Hola, sí, gracias por usar subtítulos en tu idioma. Esperamos que pueda comprender las traducciones. ¡Que tengas un gran día! bien, los pantalones apestosos harán un comentario increíble Oh, espera, deja un comentario si quieres que te escribamos una historia. Nos gustaría saber si prefiere que se traduzca el comentario (ya que creemos que somos aburridos) o podemos escribirle mensajes especiales. Será nuestro pequeño secreto :). Ssshhhh no le digas a nadie. Si se une al chat en vivo, podemos usar el traductor de Google para conversar con usted. Cuídense ... ahora están todos Oh, apaguen los sonidos del juego, chicos, ¿no quieren nada para los sonidos del juego o bajos o háganos saber ahora si quieren algunos sonidos del juego o ningún sonido del juego? ¿Alguien se ha olvidado de lo loco? el idioma que hablan porque no tengo quién es Dave se ríe es una locura Dave están locos los días ese tipo habla algún tipo de idioma solo neezy di que te refieres a nuestra banda sonora porque estoy tocando la banda sonora en este momento no es del juego que está hablando un galimatías me estás hablando vino Yo siempre hablo un galimatías lo siento, no sé si alguien está interesado, pero te voy a dar una actualización australiana Dios mío , hemos tenido algunas cosas locas sucediendo en este país por qué incendios en tres estados terribles inundaciones en otro estado, luego el otro día tuvimos una lluvia con lo que se llama una tormenta de polvo y eso golpeó a Mel donde estamos y luego también tuvimos una gran tormenta de granizo que hizo mucho daño para incluir en nuestro automóvil, así que sí las cosas no son geniales tienes que ir a conseguirlo El viejo seguro va en el auto en algún momento, pero esa noche no estoy seguro de cómo lo haremos porque vamos a ser tu camino, así que sí, hemos oído hablar del virus apestoso, los pantalones me han mantenido al día. con eso diciendo que en realidad también se ha encontrado en Australia, así que creo que en China es un viajero o algo que fueron encontrados en el aeropuerto, llevan el virus, dicen que no es un buen juego, el chico está aquí, ¿cómo estás, cómo estás, no puedes mirar porque Voy a la casa de la abuela, así que la familia de la abuela es lo primero, estamos felices de que hayas pasado a saludar, oye, apesta, pusiste los girasoles en las filas traseras y los tirabuzones al frente. Tienes ese traje rosa apestoso en la parte delantera. flores en la parte de atrás, increíble, así que en realidad tenemos algunos jugadores talentosos en la transmisión nuevamente, ellos podrán guiarnos bien Dios, el viejo apestoso y relajado, podemos costarme una implicación que no es por eso que estos Neil y su equipo de ropa la su ropa esta nueva tierra es el resultado del virus Wow pero estarían mucha gente en Disneyland y probablemente se extendió con bastante facilidad, ¿no crees que King dice chicos, tengan cuidado y si están prestando atención al virus apestoso pantalones anoche, háganme saber algunos de los síntomas pueden recordar alguno de ellos apestoso es como un resfriado como la fiebre del camino salado tal vez tal vez sí, así que ten cuidado si tienes algo de eso, ten cuidado, pero puedo verlo allí increíble, así que no ignores a tu abuela que vino como un niño, así que asegúrate de gastar algo de calidad. tiempo con ella, no en Los Ángeles, pensé que en China ah, podría estar bien, aunque escuché algunas noticias de que no impedían que la gente viajara incluso en las áreas infectadas, lo cual no es bueno, no querían arruinar las vacaciones de la gente o algo así. Lo que es una locura Plants vs.Zombies son los terceros juegos favoritos, así que tenemos expertos aquí, puedes mantener el tutorial o el consejo para los pantalones apestosos, un pequeño secreto que solía jugar a Plants vs.Zombies bastante uno, sí, ¿por qué no el número uno? plantas extrañas He estado jugando durante años, oh, él tiene experiencia aquí, no jugué durante tanto tiempo, sí, ella necesitará algunos consejos y también actuará al azar, lo cual es típico de los clérigos de hackeo al azar. Creo que ya dije todo, pero yo. ¿Cómo están? ¿Cómo están todos? ¿Qué pasa y cada vez que hackean? Probablemente nada bien. Me gustaría probarlo, pero no quiero que haga nada ilegal. Estoy hablando de un ácido no, no, probablemente no deberías hacerlo a menos que tienes, tienes, tienes convenciones. Noté dónde los piratas informáticos van a estas convenciones y se les permite piratear sistemas, por lo que es como una cosa, es casi como una competencia. Supongo que no sé mucho al respecto, pero he lo he visto en línea, eso es, tienen estos enormes montones de computadoras configuradas y entran allí y hacen estas cosas hola esta noche, oh, son personas que viajaron desde sí, bueno, eso es correcto, digamos que realmente nos pasó porque fueron encontrados en Australia. Mac está aquí, hey Mac, ¿nos vas a avisar? No importa dónde estés , parece que casi cualquier persona en Australia. Tengo que hacer esa pregunta en este momento, si has tenido que pasar o no por algún tipo de desastre natural. Parece que está sucediendo en todas partes y estamos teniendo desastres naturales. en nuestra casa así que bueno esa noche intentaré ser lo más entretenido que pueda, pero me estoy recuperando de una infección dental en este momento, así que estoy un poco mal y los pantalones apestosos se despertaron y luego me fui se volvió a dormir directamente después de que ella se duchara y eso fue más o menos él simplemente se volvió a dormir directamente No tenía todo, es como Kay Kay, aquí la lluvia ayudó mucho, eso es una buena noticia, así que sí, creo que todavía están ardiendo una especie de encendido y apagado aquí y allá, pero no ha sido contenido, pero mejor sí, y ciertamente tenemos la fuerte tormenta de granizo como no, esta bonita planta, sí, nunca había visto granizo así antes. Maureen, eso suena como un bloomerang australiano y3. como se llama un boomerang que no vuelve yo Creo que escuché esto antes, sí, te dije que un palo se llama palo puede ser cualquier cosa Creo que es un boomerang, sabes cualquier cosa, oh, espera, tengo la esperanza de que sea ruso porque solo voy a hacer ruso de inmediato, pero lo comprobaré después de eso, solo ten paciencia conmigo, oye, me gusta qué hay de Mumma porque es un boom, sí, eso es lo que Kane dijo directamente, por qué, lo siento, no puedo hablar tu idioma, lo estoy traduciendo ahora, es ruso, ¿qué? y él dijo que hay rusos, bueno, uno está bien, déjame polvo, rata, quiere entrar, cuelga del viejo y apestoso gato en Oh, apestoso, hmm, solo ten paciencia con que me atrape No sé si eso funcionó . nuevo virus sin que la sarna X charla de los sitios de hierbas y mis amigos todos de robar cada uno de los chistes otra salí de este acorde porque mi almacenamiento está muriendo eso no es bueno con suerte va a volver en algún momento cuervo X sí aquellos pero que estaba de vuelta facilidad cómo lo hizo date prisa Harry Potter baja la colina aah qué broma corriente reuniendo a JK Rowling Oh boomeran g Nathan dieciocho años el jakey dijo un palo agradable Discutí la notificación diciendo que P dot está en vivo gracias por tener tus notificaciones activadas todos muy apreciado de todos modos, a veces el mío no funciona, ellos lo tengo activado para casi todos los que están en la transmisión en este momento, pero me he dado cuenta de que a veces no lo entiendo. No es raro que en YouTube sucedan todo el tiempo. boom, es mi camino se ha emparejado hablando, sí, ruso, ruso, lo estoy intentando esto ha jugado lo que él, ¿qué crees que está pensando? No creo que nada más brillante, el cerebro está en blanco, boom, cualquier incendio que se esté produciendo allí, sí , vinieron, agregamos algunas lluvias muy fuertes, teníamos un cinturón de las tormentas de granizo , pero que creo que eso fue realmente solo Nolan y sucedió en Queensland también en algún lugar porque cuando hice el seguro, ella sabía que un día era un estado y otro día o es otro, así que ahí tienes, me refiero a papá. todavía no he nacido, juego este g a veces es increíble señor hombre ostentoso nos encanta recibir el consejo Oh, los pantalones apestosos obtuvieron un precio bueno loco Dave obtuvo el poder de presión JA, tu nombre es como pantalones apestosos eh, ponte pantalones de picadura, ¿cómo te llamas en el juego? mucho, pero no tengo notificaciones para alguien que recibe notificaciones a través de gmail de discordantes, así que sí, a veces me olvido, afortunadamente, que los randoms son buenos para hacer las vacaciones, así que es bueno que la discordia funcione bien , no tienes notificaciones para YouTube no seguro por qué no somos un canal para niños , afortunadamente hemos sido aprobados y todo eso, así que todo está bien. Ken Bob el Constructor, arregla cualquier cosa. Oh, sí, ¿puedes saberlo? Bob el Constructor Bob el Constructor ¿puede arreglarlo? sí, él puede, hay otros juegos llamados planta versus en mí héroes y sigan con el buen trabajo Vi esa planta versus en estos Harry cuando lo hice, si se puede llamar investigación, todo lo que hago es solo una búsqueda rápida para ver si un juego es popular o no no he rea lly los miró demasiado bien Clone Trooper AJ está aquí y juega el juego también increíble, así que sigue con los consejos, nos encanta, oye, Clint Reaper, pregunta loca, ¿te gusta Star Wars? Sí, me gusta Bob el Constructor, sí, cañón, sí. déjame preguntarte porque es un tema un poco polémico ¿Qué piensan todos de la película de Star Wars si la han visto o incluso si no nos han dado tu opinión porque mis hermanos son fanáticos de Star Wars? y él nunca dirá nada de que sea malo, dirás que todo está bien, pero tengo otros amigos que son fanáticos de Star Wars a los que no le han gustado muchos de los últimos tal vez oye, tengo dos de mis amigos que nunca vieron Star Wars en su vida, sí, sabes, tengo una amiga de Hong Kong, su nombre es Yoda, sí, me lo dijiste y estoy como porque estos tres hijos se conocen y luego continúan.Estos tres amigos se conocen.Estoy escuchando apestoso. bueno y dije que estos tres amigos están escuchando apellido tus tres amigos tienes que terminar esa historia, todos, todos en el chat en vivo, están colgando al final de esta historia, no es nada, vamos jefe, digamos que Patsy está de mal humor, una vez más, llamado lo suficientemente apestoso, repetidamente, ni siquiera la vida es ordenada, puedes estar gruñón inmediatamente después vamos, termina la historia.Estoy tan odiado joder mientras espero que las almohadillas apestosas terminen la historia déjame ver un picnic en el chat en vivo ah no sabes cómo es la letra pantalones de té es horrible Wow ah apagado todas las notificaciones probablemente deberías mantener las modernas para que los canales te gusten eka pista pista como nosotros tenemos meses seguidos a la semana y es posible que no las subamos durante las próximas tres semanas, tenemos que ver cómo dicen esos chicos Haré una publicación en la comunidad para eso, pero solo un aviso, es posible que no nos veas por un tiempo dependiendo de lo que podamos hacer, diría que está listo para la temporada siete de star wars the clone wars, eso es algo que tú no puedo obtener Clone Wars en el teléfono móvil, pero eso Es como un juego de PlayStation o algo, con suerte, alguien aclare que para mí, hombre, tengo tantas plantas en Plants vs.Zombies 30 dice que afirmar que el verdadero poder es que no puedes hacer este Canyon o Canyon multijugador, oh, viví, no creo Vivo, hablo demasiado, no me escuches, allí estaban los míos, donde ella se fue, todavía no tiene siete temporadas de plantas contra zombis.Me encanta, bromear. A todos les gusta este juego y Star Wars, todo lo que les gusta, piensa que la nueva película de Star Wars es buena, dice. Ethan ater asombroso Empecé a ver Star Wars de verdad, la afirmación se debió a que las películas eran bonitas . Apuesto a que tus amigos son mayores y apuesto a que soy un fan de Star Wars aún más grande que ellos. Te desafiaré en esa. Ethan es una gama en términos. de mi hermano porque lo son, son increíblemente grandes fanáticos de Star Wars y El señor de los anillos para el caso oye, apestoso pantalones lo hacen o no, no hay que intentarlo, ¿qué quieres decir? Bueno, cuente el resto de la historia o no, no hay a mitad de camino, oye, no sabes, sabes lo que tenía que ser bi g juego el original era de PopCap No sé en qué estoy en un lo compraste He escuchado cosas sobre aa que no son buenas, pero para ser honesto, en realidad no seguimos el drama de los juegos. Sabes que pueden ser una carga con respecto a Matt, oh, si me lo insinuaron algunas veces, chicos, hay un video que me gustaría cargar solo para verlas porque probablemente las obtendría. Si lo supiera, porque es que sabes que tú y yo obtenemos cualquier cosa en humanos se usa mucho, así que si eso sucede, gracias galón, visita los canales que destacaré, no creemos que veamos el contenido de ese tipo, una buena temporada, luego una ley de reclamos. es una serie de televisión que está en las tramas