hola apestas pantalones! Hey Poo, ¿cómo estás hoy? bueno. eso es bueno ¿vas a ser una chica gamer? ¡Parece que no tengo elección! no te olvides de apagar los sonidos del juego. Olvídate de los sonidos del juego, apestan pantalones. Se colocará en la parada . Necesitas velocidad, no solo yo. ¿Qué es lo correcto? Eso es lo que estás haciendo. No tienes límites. Sí, feliz, dos horas. Tengo mis límites en lo que respecta a tu diversión y frivolidad. Solo tienes dos horas de mí. Más tiempo, lo hicimos. Sí, los sonidos son pesados. ¿Por lo general ya se está muriendo? Oh, estás aquí, hola, ¿cómo estás? hoy es bueno verte de nuevo oh está bien a la máquina de contrabando ¿qué te pasa por la noche? oh sí bien gracias y gracias por preguntar y una espera bastante ocupada ¿qué de ti dices que ha habido alguna noticia? ve el drama conseguido que haya algunas de las personas de la discordia unirse quiero tener una charla sobre ese drama oh caramba sabes que me encanta el drama, sí usted sí viene canciones visita no es un drama bien, pero tiende a ser su propio drama, así Debo regresar ya que sus formas de control dicen que cualquier regreso a la escuela normal a la escuela normal ahora, ah, ahora grita como de costumbre, di que tienes una buena, supongo que la broma de carreras o la broma de cartas, no lo fijas en el comentario, te doy un identificador de YouTube, un poco de agradecimiento, aunque no creo usted y todavía no tiene ningún video, pero aún así le daré un grito porque eso es lo que hacemos aquí, ¿no es apestoso, lo ha compartido afuera? Está poniendo la música en lo que piensa y cómo está los estudios van tú y vaya eso es un poco de risa que suena como oh, sí, no he actualizado la banda sonora porque sabes que todo está bien Peter, por favor, afloja eso es lo que está pasando mi hermano vino reza míralo los gemelos malvados earu entre sí, no son malvados, sí, Cain cantó, apagó los sonidos del juego, pero aún estamos terminando el tutorial, está bien, espera, ¿qué hago aquí? ¿Qué sucede si puedes salir de eso? Nos calmamos. con esto, sí, está sentada en algún lugar, las opciones, música principal, está bien, apestoso, tienes el juego suena bien necesitamos el entretenimiento, con suerte, la orina y Kaenel se queda por un tiempo porque de lo contrario tengo que hablar con los pantalones apestosos y sabemos que no me gusta hacer eso sí, los pantalones apestosos no le gusta hablar con caca eso es lo que está pasando De nuevo , publicaremos algunos comentarios de algunos chistes geniales, con suerte relacionados con la transmisión, ya sea Need for Speed ​​o carreras de autos de juegos, debo decir y no estoy seguro si esto es multijugador o no decir si tienes el juego y quieres jugar con nosotros en vivo los pantalones apestosos vendrán en segundo lugar después de que salgas de esto cuando fue la última vez que no conduciste pantalones apestosos tendré que hacerlo pronto de todos modos bueno, intentemos ¿tengo que ir contigo sí dijiste que sí? de lo contrario no va a tener más el almuerzo ya comió, si, si ya tenía que ese medio prometen alrighty él ya dijo que sí bien EWTN tiene todo tipo de tareas en la escuela momento sí viene primera corriente viene al final si tienes un ISN tareas No es apestoso el principal debería ser, deberías decir me lo digo cuando tienes tarea, sí, ¿por qué sigo jugando en este sentido? sigue con el juego , no sé a cuál tengo que ir, probablemente al que está en la cima, ¿no empezarías? desde arriba en alguna parte y ve hacia abajo aparentemente no un poquito, avísame si la música de fondo está demasiado alta ahora. Esperaba que algunos de los moderadores o administradores o como se llamen en discordia nos vamos a unir porque yo Quiero saber qué sucede allí. Sinceramente, creo que pueden haber sido pirateados temporalmente. Alguien dio permiso cuando no debería haberlo hecho. Quizás no sé cuál fue la historia, pero tengo curiosidad. Ese es el drama del día. Si ustedes pudieran tener un coche de cualquier coche que se vería bien en qué sería ¿sabes algo sobre los coches que piensan todos los coches de gama alta piensan osos sí que estamos hablando de que tipo de coche mi coche uno se pregunta que pueda No voy a hacer uno solo de Kia que tenemos ahora, es un buen trabajo, sí, pero si me das uno gratis rango entonces por qué quiero uno por qué no sale caro uno bien ese es un buen punto en realidad cuál no tengo ni idea de cuál es bueno de todos modos están drogados en el auto así que supongo que cualquiera que sea la casa más cara que no Sorpréndeme en lo más mínimo, que probablemente sea un rolls-royce todavía ninguno y yo soy un Maybach de respaldo, pero eso te hará parecer una persona mayor, lo sabes, cualquier peso, señor Maybach, como rico oh no oh, es como medio millón coche de un dólar o más ahora Cain tiene una sugerencia de juego allí. Modern combat 5 Creo que ya lo he descargado, pero lo estoy agregando a la lista, gracias por la sugerencia, ahora el humano dice que les gustaría un Landcruiser de la serie setenta y nueve que me dice que es un chico de campo que es un todoterreno que te encantarán los Land Cruisers que te permiten ir por toda Australia hay un buen auto, entonces ¿por qué no te alejas del auto eh bueno porque las caravanas no van a dejar vas ya sabes si quieres ir al cabo Y ork o algo así como un par de mis amigos, ¿tuviste que conducir? No puedes ir allí en el auto normando. Necesitas tracción en las cuatro ruedas y tomar una caravana sería difícil. No sé si es posible. di que sería muy difícil y tú y tendrás que explicar qué es un f250 porque no sé cuál lo sabes hace f250 años te acabo de decir que no sé qué es diferente entre los de gama alta Entonces, ¿cómo sé si solo quieres un Maybach? Solo quiero ganarme mi dinero. Di que Kane dice que es un juego de disparos. Nunca lo ha jugado, pero quiere vernos jugar porque tengo que decir que picar pantalones. Vi un poco. un poco de la última transmisión en vivo y eres muy bueno, fuiste preciso, eres rápido, hiciste malas tomas, tuviste en absoluto, oh, patillas aquí, la tan mal, es bueno verte de nuevo, gracias por unirte a nosotros, increíble ver a alguien devolver otro dlg bienvenido a el DL G dirá cómo ha sido tu semana hasta ahora, estamos hablando tanto de nuevos juegos para jugar como de tus favoritos. rite car podría ser, ¿qué tal si el color rojo va más rápido? no, me gusta el azul, lo que viene listo, los autos van más rápido, por eso sabías que Ferrari , creo que es Ferrari, podría ser Lamborghini, pero creo que es Ferrari, el color predeterminado para un Ferrari es rojo y si quieres cualquier otro color tienes que pagar más uh-huh así que eso no significa que el rojo es el más barato, ¿verdad? Solo significa que van más rápido porque Ferrari quiere ser conocido como coche rápido quiere ser conocido por el coche rojo tu piensas que sabes que tuve un auto naranja una vez ah naranja brillante fue increíble tu sabes naranja brillante No me gusta que sepas que mi padre me dijo que los autos naranjas tenían la menor cantidad de accidentes a la derecha No me sorprendería es bastante brillante sí bueno eso es lo que dijo y luego le dije a mi papá que es porque la gente no quiere planchar los chicos naranjas dicen que sus autos están a la derecha y él se rió y dijo que tal vez estuvieras ahí, pero todavía tenían lo mínimo cantidad de accidentes No estoy muy seguro de lo que estoy haciendo aquí. la marcha izquierda espera que en el ya se estrella y me puso en la noche de títulos puede romper lo que está hecho para la velocidad sin límites ni roturas que va a hacer todo esto sin necesidad de utilizar los frenos ¿te gusta el 1971 Ford Falcon Aldea ejemplo para nuestra amigos no australianos en este sueño, podría tener que explicar la rivalidad de larga data entre wow I ACTU it ese sorteo de la noche sin que lo hagas bien la rivalidad de larga data entre los amantes de Ford y Holden ¿sabes acerca de esa pegatina? oh mira a tu deriva lo estás haciendo bien, así que tradicionalmente en Australia sabes que dos de las marcas más populares eran Ford y Holden Escuché que Holden es una mierda, no, es al revés, aunque tú y podrías estar en desacuerdo con eso porque él dijo que te gusta el Ford Falcon y debo admitir que espero no sacar un archienemigo de ti aquí, pero yo sería más partidario de Holden de lo que Ford Ford está allí. No creo que aunque no me guste el delantero , no ¿Te gusta Ford? ¿Te gusta el viejo ? ¿Sabes que lo sostienes? Sí, veo uno Eso no es ya ADN para sí, audiencias, un hombre Ford en toda regla, esta es la rivalidad artística entre los amantes de Ford y Holden después de que vi un momento de película genial No me gusta sí una película australiana tal vez no, es una película de Hollywood que ya sabes el creador de eso, lo que ellos llaman la lluvia la lluvia viendo el vuelo limpiaparabrisas sí los limpiaparabrisas en el pasado no son automáticamente a la derecha, a la izquierda, a la derecha, así que este tipo en realidad, ¿por qué no va a entrar cuando hacerlo automático de una vez por todas? para robarlo, oh de verdad, pero eso parece pasar mucho, sí, y son muchos pensamientos cariñosos que no me gustan para mi él, tú y parece que estás escribiendo en este momento, oh, el Ford gt40 ahora que es en realidad es un auto bastante bueno, no puedo estar en desacuerdo con ese apestoso, solo quiere cualquier auto que no sea el nuestro, pero es el mejor auto que he tenido , es solo que si tengo una opción para el de alta gama, dígale a alguien el alto- end car gratis Estoy diciendo que voté por perder un DS Benz y BMW y Sigo pensando que nuestros autos son los mejores, tiene todas las campanas de Matthew, no es un poco Barry me entregó la mano, no la segunda mano derecha es la tercera mano.Me sorprende que nadie haya mencionado el Neeson jtr, que es uno de los autos favoritos de mi mejor amigo. usted sabe que fue prohibido de la competición de vuelta en la parte posterior día como 1990 o algo 1990 1992 en algún lugar de su período quieren todas las razas consiguieron prohibidos de la competición y lo que es la carrera más importante de todos los tiempos hay un poco de trivia para todos vosotros una que Sería un salto en respuesta al Gran Premio de Australia. Oh, ¿tienes eso? Yo vería solo uno que puedo extraer. Oh, bueno, Bathurst 500 sobre eso, sí, es una carrera australiana, sí, carreras tailandesas . No sé que podrían tener lo que podrían tener. ¿Lo llamas coche de pelota, pero no si alguna vez has ido como alguien ha estado en carreras de karts? Tengo ah en el día en que fue hace mucho tiempo, aunque éramos adultos como en 18 o 19 en el tiempo y uno de mis amigos sugirió que vayamos a carreras de karts, así que dije Está bien, y media docena de nosotros sabemos que probablemente hay unos diez de nosotros o cuando compitemos es increíble, lo volvería a hacer, incluso a mi edad, probablemente no podría caber detrás del volante. Los carros no son tan grandes pero pesados. personas dieron más rápido para que Canes ya me burlas con la comida y Ewan no le gusta el Nissan GTR oh sí explicar por qué iNAND tengo que decir que los nuevos se ven bastante espectacular el nuevo Nissan GTR no son baratos, ya sea que corren a seis cifras aquí de todos modos, cien y