it all at the same time be like okay we did gems 14 days later we update every single gem store to be appropriate with where it needs to be and we fix these bugs so they do all of these things but they need an actual part of their cycle in the mid cycle to be we're we're fixing bugs only we're not introducing anything new and we're updating things to be appropriate and that's gets a full two week focus in between these major updates and i think that's they need to get more in line with you know major update fix optimizations player free to pay free to play type updates uh and then they can keep doing their major releases as long as they you know stagger it and keep keep everything going updating and fixing and doing that type stuff so i think okay rant over i think i'm i think i've got everything sure sure got anything else got anything else buried deep down insi de i think it's something we're all passionate about because it does uh it affects all of us um i i'm really struggling at the moment right like as a yeah creed let me in on my cell phone oh okay request okay thanks request again because ii closed it sauce i thought why why why she's there i can see her okay it's not coming up continue okay i can't remember what i'm saying now this is the problem uh right have we got any um well firstly like do any of you guys have anything else that you want to say that is not like on topic but relevant about about updating things at one time just everything just everything in general like it doesn't have to be update based but like is there anything that we haven't covered that you think is important and worth sort of making people aware of yeah i have a wonderful dress yeah muffin you can go first yeah i have a feeling that when i observe the community throughout the years there was never such uh uh i'm missing the wall like they all people want to live they are really discouraged from what they see today in game and there was never like that before i always thought that what's in that point for example two years ago was the worst then it was another six months and another six months and it was the worst the worst and now i basically see that almost all monsters say that either they quit or they slow down so we basically have couple max players uh in the entire community because they don't want to keep up when the whole community is not able to keep up like i noted that i'm not even touched i and i'm a small to middle spender i even haven't touched lieutenant positions badly touched new academy ii haven't touched troop skills and i'm not buying research books because i simply cannot afford that and i wish to to focus on those stats but i just need to focus on basics and this is uh very frustrating because there's not enough of time and money to do so and big monsters feel that as well and this is sad because it should be at least the game for them but it's not for them as well yeah yeah i think people leaving is like a major problem isn't it yeah a lot of living you know touching on that ii feel that same kind of sediment throughout the community that when i first started all of the all of my comments would be positive asking questions me helping people me you know positive comments and then it slowly become more neutral and then it's the last six months all of the comments that i'm replying on on videos and things are mostly negative mostly people quitting or i've quit or uh you know i'm unhappy with things and i agree with them so that's and also a negative piece for me is whereas the youtube piece used to be really positive and going to check the comments was fun and it was a fun positive experience is now a negative experience responding to the comments and and seeing all the negativity is like yeah i agree with you um at a certain point i stopped trying to encourage them and and reassure them that things were going to be okay it was like well i agree with you like they they don't actually care yeah uh and and lately that's that's what it's been is negative comments with me responding in a negative way and there's not much positive centered around the channel and the things that i actually want to say so i definitely feel what muff was saying that it's really negative around the community right now i have um exactly the same experiences as you really so when i first started doing the videos ii actively wanted to make positive funny uh sort of like interactive that that people could learn from but also i wanted to inject my own sort of personality into there because a lot of the videos at the time when i first started doing it um were just battle videos there wasn't really a lot out there of i know muffin uh did her videos and she was probably one of the only youtubers that actually really explained uh how to do certain things and um juggaroo i don't know if you guys remember jugg when h e used to be on the youtube circuit but here was one of the other ones that did sort of informative um videos but i'm finding it actually really difficult uh to be able to put the content out that i want because it just doesn't exist at the moment um and i find that i do have videos that are a lot like gun muse in the sense that i will just have a rant because my my videos are always meant to be my videos are always meant to be reflected of the community and if the community is negative and the feedback that i'm getting from the community is negative not about my videos but about the game in general uh then that's the content that i'm that i'm covering um and i do find myself actually getting sick and tired of listening to my own voice uh sometimes so ii have started doing um battle videos and stuff which i never did before they take a really um long time to edit it's a long time to go through footage i don't actually feel like that's not the content that i wanted to make