de Disney No sabía si está bien, mi temporada siete está animada, está bien, envíala aclarando que para mí mis plantas contra zombis y la llené con compras dentro de la aplicación. agradable, es lo mejor de la serie Star Wars. sí, sé cómo conseguirlo en juegos en línea que es aleatorio, sabe cómo sortear los puntos, desafío aceptado Sé mucho sobre el ritmo de Star Wars, me gusta todo lo que podría ver si puedo hacer que el hermano mayor en un día tenga una discusión con estos tipos porque él sería ijq no, sería muy difícil de cebar y oh, lo estás haciendo. de nuevo, oh, sí, creo que estaría diciendo que ni siquiera puede ir tan lejos como para nombrar a los actores de casi todos los personajes de las películas de Star Wars, detener el final, así es como está obsesionado con poder desafiarlo, pero el desafío aceptado. yodo, lo intento, dangit, inténtalo duro, fan de Star Wars que ha tenido la leyenda caliente, bueno, ya has avanzado en el juego, mira esta mirada, la acción, ni siquiera puedo seguir el ritmo, ¿qué estás haciendo allí con una papa? todos ustedes contratan a Shh ah para estar seguros de estar seguros de que no solo yo siempre como papa bien, es cierto que saben que son notorios luchando contra los pajaritos, ¿qué están hablando porque la hambruna en el día en que Claire Irish puede sobrevivir a su cita? muchos bebés, ¿por qué lo que quiero decir mmm sí, eso es realmente una mala hambruna en mainst resma y desde entonces es como Oh papas en irlandés Oh irlandés No monto también lo que estoy comiendo espaguetis y bastón de pan de ajo siempre me pone celoso, pero adivinen qué debo hacer, una alerta de spoiler de lo que si podemos subir lo que vamos a subir solo para provocar el dlg Creo que es mejor que tenga algo cuando en realidad no ha hecho nada y es posible que no podamos verla No me quedo con la boca Tomé una captura de pantalla de esa media como vi el centro de notificaciones tú porque apesta pasar hey no es mi culpa ellos en esto es inteligencia Sambi oh grandiosos saludos temporales no puedo leer eso oh dios mio consigue tu lupa vidrio temporal comentaristas comodoro vienen viajeros otra vez tu fingirás para ser este tipo, finge que soy mensajeros especiales han sido enviados para recuperar tus cerebros ahora, por favor, firma tus formularios de arrendamiento antes de su llegada. Saludos al doctor, chicos muertos en el jefe, sí. sobre me importa Pero Star Wars, no los actores, él ya está dando marcha atrás, ¿por qué te preocupas por el actor? No, está bien, Missy bling, bueno, esto no se trata solo de los actores, probablemente pueda decirte cualquier cosa que tengamos que averiguar algún día. él en una cepa nuestras lols temporada 7 Estoy bastante seguro de que la animación es muy diferente a feliz año oh yo no hice eso tampoco vino cane es increíble él ha reconocido a todos con la herencia asiática así que hablemos algunos diferentes idiomas aquí chop mung Nam oi eso es vietnamita para feliz año nuevo pelea de burros niño que ha estado durante todo el año hei gordo Choi cuál es el candidato me he ido todo lo que haces tuyo ah scindia incluso me ves mirar yo que suena chino diferente tipo de Los chinos están bien, entonces ellos piensan que viniste para reconocer que sí, tenemos los nombres de elección ayer y hoy es en realidad Australia el 26 de enero , día festivo de Wiersma mañana, unque sabe que el Día de Australia también es agradable uh Ethan I tareas i s la luna hecha de queso digo que sí queso suizo porque todo es sagrado nunca has estado allí temporada y no estarías hecho de queso no estás hecho de queso nosotros no de todos modos si me lo suplicas ¿no has estado? fuera de tu noche, ¿cómo sabes que no está hecho de queso y nadie pensó que la baguette? Lo sé, sí, vino un día y sabes que CH y alguien lo convirtió en queso, ese no es nuestro queso para expertos, está bien, solo di bien, oh Dios mío, estos cacahuetes cerebros son tan grandes, sí, no sé, me refiero como un jefe, tengo estos juegos y mi fan, completé todos los jefes, pero son muchas plantas, bueno, veremos cómo vas allí, puedes conseguirlo. todo hecho de una vez, no, sí, creo que puedes, eres increíble, pregúntame cualquier cosa sobre Star Wars. Te responderé correctamente, sin importar cuál sea la pregunta, pero cómo sé que no estás buscando en Google de inmediato, sí, ¿cómo lo sabemos? que no hay televisores, no hay cadenas, no importa cuál sea la pregunta, pero la pandilla se pone difícil. Si te mueves, se vuelve molesto, sí, pero estás mirando a un experto instinto de jugador. Pantalones, mira a nuestro chico. Ya estoy luchando en este juego. No creo que hubiera llegado tan lejos. No es broma feliz Australia feliz Día de Canadá cuando su candidato tenía curiosidad por ese apestoso tienes un amigo en Hong Kong que se llama Yoda ¿es verde? No estoy seguro, ni siquiera un matiz, sí , se ven arrugadas y viejas, tienen orejas puntiagudas como un elfo, yo no soy demasiado acerca de orejas puntiagudas o así o no las cosas no hacen nada como acortar Harry enseñó y Harry es ella acortó Harry y ella no es tan alta Oh, qué testigo, solo quiero vestirme, mira qué ver y es así no, yo digo ah ah el en la esquina de la esquina hay un tipo que tienes deditos diminutos imagina mis dedos gordos tratando de hacer eso no funcionaría Tengo un iPad y mi teléfono está muerto, muero, siento escuchar que el teléfono está muerto, ponlo en el cargador, con suerte, es el único problema de búsqueda de Yahoo es mejor que Google realmente no creo nk He usado años de búsqueda en Yahoo cuando tienes que jugar un poco de Minecraft, di esa noche al azar con tu Minecraft, parece que es un juego vertical, ahora dijiste bloques de rayos al principio con las cosas de inicio de sesión, se ve muy bien, pero luego va horizontal, pero si alguien puede aclarar si Minecraft Earth es un juego vertical o no, porque lo siento, juego horizontal o no porque me parece vertical, así que espero que alguien responda eso porque en realidad estaba pensando en hacerlo hoy para ser honesto hasta que Vi las cosas del juego vertical Yo diría que Canadá es el 1 de julio agradable por qué pensé que también se dijo América en el bolígrafo, no, eso es el 4 de julio, así que hazme una pregunta sobre Star Wars, responderé con mi cerebro para dejar de tirar Lo de arriba hacia abajo, que es en lo que estabas luchando, haz eso, hablamos, debemos ser hm no entendí muy bien que en la naturaleza soy un amante del queso aquí increíble ahora, si puedo recordar correctamente, eso es en realidad los campos de golf eran del clan de ella es impresionante para uniéndose a nosotros oh ellos varían los clanes han estado muy tranquilos de luz algo dando un poco de su paso atrás de dejar que todos los demás hagan el trabajo Ethan ADA y luego enchufar el cable de Rooter bienvenida al amante de la naturaleza Yahoo busca bien, no voy a leer eso Vi que has jugado más de cinco horas al día, pescado, qué vergüenza, pescado, ¿estás hablando de golfista o de hombre? Porque tengo que conseguir esos ocho ataques en un día. Dices que estaré ahí de forma intermitente. todos los ataques en no, no en minecraft, pero el minecraft normal sí, él está diciendo que minecraft earth es vertical algún día, podría hablar con aleatoriamente en privado sobre hacer todo lo demás, el pasa por alto todo, dice que no tienes que pagar, pero si tuviera que hacerlo normalmente tendría que pagar por el Minecraft, así que tendré una discusión No tengo idea de qué es, pero está bien, uno de los mejores juegos donde la televisión todavía me recuerda, lo intento, pero mi amante de la naturaleza incluso antes de que reconociera al amante de la naturaleza. fue gulp oh ella fue uno de los primeros suscriptores como way bac k en el día , creo que podría haber dejado un comentario en el primer video, no estoy seguro, pero recuerdo que me subí al canal de cabello durante mucho tiempo, pero ella solo subió un par de videos agradables, aunque incluso recuerden que hay uno con vientos realmente muy fuertes que soplan sobre palmeras o algo así y el otro no recuerdo recordarlo, vamos, eso es bastante bueno, gire un video en un canal solo en los diez primeros anexos durante cinco horas un día de la semana pasada, bueno, ¿por qué lo dije? Pensé que era para usar la multa, no necesariamente para jugar, sabes que es una locura, la FTC encuentra que alguien realmente es tan verdadero al azar que no se ha verificado porque la gente estaba preocupada por todo eso. Estaría muy sorprendido si encuentran que la cantidad total dice que es tan grande que la FTC ha encontrado a alguien por decir en una de esas palabras prohibidas y no es que no lo voy a leer porque entonces nos pone en esa categoría, pero ahí está la palabra que apestan como si fuera ridículo, ¿estás CALIENTE o eres y eso es? No soy una buena palabra, así que es ridículo y probablemente he usado muchas palabras sobre lo menos prohibido, oh sí, tienes a alguien jugando minecraft tecnología caída Skyblock sí , él está en el clan con saliva negra, sí, casi más de dos años en ese clan, el trago ha estado en manos durante mucho tiempo, así que apreciamos el dolor de la lealtad porque los ayudantes de Ethan nunca se fueron porque nunca dejaron la izquierda de Kane como cinco veces no sé cuántas veces, pero más de una vez pon el nombre de tu clan, es un solo clan y digo que no sé, lo tenía en un video de YouTube, sí, el teléfono, sí, usa el teléfono, ¿lo sabías? solo estás destinado a jugar a la casa un día, así que, de acuerdo, no estoy muy seguro de que haya pasado mucho tiempo, fueron como seis, sí, bueno, los clanes son principales durante probablemente seis años, cada vez que las guerras de clanes comenzaron la próxima transmisión, por favor juega Comando de Star Wars, bueno, lo descargué, eso es un vino, de hecho, puedo hacerlo para que lo veas como Star Wars sigue siendo un tema muy candente en este momento, podría servir, pero no estamos seguros de si podremos hacer algo durante las próximas tres semanas, la transmisión podría ser muy difícil, por lo que podría ser solo un par de videos normales, pero veremos qué podemos hacer y luego lo que iba a decir sobre algo dicho al azar también sí, él es otra cosa, chicos, lo jugué para siempre, tiene lugar en las vacaciones, pero la primera vez que me uní a ustedes me echó, lo siento, vaya arriba, pero sí, pateo a todos, ayudo a las amorosas donaciones, pero ella no es así ahora, en realidad es una de las que más apoya en el clan, así que es lo mismo para todos si no donas, eventualmente te echarán. Mis donaciones son realmente pobre en este momento, pero habiendo dicho por la actualización Phillip sí porque he sido lo que nada, sí, porque la cantidad de donaciones de fama que vienen de ti a mí, pero me gustaría contigo en una noche más seria si quieres un juego de progreso muy largo colocó yo era el comandante, tomó s para siempre, así que podríamos hacer eso en la siguiente secuencia cada vez que es ahora yo quiero tomar un momento para hablar con ustedes seriamente acerca de cosas en línea y lo he mencionado antes, pero quiero que todos aquí para ser muy cuidadoso no hay mucha información errónea que los youtubers publican, no hacen su investigación , harán afirmaciones que no son necesariamente ciertas, solo ten mucho cuidado, particularmente con YouTube, me refiero a que se rían mejor. No diría que es perfecto tampoco, pero sí, a menos que estés buscando algún tipo de instructivo para el video, está buscando información general , es posible que no obtenga nada preciso y lo segundo es que tenga mucho cuidado cuando esté en línea porque sabe que algunos jóvenes bonitos me han contactado y usted sabe en realidad han me hablaron de este cable si yo era su padre estaría cuestionando por qué están haciendo que sus padres podrían no ser conscientes de que están haciendo lo que estás a salvo con nosotros, pero se conocen y hay otra gente por ahí que puede tener Los motivos ocultos, así que ten mucho, mucho cuidado, ese es mi anuncio de servicio público de hoy solo porque he estado viendo muchas cosas últimamente que sí nah Quinn lo encontró, lo siento, pero no me uniré porque estoy en un clan con mi hermano y mi hermana, ah, y tampoco tengo suficientes trofeos en mi segunda cuenta para unirme, eso está bien, ya que tendemos a tener un clan bastante completo la mayor parte del tiempo, siempre que todos recluten a muchas personas que no conozco. Ethan ADA lo hace cuando le pregunté que había cierto alguien en el clan al que creo que estos tipos ya saben de quién estoy hablando y que ama a la gente de arranque que no vence a tantos, pero esta persona en particular realmente no lo hace. No hago nada para reemplazarlos y debo decir que la herramienta de reclutamiento ha mejorado, no es tan malo como decir que no puedes enviarle una misión diciendo que puedes hacerlo con más frecuencia ahora si la gente no lo ha hecho. Lo intenté últimamente, dice que solo tenga en cuenta eso: hay un consejo del día ahora que foto del día que iba a tener