algo mil dólares por uno de esos autos, todos se verán bastante bien, muy hábiles y los estadounidenses se infiltran también, estamos viendo muchos más mustang en estos días en la carretera, hay muchos mustangs en nuestra área son un coche bonito por venir no tenemos perdón cómo es que no tenemos uno un Mustang mm-hmm hace clic cuando Steven es para un chico bueno, digamos un par de razones número uno un Mustang probablemente sería costoso ejecutar aquí porque las piezas a menos que se convierta en un popular coche en Australia es como una marca japonesa , las piezas tienden a ser bastante caras porque tienen que ser importadas sexy hola cómo estás y sé que no he oído hablar del veneno f5 qué es eso y tú y dice que simplemente no un hombre agradable y salvaje ha aparecido al azar aquí Quiero hablar sobre el drama de la discordia lo que realmente sucedió allí porque parece que alguien hackeó allí temporalmente No entiendo lo que sucedió, pero alguien obtuvo roles que no deberían Tengo que se les dio un bypass de verificación al azar que él no debería haber hecho Supongo que hay pingüinos aquí también tío P punto lo siento, no podré ser tan actuante. Estoy haciendo una barbacoa en este momento. Wow, pero una barbacoa, sí, qué tipo de barbacoa, ¿ estás comiendo pingüino? Siempre tenemos curiosidad por saber qué come la gente, así que nos da ideas. ¿ Vas a Joe? Estás superando el límite de velocidad y tus luces traseras están rotas. ¿Sabes si está hablando del juego o tú en realidad? vida cuando dices detente como este Soy Golf R del todo bien, el veneno f5 es el auto más rápido de todos los tiempos dice que la marca la marca es veneno y el modelo es f5 mírame, estoy recibiendo una educación Estaba viendo esto por Donald Trump adelante, detente bien diga qué porque el último, el último enderezar cada vez que tengamos guerra en el título, es posible que pueda monetizarse mientras está transmitiendo y luego se monetiza D y luego lo elimino y luego se monetizó nuevamente porque alguien miró y dije: oh, es solo un juego, pero Need for Speed debería estar bien. Gracias por verme anuncios muy apreciados, tarde o temprano , esperamos recuperar los cientos, si no miles, de dólares que hemos gastado tratando de que el canal de YouTube funcione. Probablemente me llevará un tiempo No digo que dejes de ser imprudente Oh pingüinos comiendo hamburguesas y perritos calientes en una barbacoa Nunca hemos comido Hemos comido hamburguesas, pero no realmente como todo , porque eso sería muy bueno si tostaste los bollos en la barbacoa y luego sabes b Pero nunca hicimos eso, lo que podríamos haber cocinado las empanadas y solo las empanadas, no pienso en eso y definitivamente nunca he tenido un perro que vaya a la parrilla, eso sería increíble, tendremos que ir a comprar, sigo diciendo tienes que hacer una barbacoa una pequeña para el balcón uh-huh me gustan las barbacoas sí pero no deberías comer demasiado si lo tienes en casa entonces vas a comer demasiado por qué puedes hacerlo saludable solo pones un poco de verduras y te apareas bien, ese no es el problema, pero sabes que Cassie tiene conocimiento y si lo quemas, si quemas, la proteína es carcinógena, de acuerdo, me gustan las mejores cosas, sí, míralo, él ve la marca de eso. el personaje ni siquiera escuchó o ni siquiera vio el auto de Annecy Sé que Hennessey arriesga sus pantalones apestosos bebe todo el tiempo No soy abstemio a 301 millas por hora que suena más rápido que un auto de Fórmula Uno , entonces Cain ama las hamburguesas y los perritos calientes Dean Caín y yo tenemos un gusto muy similar en la comida, amamos el chile y amamos el goo combinado de Vegemite ¿Estás seguro de que tus enemigos de todos modos no hacen chili chili qué estoy diciendo chili vid? Podrías Charlie hacer tu video Quiero comprar un poco de Vegemite, conseguir un poco de chile y hagamos una cena finita al azar, dice: ¿ cuándo estás jugando al gran capítulo? 26 veo, no puedo, aquí está el problema con el azar, él es el chico que llora lobo. No puedo confiar en nada que salga de su boca en este momento porque me estaba contando sobre el capítulo 5 de la abuela. Fui a buscarlo, no pude. encuéntrelo ahora, me está diciendo a su abuela capítulo 26 y necesita explicarme lo que sucedió en discordia Me advirtieron al azar que piensa que era solo un rumor, pero recibí un mensaje privado de uno de nuestros miembros de discordia diciendo que va a haber un ataque organizado en discordancia con los piratas informáticos, oh, y honestamente creo que nos piratearon temporalmente, así que soy un camión como dije al azar antes de poder confiar en él un hombre es prácticamente el que controla todo que para asegurarse de que no pase nada malo n está allí, aunque estoy seguro de que exploit también podría hacerlo, pero él simplemente no quiere que el papel sea posiblemente un rayo brillante, es más rápido que un auto de F1, ahí lo tienes. Puede que tenga que hacer una búsqueda en YouTube después de eso para ver a nuestra gente como 301 millas por hora y de cuál estás hablando Hennessey Hennessey, eso es lo que dije, así que venomoth f5 es el modelo y MSE es la marca y 301 millas por hora. No sé si debería estar contando una historia de automóviles ahora. Tengo un par de historias de autos, realmente contaré una rápida cuando escuches esto es un hacer lo que digo, no lo que hago, los chicos no aceleran y sé que cuando la gente es más joven tiene una Las chicas también tienden a hacer eso, pero definitivamente los chicos que aceleran es peligroso, simplemente no lo hagan ahora, habiendo dicho que perdí mi licencia por acumulación de puntos cuando era mucho más joven o que no se trataba solo de exceso de velocidad, sino que eso era parte de Tampoco está usando el cinturón de seguridad y lo que pasa a través de las luces ámbar, no soy una luz roja, pero sí. ange cambiando a rojo, sí, así que solo una acumulación de puntos, pero solía hacer el viaje largo de un estado a otro, me tomó aproximadamente 24 horas hacer ese viaje y hay ciertas áreas como si estuviera tan tranquilo allí, largos tramos de carretera recta y sí, Probé qué tan rápido el viejo Mercedes había un v8 para ver qué tan rápido podía ir a 350 SC en el día subió a ciento ochenta kilómetros por hora No sé qué es eso en millas, pero eso fue estúpido entonces Nunca lo volveré a hacer, fue todo lo que me dijo el mecánico cuando lo llevaron a un servicio, dijo que es bueno hacerlo, ¿sabes y yo dije qué es bueno hacer para acelerar así? sube a 180200 K's NER Dije de qué estás hablando no quiero decir que estás infringiendo la ley, es peligroso y él dijo que sí, pero esos autos están construidos para ese tipo de velocidad a pesar de que este auto se fabricó en 1974 allí está construido para la autopista en Alemania, ¿sabe usted que la autopista no es una calificación en Alemania que no tiene velocidad? límite para que puedas ir tan rápido como quieras, imagina tener ese auto Hennessey yendo allí que sería rápido, así que en el pasado y sabes que Mercedes es un auto alemán si obtienes un gran v8 o un v12 está construido para la velocidad es Sin embargo, no está construido para ir rápido en las luces, por lo que es un poco lento comenzar, pero una vez que llegas a ciento veinte o cien algo así y luego pones el acelerador, despega bastante rápido , ves a lo que me refiero. no como nuestra pequeña cosa que nunca pasará de 110 porque seguimos bien los de la carretera, el límite de velocidad más rápido que tenemos aquí, no, en realidad, creo que tampoco tenemos ningún límite, tal vez en Australia Occidental no me cites sobre eso. Oh, aquí vamos, lo siento, he estado un poco por ahí que estoy atrasado en el chat. Dime que todavía es agradable en el mensaje, la gente en YouTube sí, quitaron esa función hace bastante tiempo. Supongo que no era popular, pero oye, tienes la transmisión en vivo y tienes discordia, es lo suficientemente bueno, ¿no es así, con suerte, es todo? falso, ni siquiera lo escuches, sí, bueno, eso es correcto para la parte de la discordia.Creo que un bot o una de las cuentas de administrador fueron pirateadas, pero entendí por lo que vi en el chat que en realidad le permitiste omitir el sistema de verificación porque aquí está la cosa chicos, esto es para todos porque creo que están todos en la discordia de cualquier manera que tengan que hacerlo muy seguro porque es bien conocido para atraer a un porque sé que esto es un hecho básicamente lo he hecho un poco de investigación al respecto, pero ustedes saben que no soy tan conocedor de la tecnología, así que confío en el azar y la explotación, y me gusta ocuparme de los negocios cuando es necesario, especialmente como si fuera mi chico al que acudir, oh, chico tu diamante de velocidad que va tan rápido que apenas puedes ver la carretera frente a ti y yo creo que eso no va a suceder búsqueda en Internet dice que estás bien para el auto más rápido sí, no me importa escuchar una broma sobre papel higiénico hazlo lo que un pedazo de papel higiénico le dijo al otro apestoso lo que hizo un pastel ce de papel higiénico decirle al otro me siento muy pálido como cansado qué qué bien sí lo abriste se ahogó así pero no dices mucho dice di di difícil conseguirlo se reirá de todo lo que creo que he atrapado en el chat, sí, me gusta cuando ellos, cuando conversan mucho, es bueno, eso me mantiene entretenido y luego tengo que ponerme al día, ¿no es hmm? ese es el comentario, es hmm, me acabo de quedar sin propano, no, eso es no es bueno que eso significa pingüinos alimentos cocinados medio no se puede tener hamburguesas y perritos calientes eso es maldito seguro de que tiene que cocinar bien la carne a medio cocer y cocinar la carne que es como el pollo no se supone que tienes pollo raro raro o medio no debe Haz lo mismo con las hamburguesas ¿Sabes por qué? Porque si lo cierto es que eres un conocedor, ¿no? No importa. Ya no voy a hacer barbacoas, bueno, supongo que debería decir que me estoy deleitando con el hecho de que el pingüino ya no se puede asar a la parrilla porque entonces obtienes un sello, retennos actitud muy egoísta papá tal vez no Spidey aquí también dice hola tío hombre prudente camas malolientes sabes cómo te va Spidey repite como si estuviera sacando a relucir la discordia en este momento solo porque lo encuentro fascinante pero hay alguien en la corriente en este momento eso me advirtió sobre el viejo negocio de los piratas informáticos y creo que sucedió y debes tener cuidado, ah, y aquí hay otro. Lamento mucho seguir hablando sobre los bots de YouTube. Estoy tratando de crear un video ahora y tú. voy a hacer un video. Voy a hacer dos de ellos porque constantemente recibo comentarios en el momento en que la gente me pregunta sobre los canales bloqueados de YouTube, pero todos los días alguien me pregunta, tal vez no digo que supongo que tengo que hacerlo. una especie de video de Psi Psi para tratar de explicar, pero aquí está el problema: quiero hacer dos videos y uno va a ser monumental, va a tomar mucho tiempo crearlo para obtener toda esa información ahora apestoso también puedo verificar esto la la la es genial verte creo que esto es la primera vez que te uniste a la transmisión, así que bienvenido, bienvenido al dlg, ya que la semana ha sido tan divertida que diría que para continuar apestoso pantalones estaba sentado a mi lado cuando estaba tratando de grabar uno de los canales de bot y cuántas veces ¿Hizo ese cambio principal de canal mientras estábamos grabando? ¿Fue como tres veces en el espacio de un par de minutos? El nombre del canal está cambiando justo ante nuestros ojos, sí, tres veces y se supone que hay un límite, como YouTube tiene este límite que dice que puedes no cambie el nombre del canal más de dos veces en un mes o lo que sea o una vez al mes, aunque el azar parece ser capaz de pasar por alto eso también. Realmente no sé qué gracias se ríe la risa dice que es un buen video y supongo es posible que esté en algún lugar cerca de donde estamos en el mundo porque latha se ríe es decir buenos días, así que no es como Estados Unidos, donde es de noche para ellos, es genial ver al tío Peter, tiene mi aprobación en el Bloque B da, así que gracias por eso, el primero será muy corto porque uso Puedo mostrar eso, pero fui un idiota porque no hice una captura de pantalla del comentario real que me llevó al canal inferior que fue un poco estúpido Espero poder encontrarlo nuevamente, pero al menos obtuve el resto de la captura allí, digo que será la primera vez, pero como dije, la segunda va a tomar mucho tiempo para hacer solo porque quiero intentarlo y que uno diga gracias por eso, lo hice, no funcionó, así que bienvenido al Departamento de Defensa, yo ahí lo tienes. Todos hacen reír la vida. Me siento bienvenido, me encanta, amo al Departamento de Justicia, son un gran grupo de personas apestosas, ¿sabías que amo al Departamento de Justicia? 