but i'm havin g to go down that avenue because a you guys uh seem to respond to it a lot more um but also it's to break up the negativity on my channel i don't want every video to be girl oh this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] because actually guns of glory has a lot of really amazing aspects in the community being one of them um and and that is what i want my my main focus to be ii do want to draw away from the negativity but i understand that i can't do that until the game has has moved on from that itself yeah this is basically why i well the one reason why uh i switched a little bit from making these informative videos because well one is that most of the topics are covered by someone by me or by by you guys uh and i focus on the interviews or on social aspect for example migrations because it's something we can provide to the people they want to listen to it they want to watch it battles as well i was criticized for joining 33 because i was perceived as content chaser which was of cour se that's true well everybody's gonna love to know that i'm in uh 273 then right right yeah i'm in boa i did my first uh kvk with them yesterday i was multitasking it's really hard trying to do two kingdoms i've gotta say uh so i'm gonna have to find some balance with that somewhere but yeah i am never in my 273 castle or uh 273 castle but i am i am there yeah so so speaking to some of the quality aspects of guns with glory um kind of a new unique perspective is as i'm as i'm talking to some of the game companies and other game companies who are looking at you know potential sponsorship and trying to steal me away from guns of glory i've had loads when i load these other games and i start playing them they're not as good no i agree and that's a huge problem is in the in the last two weeks i've downloaded and tried probably 25 different games and i get five six hours into them and i'm done with them yeah we're still the best the game and them on the market i think so i think so no genui nely i think the only thing that drops the ratings down in the play stores is the negative feedback and then the negative feedback obviously has a knock-on effect on downloads but actually guns of glory for a strategy game what it offers even just having like the little rpg moments and stuff like that it really does set apart a lot from other games it really really does well i i've heard from 33 top people that uh our game has amazing graphics which i don't know because i i'm not playing it it does it does the the graphics are outstanding for a mobile game and as long as you've um got the device to back up the graphics then everybody will have a a good uh perception of that um but i think when you play a lot of computer games it's easy um to see what a lot of time has gone into making something and what hasn't and guns of glory although they get a lot of [ __ ] their artists and their coders and stuff they do put a lot of time into their work they take pride in their work and i think t hat's something that we all actually need to understand as well is that when somebody has spent weeks or months designing a section for the game actually trying to have that removed is really really difficult because somebody owns that it belongs to them that's their work the the likelihood of them removing that is very very slim don't worry about it you know i just looking at you know things like graphics and even the the way that things are progressive as far as like updating and things like going through i know that our tutorial has gotten kind of away from what the actual game is but some of these other tutorials after i've done a tutorial for some of these games i've had absolutely no idea how to proceed how to move forward one of them yesterday i couldn't even figure out how to do a to start a level i was clicking everything on the page i was like it doesn't show me how to start the next thing i have no idea where to go it doesn't tell me what the requirements are it doesn't tell me if there's prerequisites i was just like clicking every single building to find it i was like yeah i'm you know done with it but it really is still a good game and i wish that they would make changes to keep it that way so that it doesn't degrade into what these other games you know maybe these other games were good five years ago or three years ago or two years ago and they just never updated things and they didn't stay they just got this same cycle of start positive start really good and then it slowly declines over time until they just try and keep it alive um i wish that they would make those changes before it's too late because i've seen this spending cycle in in other games where as they make changes the the bigger spenders leave and rather than make changes to to figure out why they left they increase the spending to try and keep the revenue the same yeah but it doesn't work it doesn't work and then they keep squeezing the the existing players to try and keep the revenue lev el the same it's like well you had a million players and you were making 10 million a year and now you have 750 players and you're trying to still make 10 million a year and then next thing you know you have 200 000 players and you're still trying to make 10 million a year well there's a cycle there that needs to be broken that that they need to figure out before it's too late it's like stretching out a piece of of blue tack like it it will keep going but eventually it's going to break you can't keep uh stretching us all to our upper limits people will leave they they have the only investment really that they have is in the money that they've spent and if they are sure and fixed or not spending any more money then that's an easy thing to walk away from does anybody have anything else that they want to um put in like whether