relacionada con las plantas Supongo que has plantado algo, si es así, ¿qué fue y cuándo fue la última vez que plantaste algo y además tienes plantas favoritas apestosas? Sé que tienes una flor favorita una serie de flores favoritas cuál es el papel que amas tanto flor flor morada lo tenemos sí lo tenemos así que pastan como una o dos en la temporada por qué estás hablando sí me gusta la flor morada cuál oh me dijiste oh Dios mío, no tienes remedio $ 11 sabes que te gusta vivir de Me gusta el olor oh te gusta el olor de la lavanda tienes cualquier otro favor así que no tienes que contarme todo golfista o amante de la naturaleza pero yo Sospechaba que ustedes, manadas de Rex y dioses, y todos somos amigos en la vida real también, si eso es cierto, hágamelo saber porque siempre los agrupo a los tres y ellos tienden a defenderse entre sí también, pero tuve una oportunidad con ahijado por quejándose de las últimas guerras de clanes, las manadas de Rex vinieron en su defensa, no Probablemente salí en su defensa como cualquier cosa que dije. Planté un jardín, lo odiaba y dejé que mi mamá lo hiciera solo. No es consistente. Yo era al revés de eso, aunque solía poner cosas en el jardín de papá y luego le encantó. me estaba contando lo bien que estaba bien, eso es bueno, me alegro de habernos ayudado en la escuela, teníamos un proyecto de ciencia sobre cómo crear ecosistemas, hicimos una planta que es increíble, desearía haberlo hecho , ¿ tuviste ese mini estuche? me gusta crear una mini en un acuario como tú también quieres hacer yo solía estar en el club de jardinería en la escuela primaria pero no me gusta la jardinería como recomiendo entonces por qué no sí que tienes que hacerlo obligatorio tú Sé muchas cosas que son obligatorias en la escuela, como plantar. Creo que lo hicimos en la escuela primaria y también teníamos como si fuera una exhibición agrícola o algo que tenían gallinas y patos o dos y algunos edificios viejos que levantaron. para mostrarte que la gente lo hizo en el viejo viejo da y digo y maté mi planta No soy bueno para las plantas de interior, también lo hemos logrado que han sobrevivido años ahora, pero generalmente no lo usé muy caliente, eso no es bueno, pero lo que comenzó a ponerse amarillo, así que Puse el colorante de comida azul al azar lo que yo están haciendo el agua otra vez sí, todos estudian en la misma universidad, todos estudian la misma carrera, amante de las carreras y no estoy seguro si quieren que los llame así o trago así que puede aclarar que para la ciencia estamos aprendiendo sobre la electricidad en los circuitos. Wow , un día podría ser un ingeniero eléctrico para la caña, a qué grado se refiere, acabo de terminar con esa unidad, podrían tener aproximadamente la misma edad, sí, por último, los paquetes de recreación son lo que estaba diciendo sí Rex Rex packs imperativo tuvo muchas conversaciones acaloradas sí las tienen y las he visto y creo que no me voy a involucrar en nada de esto, realmente no me gusta que me arrastren a la drama, pero sucede a menudo que tengo que entrar y defender a la gente y sabes que no Atacaré a cualquiera, pero iré a la defensa de la gente. Lo necesitan. Realmente tienen debilidad. Tenemos algo de encanto. El nombre del clan es bueno. Es un clan libre de drama, pero ya no puedes decir eso . Supongo que cuando lo hagas. He estado cerca de estas personas durante tanto tiempo que, aunque solo sea charlando, llegas a conocer sus personalidades.Creo que el golf tiene una personalidad muy dulce.Parece mucho dejar de ser cursi. Te dejaría por golf o cualquier día de qué estás hablando no me estás diciendo que tal vez no sea un ángel y nunca Shane Arcángel gracias, esto se llama tu Arcángel sí, hay muchos ingredientes que apestan con cuidado Frankie acaba de salir, es solo tu boca de baño e Internet por delante lee sí, realmente ven incluso a un golfista que escucha, no pelees con nadie, pero los demás sí, está bien, no veo YouTube sobre electricidad y soy muy inteligente y eléctrico, oh, bueno, de una manera desearía que vivieras en Australia, estás comenzando a hacerlo. algunos trabajan un La macro redonda de casa dice que no era obligatorio, él se unió porque todos mis amigos se unen a amigos, no porque todos los míos y mis amigos saltaron balones de fútbol para que no pudieran jugar fútbol y también decidieron unirse a un club de jardinería. Buen mes, no te quedes. un tenedor adentro y afuera deja que eso sea inteligente Quiero ser ingeniero mecánico cuando crezca agradable un ingenioso inador porque uno de mis amigos tiene tres grados es un nivel de genio es un ingeniero eléctrico computadora mira nuestra nota dos grados ingeniería eléctrica computadora la ciencia es un capellán muy, muy inteligente, así que sí, recomiendo encarecidamente que estudies, tu ingeniería dura es una buena profesión para entender por qué parece divertido intentar matarte a ti mismo, sí, mismo título, universidad, misma clase y llámame golf, estoy bien, así que llamaré desde ahora, oye, apestoso, no es agradable, creo que necesitamos un bebé, quiero decir, lo he dicho peor con la rodilla, pero solo lo he hecho una vez y sabes que en realidad le pregunté si se completó una transmisión para que pueda soltarlo resulta que no fue una monja me entiende bien estoy seguro, un director dice dulce de tu parte, bueno, la realidad es que las personalidades vienen a través de un chat de tres veces, así es como nos conocemos en el chat en vivo, en su mayor parte, solo he hablado con muy pocas personas que conoces y probablemente puedas contarlos con una mano para que conozcas a la gente a través de un chat en vivo y tengo que decir que un pez dorado es muy dulce y oye, si estás buscando un esposo mayor cuando seas un poco mayor, lo seré. dispuesto a cambiarte por mi la persona de la que soy el ángel de las artes aparentemente está bien papá, agarro a mi amigo y le pego un trozo de medio y una salida y, impactante, no lo hagas de nuevo recomendando que oye hiciste una pastilla de jabón al lado de tu sabes lavarle la boca ayúdala como dijeron mis padres que harían eso de hecho me pasó una vez cuando era un niño el jabón no sabe bien El vlog de Mona Lisa aquí hola como estás yo soy ella dice lo siento, no sé si estás aquí, es ella, pero supongo que eres una ella según el agradecimiento principal por n ot saltarte anuncios como lo hicieron los pantalones apestosos en la última transmisión, te saltaste un anuncio en una de nuestras transmisiones y eso es, sabes que sabes que no te pagan o que te pagan muy poco cuando haces eso, así que no lo hagas, sé cómo are you - sir it's good to see you in the stream are alexander's joined as well awesome we've got all the day all day here Jeff Adam says he bit a soap Baja all right I'm let's say sure I think I might have done that once to you with a really nice you know you get the really nice smelling ones that boutique soap that you can't did some of it smells it sometimes when you wash yourself you smell edible series all of the 3d it smells really nice that's why I bite you all the time cuz I because I just like biting you so I random you don't use that blocker on our Channel please they ain't even advertise it didn't I'm not gonna read that don't know what that one means how many times distinct you have to swear miss stream good question what roles well we are in the final year if you had the great scene will separate hopefully Gopi do you stay friends I'd have to admit most of my friends are from school I've kept them all this time I got a couple of friends from uni but pretty much only one from age degree I think it's only two friends from any that I've stayed in contact with there might be one or two more yeah I'm safe off your house I don't owe you my friends that that I never talk to so stay in touch with them you know it's there and I'll say that to anyone that's in school as well but you know if you've got friends you do you have to put the time and the effort into it over years you know some people are not that good at contacting others a lot of my friends were like that and at one point I was took a very hard stance saying look I've been calling you for years you never call back that's it I'm done and you do lose friends when you do that that's fine to you but then you have others like I've got one mate that I didn't speak to for a few years because he nev er called me and then when we got back in contact it was like nothing had ever changed and they're still best mates now there is also something that happened with his wife but see she was upset with me for whatever reason that I still disagree with but that's all been resolved so you know if you end up having fights with your friends make sure you get it sorted out because babe you know you find good people you'll want to stick stick with them for as long as you can and I hopefully will be doing that with all of these young uns that are in the stream and all the old ins that are in the streams that years down the track they won't get bored with this and I'll still be mates online mates this is a this joke is well I'm not gonna read that out if it's going to be ah ha ha ha Alexander said this joke is super daddy so I wasn't gonna read it and then he said I stepped in the mud and got my boots Teddy are there from different countries so it'll be difficult you can still do it though I've g ot to say Gobber because I have if I've got friends that live overseas Audion favourite mine sorry just bear with me mm-hmm in the final year Bo so read that of course you're doing everyone let's get that don't say that stop advertising that guys cuz you know you don't want people to know about that stuff so be difficult guess what I said chicken something like beyblading why why we sigit ah teacher I'm not gonna read that maka try and keep the the jokes family-friendly if you can because we do want to try and keep the channel family-friendly yep we'll try to be in contact but people they do get busy later in their own lives that happens as well aha we're just we are Oh Chuck oh if I can say this right no Josh car first Joschka I think that's right how are you how are you thank you for joining the streams I've just recently been in contact with air channel just to shout out to everyone I know that I've seen everyone's channels by now some of them don't have content like Ethan ater but check each other out it's what it's all about isn't it supporting each other and I'm trying to spread a little bit of a i'll love and cheer to other people as well cheesy oh look we already got a dislike that would be our our arch-nemesis online a little steep I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that how come I can't hear anything you should be able to well let us know hey puto do you think we can get 10k subs by the end of the year say that would be alright that's actually something that I was being motivated to do to try and get a lot of subs this year it does mean and I've said this in previous streams before that we are shifting the focus of how we can help other channels so instead of visiting them I still do it when I get the chance I do have notifications on for a lot of the channels that don't upload regularly because like I think it was set well someone said said before that they get a lot of notifications I do as well kind of limit it to those that do not played super frequently bu t what we're trying to do rather than visiting other channels is just when you come to the streams we give you a shout out as you get to know each other you know that you're gonna get support from other people in our streams because that's what happens when you join so it just means I've got to do more advertising a lot more heavily than I have so I'm not sure if we'll ever make that that milestone but we're gonna try I mean ideally there's two more milestones that we have to try and reach once 30,000 subs to try and get the join button and then the hundred thousand subs to try and get a manager or at least someone that looks over you at YouTube so they're the two main main goals although I think there might be something at 10k as well I'm not sure just know that they they have milestones there to unlock certain things okay so hopefully that answers your question how come I can't hear anything I don't know really copies and the screen is frozen there we go so that's something on their end someone make 8,000 YouTube accounts and subscribe to be topped that would be a lot of effort there under if anyone ever did that and I'm not recommending that would just be far too much work and let's face it they'd be dead subs you're not gonna join me on all eight thousand accounts better I appreciate the shout out there I made it much appreciated say finish sentence I'm gonna upload okay that's fine try to keep the dimensioning of videos and channels down to a minimum because we don't really want to encourage that you I'm setup before okay when is there going to be a COC stream so I've mentioned before we're not sure if