10:44 pm en Estados Unidos a menudo Spidey se despierta hasta tarde. Me pregunto si se meten ahí ¿Alguna vez hiciste esto cuando eras niño cuando te dijeron que te acostaras y luego te metiste bajo las sábanas con un esto es antes de que tuvieras mis viejas peleas y todo para ti? Estoy seguro de que te metiste ahí con una pequeña antorcha solía hacer eso cuando papá me decía que me fuera a la cama, me metiera debajo de las mantas, me pusiera una linterna y leyera un libro lo que hiciste en los viejos tiempos, leíste, leíamos qué niño intentamos batir el récord para quedarnos despiertos toda la noche queremos quedarnos despiertos toda la noche para hacer que sepas grabar lo que sea que una vez en la vida digas qué tal dejarlo ser bien y lo hiciste oh no lo hiciste Creo que dormimos alrededor de las 3 o 4 am demasiado con pantalones apestosos ¿dónde conseguiste tu licencia? algo solo mira tu parabrisas mi licencia es solo para conducir esto no para competir bien ¿eres tú tú tienen suerte de obtener su período de licencia. Creo que todos los pingüinos registran 34 horas, lo cual es muy impresionante. Estoy entrando en un concurso ahora. Me pregunto si alguien puede superar esto. De hecho, me quedé despierto durante 50 horas, dos días y más. Fue una locura, no lo hago, sí, no es inteligente, la gente puede morir por eso, ya sabes, lo hice durante más tiempo, es más, hubo un tipo que no solo hizo una transmisión en vivo. diría por donación lo que sea que escuché sobre eso y fallecieron después hoy, después de no dormir durante dos o tres noches, no puedo recordar cuánto tiempo, pero ¿decía todo si estaban tomando muchas bebidas energéticas o estaban despiertos? No lo dice en los Neels, pero eso es un mapa, no hay pingüino, no recomendando hacer eso, él está diciendo ahora si lo hará 51 no no no no es no es aconsejable porque generalmente después de 24 horas de dormir empiezas a sentirte un poco raro y después de 48 comienzas a perder el control de la realidad un un poco, no recomiendo hacerlo, ya sabes, y joven, yo también era joven, aunque todavía tengo el hábito de quedarme despierto de vez en cuando por más tiempo del que debería.Esta de las historias que hablamos son las estúpidas que aún no y no lo estamos animando, lo hice, Dios mío, y para ser honesto, como cuando lo hice, oh, es cuando estábamos celebrando terminar la escuela, así que te gustaría tener 18 años y estar de fiesta todo el tiempo, no te vas a dormir el único El problema que tengo es no comer durante mucho tiempo, ¿cuál es el tiempo más largo que has pasado sin comer? ¿ Sabes mi historia eh qué qué cuando estaba triste? Sabes ese mal período de mi vida, diré, pero estaba comiendo tal vez una o dos veces por semana, así que diste tres o cuatro días sin comer y luego comiste una pequeña cantidad de la comida y luego pasar otros tres o cuatro días sin comer sí, tampoco recomiendo hacer eso a menos que sea de mi tamaño ahora, entonces probablemente debería hacerlo para ayudarlo a perder un poco de peso sí, no hay nada de malo con el periódico ¿cómo lo llaman no? ayuno periódico hambriento aparentemente intermitente India ayuno intermitente aparentemente es bastante bueno para usted, pero siempre que no lo lleve al extremo, hay algunas personas muy saludables que sabe que han sido revisadas y se han sometido a su chequeo médico. Me levanto para ver cómo van allí aparentemente con muy buena salud por hacer eso, entre diez y siete horas, mi récord, la cirugía no es buena y digo que sí, esa es la otra cosa si tienes que someterte a una cirugía o algún tipo de procedimiento médico . a menudo tienes no comer tan bien que me pasó la última vez que no me permitieron comer en 24 horas o algo bueno no puede que no haya sido tanto tiempo yo aguanté yo era joven cuando lo hice yo pero tío Pete yo era joven eso tío Britto desearía ser joven por qué los días de juventud han terminado ahora Estoy resignado al hecho de que soy viejo nunca quise admitirlo pero no puedo negarlo ahora ¿puedo apestoso Oh pingüinos récord de no comer es 3 días mi Dios mío, ¿hay alguna razón en particular por la que EWTN fue un día? ¿Simplemente no querías comer? ¿Te sientes mal o bien? ¿Qué estaba pasando cuando tuve neumonía? Sé que no lo necesité durante bastante tiempo. De hecho, puse un goteo en mí para asegurarme de que estaba obteniendo los no solo fluidos, sino que también conoces el sustento, así es como funciona ese sí, no contraigas neumonía , no es bueno aunque sí, fue bastante leve, ¿no era tan curioso esta noche por qué todavía sufro? me hiciste lo que no tenías que ir al hospital como dónde está tu hospital dos semanas estuve allí pero creo que los doctores Debo pensar que esta chica realmente puede usar el transporte público para verlo en las clínicas por sí misma, así que debería estar bien para regresar a casa.Incluso fui a trabajar en ese momento, pero después de ver al médico, me aconsejó que no lo hiciera, así que no lo hice. voy a trabajar por comida unos días Creo que sí, lo harás Quiero decir que te fue bien, vamos a Fisher, sí, en casa en la cama, la mayor parte del tiempo, di Spidey dice: bueno, estoy en una dieta líquida y me duele mucho y realmente Odio comer el lunes tienes que tener cuidado con estas dietas líquidas.Algunas personas siguen estas dietas de agua dicen que realmente deberían hablar con un profesional primero porque de todos modos si puedes parecer suficiente agua, puede matarte, sabes que Sí, así que lo que algunas personas hacen con el ayuno periódico es solo beber agua para llenar el estómago, pero puedes imaginar si él tiene hambre, tú bebes más, por qué tienes que ayunar desde el primer lugar, es que solo quieren perder peso o sabes intentar y ser saludable o, aunque no creo que eso sea particularmente saludable, así que pingüino dice que el honor perder 34 libras posiblemente lo volvería a hacer uno necesita perder No sé cuál es el equivalente, pero probablemente en más de 50 en este punto estoy hablando de pingüino, no tú, sí, Dios mío, dice una pizza para el almuerzo Oh, di Spidey, ¿estás realmente en mal estado de salud en este momento porque él está diciendo que no puede comer alimentos sólidos en este momento y terminas dando las gracias por quedarte tanto tiempo como lo hiciste y apreciamos verlo unirse a la transmisión de ser uno? del original do G oh geez miren ustedes, chicos, piensan que han estado ganando o en realidad están compitiendo con alguien todavía o sin carreras. Ya hice con alguien antes, pero este es el nuevo capítulo, así que no sé qué estoy haciendo. es solo lo intento digo como en la vida real no sabes lo que estás haciendo pero solo conduces te gustaría tener un impulso en tu auto el pequeño impulso nitro en el que no podremos usarlo la ciudad cuál es el problema que no es nuestro Keynes obtuvo su identificación y luego lo dejo v volver a transmitir hoy, dice, me pregunto si nos gustaría añadir que no, probablemente lo haremos a menos que tengamos que debería decir que tal vez no debería decir que sí, pero si lo hicimos una corriente de identidad v volvería a quedarse o tendríamos que todavía ir a la otra que' tenemos competencia, es lo que alguien ha decidido dónde nos van a quitar a Kane, así es como funciona, esperamos interactuar con Kane todas las semanas como hacemos pingüino y Spidey, tú y al azar todo el doj bueno, algún día apesta que tendremos para intentar cambiar el tiempo de tensión solo para ver qué sucede porque transmitimos en el peor momento cuando se trata de personas que realmente ven nuestros videos, es literalmente el peor momento para transmitir No estoy hablando del chat en vivo, sino solo de personas que miren las repeticiones, están todos en él 11 en punto a las 9:00 Pingüino dice que hice una barbacoa Pete dijo antes y fue bueno Se lo recomendaría a todos a él le encanta el tamaño de los pies más él más si me consigues hazlo por un costo de 1 millón de dólares, así que si le pagamos a pingüino un millón, él te hará ome barbacoa pizza barbacoa nos gusta la pizza barbacoa - él es un hashtag instintivo para hacer Kane Kane guisantes Evenstar de nuevo de la última transmisión necesitamos waffles gotcha y Kai está seguro de que creo que el nombre te atrapó en la transmisión empezaré la oportunidad de conseguir Kane eliminado, ¿qué crees que ya no es un mod leal? Es un mod leal . Solo bromeo apestoso. Estoy porque estoy listo. No, dice que hay identidad. 