it's related or non-related or just you know general game chit chat so uh ultimately like i said uh as far as everything that we're trying to do right now and we're trying to get gog to uh kind of come on board with is it's we're not asking for a lot we just want to take the things that they're doing and keep it more balanced and make it a better game i mean like you said i mean they're adding more stuff because you know they want to keep the same revenue but that we don't have the amount of people that were doing all of that as they're going away unfortunately instead of them adding some new things it should be them fixing why the people are leaving in the first place and i don't know if they got to the level where even the people that left may come back because the bugs and glitches were fixed they agreed to you know keep everything on the same level throughout every aspect of the game to make it more playable then it wouldn't even be a concern of them needing to drown us with every spending event that they're doing and like he said you know the the balance of you know drop the new item but don't stick you know the imperial university the lieut enant guard in their mind they're doing what we're asking but in our mind we're saying you're just trying to [ __ ] us i have a question to all of you if if that game was inc somehow better and if they listen to our voices would you be would you spend less more or the same are you spend more because the reason why i curb my spending is because it doesn't matter about the small amounts anymore it literally makes no difference it's it's uh a drop in the ocean as it were um if you thought that spending 50 quid was going to catch you up to the top guy would you would you spend it well maybe not the dub guy but some somehow relevant yeah somebody relevant so let's see how do i how do i phrase what i'm gonna say without um pissing people off don't worry about pissing people off like this at the end of the day whatever whatever your opinion is somebody else will have the same opinion in it and that's why there's so many of us i think is important so i guess you know at this point i guess it's fine for me to be candid uh and and say things but i haven't spent any of my own money in this game for the last year and three months yeah so for me i think my spending stays the same regardless because i have to spend what is is is available allocated or given to me as part of contractual agreements so for me it's it's kind of it's going to stay the same yeah meg what about you if if they fixed everything and actually uh did what we were saying do you think your spending would go up or down or stay the same when we first started the the this part of the gog community i had already shifted probably to 80 less spending than what i was doing um because and i commented this before i mean if they don't fix how the things are the only other option i have is just quitting the game but as so if everything was to get fixed and we were back to the way things were kind of before not trying to reminisce on anything but the playing field was a little bit more balanced i would probably just becau se end up spending more again so this is our message to guns of glory we we want to spend on this game we want to spend more just give let us let us do it by fixing the game right yeah i really i wholeheartedly feel like if they fix the things in the letter that overall there would be more more profit margin for them uh for everything that they have literally everything that they this is about uh building the business up not tearing it down yeah if they if they had us um that's why i lock mine out the room i'm so mean well i got i got yelled at in chat for knocking my cat off my chair who was eating at my headphones so i picked they do things like that my cat loves to shove his ass in my face when i'm editing great stuff thankfully he's not that big of an [ __ ] but he will eat through all of my wires so there is that um but i feel like in general if they if they noted the things in the letter in a business aspect if they did things like um all of their double spends if they if they pu t more of a sense of urgency on on each on each aspect and gave it its own month and gave its own honor challenge um i think that that would put different pressure on people for different updates i feel like if they fixed a lot of the uh secondary like trading systems um to be able to give us the things that we wanted and if they fix the reward scales overall to close the gap more um overall more people would stay uh high low in between whatever um i feel like one of the things that we didn't really talk about is uh next steps which i would like to try to quickly i know we've been on this call for a while but um i would like to quickly go into into next steps of the movement uh before we end what we what we expect of people um ii can only speak for myself as an admin i can't speak for everyone overall but um ii feel like the overall consensus is that uh trying to boycott we've uh avoided the word boycott for a long time uh because it doesn't work it hasn't worked in the past it's not g oing to work now um boycotting specific events just take away our our gaming experience and that's not what we're trying to do with the movement we don't want to stop anyone from having to play anything in particular um and we don't want you guys to not play as hard as you want to overall or at least i don't want you to stop your your gaming um i think most people in general have slowed down their spending because they're disappointed in the game and the way that they are going about doing the things that they're doing and where i encourage people slowing down their spending i am also not telling people to stop spending overall or completely um because that's just not the game that we