we can do anything for how long three weeks did you say ah two or three two or three weeks won't try our best chances are the if we're even uploading once a week during that time chances are they'll be normal videos that might not even have anything to do with gaming and it's just whatever we can actually do if we can do it Said's yes sorry it's a bit wishy-washy randoms gonna do a face reveal soon no that's not what he said that's what I'm saying huh yeah look Alexander we we have attracted a someone who either creates multiple accounts or a group of people back in the day that for whatever reason just ain't like us and they're certainly still around I know that for sure I actually checked to our band the other day and there is at least seven accounts that had copied our name and they're all trying to trying to provoke us pretty much but say it's alright I like that you will home this is a great channel you'll do it my friend says Joschka thank you that's very very kind of you to say so I actually he said a little bit of personal stuff that's too much for Prudhoe yeah usually I don't but don't want talk about this sort of stuff but the reality is not that many people in our real lives know what we're doing and I yeah and I kept it quiet from my own family like I didn't tell my father or sibling what I was doing until we got monetized and on t hat night my sibling was kind of saying you know your commentaries he didn't say it directly but he was saying your commentary is kind of boring and I agree I don't think it's it's very good so I've been talking misting pants on how to improve that whether we should do more gaming like commentary on the actual game but then there's also interacting with the live chat so it's like a normal conversation so again let us know what you think how I can improve because we would like to do that oh my goodness that is long I'm not sure what he means is long one fish two fish red fish blue fish what's a fish I think that was a joke but I didn't get that one back in the day CAC was only for one year olds but it's actually restricted to 13 plus stinky sunflowers going the back says random you put the sunflowers in the back stinky look then if the sunflower at the back already eaten well good point well I'm pop-out I've just started I forgot what it's called I think it's called rain not sure what t hat one means another one says gum sunflowers go in the back yeah they do stink the back three speechless anything that she was going from yes no you are they're disagreeing anything that sheets goes after the sunflowers well three of them is saying sunflowers go in the back say oh man I like this channel because it's smaller and you interact with this and the big youtubers don't yeah well that's true to you I've actually looked at a few even medium sized channels with the live chat they don't interact at all so that's one of the advantages we do have them to be honest even if we got bigger and had hundreds of people joining the streams I'd be trying my best to still interact because I have seen some try to do that you do have a function where you can slow down the chat which we would do if it ever gets to that point but hopefully that will be something that continues because I've been told before that that's one of the attractive things that we do the the downside is I don't know if t he people that watch the replays find that entertaining do they or don't like and then picking you know interesting topics and things like that I'm quite happy to talk about anything but YouTube's not happy for us to talk about anything otherwise I would really wouldn't care that much about spreading political views or not that you know we're overly religious or anything but anything like that I wouldn't have a problem with but anyway it's the climate that we have online that you have to be kind of careful it's a rain joke because it never rains okay the sunflowers of the lawnmowers motors oh no the sunflowers are after the lawn Motors or mowers I think he's trying to say got that stinky mow is you main vacuum not lawnmower yes if you put it on the front then the zombies will eat it easy ancient Egypt vacuum is that what you've got now MIT's pyramid okay you read this ah I need a magnifying glass am i doing the same same voice oh this is the penny the wind penny so penny it's crazy dea th Penny's going to be an old woman through tetrahedrons are pyramids this one is not a platonic solid and tap to continue I'm so hungry I would love a platonic solid the tap to continue what is platonic solid like I guess solid plants as opposed to liquid plants if they sound user babe this is also not a taco salad or tacos I mean you're like Jay you like the crazy day because pussy Dave let's tackle and you loves tackle I do think tacos are one of the greatest inventions you should stream on Twitch it's way less harsh on what you can and can't say so - I know Ethan a subscriber Kane didn't like my old woman voice what a horrible old woman voice that's crazy Dave oh wait you wait you you'll wait for the next story Ethan ADA agrees with Kane horrible voice I can do one better than you please talk about Australian sometime it's a great country you're happy to do it we actually have we had Australians in the stream I think Mac is still again so if you would like to you you can ask any qu estions about the country I'll answer whatever I can I'm not too sure what you would like to know about Australia I will mention that these bushfires have you heard the latest estimate I know is over 15 million acres that's a huge amount of land that's been burnt and then another bad statistic is apparently like a billion they estimated billion animals of died already you know I guess that may or may not include insects and everything else but yeah and you talk a billion living things have being wiped out that's just it's terrible and I hope that anyone that did these deliberately lit bush fires yeah go to jail they never come take a very hard stance with that my video and show is kind I'll read a book - yeah some fair and yeah it does seem like I've heard that as well let twitch favors females because of the whole you know girl gamer if you attractive looking on that night I'll mention I saw a bit of twitch drama about this one particular streamer that she's very self entitled I've ne ver seen behavior that disgusting shaming people into giving their money it's crazy oh by the way we've got super chat ah and super sticker of oh geez and a patreon we get X zero out of all of that but that's fine we don't expect anything probably never will get anything no no one wants to support us today stinky no that's not true they support us just by showing up and learn comments and likes and things that's all we really need we just need to be loved because there's no love at home is it stinky yes jóska if you'd like to ask us any questions about australia would be happy to answer them I'm also very curious where that name comes from or you don't have to answer where you're from but I'm always curious tonight there you go it slipped it in this thing erases they ask the same question as well anyone you hey what I love you a new tax pays what cowsy what new tasks you have to do smart commented on zombie implant and here we go there's a he's a zombies in the plants here the plants p lan alright say just like we would expect of stink pants plants have no brains neither does aam be for that matter so it's a pretty brainless game at the moment look at these potatoes go and fly awesome stuff and she's got in here I didn't put potato got these things potatoes no that's like walnuts or some walnuts come on think your place like the plants stink pantses knots are out in front what and then what are the other what's that other thing that's that's slinging stuff and flower bloom is that before I threw a bloomerang once that never came back now I live in constant fear and sunflowers go at the back who loves sunflower seeds look at a guy stinky pants you're absolutely destroying the zombies at the moment I gotta say nice one I only talk to people who with brains never talks to anyone in the work anymore well I guess I won't be talking to anyone at home either you know you know why you never see elephants hiding up in trees because they're really really good at it just like t hat one again why do you never see elephants hiding in trees I'll still be just really really good at it I don't get these they really good at hiding in trees therefore you don't see them like the drop my inability to make you laugh is what makes you laugh well that's not good let's hear a joke from sting pants yeah that's right not a single one day up so you should be doing pity laughs all over the place all right so now we're in round what what round are we in five six so look this is the flower sunflower peashooter walnut and this is the potato ah so you do have Chinese cabbage cabbage polt okay so a little Georgie you've got some food you make me hungry for sir I don't know what is this trend can you guess what it is great Buster what is the real real really deep Lance name would there be a reality plan because that's what they use all like ice but to make a character leeks this one bok choy yes right so what this is I don't know great buster regular great Buster right but it doesn 't look like a great that's a look like great anyone have some idea about this plan tell me please I can't think of anything that's right what I'm blind people skydive skydive I heard this again yes and you can't remember any day cuz it scares their dogs oh sorry I pee with the job science is awesome all saying did you know that your brain skips the second end oh yeah they are I just did it did you notice that science is awesome and science support is awesome also and end did you know your brain skip the second hand and I did as I was reading it I skip the second hand sokar the brain says you don't need to read that it's redundant the second in the second Manley's a main and redundant ego that says showing off a little bit of the old vocabulary it eats the tombstones the grave a neighbor what she's asking is like what real plant does it relate to because all the other plants seem to relate to something hey man what's up what's up mr. glitzy man another loyal day oh gee look at the DOJ they're all here not all of them but quite a few of them stinky so I'm doing back to the commentary I out comes through the plant that we don't know she's got our line up with the sunflowers but you're not at the back there they're spaced at the back apparently no I she disagrees she disagrees with the entire chat you don't put the sunflowers at the back not the second row and then you got your wall Moxley wait you do it stinky always does things her way like Peter Allen it's a cactus cyst Kane huh yeah that looks like a cactus hey hey Kayne's our resident genius in the strain he said great buster right that's nothing sounds like them well maybe there's a cactus that's got something that's rather sounds like grave or bust are like barrel buster barrel grave spikey see the connection there there and as they're fighting their war there look at those bok choy just waving in the wind man making me hungry for bok choy you got things slang all over the place the window aah zombies cracking through your defenses there nice one yeah you just Delta a walnut yeah you did a blade to the old giblets didn't you because the walnuts technically like giblets huh in fact walnuts look a lot like giblets what stop talking now I thought is family friendly hey Ethan ADA says well stinky I disagree with you what do you think about the sunflowers in the back she doesn't like it and I gotta say you're doing well here say maybe Stinky's got the right you know if that said she's an expert in zombies they're plants vs. zombies one suspect she might be knowing what she's doing with - well they you know first-time game yeah arrogant yeah arrogant thinking meat you know better than the people in the stream there I can't disagree is he doing so well these zombies are coming in full force now don't know what these brown camel looking things are bidden why have they got to two humps or three humps but with four different tiles it's like a shield t hey use it like a shield Oh he comes a mummy here come to mummy I didn't even know this game at mummy is that like the the big boss this one our players on the back on get her mum and say fat chicks here we go again with days sunflowers go in the Francis fandom develops again by PI was the first one to mention giblets see me strength ah not the first one to mention water some flowers going the left side so mama's so ugly when she tried to join an ugly contest they said sorry no professionals I like that one nothing from stinky she's concentrating hey Peter can you explain something for me where does cheese come from I've heard that one cheese comes from animals that produce milk so you can't just say cows you can have