1 2 3 y 4 y seis existen. No sé, no tengo. idea acerca de que parecen tener nuevas entregas hoy los juegos aparentemente abuelita hasta 26 ahora capítulo 26 según el niño que lloró lobo ya no es el señor hombre chancletas él es el niño que lloró lobo de todos modos porque no puedes confiar en nada él says you're tired stinky let me add a big yawn there because I just lost now I can't remember how to do do the drifting mates fight we would never do that despite he Spidey's awesome my internet is being a bit bad right now let's say good it's only identity 5 promote random to channel Mahdi's already pro moted just penguins penguins comments are being withheld again for goodness knows what reason i have no idea why just imagine the person who streams identity 5 is watching this stream like yeah come on let's leave put up the stink pants come to me wow that was my evil laughter i think that might be the case kiss can it I came named the channel lastly can I have a feeling I know it I think I've been there before isn't it no comment from Miss Tinky she doesn't she doesn't join streams to make the Sun man if you do that we're all what would happen if the Sun has gone no one would survive isn't it you need the photosynthesis yeah well you need plants to survive isn't it no plants no animals see how that works looking you go you're the master driver already I smack so many you do the drifting peanut when are you gonna play chapter I'm not even gonna be able to read that out but it's granny chapter exponential number of numbers ah no he played I don't that's tagged my plug and I don't know i f he's talking about logan paul labid and i don't have a problem with that there are some bad influences actually 9 so i can't say that he did too to his credit I don't know if he's sincere about it but he did release a video not that long ago where he was saying some good things about the things that are happening in America about how people shouldn't be doing what they're doing meanwhile his brother goes out and Lutz allegedly or at least contributes to it in one way or another to make YouTube stuff what shouldn't have read that out loud YouTube tries they try to make stink pants license it's for the best got to keep the road safe now that's something I'll get behind yes revoke stink pantses license no don't do that then I'm going to start driving around again not gonna happen let's say Guerin joe and do some each I can don't do that hitchhiking is dangerous might have been okay you know forty years ago or so no even minions not safe just don't do it got to keep the road safe thing h e's a man see what that means is every time you get behind the wheel every pedestrian in the country should have ailments for the just in case you're a pretty good driver in real life I'd have to say while Logan bought there there are so many of them now it's when I was talking about that short video that button or the two bot channels one was created two days ago it's more now but when I was recording it or is it had only been up for two days it was incredible yeah and they changed their name so often now it's it is difficult to keep up but songs you know what you're looking for that's what the second videos first video is to give you an idea of what to look about look for in the second one I'm going to way more detail because here's the thing guys I know some things now that even the big channels haven't really covered and it's just from stumbling across this stuff and it's like okay kind of figure this out figure that out yeah it's not good to make penguin plays games three views co mment we can't do that either in fact one day when we can stay awake long enough and do a late-night stream hopefully you guys will join and if it becomes more popular with more people joining will start adding some more mods because I do want to add some of these guys but I just can't do it now thankfully you know you've got random here and you got Kania and a couple of the others that tend to join and take care of things for me which is good but we will have to add some more sooner or later just because we know that they are always there right here we go yeah you're getting in a fast car RT well you can't buy it so it's a lineup have you got insurance no one's gonna get insurance on me yeah there's no insurance company oh yeah that guy guy stinky scratchy I'm getting nervous just watching you okay this I know you a came back Friday five stay away from ID five oh you're scratching it where are you driving on the footpath not so different from real life it's not a if it doesn't start c ame Kane used to be so excited for our streams this that's more of a chore for me money I think he's doing it out of an obligation not out of a desire isn't it well that car is gonna be destroyed by the time he finished by you finished already an adage guy say you're we're racing against someone hmm I don't think so but I don't know what I'm doing just like real life and we're not talking about anything to do with cars all right now haven't got many of the car jokes yet but the other thing is I guess I keep pinning the the same people to the comments saying I might have to look some up myself what do you think stinking oh gee what's happening with the computer it's not walking matter it's very halting isn't it it's not smooth running that song right statute stinking that's what they're saying tea and straightaway you hit the wall you know our walls are for stinky hey can you just do you know walls are for stinky to keep you on the ride that is actually in a regional Jacob I peed up the m and probably not that funny that's a joke yeah lievable what walls for to keep you on the road because without them you'd be flying off into space by the look of it so the more you smack for this one you were kind of run out of time but it's hard to navigate this one you can do it right I can give it a shot if you're gonna do the comments commentary but there's one from random that's going in there I like that one what kind of card is a sheep like to drive huh the Sheep yeah a lamb beginning the one that I'm doing right now that's right you're a lamb I don't really think they like to you know write that one kind what do you mean that's already dead what are you talking about hubs well when you call lamb that means it's already dead nine limbs like a baby sheep that's what you call them what do you call a baby sheep it's Lackey it's a lamb when you get so you'll write the poor baby shape huh what the sheep what cars sheep like to drive lamb you're riding baby sheep Wow such a sleep li ke that that took me dead too that took me a little while to get got it though Oh can I put I like Spidey's Jake for today you got to be careful about anything religious I like it I'll say it I just don't know if I can pin it what does Jesus Christ's favorite car Jesus Christ a Chrysler I never heard this brand I like that one maybe do you think I can get away with putting that as a pinion joke does he mean like people are funny when it comes to religion means you might find it offensive because you're joking him in you know Jesus what Jesus can't handle a joke auditions for near fast and furious meaning or dish now okay next hello I'm stink pants and I crashed a lot for this now you're hired oh I like that one all right hang on yay hey guys hi I'm not sure if that's gonna fit in one line though we'll have to wait and see because what I try to do is put one joke with the channel name per lines so that you end up getting fired that'll work so then you end up getting four four different channels for different jokes that are seen in there in the pinned comment there yeah use the Nitro it's too fast the good thing about penguin he comes up with the original takes two you know hey that really and it made you laugh that that's like the bee's knees of jokes anything that can make stinky laughs yeah I got high I know why he's saying peanut I suppose I can more get I don't know if we'll get some heat for it but it's just a joke people can't handle a and it's not an offensive one I don't think do you think it is that's it dine abandon Kane stay with us we'll give you what we give Kane chili challenge chili challenge today that's probably gonna make him leave at this point so sorry guys while I'm typing and doing stuff I tend to tax yeah that's right can you talk and it would be hot because you need to concentrate on bot exactly say why are you giving me I give you anyway I give you so much rubbish you do don't you I'm just checking the spelling on all of this cause it's all j ust copying and pasting up the name in our looks good Oh plain maids here hello plain made how are you it's good to see him again his room pin it doesn't say plain maid comes up with a joke as well card joke will pin him to the comments to is a bit of a shout out there why I'm a champion penguins always the champion isn't he if you don't want me to leave you're gonna have to play identity 5 next range big cake st. Kane if you ever look at the views that we get if you have a look at the views that we get identity 5 still hasn't even hit 3k yet and said to something like it's not bad we've got streams that have performed worse than that but yeah it's not right up there with some of the other games so I don't know why I think it's a great game it's got great graphics but we'll have to wait and see and maybe I should do a spoiler alert right I have these side dish should I do it spoiler alert stinky I haven't even told you about it well then I can't say yes or no right it's it's all about playing a game again because we only found you well we never you've never done it unless you count clash of clans we've never played the same game twice except the classic cleanse and there's a reason behind that number one we get suggested so many games to begin with but number two sponsorship that's what I'm looking for so you want me to play your game again sponsor me he's very make enough money from ad revenue we've had one super chat donation and one channel member say sponsorships are the way to go to try and actually recoup some of the money we've spent you know red shadow legends pays a lot of money into the bigger youtubers you're talking ten thousand dollars plus per advertisement or less like depending our bid your channel is but some sponsorships are worth or what a money so say to all of the gaming amid know hopefully you get popular enough and the gaming developed we've already been approached by two gaming developers but I didn't really trust what they were saying so didn't go ahead with it it seemed a little bit dodgy but yeah you know they have them approaches and say hey will you play our game that's what I'd like to say I'm just in in my own world dreaming at the moment it's never gonna happen it's very hard to talk and type that's true well I'm behind in the chat I play made I make a peanut can you play 8-ball pool see yeah I actually saw that as well I wasn't sure if that wo uld be good for a string but if you think it would be entertaining cuz it's a very popular game but that is a very popular game from what I saw I didn't download it because I don't know if it's gonna be any good for a stream but if you guys are willing to watch I wouldn't mind playing I like playing pool you all know what to play it okay don't say that when I'm playing not you ah and randoms technically correct we have played games more than once like cod Mobile but that's during another stream you know it around like we start off streaming whatever game it is and then the guys get bored of it and they say come on let's play cod but I'm talking about a dedicated stream to it to say alright if you play Call of Duty again or something like that imagine one day you're playing a game then you see a boot on stink pants ad that would be amazing yeah you can actually do that you tubers can put ads on other videos these days because we get YouTube ads on our videos obscene but I can't do the s econd spoiler alert the one that I really want to tell the doj because that one has to be a surprise I think they'll be absolutely astonished if it ever happens don't know if they'll enjoy it but they'll be astonished I think you gotta speak to you know you to get that happening play multiplayer games say we can join totally agree plane mate I've been trying to find them as well but for example the last what was it the