play again like muffin said we're not trying to make this game free to play we understand that in order to play it you're going to have to spend money and i'm not stopping or asking anyone to stop spending overall um what actions that i would like to see happen are targeted targeted things um as a communi ty to prove a point after the next update comes out so basically one of the things that that god has said to us and one of the things that we have understood as a community overall is that it's not plausible um to expect them to do anything from or anything major from this last update and that the biggest takeaway for whether or not they're listening is going to be the next major update yeah that comes out and and how they handle that update which i think i think any of you can correct me if i'm wrong i think would be a coat of arms yes no someone nod yeah yeah yeah coat of arms yeah yeah so so i'm gonna say i'm gonna say the next the next big upgrade update should be code of arms and how how they handle that update um is really going to tell us whether or not they're listening overall uh that gives us a couple of weeks to get our [ __ ] together as a community to figure out if they don't give us what they what we want overall from that update if we don't feel like they are listening f ast enough or enough at all uh what we are going to act on uh to try to get them to listen and the the action steps that i would like to take uh which i think we've been working on a poll um on the discord server amongst the admins um based on on feedback from you guys is different with different suggestions um a few of them being like a few of them be a few of them being she's a good girl a few of them a few of them being like like target 10 packs specifically um instead of instead of saying overall a general no spend don't spend try to cut spending saying for one week we are going to target uh this specific pack by whatever the [ __ ] you want that doesn't have to do with this pack do what you need to do for your castle for anything that isn't this one particular pack but please for a solid week uh try to not buy this pack and see what happens we've talked about a possible uh one star uh reaction push so voting the game as a whole as one star if you've if you've rated them one star b efore going back in um in the week that we're doing that and re-voting them downward i have randomly talked about the uh chance of us uh downloading and then uninstalling and then voting one star for their new game that's coming out um i think that that would cause a really really really big impact although i don't know if that's something that we want to do as a community is like tank their new game well i don't think i think uh that we need to tread carefully because taking the douche road is not the high road and it could end up backfiring correct so it's it's it's an option but uh definitely a more of a more of a putting ourselves out there and like really being dicks about it um so whether or not we want to go like that route um or just voting guns of glory as a whole with like one star and trying to figure that out um we have also talked about a like uh a blackout overall that's my favorite idea i have been i have been pushing from the start for a 24-hour blackout i think that it is uh something that all players can do comfortably i would just say though if we do decide to do that people are not going to want to lose their login streak uh me included so potentially we would have to do it at like five past reset until five past reset which is fine which is which is totally fine as long as it's as long as it's a 24-hour time period where where we are quieting the servers i'm just throwing that out there because i know that there will be a lot of people that are gonna go [ __ ] off i've logged into this game every day for four years and i'm not losing my my log on for any reason and there will be people that will have that point of view so uh for something to be sort of thrown in general i would like it to be a 30 minute time spent like a like a 30 minute grace period yeah yeah like anywhere from reset to 0 30 um log in for the last time and then anywhere from and then you know like time yourself 24 hours um just to try to quiet the servers as much as possible an d try to strong on the arm them into being like look at all of us who are just willing to shut off the game and see and see if that i think that's our best option yeah there's also a shield shield issue someone mentioned on the chat that we need to shield for this period oh yeah which is something that i like which is why i want which is why i personally am pushing for 24 hours instead of a whole weekend or instead of a week or a month or any of the other things that have been well it needs to be um it needs to be realistic and manageable but also noticeable i think 24 hours is a long enough uh grace like that's a good period of time yeah anything over that i think 24 hours becomes unrealistic yeah for sure yeah um so things like that i feel like i feel like the next step for us is planning out some actions um and figuring out what we're doing our whole like i mean i don't personally feel like the movement has been wishy-washy with anything but i feel like there are people out there wh o haven't been as informed or haven't been able to stay as involved with chat as maybe some of the rest of us have um who have taken um a wishy-washy kind of vibe to what's going on um the the kbk strike was something that we did for the first round to try to get people on board and get some things listened to um and get our voice heard and try to get more players on board um and it has been stated through then for the right for the other kbks since then that boycotting kbk has been a choice um i feel like that's been a weird uh back and forth