goats cheese sheeps cheese you can probably have a big cheese human chi-wai isn't even gonna come up with human cheese why do they have to know just because you can my I thought human brains were all about just because he can why fly to the moon well because he can why se nd a probe to Mars because he can this is active get more ridiculous is that not the reason that third the the feet of human but or my personal favorite why would you surf those monster waves that could wipe you out in an instant because you can for my entertainment I don't discourage the big wave surfers from doing that because I love watching it I would just never go and do it myself your mama's so stupid she tried to climb mountain Juke that's a good one Cain's got some Reapers today your mama is safe fat and old that when then spiritual being I don't even only had to say that word said they might be like he asked your mother to move it out of the way your arm is so we've got mama so ugly James oh they both said the same jokes one after the other nice one stinky you did it again lookie here you go it picked a great game for you so curious to know does anyone get you sure that was in in going man yeah yeah oh so they this one does having gay men's oh I'd be curious to know whether yo u guys have been receiving either pop-ups or normal ads throughout the stream because I know last week we had one at the very start but I never see them during the streams same don't even know what the rules are without saying yeah curious all of these more hang on oh your mama's so fat that when she sat at Walmart in Walmart she lowered the prices your mom was so stupid that she thought the quarterback in football meant she gets a quarter I also thought that don't know don't know the positions of the old football players in the NFL or gridiron his we call it that's what it's called Barry's on its team I don't know I might eat something stupid what did you do I'm Nydia that out of you all right well I was actually gonna ask Ethan ATAR question there about oh yeah I want to know about Walmart I hear his online YouTube they say the people that go to Walmart are quite strange and why well that's what I thought - you bet it's a huge it's not like our supermarkets saying there's a huge by c omparison you know if we have you been to a Costco here cuz we you have not here no never been to Costco but I happen some macro is the brand that we have in my country now before I start yes you mean crazy day crazy die if we're gonna put on a crazy voice there is our plant called on there is a plant call on my banana phone it's an SOS tap to continue no reasoning plants if we don't help no get this candy is it penny oh hey what was penny I forgot the boys music oh grandma well the he'll be sitting plants if we don't help let's take back route and save them tap to continue stop dr. Conte new warning what's the point of that your mama so stupid she thought dr. pepper is a doctor when she went to visit talking to a carbonated beverage by being some of the wonderful Ambrose's that are out there there you go yeah I'm just testing the variability that I may or may not have I mean maybe you have but you don't know how to spell it right miss Bella yeah you're not you're no spelling bee who asked you how to spell I don't ask you actually I do spell me marshmallow mas HM a double L Oh W this champion model are you sure there's aw at the end him others say stupid that winning entry to break into a house she ran downstairs dialed 9-1-1 on the microwave and could not find the call button and then cook something food nine nine hours and 11 minutes that's a long time to cook anything remotely so ugly the people breaking a house to close the box for any mothers that are out there D these are just jokes disclaimer please don't be offended people in today's society get offended way too easily too easily they get offended everyone should take a leaf out of A ustralia's book we we laugh at ourselves we don't take stuff too seriously and lessen space to be taken seriously that's the way you should live your life now you thought that was pretty funny and they are pretty funny jokes coming today it's night night dad about that it's super crazy it means your mama so fat I took a picture of our last Christmas and it's still printing oh these guys have got great momma jokes these are the best momma jokes I've had in a long time you never say fact that even Dora the Explorer can't find it candle can't find it cop night you mighta safe at the door I can't even explore it did she say that you haven't safe at it took me three train rides and two bus rides to get on their good slate if you know what I made though they're great love loving me I've said that joke since elementary school what DJ dough plants guy in the back there I'd say making four more of the Jake's yeah how come you get to spin around like that and what does it do when you spin your b ok choy oh look at them punch away didn't they this their bok choy punch zombies nice one it's not zombies it's plaid bok choy his plan are you nuts yeah you're not sticking what I said I did hear what you thought I until we're gonna be red playing my Estrella afternoon's finished I can show you what's going on there does anyone have any interest in Egyptian culture because I do have you been I actually went to aa exhibition once I almost get into the UK Museum and at that time they have um what do you call it like special even yes for mummy under the water but you have to pay so I'm like maybe not what I don't know it's it's special even in UK Museum about mummy something I can't remember what it is so maybe there's nothing right well is I guess the mummy mummy jokes are appropriate to my needs things you got mummys stink pants doesn't know what she's talking about they're doing Jake was at the Ryman Street I heard that one mama so ugly that she made one direction go in other directio ns I like that now don't know much of why you don't like the brand bunnies in the bands oh I don't know much about them except that's the one that Harry Styles is in he's in the only band remember that I know who was Perry spy he's the gup-e mother Prince I'm saying the good-looking one he's a very good-looking young man Harry Styles ballet I mean they all in boy bands they're all supposed to be but he looks like he could be an actor you know you can he could do that transition and be a listy one day and then have Ricky Gervais is making jokes about him yeah well that's true too it's you know he's safe at the wind she stepped on the scale buzz lightyear came out and said to infinity and beyond you shoulda say you laughing at the fact that I did the the pointing like he does yeah does likely to infinity it's we should have the face cam revealed so they could see me do that that's what made you laugh now your mama say fat belly button gets home 15 minutes before she does these cracking m e ie tonight her and kind of cracking me helping me straight I'm laughing evades jokes yeah Fanny one that watches the replays in a foreign language they might be thinking what the heck I'll lay by this stage it probably won't translate this firing you got to get the jokes in in the first hour for it to translate if you're saying your mama so fat that when she sits down we lose a country I'll be right back we've got to use the men's room I thought you'd be using the mama's room that wasn't really enjoyed by no one laughter that I got a no reaction from stinky I haven't but can you actually into it I'm just doing something else can you actually plant plants in this game what incubate them like when you fight with the zombie and they drop some small plan you pick it up and you put in your own here can I come in I don't know what it does get why is Ami's carrying plants or seeds I shouldn't say I'm not the game designer I don't know I just know that's what iconic and that's why ya know Ka ng's gone to the the men's room to the latrine and water closet Danny as we call it in Australia he call it the bunny yet huh toilet we call it a Dunning gander the Danny mm-hmm why you called that I don't know it's just a word that's used hey what did you what did you say Oh another game developer I'm not the the Australian language inventor his phrases being around oh yeah you just copy from England I know didn't call it the dunny they might call it a powder room or a water closet wait oh oh I got one thing you know number one and number two what is number one and number two number one is the peepee number two is it universal I never heard about this before my friends start to use I mean my colleagues start to use and they not there they're Asian right foundation and a half money who from Australia no the only one who used it was no then then when he comes back you say say how was it sleek and fast oh I see me how many know you know for nursing there is number as well one two three f our five six seven - say how is it die is it for human beings to be you know using that it's good for you know if you using cows and chickens and so on why not human then if you were yours countess use your own thing because usually when you get exposed to that sort of thing from your own well I don't even know if it works with animals but human beings shouldn't be mucking around with their own stuff why because you can spread disease and things that way quite right that is wrong cow nein why because it's because it's a cow what there's no reason you know you know reason good reason you're not space to Mike Rann with cat stuff cuz that spreads diseases and it can cure and why is different doing Teton town human I'm not the inventor of animals I didn't I but I may have weights but I know it's true because you're not English between town human and cat and you say our poop is pretty bad if you start going around playing with rat bags number twos don't come near me that's only one red bag him I must say fat when she skips and me all the stock market plummets that's true too no I would say fat when she goes camping the Bears fight their food that actually stink pants the skinny but bears would hide their food from stinking to you and I'm gonna say fat I swear to me say in my car and I ran out of gas cuz I have to swear say five stinking these jokes are really yeah maybe stakes are quite understandable I got so even for you stinky be able to get most of them Oh son Flint are they they're not in the back well you've got this other flare in the back stink all right just go back into the normal commentary purple thing comes out there zombies are dying left right and center the plant sir is this like checkers us not check his bit you've got to try and cover the board until it gets to the end is that the game yeah alright so you just gotta keep progressing forward move forward what is it go forth and conquer stinky you might wanna say that if she buys a whole fur a whole speci es Kay's extinct you won't say fat when she steps on the scale it says to be continued or do that that one's a little close to home though well what do you mean when your old uncle Peter gets on the scales at gaze past the limit doesn't it then we gotta count you got to do the maths after that the little needle goes past the maximum we had and spins around again oh this is why I hate face reveal no one wants to say that but when she see your mama say moments so fast when she steps on a scale and says to me oh no that's the same joke from before and I think you mean fat lot faster look at you go you're fast you got the bok choy doing see damage Walmart's are getting in there but I know what that other flower is what is it it looks like a daffodil it's the bloomerang bloomerang bloomerang what do you call it a boomerang that doesn't come back a sneak-peek that's upside you saying the same joke in the stream three four or five times I think anyone's listening to me at this point yeah you' d never listen to me anyway dia huh what's with the music why why does the camel come in four parts what's with that then why is it a tree how about three parts these funded two humps the lost art news for them oh I already killed the first half then I can say there's a zombie there with a flag that's got a brain on it what's going on brain oh no I think you need many fried gas magnifying glass is open okay all I see is one zombie left design so that I kind of steel bucket on the top of the head so it can take more damage and it's not an endless supply it looks like as well right to the very end of the board you didn't finish your story I already decide no more you're such a crank pants pants they say do it all go home you mama so stupid she put two quarters in her ears and thought she was listening to 50 cent that's American currency but I still get the joke that's funny you know headquarters like 20 they have a 25 cent piece that's what a quarter is I know yeah well you guys say you know American cants the currency - you don't need to know currency for that well we don't have