world war two heroes one that was a multiplayer game and no one joined us slither was a multiplayer play a game but you couldn't really join us for that one that was more random so if you can choose popular mobile games that a multiplayer that you can join leave a suggestion in the livestream and we'll add it to the list and download it because I think they're very good as well when we can do that yeah I think that's great because it's more interactive April Paul is a pay-to-win I saw secret things in the game's code that checks if you spent money on the game oh wow to k now that and it's easy to hack okay Peter can you play Galaga it is free inside say this sideways you mean we'll say vertical or horizontal say do you mean a horizontal game and I haven't heard of Galecki before cuz that's the other thing like you know I spend a lot of time on YouTube visiting the ton of channels so I kind of get familiar with the games that are popular as well okay I don't know if gutter life would be good for a live stream - wow that is popular I'll say that straight up and probably see more of that than I do fortnight these days we will get more of what night already know it's still popular but I just don't see as many videos on it as maybe two years ago but I would we don't get it B you don't really get it either looking at that game why it's so popular and then if we were to do it on the mobile apparently that's very difficult I wouldn't mind trying it to see how badly okay okay it'll be tough it'll be harder than every other first-person shooter game that you've played so far because there's that building element to it plus it's fast like you got to be accurate and fast horizontal okay so I've added that one to the list as well how about block strike it's multiplayer shooting game never heard of that one either okay and also don't forget mix up the games a bit as well like we've been trying to do say this is only the third racing game that we've done and you know when you get something like slither and the one that penguin suggested among us like they're different styles of games as well just to keep the interest in the channel I guess there's a more variety yeah yeah have the more interesting it is I suppose I don't even know if that's true but I've just got to go on the air analytics really seems like whatever game we play tends to get the views eventually when sure yeah sometimes it's the last month that's been a bit slow but picking up again I did a fortnight May Bob before it was the hardest game to this day that I've ever played there ye h yeah I've heard because he played I've heard that playing it on the PC is the best it's even better than then on PlayStation so using a controller is not as good as using your keyboard I still don't know what like fortnight it's a first-person shooter and it's got the building element to it as well but notoriously difficult on a mobile phone I have guided it down later today jiz ago but there's no way I was gonna play it I can do controller first-person-shooter been struggle a bit on the mobile I have a video of our block die again plane I've got to say just be this is tipping some advice for you that got really nothing to do with me although I do it as well you do need to be careful about your advertising because he provided a link to one of his videos on a recent comment on our channel and it just got deleted like if you have a look you won't find too many links or video or channel advertisements on people's channels they just delete it so please don't do it I've asked you before t o you know happy to support your channel just ain't and happy to give you a shout out so shout out go check out playmates channel but try not to mention your videos or channel that's all I'm saying and definitely don't leave links to your videos because you're not going to get any response that way yeah I see lots of people do it and they they don't get their comments approved and most channels I visit you won't see links so that's just a tip and some friendly advice that you won't get anywhere doing that people don't like it isn't it stinky could you also play you know now I've downloaded that as well I thought that because that's really popular at the moment can you do an ene livestream would people be entertained by that maybe I've seen Mark Prior and a couple other big channels doing a like half a hour videos I guess so maybe that can be the next one it's really popular at the moment what do you think you're a genius II remember we were playing you know with the sisters and who won you did didn't you no because it was no well yeah I lost a lot at the start but I remember it was down to the two sisters who is gonna be the loser and then it got all aggro Iggy at that point because they're both competitive and they didn't want to lose so they're getting a bit annoyed with each other which means that I came second then we must have won oh you're there you know master reverse Ino no problem playing we're always happy to help and do what we can just on that note as well it is getting so much harder to support everyone these days by visiting so if we don't do it like don't think that we're not supporting you it's just in the last what on the last video it's got something like 300 comments on it and that's just that video that's not counting all the other other comments on other uploads that we have I'm really struggling to keep up at the moment for whatever reason the channel started to grow a little bit quicker and yeah it's ridiculous I've been pulling long hours try ing to to get all of that done but anyway face revealed 10 seconds says Kane I've already Sammy's face I know what kind like I know penguin looks like - we're waiting for a random face reveal I think we'll ever get that from you Mike it's a very private man isn't he you'll do a face reveal one day won't you stinky when you surpass your pewdiepie goal say what is it do the hashtag subscribe the P don't stink pants I don't think that will ever happen are we getting a countdown I want to see your bit look stinkies quite cute old uncle pooed on not so much no one wants to see uncle peratt's face yes good looking back in the day if you can pull out an old photo of me when I was 18 then I'd be okay with that if you get ever get me back into my own Facebook account you know when I was a little bit skinnier and younger do not allow that for a face reveal but I'm not I'm not that anymore you probably look at me and yeah that's not the same person it's my evil twin better I support you and every one else who's a friend of you they do I see Spidey supporting a lot of other people he's my face around him did a face reveal yeah he's a good-looking fella yep you've got two eyes two noses noses one nose one mouth blind hey don't be rude blind like a bat now all right now what have we got I've still got room for one more joking the pins but not from random not from penguin and not from Spidey so anyone else that said it's got a good car Jake let me know and I'll reap in the comment there I kind of like doing that that's sort of one way to give back to everyone isn't it hmm well let it be good to have different names as well because in the last few it's all been the same people not that I mind that helps helps with the entertainment and the workload can't complain about that this is a time I came to face to face with a tomato there was the year 2014 and we got up in the afternoon since I stayed up and there is a storm warning and I was very tired like half asleep so there's gonna be more to this story random caught me on discordant in turn off your camera so I can see your face yeah do it do it this is my pastry feels spiky does a good face reveal fine maid does a good face reveal well alright I'm gonna do this is stink pants face reveal yeah I'm just gonna put on the camera there's sting pants that's what your face looks like doesn't it I cut it didn't find that one funny at all did you the air we're gonna you know we're gonna have to indulge again we got to get out of indulging laughs what is she talking about Slate's I know you didn't say that they asked you before stream I said that no you said up to you so I'm like okay I'm gonna eat something now they say not that I'm saying to you guys today that the plane sits that's a pants we need more channeled members so we can get more emojis because we're limited to four at the moment and then as you get more channel members you can put more emojis there they don't do it for every out we put the photo of you in one o f the emojis can't know if your face you will get some part of my hair the very which unkempt uncombed pop straight hair straight hair she says it's totally random totally does hang Title II just hey you haven't given me a haircut yet I'm starting to gray long and wooly I know it's starting to look like a B is getting so long what I can't be bothered study how to do it properly oh this is why you want to do it in winter see the kids I can wear a beanie most of the time so if you do a really bad haircut at least I can cover it up with a beanie sure and then my mate can come around and fix it and I'll be bald oh I can fix it for you too if you've done my dad Bo say the TV the TV T shut it and then got up and went outside and then I saw it it was an elf elf a cloths I don't know what that is but it was a monster to look at and it basically danced around me you can see the mini ladies are you talking about 20 days of tomatoes did you see my joke but that wasn't that just saying you're not random cuz you are a random I know there's one why don't you talk ah I didn't say that joke what these what do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars yes and and Tyrannosaurus Rex greats what Rex doing it's called the Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyrannosaurus Rex really I thought it's different okay you didn't know it's called Tyrannosaurus Rex I thought they just call it Tyrannosaurus and Rex is Rex like different kind of dinosaurs no it's the same dinosaur good that means random gets both to comment spin things oh we've got okay okay what's that Indonesian it's like the Indonesian or Malay I'm guessing and then tinted ano ba okay something about friends that's what I'm guessing just bear with me for that just because he has given us a joke I'll put that in there as well me yeah you got two of the four in there in one of his little hopefully one day I'm gonna convince random to like like bomb me to try and get some of a like ratios up because we're not liked on the internet you know that stink y yeah you got a mini arch-nemesis yeah like I care yeah that's right you don't really care about mm-hmm so sorry if you dislike because I don't okay just bear with me I'm gonna do a translation here just to say what it was a playmate said Oh Filipino is wild do you understand me okay Aiko I should have known that echo City also that means I'm serious did you know that kediri car that means you're disgusting that's what my flatmate used to say to me all the time no bitch she told me it said hello how are you Albright lightnings here and hang on there's more to the story and then just like that it went back up into the sky