yeah i mean we uh boycotted for uh two kbks but we um kind of went for um this kbk ii don't i don't want people to be stunting their kingdom growth and their stars for the sake of making a point that's that's not the idea that's not going to help anybody um some people will continue playing others won't you're going to end up with even more unfair matchups if you thought they're bad now um so yes we boycotted first two we didn't boycott the one y esterday we we fought we went for another kingdom uh we will continue to probably go for another kingdom now unless something else comes out of whatever comes next you know yeah so as of as of right now i feel like um i feel like we've talked about boycotting specific specific events or stopping or playing in lower gear or whatever specific events and as someone who has read a solid amount of the community feedback overall um we've been able to do that for strikes in the past i don't feel like this is a viable option for us right now uh what they've changed the rewards to for different events i think it especially for kbk it's impossible to ask people to get on board with stopping specific events um i agree so as much as as much as i would encourage as you can while you're limited you're limiting your spending to try to nap for something like kdk personally my kingdom won't won't do that um creed you said your kingdom won't do that um most of the big kingdoms won't do that people like to fight they like to play it's why we play this game yeah it's one of the it's one of the biggest events and people don't want to miss out on it at the end yeah and events in general are something that people are not willing to give up uh so i think one of the biggest struggles that we've had as an admin team uh through the the change motion is trying to figure out what we can do as a community that the majority are willing to do that is different from the past please sends us doesn't send us simply send us ideas please yeah yeah send us ideas of things that you would like to see like comment down uh below and because then it gives us things that we can chase up as well and i just want to say uh thank you to you for for uh joining me and trying to all of us get this sort of information out there so that it's available for everybody um i'll try and get some subs on this as well um and obviously throughout this um different ones of us have mentioned videos that that we've done we'll mak e sure that all of those go down in the description box so that they're there for everybody um keys um videos um with his drop rates and stuff would be really really interesting to see because i don't think i saw those before um some of muffins videos and visits as well so we'll get all those down in the link that'll be lovely jobly and we'll wrap it up because this is going to get split into like 20 videos and uh yeah thanks ever so much and thank you to everybody that's watched as well and that's tuned in and has listened and yeah get get the um get the word out there let us let us know what you want uh what you expect and and if these changes were to happen would you guys increase decrease or keep your spending the same so yeah thanks very much guys also please join the discord channel not only that we also have our line group our discord channel uh again shout out to shadow and yeah the worship thanks shalom yeah thank you on the main discord channel um my biggest thing that i want to see is uh more details and requests more details from gog as to far as what they're doing i know that we got a lot more details in the last update we weren't really expecting anything to change for this last update when the gems came out we knew the gems were gonna still come out so we're looking forward to see what happens on the upcoming update yeah that's all i have to say and that will be monitored yes oh god yes any last words from you buddy we'll let you enjoy your sandwich i haven't really started eating it yet i hope that i will still be around we hope so too but we'll kind of see what happens with the next couple of weeks um and reactions to things and how things go but you know i'm i'm one foot out the door so the changes need to be more immediate for me um otherwise it was a fun two years and uh i enjoyed the youtube community and the community as a whole so thanks everybody for the support and uh you know if this is one of my last then hopefully everybody enjoyed it and hopefully these pushes for a positive change and maybe the game changes and in six months might decide to come back you know i think the majority feel that same way key yeah everyone's got that one foot right now with the way everything's going and you know that's totally everyone's own decision this is the last ditch attempt basically i mean i agree for me for me as well like personally i've i've very much been on the fence for a couple of months i love i love my kingdom and i love this movement and i love all of the things that we are trying to do but uh the game that i started playing is not the game that i'm playing anymore and i'm i'm tired as [ __ ] um it is exhausting especially when you have all this extra [ __ ] on top uh i'm i'm tired of stock so i feel you there muffin any uh last words from you lovely uh yes definitely shout out to [ __ ] [ __ ] or good change admins so butterfly uh harley duke thanks very much for all your yeah thank you to everybody yeah elvira daisy nem esis savage thank you very much uh it's a lot of work really to to put some stuff together so thanks guys and please subscribe keychain and advisorium yeah yeah definitely sorry and great don't forget to subscribe to me as well oh yeah featuring 433s the megalodon thank you ever so much guys have a lovely evening mwah take care bye all right love you mamie

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