a 25 cent piece yeah but you might have you just get 127 classified said well II don't know the difference between a nickel a diamond and what's the anointment nickel the diamond any a penny and nickel and a dime I think a penny might be a 1 cent piece but Oh Ethan ABCs he's listening we got one person that's listening it's you your mama so fat she brought a spoon to the Super Bowl that's great you remember say Steven she started a cup of orange she standard a cup of orange juice for 12 hours because it said concentrate to get that one the stinky you got that one concentrate oh then came said are you fighting all these jokes from best life so I guess he's giving away where he gets his jokes Oh Nathan eight is saying no I just know honkers either night it's it's at school all day long telling my my jokes and then when they have the school pickup zone you know we're the parents skater pick up t he kids he stands out the front there at the Cape just yelling out momma jokes to everyone to all of the soccer moms and come pick up the kids that's your job right that's why I take you don't say stupid when they said order in the court she asked for fries in a shake is that all was that fat soft say stupid say fat your mama's so fat and stupid but when they said order in the court she said I'll have everything on the menu thank you okay that's my job that's cooperating fed and Steven ah okay at least I understand it for fries and a shake your mama safe at the wind she fell I didn't laugh but the sidewalk crack up where do they get these I've never heard any of these jokes and they're great stinky you want to start learning some jokes yes that is always sad school let me make you a promise facts understand a joke maybe GZ third a degree in a profession that relates to momma jokes these guys would be at the top of their field they'd be making a fortune who's gonna love it say back to t heir the gaming street arts put on it's called Google's is game well this is where I get all the jokes that I've got from these days they're all Google once it's called tor we all know about it be careful if you're gonna get on the dark web I've done it I found it quite boring to be honest there wasn't a lot there that interested me and the bad stuff you're not interested in why are you doing well you're for nice zombies are breaking their lines they're stinky what's happening is you don't have your sunflowers at the back what's going on what can't you use them you've got so many they're bringing out the walnuts bring out the heavy guns why time limit is too often you can muck around with things like you got to collect stuff to be able to do that or Stinky's in trouble could this be the first loss for the stink pants thanks she swore there's one zombie with her you'd better take care of that zombie and the one behind it then the ones behind that she's doing well scraping through nice o ne too your mama's so stupid she sat at a stop sign until she got tired because she was waiting for it to say go have you ever seen it go sign in your life I've never seen that I have seen traffic light green you medical side no no no it's gonna be like a stop sign except green that says go different from a traffic light and by the way your mum's so pharoah carers stretch marks odd this is objective I forgot to read it but I complete you actually did do it nice one stinky you are the champion sexy I have to say are you gonna talk commies mommy only it's gotta be I want the daddy jikes you're you're offending stinky now say make him well it is a substantiating mummy for daddy it's still gonna be designed jokes well then well then she wants to hear dad jokes now you know dad Jake means something completely different night that's what I tell don't okay Who am I doing crazy days and pennies this won't be the first last and there will be more last to come to continue okay good make sure you you read whatever you're supposed to do there in that one happy I just read it out as a dad joke they're still saying mama jokes dad your dad to say stupid when thieves break into his house and stole the TV she chased after them and said you forgot their might I like that he's think quite funny and very witty where does the general keep his armies where does the general keep he's arming any sleeve ease keeps use I'm using nice ladies yeah stinky doesn't get any of them possible prefect k98 he's from the time way and this is all I do I have no life now he's ripping them out pretty quickly say I have no answer I'm sitting on the fence line with that my name that died Google Jake's and I steal him from from the people that tell them I was gonna use randoms Mira Jake one day he thanked me for not stealing it by Yoda there are some daddy Jake's coming in hang on oh there's different kind of Jake's how does the squeak go into battle well I think I heard that in a previous one what's the bes t thing about Switzerland I don't read them you're telling the same jokes you did in other strangers yeah no I've had all of these jokes before when Keynes got a new one your daddy is so bold that I used his head as a mirror is that you know how people get really really shiny heads did he ever tried to look at your reflection in a bald dude that really polishes his head try doing that why aren't koalas actual bears they don't meet the qualifications what do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals Philip Philip hey you got a laugh here too stinky for that one nice one what's he T is short for because he's only got little legs but a bear a bear walks into a restaurant he tells the way now I want a grilled cheese the water says what's with the pause what do you mean the Bears replies I'm a bear of course I've got paws Billie's tell here telling the same jokes there never tells would never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes that way when you criticize them you'll be a mile away and you'll never and you'll have their shoes that's actually quite poignant G on ripping out the words today oh no he's not impressed at all they - I see they're coming so fast now two men on the opposite side of a river one shouts to the other I need you to help me get to the other side the other guy replies you're on the other side Stevie your daddy say stupid he took a ruler to the bed to see how long he slept these are quite witty what's the difference between a hippo and a Zippo one is really heavy and the other one is a little lighter like that one to you do you know why does he play lotteries oh gee you're smashing this game look at it here at the end there already nice one what do Alexander the Great and we need to poo you have in common the same middle name Alexander the Great we need the stink of the pants silence that's what I get from you stinky yeah what did the mayonnaise say when the refrigerator door was opened what what did the mayonnaise say when the fridge door was opened no close the door I'm dressing dressing but my own eggs it's a salad dressing you use my own s or salad dressing that's for cold sores my dad all I see right I stand corrected said the man in orthopedic shoes now I might have to put that is the pin to commend well I love that one that one's great TR say five on the jacks I used to be addicted to decipher but I'm clean now what did the left eye say to the right eye between you and me something smells your daddy say Stephen you know Tommy's next to me something smell my heavy shell head this morning oh geez the shit that's what mama stinky yeah why's my mine why I stink pants and you peed on that's what I want I thought that's the plan that was their deal if you go back to the original videos that's how but then we add the cartoon characters and I looked more like poo dot and you looked more like stink pants I think that's how that work plus the real story you know we know whose food your poor stink you daddy say Stephen I told him if you guess how many dollars in my pocket I'll give him both of them he said 3y is in when the wettest country because the queen is reigned there for years reign it's hard to explain puns in to kleptomaniacs they always take what do you call it when Batman skips church who cares about Batman Christian Bale Bale the guy gets two events started by a goldfish the salesman asking do you want an aquarium the guy responds I don't care what star sign it is aquarium Aquarius what do you call a beer with maybe is B whoa you've got a zombie there on the final line of defense begin there's more zombies coming gee you're very confident there Archie because its final web to see this at the flag you're saying how many ways I can't even put more plants anyway I can't this is like zero you need to have some to plan and this is like they got objective for this particular game that you can use more more than two grand but now did you know that you're definitely gonna win these because I sti ll got a lawnmower where is it oh I thought that is the background you got lawnmowers ball this is like like the pyramid or crazy Dave house or something and you have to protect the house so you got this is like last resort you don't have to worry about the camel milk I need real 600 C nice one no one more your mama's so stupid when I said drinks on the house she went to get a ladder exaggerations you're getting back to the number ones in twos one two three well number four it's already eternal life so what added them to it what is it what's what's gonna be better than that well that's true oh she dippin doing oh I'm so far behind in the chat there's been that many jokes but some of them obscene before so I'm gonna read those out your daddy say dumb when he jumped the fence the gate was open what's the difference between a golfer and a skydiver a golfer guys whack done and asked I gave a skydiver guys damn whack you're the one they're whack cuz they golfer and like you know me so I'm n ot gonna bother explaining if you don't get it I said said that one you're literally saying what I said last three more they've got the Jake was coming they all laughed when I said I wanted to be a comedian well they're not laughing now that sounds like me two cows are grazing in a field one cow says to the other you ever worry about that man's cow disease the other cow says why would I care I'm a helicopter because it's bad my talking a physical therapist that I'll break my arm in two places it's you hang on I've read that one before as well what did the swordfish say to the Milan you're looking sharp Peter yes I remember a lot of these jokes in games here hey hey how are you good to see you probably left already because that's what we do yeah what we never responds after a sale hi say he may have gone already and again I think he speaks Spanish or Portuguese I random you literally saying how do you make Halle water you boil the heck out of it hang on these steaks I've read it before well glass coffins be success be a success well that remains to be seen your mama's so old their social security number is one well we got the old joke stick at Jakes fat jokes they're all coming they'd say old she pre-ordered a pipe boy your daddy say fat when she went to court and the judge said order a now someone just said that joke before in the same stream I can hear it from you mama so stupid she went to the eye doctor to get a know fine your daddy say fat he's both sides of the family noise fun say we're getting you mixed with old at the moment and I think I finally caught up I did took a while and stink pants she's catching up as well with a limited attacks here is it what are the little grain things there what we have to protect basically this time is there a new plant no I don't know what it is don't ask me are you gay you haven't even lost yet have you have you lost one Wow see expert I was telling this thinking you want to learn how to play pen plants vs. zombies don't put the Sun flavor let's keep from night at the back you follow you stinky pants this method seems to work you are ripping it at the moment impressive I can't I think this might know I have faith you've still got the lawnmower thing you haven't me yeah but you have to protect it not step on this thing I think that's what I think on the little green things mmm that's not good I thought they were part of your defenses no it's not defense at all it's something we have to protect but I don't know what it is to me I don't know but it looks like you're out of zombies oh yeah nice one stinky wins again look at the stink this is all these two teeth that I sometimes don't even mean you read it this time make sure you know what you're doing because I've got a say sting in terms of thrusting a new game on you technically not a new game but we'll call it a new game for you this is the best performance you've ever had is that fair to say I don't know maybe I mean because I'm late number one before I'd kind of know the basic then the last one last you really did well in that - you didn't die until the very end that one