and I never knew you had a close I came to death there was a class of F Oh of the wind and recorded at 120 miles an hour wow that's fast a deadly tornado sounds like it must all have to do with tornado ratings three tree I'll be watching but I'm probably going to be respawned at the next checkpoint in Warface so I won't be speaking but no I mean no worries it's good t o see bright and bright just to go back to the discord I want to know what happened on this Gordon I want to know whether that was AK how to prevent it make sure it doesn't happen again that sort of thing gotta trust the old bright lightning and random to take care of these things possibly exploit as well space speedy spider you to be the I you're speeding it up be honest you and stink around like your BAE 30 I'm just gonna say that's a compliment isn't it then I sound like a grandfather already yeah you sound like a grandma in cat you probably are J sub-weapons here hello how are you I wonder if that's another account but we'll see what's he on about right now say if you're talking about the discord thing bright it looks like we might have been temporarily act if you have a look at the logs there don't show you what happened and I know that that person is just sitting quietly in the discord for about a week but then I don't know if this is a full story but my understanding is random l et them bypass the verification process and then all of a sudden they were giving themselves roles advertising when shouldn't have been just doing all kinds of crazy things setting up BOTS yeah I don't really understand it so Joseph the game's called Need for Speed No Limits it is free to download on a mobile phone or a tablet if you wanted to try it out unfortunately it doesn't look like it's multiplayer though is it you're just racing and stink pants are showing you how to drive like a professional racer what's a he real gem I don't think there he rising in the stream but yeah there is that issue with the old discord I guess I'll be looking at cow bot considering something was talked about yeah that's the one Brighton exploit was one I think identified at first to say that there was something strange going on but you guys need you know we really rely on bright random and exploit they seem to know you how to protect this on the old discord and if you left it up to me Armageddon would arise wouldn't it wouldn't be able to to have a discord with a very long I'd think I have too many issues happening alright say just curious to me how you weeks been there Joseph 11 they're always happy to get to know new people welcome to the day all day I guess I'll be looking at okay so write that okay i'll corporate storytime and yeah stink tory time for weekly joked see you later our planes off already say thank you for staying as long as you did what's a here nine that mind the game is need for speed stinky stop speeding and breaking the law again okay been race for not talking now that's fine up later I hate this yeah autocrat can be being funny at times can it oh say storytime stinky I guess I'm gonna do a car story while I'm here this is one thing that none of my car stories are funny though they're more like warnings than anything else you know don't do what I do did sort of thing so there's one time I invited some school friends to come and stay for a little bit of a holiday on on our farm and we went there there's four of us there so went out and you know when you have farm we didn't live a lot weren't farmers we had a share farmer but yeah vehicles and things you got Utes and tractors and motorbikes and that stuff so we decided to take the car for a bit of a drive and none of them had ever driven a car before they're all from the city where as I started if I can say call it driving the first time I drove a car I was about five but you know sitting on dad's lap and just driving around basically in circles you can do that sort of thing in the country and then when you're old enough to actually reach the pedals on the floor then yeah you start driving there's a lot of young kids that start driving vehicles on the farm and as soon as they're able they start doing that kind of work so anyway we were about fifteen or sixteen took the car for a drive everyone at a tournament and it was a manual as well saying they didn't they had a drive and manuals are even h arder to drive so it's teaching them to do that and everything was great right I had my dog with us at the time as well now because it was a you two people were sitting in the trailer the what do you call that thing at the back the tail trail do you but I know what you're talking about and another two people were in the cabin and I was driving at this point and what I was showing them was how you can drive without a clutch because sometimes farmers you know they can't be bothered fixing stuff and the clutch doesn't work in the car you can still change is it's all about getting the right amount of revs to be able to change the gear without using a clutch so I got taught how to do it and I was showing them now unfortunately we were we weren't going fast this might have been about 40 k's an hour or something at the most it wasn't fast because we're I'm dead and I ended up hitting a wet patch in the paddock and started the skid a bit now I've never skidded in a car before and it's very sca ry when it happens to you the first time I couldn't imagine what it's like if you're doing it at a hundred kilometers an hour I don't think I'd be able to control a car so just the heads up before you continue with this story defensive driving courses are good we really should do one we've never done mumbles so you do driving courses to get your licence like you did like with a normal instructor but then there's defensive driving which takes it to the next level so they teach you how to drive through an oil slick well a wet patch that sort of thing is you need to know how to do that if it ever happens and I don't all I know is they've got a pump pump the brake you don't put your foot on the brake you just pump it to slow the car down yeah so other than that I don't know anything else about correcting the vehicle so anyway we hit this this wet patch and yes started to slide and I was heading towards a fence now in hindsight I should have just let the vehicle hit the fence because it wou ld have damaged the fence but the car would have made okay and what I ended up doing was over correcting oh I tend the wheel too hard to get away from the fence and it rolled 16 or 15 15 or 16 yeah the car rolled now if that's not bad enough you got the dog running alongside the vehicle thank goodness she wasn't in it but two people in the train and trade that's what it's called back at the you so they were flung up back of the year and we landed upside down now another stupid thing I did don't do it I wasn't wearing a seat belt oh so I hit the floor the roof which is now the floor straight away oh but my mate did wear a seat belt and he's sitting upside down white knuckles gripping the seat just sitting there and then everyone's panicking like you okay is everyone all right and I tend to Fraser I've already scrambled out of the ute by this stage through the window he's you can't open the door anymore now if 10 of my mate and I'm like.he you okay guys yeah I said do you want to get out me guys yeah and he moves forward knee gaze ah seatbelt and then he clicks the seatbelt and boom hits the roof he scrambles out now here's another thing when you get into some high level of adrenaline action happening we were only young kids we managed to lift the two-and-a-half tonne you do I have much they weigh we're head up lifting it and writing it again because petrol was coming out of the petrol tank so we're like oh we've got to get this thing flipped over so between the four of us we managed to do it imagine that for kids lifting a ute wouldn't think it'd be that easy to do but you do it when you got a lot of adrenaline and then you know you've wanted to see if the car would work so I'm like you guys move back please I don't want you anywhere near this when I start the vehicle and then one of them said no if you go I go so he'd stood next to me no I can't be the other two we're smart they stepped back and you turned on the boot and the driver gave you go I go so there's a lon g long story for you there you go I go loyal friend I where there's still my friends to this day this guy actually debuted with you but that to the rest didn't right say that again so the guy who said if you go I go yeah he was in the car with you know the guy that was in the cow is one of the ones that stood back it was one of the guys that got thrown out of the back of the year that said if you go I go so if you go I go finally he's in the you'd know just I didn't get in the year tire I turned on my the yeast the Keith through the window I wasn't getting in the car I don't know no one's in the car it's just like maybe we can run away before it explodes so just reached in the window turn the car on and it started and then we dress okay but I tell you what that night was one of the worst nights of my life because I had to call that and say you know oh man he went off at me and the other kids were scared too because he was really mad you know how could you do this party which is fair en ough and then they had the embarrassing thing of having to call all their parents and say look they've been in a car accident but everyone's okay yeah so don't do it guys an ethernet ways from rural area so you know be careful about mucking around but usually farm boys and girls are responsible you made a mistake that day but not happy days yeah I don't know I guess cuz you with friends maybe yeah yeah I guess maybe that was it like you a bit more silly when you're around your friends so don't be silly around your friends the idea of yeah peed on you just said you flipped a car I have flip the car in my lifetime you just be careful on the roads cars are very dangerous and when you think about how slow we were going as well and we weren't going fast but it totaled the car like the car was wrecked after that the engine was fine but the whole cabinet of the car was destroyed or should I try a mist a lot of chat there guys sorry I'll just go where we are otherwise I'll be here for as long be here all day why now my internet is bad at Lake yes thank good bye cam he's already leaving just got here that's all right he's gonna stay as long as possible ether native 40 has no results I'm back why you main plane yeah I didn't get that one either and I think I saw gotcha waffles there before as well so sorry they didn't say hi watching a movie with a family see they have to go as well all know we're streaming at the worst time we only have half an hour to go looks like already this one's gone through it's one hour and a half already so I'll say ether-nano doesn't he's another thing about YouTube if you don't have videos and you try to do a channel search it's not gonna work I can only do it say if you find say Ethan 8 alright he's got my videos so if you try and search his name on YouTube you won't get any results but if you click on a comment he leaves on a video then you can see his channel or YouTube profiles why did he know that for quite some time that's how it works actua lly I found that out because of our faith Channel business I tried searching there the channel multiple times find it yeah because they didn't ever need that our own videos they yeah he hasn't posted anything ah Spidey's off the bed well have a good night's sleep sweet dreams my nightmares promise old stinky whereas I mean yeah you might be in the nightmare give me nightmares that's for sure pizza he finds not made man eats delicioso oh dear I'm all talked out that's it I'm done what about noontime then you got a car story let me think you got to might a bike story I like that story hey hey you got your scar that one that's much of a story real easy story you know when asian ride a bike you know the bought the bike at the back not another one who what he was still writing job yeah yeah then if you are girl you might do something we in Western culture yep so how do you write it just behind them grab that grab around the waist yeah and ha you have to spread your legs right and it's for A sian that's considered impolite so then you get it sit sideways especially when the girls wearing skirt yeah i getcha so we have to go sideways on the way and i went to the wrong one ouch yep so you know when the motorbike rests and you have to like n go it when if you go to the side that it's got the pipe and and it's kind of touched my leg and it's hot it hurt yeah you're gonna scar for it then look at penguin plays he's a cat stevens fan how's that for reference he just did cat's in the cradle lyrics i know that something but did you know the artist Yusuf Islam or Cat Stevens I think he's discord Yusuf now changed his name he's be Mac uploading videos as well doing covers of his old songs during the the pandemic he's lost nothing in his guitar playing ability and his voice it's still as strong as ever and the guys got to be Tippin 80 now pretty old hey you're doing their stinky well Oh penguins saying he wishes America did that as well with the women at the back of the motorbike bec ause it does like it I must admit like number one you'd go slower right you got soul and two it does look a bit more refined than having three passengers at the back somehow yeah I've seen that you know I can't believe how many people you can get on a motorbike and that's not real motorbike is actually what I see call me yes scooter or a moped not even a real motorbike and what's the most I've seen five or six well you've got a couple of babies there like in the front yeah you've got like people in the front as well two little kids in the front and four on the back that's an incredible amount of people not even on a proper motorbike that's not a moped scooter what about the real motorbike in my country it's not yeah you don't say it a lot it's kind of popular but people don't have enough money to buy okay and scooter is more like what do you call it's like skinnier so you can go between the cars and go right when the traffic's set go you go you're in the front row you may when we went to that we actually even mean yeah I'm Tim driving a car put the fear in me there because of the motorboat or because of the bikes there's that many scooters going around that it's actually it feels scary to drive a car cuz you don't want to hit anyone it's incredible the number of people in there then you have a name with a difference with others like my name with the wrong spelling so easy to find please man hello are the champion that's right plain maids a champion oh yeah I hang on van you have a name with a difference no I still don't get that comment you'll explain it hopefully oh look at you go why don't have any people can fit in the car I'm sure there's a Guinness Book of World Records for that probably for motorbikes too as long as it's in a controlled environment and not dangerous well you're in a race right now I'm just thinking we like actual real drivers looks like what I don't know don't ask me you do it she's racing that's what we want to say oh dear got so much work to be day today stinky stink pants crashing all driving heck yeah you ever been in a car accident of course actually painting one with me Avenue remember when that guy or no girl that girl rear-ended us at the traffic lights oh yeah and then may hit the car in front of us cuz she rear-ended Assad and the best thing about it we're you know I'm not a high car a borrowed car from the mechanic like you know night-night real damage poor girl didn't know what she was doing but you and the flatmate were annoyed at me for saying you okay with you acts hurt if you okay but we won her to apologize father yeah that's right you didn't give any chance to do that ah that's right say I don't know if this is a cultural thing or what's going on here but yeah this girl P Plato she was only young eighteen nineteen twenty something like that she hits the back of the our car and then I didn't say to both of you are you okay you okay and you're like yeah yeah still it's like when you got hit that hard even th ough you have your belt fast and the the head tip catches a little bit but you know kind of confuse for me really well that's why we were like what are you doing yeah we were kind of yeah I need a quantity yeah suppose I didn't think of that but good out of the car and went air and see you I can so sorry Baba yeah it's alright and then the gills were annoyed to be the main why didn't you leave my car apologize to us three sorry for that well give her an apology on your behalf well have a good night's probably White's a late fifties but have a good night's sleep a tomato he says he's going to bed as well look you're getting three the map stinky well fine job really it's just the shop like much shop this is black market this loading dock where you can collect free now it's a time to it you're all about the black market aren't you and the frame the free one I can only get the premium crate just once per day I think you can I have to wait another 30 tree whatever minutes and this one the n ormal one I can get it soon but I can only have four or five six whatever per day so that's limited in numbers you might as well get as many easy cannons it's gonna be a one-off stream as per usual I need the petrol to go for a ride and I have nothing zero no petrol yes so I guess I can buy penguins saying love the music I have to really have to upgrade update the soundtrack I've have done a new soundtrack for mumps so I appreciate that penguin but yeah I'll have to do another soundtrack and randoms dire to be a stream already him penguin saying it's fun random saying it's boring I'm boring now I did do a bit of research about whether or not we should have topics handy and a bit of a script going but you may if you start scripting things that's not quite so natural I say that's what you're here for Adam tip detain us they're not here to entertain anyone are you sticky that's like your game plan your game plan is to play the game yep gotcha waffles is back how's the movie going they did n't ask what the movie what I was before what were you watching seems like she watches movies every time she joins a stream ah I reckon you and gotcha waffles would get along you love you mean you Stan you watch practically anything this is one thing I look forward to each week says penguin random yeah it's not random Kane used to be like that until identity five arch-nemesis came along his brother told me it's the one thing that he looks forward to every week but now he's got a the identity five stream he's just joins and then disappears but we're glad to make penguins day that's for darn sure the movie is good so what movie was it I'm gonna watch twister tonight that's a classic meeting Helen Hunt's I think is in that I don't know who else is in that a couple named actors or no an actors back in the day Helen Hunt is either D stinky sitcom comedy American shame all about me know just their main name I can't remember the name of it it's all suspense gotcha waffles is giving me some su spense at the moment it's just gonna be another one that you're gonna want me to dare to get for you stinky isn't it whenever I got your waffles tells us the maybes you see I want you to go buy it well take me to the cinema do our Diary of a Wimpy Kid but this one's the long haul I've heard of there how many Wimpy Kid movies are there now there must be a whole wait before I've tried to watch one of them I couldn't really get through it why it's not good well would be you know what I'm like with movies these days I have a very low attention span you'll have been like that for ages yeah it's not just these things well when I was younger though I have no problems watching movies just I guess as I've gotten older then it has to be a good movie to make me sit there and watch it I'm not saying that wimpy kitties and it's to stop what do you think about it's about the Diary of a Wimpy Kid no with you oh hang on now we've got another challenge one coffee to tea and I still hot I gotta say coff ee Ava T coz I can't live without it and stinky says tea iced or hot Oh depends on the weather yeah I'd have to agree with that it depends on the country although I'd still be inclined to say hot because even when we go to the hot countries I'll still get a hot coffee why no but I do drink a lot more iced coffee in those countries than I do here but I'll still say hot so hot coffee that's a make me wanna buy coffee now what about you guys oh guts is off again gotta go bye and what about you penguin probably should you know first ever we were it ever raise a little family up try and get them not to drink teen coffee because I started drinking coffee when I was probably about 10 that she's an advisable when I was still in primaries coffee or tea coffee I drank started drinking tea probably young I do remember the housekeeper saying don't drink coffee you're too young but I do remember drinking it when I was in primary school right you don't know it is addictive there's no doubt about it it is kind of a drunk you are so addicted to the coffee it's what gets me yelling have to call 7-eleven when we have to coffee machine here oh geez that as well I use both get a 7-eleven coffee and I drink coffee at I buy bread it's like having you know yeah you don't have a shower in the morning to go to uni or work I couldn't do that yeah you do do it whereas I come to wake up when I've got to go to work I have a shower and have a coffee its standard practice so I like little penguins questions they make me think you prefer this or that who wins this or that I prefer having more sleep then coffee yeah if you say wow yeah I'd be inclined to agree with that more sleep than coffee you don't get that much sleep these days that's why between you and the cat hogging the bed isn't it there's no room for old uncle poo top pillow thieves blankie thieves that's all my what are you talking about Oh yours said isn't even going on no you're sharing it sharing your possessions with me is what you' re telling me the cat probably feels the same way it's like yes I'm allowing you to sleep in this bed right now that's all yet yeah good old kidís