as well I play that always so I gotta find all the old games are you plating get you know play those about that your daddy's safe at that when he passed gas what can I say father the present blame him for global warming now that hits a little bit take place time Jane doesn't it stink pants think who your thoughts are responsible for all kinds of chemical warfare let's face it it is you put the fear in everyone ratbag me anyone that's within a mile yeah doesn't care too much I'm surprised yeah Oh stink rat pants that's the next character for the channel is and it stink pants what are you gonna do for this one's thinking this one protect the plan in that you know the spatial color same thing yeah Kane says you daddy say shorty made no yeah your daddy to say shorty make Kevin Hart look tall my question is how tall is Kevin Hart because he looks tiny to matter to my mind using the American vernacular he looks about five foot four he looks smaller than you sting okay well maybe your height I don't know it seems like a very small fellow but very entertaining is pretty funny look it up uh I'm here entertaining the street the streaming thing saved I've been trying not to do research during streams every now and again on I will needs be now your daddy II know I read that on your daddy and I read that one typical walk into a bar I forgot the rest oh five foot four I was spot-on with that five foot four and what are you we don't mind I'm thinking five foot right foot something nothing five foot nothing hey I'm taller than that girl pygmy Archie went out into the Amazon one day pick me pick me pick me pick me that's how he met isn't it I went to the Amazon one day looking for a tribe in the jungle found a bunch of pygmies and they were stopped being ressies how's that racist picking pygmies are known for being a small peoples united so didn't say that about As ians anymore that also used to be known as small people but now they're giants geez all the cousins are taller than me now huh you'll pick me there are different generations technically though at least ten years apart Pete me do you think school in the kettle black I'm taller than everyone in your family oh you sisters bite your parents I'm a giant amongst wolves what happened why did the screen guy blink what Z the first loss okay now your the the zombies ate your plant they like my voice like Remy in the game I don't even know what she's like you know ever again Cain you're the one that asked me to be the radio voice Enzo and he's saying that I never do it again be tonight it says some summer funny the ad is say loud in noise-canceling headphones sorry we can't do anything about in-game Ed's since I'm 6 foot 3 inches when people say they are 5 foot 8 I say yeah 5 inches too short that's true isn't it I'd like to be tall yeah what happens if I put on a really good impersonation like M organ Freeman or Arnie Schwartz nigga I'm Andy Dufresne I forget the name of the movie now I gotta practice some baddies the truth it's it's a little bit better when if I listen to it and then try and do it it's much harder to do it off the cuff but Kane doesn't like my voice acting no wonder no one does Ethan ATAR said he said summer funny say get to the chopper is that in the Arnie Arnie voice and I've got a Chinaman honey I would be back get to the choppa that's terrible I gotta listen Donny again that's the problem if I listen to him it's like with the Star Wars dream I actually prepped first loosening this some Star Wars stuff and then trying to copy it dawg Kane's off he's got to go by all other dlg games next time PSP taught never voice well well well then thank you for staying for as long as he didn't tame the radio voices bye-bye he only likes the radio voice no other ones came Cain's very fickle he tells me not to do this not to do that don't ever play this game again I guess I gotta follow what Kane says he's one of the the original dota geez I gotta listen D what part of the army the babies join the infantry infantry stinky gets the jokes I can tell when you get them you think it'll a fattier in-game ads did you think if you straining something that's just free advertising for those games isn't it as a place the total advertising for the game then you're playing well you've progressed quite a lot in that map haven't you ah looks like it and you got a whole lot of plants that are open to you she knows exactly what she's doing no I got yeah you do well you've only lost one in all of that time too already when was the other one this is it's the this game that I haven't passed this tax yet say he's never you're at because I was saying if this start of the stream that it does get to the point where it gets really hard so you at that point I don't think so but it's just giving handies happening you do your strategy business strategy business yep and you're goo d at strategizing you know for the he may say random like that day there's been some awesome jokes in this particular stream I'm very impressed and this might I'm not too sure what's gonna happen here because sometimes when stinky loves the game she'll keep going and I know she likes plants vs. zombies just the eggs up but he's at the - I know Wow really but I don't the the downside here is I've got a couple of clash of clans attacks to try to get through that probably isn't gonna happen now there's a white guy with a boost and it's probably got less than an hour to get three attacks in not gonna happen however what does happen is if sting pants loves the game I don't get to see my fame for the next few days like last day on earth I couldn't believe how did you got to that that really took the cake and man versus wild when you said to me please take your phone back but I keep playing like I do isn't it stink when she got a smile on her face and she's concentrating like this I can tell you guys she's loving it and there are so many people to join the stream today that said they were you know they're all fans of the game so if it was Kane that suggested it it may well have been they might have been more than one suggestion shout-out to you guys I can't always remember look at stinky guy you're doing well well you got blue zombies this time no special thing should I actually be doing commentary supporting the zombies and not the plants what maybe and they're zombies well what's the score now we've had half off because that's what it looks like well you got some sort of phrase spell going this is similar to clash of clans with the phrase oh you need fertilizer for that to be able to phrase them yeah use it with iceberg lettuce in conjunction me yeah so it's it's not very free is it a skill that you may develop to be able to do that you have to call it like this fertilizer I show you again oh look at it guy though you phrase every zombie there nice one look at stinky guy look there are some zombie that caught the torch and that's gonna kill your plants right this droid completely there's a plethora of zombies in this one gee I wonder if anyone will bother to gay back and see all of the new words of enjoying the introduced you think I've got a very cab you Larry there sting do you think I can be eloquent a shriek what do you mean by that eloquent well I should have a wide variety of words to use to describe things shouldn't I at least them finally after Dave looked twice well that looks that looks easy that looks like you just smashed that one your Zombie Smasher looked a little too easy at the old stink and another in-game ad say what is for lunch paid on no that is a good question we haven't even discussed these and I do have to eat because of those pills that I've got to take say what is on them the lunch menu stink we're just going playing today we'll see I don't know yet I might go do didn't seem we got a lot on in the face alright so he's gonna b e I'm I'm 18 today is what you're telling is can you be bothered go out yeah but I also can't be bothered cooking I maybe dinner say Dan C question even ater it looks like stink pants doesn't want to do much and I don't want to do much and I'm topic can you do one more just while I do this and on top of that stink pants actually brings home a lot of free food as part of one of their jobs so we get a lot of free food that's actually sitting at home at the moment but I'm not sure if it's gonna still be good because I think the exam which should be fine that's the what is that from yesterday so two days ago but apples might not be which is a pity cuz I was looking forward to those we're sure and what about you Ethan ADA what's on the menu food I guess you're probably not gonna eat now it's too late yeah does your family plan meals like a lot of families do some are really rigid you know like tonight's pork chop night Tuesday night pork chop night it has to be possible on a night Pizza nin e sort of thing you never had that did you what do you mean like a there's a particular day you eat particular food and e-theta says it's 10:00 pm so the most he's gonna get is probably a snack if anything you have a little supper or something before you go to bed what did you end up eating today Oh sometimes we plan says Ethan ater yeah say you've got a tomorrow for supper is smoked salmon we both the fans of that no no I like it more than you do don't I yeah I like the smoked salmon oh it's also a team yeah because Ethan ater and right here I'm gonna show me ignorant with geography again but no it's just not I would have thought Decatur and Canada and climbed it close is that do you know anything about that cuz I don't know anything about anything when it comes to geography uh-huh but I would have thought that'd be sort of not too far away from each other yeah one of those guys is gonna have to clarify that for me that is Dakota anywhere near and given that they're in the same same t ime zone you'd think maybe like New Zealand's on a similar time to us are there you go yeah North Decatur borders Canada there you go see that's another reason for you to want to go and harass say Ethan ADA with the chuck wagon in the the the plains there cuz you need Canada as well American dictator and Canada had two really beautiful places from what I've seen they just look gorgeous or later Canada one I'd probably go on that train ship that they advertise here you'd like that wouldn't we you can take this train package to yell I guess and then just you know train all over Canada you get to see beautiful things and I assume that you can staff go where you want yeah I've never done a train holiday because you can do that here as well on my overlander we take a train for a few days or weeks I think it's it would be a nice way to travel because you don't get sickness you know like when you said yeah I don't get sick on trains so I can stay on them for days probably I took a train from Germany third Germany to France I think it was and that was even Ida I slept that night and little little bunk thing was great some girl tried to and her friends tried to steal my carriage I mean I said you come back later on if you like but I think she came back with one of the guys I comment you not-not-not your male friends just you didn't answer the door GE GMT - six GMT time zone yes I think I've been on one of those trends they're really fun and a great way to see the land of Canada there you go see have you seen that out or not I think so that looks really really beautiful and I can imagine it would be very peaceful but the thing is I still want to do miss Vye Ville which you're not gonna be into it winds up preferably see them build their little survival shelters under these pine trees it looks awesome you know yeah and snows a great insulator yeah you know you have your little fire you're not gonna be cold they say that it's quite warm it's like a little cubby underneath the t ree or just doing even add a we'll have a tent as well cuz you know I don't know if I could even build a survival shelter they would keep you warm but I'd love to try I'd love to do that with pine trees are can that'd be great and they say it smells it doesn't look like it's comfortable at all if you sleep on it cuz I did this when I was in cadets when you do like the fake army is a kid fake I mean that's what Cathy's basically to join a real army so it's cadets you know they still have a they call it soldier school prep yeah whereas we call it cadet team yeah but that's how you should explain mopface junior soldier but they go on this thing called a bivouac and you got out camping sort of thing for the weekend well we use hoochies which is basically a top better than a target they say sleeping on on pine stuff does the same thing you'll sleep on pine boughs and you've got enough lays of them it's quite comfortable and let's face it that i need's have to worry about poisonous spiders a nd snakes and things like we do and if it's in winter there's probably not too many animals that are moving around you know and then you do your ice fishing oh