team yeah you do tag-team quite a bit VM you like the bean betcha just because I don't know any APIs the soybean oh yeah the Lamborghini that you're allowed to borrow some chapter I didn't actually borrow it's just kind of assign it to that chapter have you been able to drive any other fantastic cars or not so much no and I'm afraid I'm gonna try to I've been on the passenger seat if I Drive those car and that makes it I'm so you know I'm kind of scared to drive that kind of car unless you say go for it no damages or if there is damages then you don't have to fading I'm doing it so we're talking about real life now is it yeah what are you talking about you didn't talk about real life I'm talking about real life now you put padding around the outside of your car you'll be fine isn't it get a whole lot of polystyrene or bubble wrap that's what you need bubble wrap around your car you'll be good to go what do you got to say for yourself stinky cuz I'm about worn out we might end this stream early - you look nice won first place are you in first place and boosting tool opening at this time I gotta ask penguin do you think air skills of you drive driving skills have improved from the start to the end because that looked like you won did you nice work stinky good job finishing first there I'm gonna say only to what I saw yeah I love Taylor better than coming second isn't it I'd like to be able to see what model number that BMW is it's got it there but I can't read it so yeah it's got the model number on the right-hand side really okay that's it there you just can't read it it looks similar to your all car does that's what I was thinking like is it the same car that I've got I think I can show you my car see this is M tree m3 BMW m3 okay now that's any a little car going it's got a bit more power than that it does sneaky probabl y not as fast they at the start of the lights I'm talking about the zero to 100 you ever tried doing that actually I know that you have you just haven't tried to do it as fast as you can because you've gone from zero to 100 when you're in a country town and then off you go once you can do the speed limit you disregarded hey I'm still go slow because I know my car is kind of Oh like twin beats yes oh yeah happy I'm telling the driving story about how rules and laws don't apply heat yeah that's the safe sorry say that again stink pants nice windows some enforcer when the police are there this is what you said to me I was sitting in the car with stink pants in her own country and she goes through a red light turning the wrong way well what are you doing she said what there's no problem so you just turn the wrong way on a red light now there's no police around it's fine if you could do that here would you come here you do have cameras be careful of that don't you stinking caught by a camer a for a long time baby still the same BMW nice one you win again stinkies a champion I don't know how did I win I smacked so many things you good with the boost that's what I think it is you seem to know how to apply it at the right time plus your left foot left foot always helps doesn't it what do you mean means you go fast you got letting your feet you hit the accelerator harder for longer you don't stop it's time for a boot on ramps now pedestrian crossing zebra crossings whatever you want to call it it's a thing people why is it pretty much the only country that I've ever visited and by visited I mean I live here the Australia seems to be the only place in the world where pedestrian crossings mean something I mean there's so many other countries where the cars aren't gonna stop for you at a pedestrian crossing what's with that why I want to know the answer it's a road rule you should be stopping at a pedestrian crossing but they don't nobody cares why I have no idea that's damn too tin uh-huh we got about seven minutes left I'd say the chats gone really quiet well the thing is this might be the last race anyway because I'm gonna run out of petrol that's all anyway we're gonna winner chicken dinner I can buy more if you want but if you're gonna end it soon anyway what's the point that's right kind Kane's back for now but it's too late we didn't get anyone chatting for 10-15 minutes maybe longer we've had enough we're on the strike they're saying that's it stinky does one more race well they you're very close to your to our limit you just squeeze one more in after that because they seem to be very fast races on me but I lost them very oh look at you guys stinking how is that I can't believe I'm asking about competitors now but how is the identity five strain Kane is it good and actually I should ask do you play live we've heard the person as well maybe that's why it's so entertaining playing live with them I like your haircut thank you that's not mine I'm gonna giv e you a haircut like that next time you ask me ah then you'll you'll get zero today we've got the Clippers yeah and I'm a CEO anyone like shaved at the side of your head it's a it's a thing these days it's fashion it's a fashionable haircut for you uh-huh would you give me a mohawk thank you me and my oh I know too old for mohawk plus I'm not a indigenous Native American is that what they call I don't know what all of the politically correct term has changed quite a bit Andy you know if I can I rent number two now that I'll say that certain things are racist if they're not intended to be racist so I think I told this story before about my uncle calling black people mean rose oh and he doesn't mean that in an offensive way it's just the way he was brought up that's what they called them and then I would say to him he can't say that and then he's like one on was like because it's considered Rice's why that's what they called and then suck now you say african-american or black person I do n't even know black person is offensive these days it's kind of weird like my friend well not friend but classmate he's from Durban and he said you know you call someone black fella here oh that's different black fellows kind of offensive yeah but it's not in Darby base quite normal everyone called black fellow all right yeah yeah and then you know if you call someone a white person surely that's not offensive is it there's another term that people find it offensive here and not in Devon you know the what do you call it it's similar to the color in American so when they mix rest quarter yeah half something like that they they found it kind of offensive here but not in Derby like in not in territory they kind of proud of it he said Brian yes a real difference that's the thing like and that's a lot of indigenous in not in territory yeah all right I mean they they have less population compared to here but they they stay the in the group trade unless white people do and I'm still not quite sure what we should be calling our indigenous australians what can you say indigenous Australian or is all right so that's what I'm gonna say all pro prints borrows here hello hey how are you sorry to say Pro prints we're going to be ending the stream shortly we'll probably give it another three minutes or so but it's nice to have you join anyway even if it is at the end if you'd like me to come check out your channel just leave a comments after the stream so I can be reminded to do it so sorry about that as you week been so far a weekend should I say let's see sticky you go you're revving at the start you have to yeah all right stinky you're an expert penguin fell down the stairs I hope you're alright I sorry just wake up so they might be you know they might be somewhere near us in the world maybe if they've just woken up in its morning boys well it's evening for a lot of people when we stream but mid-afternoon for us right now uncle put up weekly stream we do do it weekly but I've m entioned a few times now that if we can ever stay up late and up late enough we're gonna try a different stream time because it's yeah this is not the best it's actually the worst time to stream when it comes to when our audiences online yeah the quarantine not much fun is it but hopefully you've been entertaining yourself prepense borrow it's 9:00 in the on Nepal I think this is a very first time we've had a Nepalese in a stream oh say 9:00 am there you go not a good time to stream for people when we're at the end they've got to get up early so how are things in Nepal propane's burrow we haven't heard much news about your country in terms of what's going on with the the pandemic I hope I can't say that gotta be careful of all those words by mid-week stream yeah it's with the amount of work that I've been having to do lately it's very difficult to do it but we do have one planned for a clash of clans to celebrate what is it seven years of clan away years of plan and 9/11 for California so it's not too bad of a stream time for penguin you know it's coming you come me because but ya can't go out went swimming little redress ah that's no good do they have they closed the beat - I don't even know if Nepal has beaches where oh oh your geography is better than mine so maybe he's talking about hey you're Shane I assume it's a because of the prints and it can be reworked revoir I reckon they're rivers are dangerous you got to be careful of that hopefully you can improve the the swimming it's important to be able to spin it's there I almost made the entire stream without hiccuping it happened right at the end forget about me that's alright alright say hey good to go or where is stinky you want to have one more or that's my last one alright so this will be the last race and then we'll end this straight now as per usual I don't know if there's enough people in the stream at the moment even have the competition that we've been doing at the end which is who will be the last comm enter commentator commenter and the first person to leave a comment so hopefully you're okay now Pro Prince it's not good when you have a scary experience in the water that's happened to me as well I've already told that story in a previous stream night Avenue have you had a scary experience in the water I told you right I think I'm not sure I'm not sure if you told me or maybe I distinguish simply yeah probably right look big a big guys at least like we go on always happens can't get through any video without getting them some lasts for a little while but not very long penguin did mean the last time I think my dad why he says Prince boring say sounds like he was okay after that because it is quite frightening when that happens I got scared when it happened to me alright guys say come have you finished yep say competition time who's gonna be the last person to comment for the stream thank you again for staying as long as you did everybody we appreciate that and have a fantastic week or rest of the weekend you had any final thoughts they're stinking well stay safe stay safe indeed all right thank you guys all right take care of you actually I'll just say now I can type well keep typing their prey prints boring because thankfully his parents came to help him which is a good thing isn't it alright so let's see the champions gonna be

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