oh no I'm all up in that I've never been ice fishing I never gone survival camping I think I'm gonna sleep and fly around the lake don't you think it's slippery I don't know how to ice skating you'd be able to do it to walk around there hole in there it's like ice hole trap yeah but the you go it's someone that knows what they're doing not me and no when they get their ice auger out I think they call it they've got a drill a fair way into the ice and it's in the holes not big enough getting to fall through and they even have cabins like temporary cabins that they put on the ice I just think that'd be awesome yeah I think there's anyone sleep better when it rains so I must admit I probably do it's nice car now Peter have you ever experienced snow like North Dakota it sucks in one way it sucks yeah no I mean I don't think we get a s heavy snows as Canada or North Dakota would we do get snow in our mountains here and I've never spent enough time like I've only done day trips so I've never actually spent overnight there which is another thing that it'd be good to do sleep bad really it takes me hours to fall asleep that's them good I sleep at 8 o'clock on school nights and when I check the time it's around 10:00 have you ever been and 12:00 am and say one more movie then it's 3:00 am and I'm like one more video yes I have I'd do that too much are we talking about a in here actually Papa Doc yeah that's a uh if the neighbor says I think in my yard we have snow that is up to my waist so it's like four feet deep in his backyard so yeah aside from the cot like the cold obviously would be annoying to a lot of people a nice stink pants doesn't like the cold but imagine that four feet of snow in your backyard I'd be doing snow angels building snowmen having snow fights I love the snow fights and we told that story before stink ah maybe not I introduced stink pants to the snow for the very first time she'd never seen it before and she was walking ahead of me so I thought that was a great opportunity to also introduce her to a snowball fight so picked up some snow fashioned it into a ball and threw it out there and they hit her in the back and that went down the back of your jacket she didn't know yeah I know yeah that's what happened to me you ain't here three one back and the look on her face she turn around she was shocked she didn't know what happened and I had a big grin grin on my face she still couldn't work it out so then I thought off should I let her just turn around again and do it again and she wouldn't turn around again so i kk picked up another snowball and so what do you see doing packing it in then I threw it at it then she figured it out then it was a snowball fight wasn't it stink you didn't mind that first time tobogganing - she wanted case came but where we went I thought those slope s they looked very steep yeah I think we didn't go for the you got against introduction yeah I think my friend told me that is some skis um what do you call it well where I used to go as a kid they were to have those type of slopes you'd have the really state ones but then you've got the kitty type ones that's where I went and yeah I wouldn't mind the snowboarding I haven't tried that yet so that'd be all right actually I should ask you guys do you do that snowboard or ski or toboggan we did the tobogganing just because it was easy and did they give us the toboggan for free cuz we I had all of that other stuff can't remember but that was fun oh oh I put wrong place oh you're doing well stinky cake gallon so we might in this stream after this particular game it's past the two-hour mark and we still have a few things to do today probably sleep is the first thing isn't it time so that is in front that is the front the backyard is they past my head and I'm 6 foot 3 that's a lot of snow it must it must actually get dangerous at that point isn't it if it's soft snow you sit down to the very bottom of it I know you all say make an igloo no don't in are they're both saying Dane ended Oh stinky this is more on stink at this point whether she wants to I actually asked her to play one more round just so I can talk to you guys for a bit longer but she may have had enough so I'm afraid stink pantses vote count for four and your votes count for one each so you really don't want to do any more yet enough well again we'll try and introduce twitch or something away be today but we might have to get into that habit where I could switch to clash of clans or something afterwards if you still wanted to have a chat on twitch but not today in this because we do have a few other things that you have to take care of credit card for one stinky you should see mount Fargo it is ah Fargo this man Fargo you have anything to do with the TV series and the movies because I must admit I got addicted to the first couple of seasons of Fargo by the third or four Academy which one but it started to drop off a little bit in the third or fourth season all right slaughter does but unfortunately we're gonna stop the stream now just because we've been going for a couple of hours so I hope you've been well slaughter sort of grant I'm still trying to protest and say keep going but we have forty foot tall snow pack over here it's over a hundred feet wide well and slaughter says well I'm early we started this streaming one o'clock out time the hiccups and right at the end of the stream mode did you notice my until the very end you have to be seated don't be insane now you're super early - how exactly say we thank you very much thanks for joining anyway slaughter we appreciate that now look at them they're trying to convince you that you don't know at the time is saying oh you don't want to do one more visit further I already know one more time fair enough I can't convince a sucky hopefully we 'll see you in minute next one again apologies I will do a community tab announcement just letting you know that we may not be streaming or uploading for the next few weeks for the new ones but I've got to do a long ones yeah I did it for the last one but that's a mean - yeah no worries well let you know how it goes over the next few weeks hopefully we'll be able to upload something if not you know just be aware that we will be available did you have anything else to say stink goodbye thank you they're begging you to play one more why but they actually asking me that that would go badly if I tried it these point I don't even know how to play 24 and maybe the last one maybe yeah we'll look you find me good 23 24 maybe you mean you've almost finished this game not this game are these level yeah you've got em chin eg pandabás oh all right so you've almost all right look all you're gonna have to show me how to get started a green one and then matter I do stuff like like what's so that's oh you got big guys to DA what why do you have to choose first what do I change don't worry you just press press the yep that you have how many slot is that like five or six lakh you have to choose only that little cheesy you might you need iceberg for sure what's that one iceberg you can press and you can redo it later well that was an iceberg well if it's not then you can press it again to pencil yep because you see that's a torch mummy there you need it what else do I made potatoes walnuts joy though I'm just choosing this stuff that I saw you use you haven't been using walnuts lightly though I did then I'll choose that and use that one and you might need cabbage which ones all maybe the what is it what is this the great Buster because got great so you can't plan anything with the grave well yarn with the graves and then you can just play so I've done all of that you happy with that you can't change now some flowers go at the back drag to the slot some players think at the back you ca n go at the back if you want not my strategy okay keep planning yeah and now they're start to come so they'll have to get something else to kill it no not bad that's not kill anything you collect the Sun to collect the Sun I spoke not kill anything you have to plan bok choy or cabbage let me go now more sunflower we go punch that first row first row bok choy birth row anything just do it yeah I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to place them if you place there you have to get maybe bok choy right after the walnuts bok choy punch away come on second row second row coming what what this guarantee fast already second row second row second row second row you got something cute ah that thing does a cure not on the grave oh hey get this one look at my sunflowers they're everywhere I put the catfish at the this part which one's a cabbage oh you didn't bring a fish okay nevermind what I what joy where's the bok choy got him that one they won't let me plant know you need time good walnut walnu t walnut where does the walnut go you are geez not only bok choy getting their punch away am i doing all right ah hey that's on me what happens is that zombie gonna beat me now getting there do that one I don't even know what that is yeah at the back of this one yeah there yeah oh yeah yeah yeah you can do it you didn't mind me you could tell me you can punch back I guess a that one eye disease in the bok choi bok choy seems to be the king of all kings it seems to do better than everything else do I need to plant more stuff yes words are what am i planning ah yet the ice book over there this is the tallest man iceberg bok choy Oh flowers son what's going on there joy joy you get the boomerang here which one's boomerang oh what's that thing I don't know what I press them that are is different oh gee this is coming too fast which one I need the bok choy Oh cracking myself up here come on thankfully I lose his big guy I need a bok choy iceberg which one's the iceberg that one for weird Oh anyway that it's getting close no argue your plan will up snip like so 40 likes a little eyes or doctor or anything you're gonna survive a few last wave why have I got to bok Choy's there good question ooh sunflower is this good comedy I'm cracking myself up like so it can't be that bad Uriel zombie wave not coming yet what I thought that was the only click the Sun wait how do I get rid of all of these waves where's the bucket bucket head do what I have to get something bok choy I just like the bok choy you get there wheeze the bucket head what am i bok choy oh no no whatever ah was that any good was I good the zombies ate my brains they're zombies egg your brain ha ha look at the jet that we stole that I would never go away peanuts playing I like weird ideas bok choi bok choi bok choi bye laughs weird apparently but stinky play pirate gets confused when here's the fuck let's try when you see cane on the streets you got to give him a gift which is bok choy they love that I can't stop laughing I can't stop great are we gonna put bok choy on I don't know on a shirt is that the new catchphrase all right so apparently my gaming can be amazing maybe I should be taking all the gaming at in the commentary and you just sit there and do nothing why is it so funny when I'm saying bok choy I don't get it it's part of the game people know they're loving it all right so I guess that's it guys I'm glad to have entertained you at the very end that's the first time stink pants as laughter so you do find that amusing maybe we'll do it plants vs. zombies wanting just to get the Bucks way out again all right say thanks for our please again I don't think we were you know she saying my we got a guy say thanks guys yeah I know you I lost I'm hopeless at the game as I listened to every other gaming that's out gays say I've you have fantastic weekend guys what in their backed out you got bok choy why don't you packed out what that star the one that's longer and phenom that doesn't have th e white don't worry they being RNA they're being species as they should have more Asian greens some hand is just you know the app add the word Chinese in front of your Western Richie's name like Chinese broccoli that kind of thing Chinese cabbage which is kind of disappointing why random you realize now you can't change your name again for another 90 days or however long it is now he's stuck with bok choy he's gonna be stuck with bok choy for the next month he's cracking me up with it that's great alright guys have a fantastic weekend and week thank you so much for joining us as per usual yes and convincing me to play a game - it was awesome to see you all we'll have a chat in discord if you're there at some point or see you over the next coming weeks whenever that may be next yeah it might be a while before we get to speak to you in in the live streams but we'll do what we can and yeah it came saying it's another insight Jake now I'm never gonna live that one down am I that's probably get over take water at this point alright say have a great if there's still go all right guys yeah any time y bok choy hi everyone

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